Auto Trading is all the rage again. We all find it fascinating that a computer could trade for us while we go off and enjoy ourselves waiting for the time we come back to pack the money bags and head off to the bank with our rewards!
Ok by now we are all smarter then that I hope. Auto trading systems can help however and can make money. But you have to be aware of the issues involved when evaluating trades made by the system.
Does it post limit order trades which are impossible to get and still record it as a win?
What is the probable system slippage and how do you calculate it?
Should you trade overnight and take the risk of gaps?
How can you build in protection schemes and quality checks to ensure your account is not being traded to zero while you are shopping?
What systems out there are good? What is its rate of return? Average number of trades taken per day, month, year?
What risk factors are really important?
Does drawdown really matter? You bet it does! How does it hurt you?
Post the links and describe your own trading systems!
Can you use the signals as a confirmation of your own indicators to trade?
Tell us how auto trading systems help you with trading. What tools do you use?
No bashing allowed. Just state the facts and let them be your sword of truth!
what happens that makes auto trading systems not work?
they would have to be better then human trader. i don't get it.
can someone tell me what happened to gio? I saw her name mentioned the other day and the text was erased right after.
Woodie gets super pissed when someone asks where Gio went or says anything about her. He warns them not to speak about her and then if they do, he kicks them out and uses his text be gone button.
What's his problem?? He did kick Gio out. Maybe his numbers are dropping. Maybe his moderators are getting some balls. Maybe he doesn't like Gio and Soren doing a workshop in competition with his TALs. Maybe people are getting tired of the continual lying and promoting of products and services like autotrader which do nothing more than enrich Woodie and his cronies. Traders helping traders - bullshit. Woodie helping Woodie - right on!!!
You can find Gio at Hotcomm Relay 7 - tradingelements
It sounds like Woodie wouldn't let Gio discuss how she really trades in his room so she opened up her own room with Jeanyus. Woodie's pretty pissed about it cause they're taking away members from his room. Anyone remember a year ago there was over 700 in Woodie's room, now he's got about half as much. If he's doing this for free why should he care?
I just figured out what MAW really stands for..
(M)oney (A)ttracting (W)oodie
I was curious to who owns woodiescciclub.com website -
guess who
(hint - its not woodie)
tonyuk owns it. but he is a baffoonish wanking non-trader. woodie is not about giving to the children. if he were then where are the totals? wouldnt you think one would want to post how well they are doing?
it was a scam from the start. he could care less about kids. its obvious.
One of these days this scam will come to light. I feel bad for someone as nice as Susan. I think she really has no idea of how she's being used. I'll bet Woodie doesn't do anything with his own name and any paper trail would lead to her since she plans all this stuff.
There was a good reason Gio got kicked out of the room. She thought she was better than everyone else including Woodie.
She wouldn't even turn her microphone up so we could all hear her. Gave out one hell of a bad attitude to boot.
Why the other fellow left with her, who knows? Maybe he likes abuse.
gio defintely thinks she is better then others. the microphone thing is a total joke. how many people does it take to tell her to turn up her mic. problem is, and always is for people like her, that she takes every comments as a debate.
woodie is pathetic. scamming everyone. do you guys realize he doesnt even talk to his mods in private? you all think he is in tight with all the mods. lol
he doesnt know one damn thing about his mods.
he doesnt reply to emails to his mods. if he does its no more then 15 words long.
he doesnt care about this room, the kids or anything. he doesnt even trade anymore. he is making money from the side deals.
how many mods are getting side deals?
the reason that the hick left with gio is that he read these complaints made earlier and he realized that it was true. very true.
Auto Trading works very well for many folks. It is a matter of finding the correct formulas and knowing the limitations of the system.
Drawdown hurts in that you first have to get over and past the maximum drawdown into positive winnings. After that you have to keep the account large enough such that the drawdowns won't effect it.
That mostly means you can't take that much out of your account and spend it.
Hmm...maybe I am special, but Woodie talks a lot to me. LOL.
It's Sunday night and I ain't got no market.....
I got some money from last week's trades.....
I look in the chat and there is no one to talk to.....
I am in an awful way......
(Aplogies to Cat Stevens)
Anonymous said...
Hmm...maybe I am special, but Woodie talks a lot to me. LOL.
Above is a fine example of those drinking the kool-aid that woodie's dishing out. When these people realize the scam that woodie's got going on they won't be feeling so "blessed" that woodie talks to them. What makes this all so despicable is that its done in the name of the MAW kids. That old prick and his sidekick tony oughtta be arrested and probably will be one of these days.
If autotrading worked the whole world would know about it by now and then it wouldn't work.
Get a clue.
Woodie does not talk to you about trading. He chit chats with you in brief. That is all.
Unless he needs something from you of course.
Why do you think him and susan talk? Its a lot to do about nothing. tonyuk? because he doesnt even trade.
cathy? lol shit, she not only doesnt trade but is a dimwit. you ever in her life ever see her post one trade? nothing. its all fund and frolic. never serious. just blabbing.
New mods heed the warning. Dont waste your time. Learn the syste, read the documents and tell woodie to FUCK OFF MATE! or he will use you.
Autotrader works just fine if you use it with the right settings under the right conditions. Buying stock works just fine if you buy low and sell high.
Auto trader definitely won't make you rich and probably will make you poor.
