We have been overwhelmed with emails regarding Woodie's behavior. Some very furious at him for betraying their trust and friendship. Many others ranting about how selfish, self centered and ego driven he has become over the last 2 years. Some even calling for an outright ban of his room and any services he pushes.
This thread is our attempt to get to the bottom of this. Are they just being complainers because they all lose money anyways? Are they being truthful in their comments? Is Woodie really selfish or did he help all of you to trade and you have forgotten that? Or has Woodie really taken a turn for the worse, become the 'Guru' that he once very strongly put down everyday before and lost all of his friends along the way?
Adding to the debate we have collected two statements from Woodie himself:
-[3:12:41 PM] woodie says:
there are others from S&P pit i helped too..
- [3:54:18 PM] woodie says:
i survived 28 years trading..more is not better..
Questions to fuel the conversation:
Question - Did Woodie really help anyone at all? Or did the people that learned his system teach everyone? Many people say that Woodie never really has taught anyone and that he can't. In fact they say that if it wasn’t for a few select people creating his methods and teaching people that he wouldn’t be anywhere today. They say that all that he can do is utter a few words before losing energy or getting mad because the student questions his comments. What do you think?
Question - Has Woodie really survived 28 years of trading? Has he ever traded enough and exposed his results during each day enough to show that he truly can trade? We obtained a direct comment from Woodie from a emailer where Woodie stated that just up until the start of the previous chatroom he wasn't profitable or consistent. But he stated that he was using CCI for many years. What do you know about it? What do you think about the topic?
Question – Why can’t Woodie answer the hard hitting questions? Why does he avoid them at all costs instead of just explaining the situation if it were simple as that?
Question – Can you learn the CCI without Woodie, his chat room or his, what some call, expensive, unnecessary and boring trading seminars? Is it even possible or do you have to be alongside Woodie so he can teach you the details?
http://trading-room-feedback.blogspot.com/Post this sites link in his room and your chat rooms and everywhere you can to help spread the good work we do here! Our site is very popular and growing every week! Debates rage on while the truth comes out. Tell us what you think.