Just another Woodie scam. Nice try, not buying.
auto trading works just fine. it is very difficult to find the correct formulas, true.
the problem with woodies autotrader trademaven is that he doesnt even realize what slippage is. he was warned about slippage and not to push the results such as he does. his response...
slippage goes both ways.
give me a break. that is the point when i understood woodie is not all as bright as i once thought.
what an ignorant comment. not to mention he trades a momentum system which means yes there will be slippage and no it aint going for him much at all.
also, mplay, which sounds like a drunk and way too goofy, doesnt show the results. you have to see the actual trades, the stats, etc to determine if the system is good. he isnt experienced enough to realize this.
we havnt even talked about commishions, market cycles or drawdowns. these people do not understand what they are doing.
my advice to you is run away from it. or play with it for fun. but if you do that then i question why you are even trading.
Woodie talks to Cathy and Susan because he likes his women dumb, kissing his ass, and fat. They don't have a clue that he is only using them as he does everyone. Angela and Dharma, on the other hand, didn't kiss Woodie's ass but found another ass to kiss in dr bob.
There seems to be a lot of ass kissing going around.
women generally kiss ass. they have no confidence in themselves and seek approval from men. that is how it works. its fine. we need a receptical as well. its a give and take world.
If people are paying for those TALs with the understanding that a portion is going to charity, don't they have a right to know what the expenses are? I believe that if people want to take a deduction for the TAL fee that they must be able to provide who is receiving the money. If part of the money is going to a charity I think it has to be claimed separately. I'm just guessing here. Any accountants around who can straighten this out? Who's claiming this money as income? Woodie? Susan? Tony?
you assumed wrong.
woodie takes the deductions off HIS income.
you see, it is just another 'perk' that you guys arnt told and dont seem to listen to when it comes to woodies methods.
Why would woodie have to take the deductions if he's not claiming the income anyway? lol - I think a call to the IRS might be in order. I think this is called income tax evasion. No wonder he only too cash for so long.
Women "kiss ass"? In a guy that is called a "team player" LOL.
Don't post real trades?...well I guess you are not up early enough to see me trading Euro. Remember "the early bird gets the worm"
Dimwit? I just let you think that. Makes it easier for me to take your money.
Fat? Well you have to be right on ONE thing! LOL.
Dang you gave me a good laugh this morning. I need it for sure with this hurricane. No charts working to keep me busy.
Ponder this... Woodie claims to be doing all this for free. Groups like PFG, computer sellers, chart vendors, etc. are allowed to hang out in Woodie's room despite the the no solicitation rule. They are most likely making money being there. If Woodie announced he was getting support from these groups in a monetary way no one would care if he was honest about it.
If Woodie's doing it all for free, wouldn't he have a moral obligation to still take the money and give it to MAW or his family or wherever else it could do some good? No one cares - but by saying he's doing it all free means one of two things. Either he's lying or he's an idiot. Even if his corporate sponsors are paying anyone associated with Woodie, i.e. Tony or any family members, then Woodie is lying, because even though he isn't personally receiving money, he's not really doing it for free.
If he's not taking any money and no one else is either, then these corporations are making money and MAW is seeing none of it and that makes Woodie an idiot. It also diminishes one of the main purposes of the room and that is to give back to the kids.
Play around with a few different scenarios and I think you'll eventually realize what's really wrong with the whole situation. When you start questioning things you'll feel guilty for a while, but when you see the truth you're going to fall hard. I wouldn't want to be on the business end of the posts you're going to do when you realize how you've been used.
I hope you're safe there in FL and good luck with your thinking about these things.
My loyalty is a valuable commodity. And I give it unconditionally.
Have you ever heard the expression "Love me, love my dog"?
I am aware of all the things you posted, but do not see a problem with them.
I am sure the vendors make money. Why wouldn't they? But they give all the club members discounts that have been negotiated by Woodie to help benefit all of us.
With Peregrine taking over all the finances on the TALs...I know the money is getting to the charaties.
Also being on the planning end of these TALs, I know they have a lot of expenses that it seems the bloggers are unaware of. They are not cheap to do and the smaller ones may not break even.
I enjoy helping with the club "paperwork" because I get to know all the nice people involved in this club. I can type rapidly so I like to lend my skills. I am a reluctant moderator, but I am happy to step in last minute in emergencies.
I realize some people have an axe to grind. They feel justified. When I got kicked out of chat rooms, I was a little upset too. But I never dwelled on it.
I find it interesting that most of the negative posts come down to money. Is this what everyone is concerned with?
I value relationships and education. Both of which I get from WCCI.
What you are missing is the value of the greater good. There are a lot of members who are unaware of what is actually going on behind the scenes of WCCI. There is a reason why the room is dependent on the newbies. Where do you think the the members from 6 months ago have gone? How many people are losing their accounts because they are led to believe that Woodie's way is the only way? Ask nearly any successful trader in Woodie's room if they are using strictly WCCI as Woodie teaches it. I'm not saying there is not value in what CCI is all about, I'm saying my concern is not for those who succeed but for those who are losing and not realizing that CCI is not for them. It's not enough to say that one person helped is worth all those who are losing. I feel for those lost and blindly believe they have found the holy grail, but instead have their accounts blownout.
I've been where you're at with WCCI and my relation with many room members far exceeds what I believe are the interests of the few running things. You have to realize something is wrong when Woodie bans people just because they do things a little different than he does. There is an innate wrong in trying to stifle creative thought. It doesn't matter what someone like DrBob or Gio does. What matter is that Woodie sees them as competition for his numbers. If there is no money involved, why the thought of competition at all? That is plain wrong. If he truly had the interests of his members at heart he wouldn't care what method helps them.
Be careful where you're loyalty lies. It's much easier for you to be taken advantage of that way. Love you, love your dog - that's fine and good - as long as the relation goes both ways. Look what Woodie has done with previous moderators. Look how the mere mention of their names brings about the text-b-gone feature. Remember how Woodie did that himself when DrBob left. Look how he's handling the Gio departure. See how her name has been removed from the site after several years of service to the room. I have no ax to grind as much as I have the interests of innocent people in mind who don't know the truth. I believe you are smarter than people think on this blog. I also believe you are going to see the light...and rose colored glasses are nice but the true colors are still there.
This is not just about money, it's about trust and integrity. Those are two things which I believe existed at some time in WCCI, but now can only be found in some of its membership.
You are entitled to your opinion. I have my own.
I think we have to agree to disagree.
i've been following this little dialog and i didn't think cathy would come back with that kind of a cop-out answer. i guess she approves of how woodie does things - too bad. i thought she was a nice person, a bit dim (she just proved that-lol)
my congrats to all who finally saw what a scamster woodie is
Hey Cathy
U never answered. Is Woodie a liar or an idiot?
anon at 9:07 ... who do u think u r bringing logic to this debate? lol
Hmm...I am being polite.
The actual answer would be something like.....
You are totally and utterly wrong. And going over this for the hundreth time is pointless.
then why keep posting here?
(this is about the time that cathy says she's never going to post again. how many times have we heard that?)
Notice how cathy's commenting and debate style change drastically when true facts and points dig deeper.
He first response was the standard "we agree to disagree"
huh? after 1 go-around? umm that is usually used at wits end 20 rounds later. maybe wits end came quicker for her.
what people are missing here is that woodie is using people, then abusing them.
also, what they are missing until they have be around enough is to see that the free-ness and good spirit of the room isnt exactly that at all.
the free-ness comes at a cost to your account suffering for the following reasons. not enough dialog and debate allowed to know expaned ideas on how to survice trading. its controlled. say somethign that is outside of the 'bounds' and text-b-gone. members lose this way just for the selfishness on woodies part. not good at all.
also, to that point, you cant even point out things that are obvious like how much esignal costs over sierra charts or the like and just how much saving there is for a product that you dont need, even according to woodie post-profit--and-guru-making stage that he went through.
and folks, guru is not a good name. but that is another subject.
the good spirt is not exactly that. notwishstanding the donations to charites and everything being free it really isnt. the good spirit is used to subdue the truth from being posted. everyone is to freaking scared to say anything so they all shut down or they say "GREAT WORK WOODIE! I HAVNT MADE A BAD TRADE ALL MONTH!" kind of crap.
you know it. because you feel it. how can that help bew traders? why do you think older experienced traders very rarely chime in if at all. they only and i mean only hang out so they can see some action. thats it.
the spirtit of the room is a bullshit spirit. it didnt used to be. it sure is for the past year though.
woodies room is all but lost. it means nothing now. its just another money making scammster room like the other. when will rent be charged? well you just wait. think im wrong? i can heart you already starting to make excuses as to why woodie should/can/will charge lol.
the overriding point is that the auroa projected is that of "its all free, we are here to help you, and we dont make a dime, we give it all to make a wish"
forget the fact that woodie hates kids, number 1, and doesnt control his expenses, number 2, and has allowed a middle man like PFG (crap-terrible broker and software by the way) to run interreance takes yet more money out of the hands of the children.
also, it is deceitful to allow PFG (trash company) to run this since woodie gets kickbacks from them and he allows them to take
needed' expenses out of the dole for running it.
do you think for a second that is not being taken advantage of? has woodie said word one about how he controls the spendings or reviews the process? no.
why? becuase he is getting kickbacks and that is what he cares about.
its not about the members. do you see woodie actually helping people? come on. really helping people like you help people?
do you see woodie writing a single document that would help people trade? come on. dont you think he would have if he wanted to help people? he shit his pants when people came up with documents for free.
ask yourself these questions and a few more and you will see what everyone hates about woodie now.
woodie was supposed to be a non guru where everyone provided everything they could to benefit the next candle. is that really happening anymore? are you lying to yoruself and trying to persuade others just becuase you really are not part of it.
anybody notice all the 'guru' pictures up on woodies site now? all the ads? now tell me all about those? what do YOU think those mean? lol
oh look, here comes woodie now popping into the room for 3 minutes...
fade in: as woodie comes back from making a deal and collecting his check from companies
{woodie} hello everyone! how are all my candles doing?
{woodie} great to hear. bbl
fade out: woodies goes to watch television.
o O
seems logical to me also...
if woodie is taking money he's a liar...
if he isn't taking money and giving it to the charity he's an idiot and an egomaniac so he can say he does this for free...
its simple - even cathy should understand that or maybe not
someone said: i enjoy helping with the club "paperwork" because I get to know all the nice people involved in this club.
umm, why is quotes being used around the word paperwork?
why do i get the distinct feeling that this person is worried about being part of the investigation. so much so that they are worried about a post on a blog?
"it is the suttle things that lead one to the truth about others..."
Hmmm...why do I post?
Just bored I guess. ;-)
excellent posting. these posts are to the core of the problem. they should be pinned to the wall.
i do see how someone is starting to get negative. but if we all keep it positive and just post the facts, i bet you will see that person either
a-start crying
b-get really pissed adn start trashing the place
c-complain and just wipe their hands of it all
d-leave without a word
e-all of the above in order.
hmm, we have just wittened 'C' above.
how did we know.
witnessed i mean. hehe
woodie's site (i mean tony's site) looks worse than most major city freeways with all the billboards littering it. pretty soon they'll have to take down the documents cause they don't have enough bandwidth
People like Cathy think if they can kiss enough ass they'll get special treatment in a place like Woodie's room. Truth is they end up getting used and tossed away like yesterday's newspapers. Then they end up going back to their hairdressing job.
The room is full of desparate people. That's the crux of this whole situation. Woodie is taking advantage of that. I believe he started with the best of intentions. But in the last year or two he discovered it could be so much easier (sleazier) the ways things are now.
I shudder to think how much money is actually lost in that room every day. With a few hundred people - half of what was there a year ago, and the numbers keep dropping - its a sinking ship. Notice is how no one ever says its tough making a living as a trader and that there's no way you're going to learn to trade just by hanging out in a chat room.
woodie will teach me.
yeah.. i remember that mantra too - lol - then they said they need cash at the door and if u mention gio your out on your ass - lol
"preach morality"
you mean like you just did?
More of the blithering blogging hairdresser can be found here:
ROFL...I am so flattered you made me a blog for a joke....that is cute. ;-)
So Cathy what do you think of how Woodie handled the situation with Gio? You remember her, right? Or has Woodie erased her from your memory too?
it looks like u guys have been busy here today lolol. i don't even have hc anymore so i have no clue what's been happening in the chats. what u brave souls need to do is post this blog site in woodie's room. boy, does that piss him off. watch how quick the text gets erased. if u wanna go back to the chat don't use your regular name and get out quick before they check your ip address. u guys work too hard here to not have woodie's followers read this good stuff.
nice bloggin all
How do I feel about Gio?
I feel really badly that Gio and Jean Yus are gone from WCCI. I didn't like when Dr Bob and Verus dissapeared too. I know both sides of all those stories.
I have been kicked out of rooms too. It is not a nice feeling.
Oh you asked "what do I think".....hmmm....I don't think it was a good move. We lost a lot of members both times.
PS...a poster above questioned my use of quotes on "paperwork"....LOL
It is because all my paperwork is actually "computer work"...no paper at all involved.....LOL
You guys crack me up.
What is the importance of the number of members? Why should anyone care how many are there in a free room? Seems only numbers are important for the purposes of sponsors and advertising? I thought it was a trading club not a market base. You're not thinking this through Cathy. Come on, you're smarter than this - I hope.
anony 8:37
don't count on it ;)
With any organization the number of members is the final word. That is the way the club votes.
Thus when Gio an Jean Yus left, 120 people left with them. 500 people voted for Woodie by staying.
The majority stayed. Does this tell you something?
It tells me that:
1. Woodies' numbers are dropping
2. Woodie is losing his best moderators
3. People are getting tired of Woodie
The moderators that left are not Woodie's Best Moderators. Not at all!
When will these better moderators appear. They certainly haven't made an appearance in Woodie's room yet.
As 2006 dawns upon us, Woodie's roster of superb moderators will include at least 2 people who've never heard of Woodie or the CCI yet.
'nuff said
'nuff said - LOL
Cathy is wanting desparetly acting like she is a major part of woodies cci club. however, very few people even know of her, woodies doesn't talk to her and she doesn't even trade.
she is a blogger and not very good at that.
You stink as a blogger too sir. You can't spell. Bad Blogger ....go to your room.
cathy, didnt you say you were not going to post on these blogs anylonger?
can you please quit posting. all you do is joke around and are never serious.
it makes woodie look bad and it is your fault now. stop posting. you do not speak for woodie and we do not want you trying to do so.
woodies problems are not your own and you never have spoken directly to the questions asked. stop posting. go away like you keep saying you do. you have said it 4 times on this particular blog already.
Stop picking on Cathy. She, like many other Woodie women, has fallen under the spell of the fabulous one, his charm, wit, personality, good looks, and very extensive tan Woodiescciclub wardrobe. What's a girl suppose to do???
What difference does it make. Gio is doing her same old thing. OH I was in that trade, didn't you see the trend line break I talked about as maybe something you should think about an hour ago? I've already taken money off the table. Yesterday she said she took a bad trade and that's because she wasn't around in the morning, and it was MarkB's fault that she took the bad trade. I was there and I heard it.
That's the real drama here. Which room will MarkB show up in next? He might be a woman, who knows and who cares. But you can trade from those fib numbers when he posts a chart. I hear he's sick of drbob AND gio. MarkB, stop wearing a dress and trying to please them all and just tell us whcich room next?
MarkB is a fag. no?
Gio is a bitch. no?
JeanYus is a crackerhead nigger. no?
Woodie is a cross dresser. no?
i follow none of them unless they post a trade. if you dont post trades to show that you can the you are couldnt be worth any less to me then you already are.
post of shut the fuck up.
i follow none of them unless they post a trade. if you dont post trades to show that you can trade then you couldnt be worth any less to me then you already are.
post or shut the fuck up.
Wow!! These rooms are really missing out on such great trader. I guess that they will have to learn to live without you and your expertise. Too bad for them.
On the other hand kiwi. Do you really want your name associated with this lot of losers?
I have the guts to post as myself.
I don't speak for Woodie at all. And trust me, I am not a sycophant.(I can imagine the idiots on the board running for the dictionary)
But since I don't seem to agree with most of the posters here, they like to hurl insults and innuendos.
To continue the dialog, a contrary opinion is needed. How boring life would be if everyone agreed with you. That would be downright un-American!
I have been posting in various forums for 6 years. I am not going to stop now and run like some scared child just because you don't like my point of view.
If you expect a room to do nothing but call trades for you to take, you deserve to lose money. Honestly, I don't even trade the same time frames as the moderators.
I also don't use the AutoMaven. In my experience, those things don't make money. But it is interesting to watch. And that is the original question for this thread.
I see Gio is up to her old standard of having been in a trade and taken some off the table, as she mentioned that this or that possibility existed of that happening 3 hours ago, in voice no less, so no verification even exists.
How can any reasonably intelligent person, possibly listen and witness this behavior and still want to have anything to do with her, trading wise?
If you can't see an actual entry, posted in real time, then it is all BS, pure and simple. If that is a given, that it is BS, then why bother listening to all the psycho-babble that goes along with it? I just don't get it. She is outside the protected surroundings of the woodshed and presenting herself as being someone who can teach you how to be a better trader, but yet she continues this bizarre behavior pattern unchallenged?
Wake up folks and demand accountability from someone who is in the pulpit. If she gives you that SEC BS tell her she is FOS and call the NFTA and ask a compliance attorney. Not some knucklehead lawyer who hangs out in a chat room, who is probably a real estate expert. I would think they would be more interested in someone who presents that they have the prowess of a trader by making obscure, undocumented reamrks in a public forum, and using the popularity gained from such behavior to feed a for profit consulting and workshop business. Think about it.
If she appears to be doing something in her posts or audio that NO ONE in the room can duplicate, even though they have been listening intently, it is because it is BS!
Use the grey matter between your ears and stop being one of the lemmings.
For someone who doesn't like Gio, you certainly follow her every move. You are sick. Just don't go to her room. It seems that 150+ do like what she and JeanYus do.
Yes I follow her because I think that she is a master BS artist as a futures trader and has built this persona of being a master futures trader on nothing but fluff and smoke and mirrors. I don't like being deceived and she is deceptive. Just because I don't like her as a futures trader, that doesnt mean that I can't follow her chirade around and illuminate her little circus.
What a load of crap! You are one sick dude.
If you think I am giving you a load of crap buddy, then you just keep listening to her. No reason to get personal here. I am not sick. There are a lot of regulatory agencies and compliance enforcement organizations in the world who do nothing but spend time sniffing out frauds. It just so happens tha this little online trading culture doesnt have that type of official enforcement, so I am just being vigilant in this case. My little contribution to trying to make this little part of the trading universe more accountable.
If you would ask for accountability on her part, rather than just attacking me, you might have your eyes opened.
Again, a load of crap, just piled higher and deeper.
OK then, I am full of crap. When she posts just one real time, timely entry of a trade, just one time, I will repent. Have you EVER witnessed her do that? Something like, well I am watching this htl here for a break. Ok it broke, I am long at 34.5. Posted in a real time enviornment.
Never been done, ever.
So, what's your point???
never done real time?
not true. you should have seen the person posting live on sports blog, cranked out the cash.
also, mega cash winning trader posted live on croc's site, because nothing else was going on there lol, and it was live and they made big bank. then they told that person to stop becuase no one cared. sounds more like jealousy and envy to me.
later croc found out his auto-trading system was coded wrong and was puking losses worse then cathy or gios trading even.
i will not beleive you trade and will listen to not one word you say unless you post trades. at least now and then. why. becuase trading is what we do. it comes down to the trade after all teh bobbly gook crap you use on your charts, lets see if you can trade.
for example, do you guys ever see the idiot GB007 post? no. did you know he has been living off od SSI for his blindness for over 3 decades. yes. did you know that he doesnt actually trade but a few times a month due to cash availablity.
he was an accountant, he tracks numbers and makes 'stats'. thats all. he cant trade. he can tell you what happened after the fact.
you see, you have all been fooled all this time into thinking he trades. no he doesnt. and if you were to only trust people that posted live trades then you would have realized that a long time ago.
why is it you think he always says "Flat is a postion" ? and boasts and boasts that over and over. you figure it out lol.
also, dont forget this is woodies type of friend. nothing to do with trading at all. cant trade, doesnt trade... same with susan, gio before, cathy, on and on. they dont trade.
Yikes...What's my point? My point is, for god's sake she is less than truthful in her futures posting. Anyone listening to her should ask themselves how they can try and learn from someone who isnt be honest in their postings. Period
That is the same way I see it.
Additionaly point is that I wouldn't take their trades even if they did post. That is not what the posting is for. That is not what it is about. Its about showing that you can actually trade.
If you want to hold yourself out there as a good trader then you are going to have to post live trades.
If you don't then I don't listen to what you talk about and I don't beleive you know what you are talking about.
Would you believe or trust a tax accountant if he never did file a tax return?
Case in point is Dennis. He is all mouth and can't trade. His money comes from his wifes family guys. No one knows that? He is like a spoiled child running his mouth making things up because trading is like a toy that he can't grasp so acts like he can.
He does try to trade but knows he can't. And when he is forced to show you he trades, he takes a gamble and if he looses he comes up with a line like "that is part of trading".
Problem is you never see him trade day in and day out. So he is a fake. too lol.
Where are you guys coming up with this crap? Again, what's your point?
I don't trade?
Then how the hell did I lose over $100k in the markets?
ROFL...you guys crack me up.
geez if u can't figure out gio's entries and exits from the arrows on her charts - ure an idiot. if u want ure trades spoonfed - pay someone. see if u can lose more that way than on ure own.
It's not bad enough that woodie's room is falling apart but the best he has to offer in support of it is Cathy?
I "almost" feel sorry for him - lol
Cathy - there's a difference between trading and losing. If you don't know the difference ... well it's too late to explain it to you.
cathy, honestly,
do you think you can go away like you said you were?
why did you come back?
no really. you have to stop posting goofy foolish comments likes its a game. i realize you dont trade and it is a game but woodie is in serious trouble and you are making it worse.
thank you
if cathy is a woodie supporter - does that make her a jock strap?
simple as this.
if you dont post your trades then i dont listen to one thing you say regarding trading.
Speaking of that did that guy ever post an exit yet? hehe
Or is he going to come back tomorrow and tells us his exit like gio does.
I have been in probably 25 chat rooms in 8 years. I have seen every slim sham, BS crapola that's out there. It is not a case of being spoonfed trades, it is a case of fraudulently promoting yourself as some kind of super trader. There are a lot of new people that see this kind of nonsense and get suckered in only to meet frustration and lose money.
Just post your trades real time, using your charts. It is really very simple. I am watching this super special, only I can draw, horizontal trendline on this 30 minute chart, with the turbo doing a double inverted with half twist hookeroo, so I AM LONG RIGHT HERE AT 628.80! What is so freaking difficult about that? Wake up!
Rregarding posting live trades:
The people that are against it...
are against it for a good reason.
Personally if I had a chatroom I wouldnt post live for 2 reasons. First, I'm not a CTA and it just takes one lunatic to complain. Second, it just takes the same lunatic to accuse me of frontrunning. Lot of lunatics around like the one who's been in 25 chatrooms.
Lookin for love in all the wrong places?
When I tell the truth, you think I am joking?
Yeah, you are right. Waste of time. Poof.....
cathy's poofed again - who's up for another pool of when she stick's her nose back in?
All of you
Get out of chat rooms.
They will not make you good trader.
See how it rots your brains already.
Shut up and trade
if you dont post live then i wont know you can trade.
post live dont waster your time speaking.
as far as teh boneheads that either dont realise you can not be sued for posting live trades you better figure things out a little better in your life.
* thousands of companys send trade recommendations out every day.
* hundreds of chat rooms are posting live trades everyday.
* thousands of newletters are teaching you how to trade and telling you they would go long here and take profit here and stops here all day long.
are you that fucking stupid that you missed these factual events?
surely you are not being a scare monger and saying "BUT ANYONE CAN SUE YOU SO DONT LEAVE YOUR HOME!!!!!! BOOOOOO!!!!!"
wake up. it doesnt happen.
why? good question.
anybody know why it never happens?
its because you are not giving advice to one specific person.
you fucking retard. stop posting bullshit.
why do i get teh feeling some idiot like cathy is going to make up another reason why it shouldnt be done just to protect the people that dont even talk to her and are not her friends. lol
ever get a christmas card from woodie? you dont do much of anything compared to what we did for woodie but we still never got anything. not even a fucking thank you.
dont you think that prick would have his dipshit wife send cards at least for christmas after all we did for him? NADA. ZIP. ZILCH.
hes a fucking prick. he uses you.
i feel stupid now.
and soon you will too.
please think about this. i am very serious.
Yep. And that should tell you folks something right there. It amazes me that people never can respond to the facts and truth of posts. They just blab on about something else and cant focus on the points.
Its kind of like that kiwi character, whoever he is, after being out-ed for the trouble and fake complaints he made just to force some silly rule on a chat room somewhere. All the posts were responded to with his silly child-like non-responses. Maybe he is a child for all i know. Not even sure who or what he is lol.
But the point is that you cant just dismiss the posts with crap replies. It does you no good. you have to address the issues. Cant you? Or are you so limited that it is beyond your grasp?
I'm confused. Are you saying that the only good moderators of free rooms are those that call live trades? Or all moderators should call live trades? Or bad moderators should call live trades?
Or bad moderators who are good traders should call live trades? Or good moderators who are bad traders should call live trades? Or everyone should call live trades, good or bad? Please help me understand what you mean.
keep trying.
you might be able to understand it some day.
What a bunch of nitwits we have all been taken for by Cathy. Cathy is Woodie, on these blogs. Woodie is so paranoid, that they have said that he constantly runs through chat rooms, blogs etc with his spies everywhere.
Take care.
This is the end of the road for Woodie, and it is about time. His membership is dwindling to the 300 level, and not too long ago, he had over 800 in one room, now his claiming to have 8 to 11 rooms to cover up his failed method of operations based on maw donations, free chat room, no solicitation in chat room (the biggest joke of all) and a host of others has to be pitied.
Keep up the good work, in this great expose. It will only be a matter of time, before the membership will dwindle below 200.
Just as a test of Woodie's integrity... this blog address should be posted in Woodie's room. If the text is immediately erased it will be obvious that Woodie is trying to cover up what so many here already know. If it's not erased maybe we can get someone with slightly more brain matter than Cathy to defend Woodie.
This was posted Tuesday, I assume noone did this?...
Anonymous said...
it looks like u guys have been busy here today lolol. i don't even have hc anymore so i have no clue what's been happening in the chats. what u brave souls need to do is post this blog site in woodie's room. boy, does that piss him off. watch how quick the text gets erased. if u wanna go back to the chat don't use your regular name and get out quick before they check your ip address. u guys work too hard here to not have woodie's followers read this good stuff.
nice bloggin all
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:13:37 PM
go ahead and try to post this crap in my room. i got my finger on the "boot"ton and textbgone was invented for me.
just post the link and say that they need to help defend woodie.
if he gets mad then its because they realise that they are full of shit.
why else would you try to cover up a blog that helps so many people with so many subjects?
i mean look at the blog title? its a perfect traders helping traders room right?
great topics and good postings with facts. then you have dipshits like 'crapthy' that really dont understand what she is saying or doing. she still feels like she is in with woodie. lol
woodie never talks to anyones. all that help and work and you get nothing from the son of a bitch taht looks like a woman. is he a transvestite? he looks like a old faggot that likes little boys to me.
At least Woodie provides entertainment unlike the sorry bunch of losers who post here.
ok. lol
sure. lol
umm, you mean like you posting here? lol
it never ceases to amaze me as to just how fucking stupid people like you really are.
he is already credited for use of the cci initially. many have moved beyond that and created expansive trading systems using cci in ways woodie never thought of. so not much credit to give him anymore and no reason to.
if you are talking about that we should all just allow anything from him like bastard slaves because he 'liked the cci more first' that it compleltey and flatly absurb of course.
woodies problems now are his own. we see how this man operates.
on a side point.
you recall what he always said of gurus?
why does h enow have a big long list of gurus and their pictures on his site? lol
then he puts his own picture up there as well? lol
come on guy. its obvious what he is trying to do.
the problem is that he can't do it by himself. he is too old, cant teach, doesnt understadn how to write (becuase of his lack of education) and his impotent in getting anything done for himself.
we all created this. not him.
and we all did this on the basis that he was a good person. and now it is sad to see truth.
Mr Blog master,
looks like we need a new page again.....no one stays on topic around here!
did you post anything on auto trading yourself?
if not then post something.
and how do you know its not a bitch running this blog. from what i hear its a group of 5 traders.
auto trading works well. never did for me when i first tried it for years. now i know how to use it.
its reserved for advanced traders with a wealth of knowledge.
thats why so many cant really talk about it.
Anonymouse 7:00:30
Woodie was not the first, Barbara Star was.
Don Lambert gave the rest of his work to Woodie in Vegas, Lambert gave a copy to everyone.
Woodie can check your IP, even if you log in and out within a second.
If a chat room does not charge or promote anyone else, they can call out real trades in real time, that is from the SEC and NFTC, but Woodie is promoting whoever will pay him. Think about that and get the facts straight once.
i never heard anything more idiotic.
even though that isnt cathy it sure sounds like the stupid bitch we have to keep puting up with.
you amaze me at your ignorance. are you really really that fucking stupid?
look at the post. as matter of fact as it comes. with no real truth.
let me answer your dumbass comments...
no i dont think so.
no and nope again.
no. not even close.
even though it isnt cathy is sure smells like 'cathy' lol
Those who write on bathroom walls,
Roll their shit in little balls,
Those who read these words of wit,
Eat those little balls of shit.
Auto Trading systems are difficult to say the least. Actual trading comes from a sense inside of you and following the rules you made. Most can not do that. They think that autotrading will follow the rules and it will but they dont have the knowldge yet to apply good rules to the autotrading system. Catch 22.
I have autotrading systems that work very well. some days are big hits that make you wonder. However the actual profit just keeps plugging along and it positive. Some days it sets me back to the profit I started with 4 days ago.
Is it perfect. Heck no. Does it work and make a profit. Heck yes. Most traders couldn't get past this and would consider it doomed unless they followed up and took a closer look at it.
how much would you pay for an auto-trading system that did work?
$100 a month?
if it works and makes you money then it sure seems like its worth that little bit.
It would be worth it to me. Even with the expected drawdown. If it was postive results then I would pay up to $500 a month.
if it lets us use it for 30 days free to see if it works then i think thats fair. i would have to see it in action for my own. or at least see live posts in real time so i could evaluate it. it would be worth the $500 or so if it could protect my assets.
i never have seen anyone create a auto trader that works using live signals. if they did and they can prove it then its worth the money.
it can be done but it takes research and lots of time to find something that works. then time to tweak it until you perfect it.
people are doing it all the time. most however dont have the intelligence or patients to figure it out.
its not easy. lol
as a side note...
screw the terrorists. kill them all.
none of that is true.
dennis has money today because his wife had money. dennis himself has been unseuccesful in many business ventures and plays around trying to trade under his wifes watchful eye. you do see how he trys depsrately to sell his seminars. this is becuase he cant trade.
honestly, think about how his mouth runs but no true trades come out of it that are verified. he actually is jealous of good traders or ones that can sell their stuff. he cant. he is not good at it. he disrepects people. and he commited fraud against the goverment.
he is for all intents and puposes a loser on his wifes cash. remember i said this and watch him close. you will see that what i am saying is the truth.
remember it. you will see.
anonymous...you are such a loser. Grow up and get a life.
Hey Mr./Ms. Blog Owner -
How about a new topic? I'm in favor of the subject Sport touched on about Woodie and the whereabouts of all that MAW money. Maybe we can get to the bottom of it and either find out if any of those funds ever made it to the kids or whether Woodie should be facing prosecution for fraud.
With the size audience Woodie has, isn't it time people get a real idea of who they're dealing with? I have my own opinions but I'll wait until you get the thread going.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
did you all see the fucking fool that post this on sports blog:
"But the 34 ema is a whole nuther can of worms. You all have gb007 to thank for that. He's the the real "hero" for newbies in all of this trading info when it's all said and done."
do you know ho wlong the 34 ema has been around? christ! waht are you a fucking moron? how new to this are you? is this your 5th year of trading you fucking ignant dipshit.
GB007 has created NOTHING. benefits no one and doesnt tradae. did you know this? he trades after the fact and doesnt use money. why do you think he is all stats and no posts?
get a clue you dumbass.
and dont even bother talking about the 3 min trade like its dennis' (A.K.A. SPORT - name which he uses while hiding from professional traders because they busted him in scams) that trade is old as fucking dirt dumbass. go read about it in any book.
are you fucking people really that fucking stupid?
ROFLMAO (thanks for your money)
nice mouth, potty breath.
p.s. you're a failed trader, as well, so don't try to puff up your flaccid ego with the "tokyo joe ROFLMAO" trick.
hmm, must be a stupid girl answering that post. i can tell by the lack of logic. they cant focus on the facts, argue with a damn about the points and vnever can understand subjects very well.
oh and of course they talk about stuff in penis terms becuase of penis envey.
*shrugs* what are ya donna do. we need the recepticle. not worth much more then that really as you can tell by the post.
pssst, try again but speak to the relevant facts, dont stray, stay on topic, dont get emotional and think about the beloved penis - just stay calm and talk slowly honey...
Where to begin?
1) Patent anger/bitterness towards women --> a very frustrated asexual and/or homosexual male
2) Grammar shot to hell (no apostrophes, no capitalization, "vnever," "penis envey," etc.) --> either a low IQ moron or types one handed with wild abandon since his other hand is always occupied
3) Mentioned "penis" three times to point out some imagined male genitalia fixation not present in the previous post --> more evidence leaning towards homosexuality and constant one handed preoccupation
4) Typed "*shrugs*" --> 'nuff said
5) Typed Freudian slip "what are ya donna do" --> pure conjecture, but perhaps a woman named Donna is the root cause of this person's hatred towards females, and his subsequent alternative lifestyle change?
6) Ended in grand fashion with "just stay calm and talk slowly honey..." --> after these nonstop doses of rambling madness, it's no wonder he could parrot advice that must've been flung at him many a time in real life or in an AOL chatroom with Donna.
that is exaclty what the previous poster was talking about. for example, another example, look at the silly things that this current poster ranted on about. didn't address the points, can't argue the issues. just rants. on and on and on. screeeching bleeeeding ears type of ranting.
wuussy guy posters and women, please... speak to the point like you have been told to. focus.
come one... focus. leave the emotions out of it and you will make people around you happy to talk with you.
i agree with you. in fact its not just women. even people like kiwi can't argue the facts.
remember back when that lamer came here complaining about how he couldn't get his way in some room so he cry babied and threatened to leave the room (5 times before lol).
they are basically imature, non-traders that really do not have the capability to think things through logically. what makes many laugh at kiwi and others like cathy and such is that they can't trade and freak out when people don't follow their comments.
oh man. then they attack attack attack! lol
'L' oosers...
Now that is funny! And right on point too. Great Post!
Glad that freak kiwi is gone. I never understood how he lost all his money trading after he bragged so much about how great he was.
dipshit said:
"Crown Patter, blah blah blah.. Don't you love it! blah blah blah. Now that is some secret sauce.... just for you."
isnt it amazing how DENNIS always calls them perfect? I am amazed. I really am.
Oh wait... shoot! Damn it!
That call was after the fact AGAIN!
FUCK FUCK FUCK! Why do i always let that dumbshit fool me.
Why do you think he changed his name to sport? lol
He is hiding from his FRAUD - just like his friend Steve Matarix and hiding from the traders that know how much bullshit he mouths.
What you got to say about that MOUTH?!??!?!?! eh?
I thought not.
Trade live and post or SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU COWARD.
I'll try again ......
Hey Mr./Ms. Blog Owner -
How about a new topic? I'm in favor of the subject Sport touched on about Woodie and the whereabouts of all that MAW money. Maybe we can get to the bottom of it and either find out if any of those funds ever made it to the kids or whether Woodie should be facing prosecution for fraud.
With the size audience Woodie has, isn't it time people get a real idea of who they're dealing with? I have my own opinions but I'll wait until you get the thread going.
Thanks and keep up the good work.
none of that is true about woodie is it?
he says he gives all of it to charity.
what the new topic should be is how room owners help others and do they do what they said they would do.
Report: al-Zarqawi may have been killed in Mosul
thank fucking god i pray this is true. usa needs to get agressive and get these crap hole slime over there taken care of once and for all.
I guess this blog is all but dead. I'm moving over to Sport's blog.
two solid points for people reading this crap:
1 - LBR is very ill and doesnt trade, cant teach and her site chat rooms are terrible. worse second only to waxie and teresa and tiny (the true clowns of trading second only to dennis of course)
2- dennis, we dont care about your crap. you call it after the fact, play games, dont tell the truth and use your wifes money to trade and build your house. you are nothing without her.
SHUT THE FUCK UP you lying loser. you are no better then STEVE MATRIX. scammers, both.
POST LIVE or SHUT UP. no one listens to you and we all know about your conviction of financial fraud. isnt that so? any comment punk?
Linda or LBR (lol) is ill. sh doesnt trade and doesnt run her room.
i was there for months and she always had someone say 'shes making a call..."
he training sucks, her staff sucks, its a ploy to never teach you anything and make you stay in the room and keep paying.
now doubt about it.
dont waste your time. you wont learn anything to help yourself trade that you can find free on the internet.
Can't be any worse than gio
i have an automated system that places its own trades and has redundancy with data filtering and all sorts of "what if" routines built into it. whats the big deal?
ps - it did cost me 5 million and 5 years to accomplish. do you know me?
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