Happy Thanksgiving!
We want to give thanks to everyone that has contributed to the success of this blogger site. Thanks goes to all of you! Many of you have learned a great deal about trading rooms and what to expect from them. This puts you at an advantage as you learn to watch out for the un-truths and focus on the good aspects of the trading rooms. Keep posting the inside information gathered so we can all learn what is really going on and be protected against the givers of mis-information. Great posting everyone!
The new topic will be a focus on the mis-information, un-truths, and downright lies being told in the trading rooms.
Are the moderators doing what they say they are?
Are the room owners really boasting about things that are just not true?
Are they trading or are they making back-door deals?
What do you know about the real truth instead of what comes out of the room text?
Please post without bashing. It makes no sense. It does no good. Civility cuts deeper then you will ever know.
Thanks again for making this board so popular! Keep those comments coming. You report, they decide!
I had Turducken for Thanksgiving yesterday. Anyone ever try that? Boneless chicken inside a boneless duck inside a boneless turkey.
That's technology for ya.
no but sounds like a scammer like Dennis created it. you all do know he was convicted of financial fraud right? he admitted it after great pressure from our large and growning group of professional traders. we are well aware of his scams in which he uses his wifes money to act like he trades and then scams people to buyt black boxes from him, take his courses, among other things.
he doesnt trade, cant trade and is only a poor 'car' salesmen to say the best.
please be aware of this person as he is not operating above board.
Most people that know sport know this about him and stay away. That is why he is not popular and he gets frustrated and then starts mouthing off about others.
You notice sport never trades live. Only when he has too and then its just mostly losers with his wifes money like was stated before. His excuse is "can't win them all" or "we stuck to our principles" etc. He is a fraud.
He talks about secret sauce like we care. lol. He doesn't even know how to trade.
Why do you think he posts pictures of a home that is being built?
Do you see any other trader doing this? Trying to act like they are rich due to trading?
No you dont. And you wont. Because they are busy trading. Not bragging.
If that is supports house then its from his wifes money. Not his. He is a losing businessman, can't control his temper when dealing with people, including his family. His daughters hate him. His wife wants to leave him. He is a fraud.
He wants you believe that the money to build something is due to his trading but you never see him trade live consistantly.
He was even invited into another room created by one of his friends and he didn't show up. Even though he bragged and bragged he still never showed up. He is infantile and limp in every sense of the word.
Please do not follow him as we are warning you to look deeper and see what experiences we have had with him and what run-ins with the federal goverment he has had for financial 'events'.
Be careful my friends.
very true. Dennis is well known for mouthing and not trading. you can tell his most best perfect, lol, trade is the 3 min trade. do you know how old this trade is.
and it isnt a for sure trade. you can getted whipped out of it up to 10 times a day with heavy losses. its not diff then any other trade and he makes, or wants to make, it look simple as pie.
ROFL - what a loser.
Don't be fooled. No one follows Dennis. Why would they? He doesn't even answer questions when posted on his lame 'look-at-me-im'building-a-house-with-all-my-wifes-money-and-acting-like-its-mine-from-trading' site.
How many professional traders do you know can't answer questions or post pics of their house on their trading site?
Ever see him explain anything thte same way twice?
No, no, nope, and nada. Sorry.
Talking to yourself again there anonymous? Very transparent you are. Just go away, no one really wants to hear your nonsense.
i want to hear him and the others that post here too. thanks for the info. it helps me see what the truth is about these liars.
anybody know about woodie and his room? is it worth it?
Get a free two week trial for HotComm and check it out for yourself. I like Woodie's Room and been there over a year.
Can you tell him and us what you think about woodies room. We would all like to hear input. The people on this blog have a great spirit of sharing good and honest straight forward information.
Hmmmm...I found the videos on www.woodiescciclub.com to be a gold mine of information.
I listen to the rooms during the day, but really don't follow them anymore much. Sometimes they have interesting seminars after the market.
I make good money with the CCI indicator and keeping my trading as simple as possible. That is what I learned from Woodie.
If you are new to trading, Dana's seminar on Saturdays at 8am are the best way to learn. Clear and simple.
errr... dana?
you are kidding me right? first of all she can't trade. she never could. she won't listen to people that try to help her.
secondly, if you listen and watch her closely all those hundreds of lines she draws tells you how her mind is working, or not. its a crazy mess of complication and confusion.
do not follow dana as she will lead you down the wrong path and doesn't understand the reality of trading.
Apparently there is only one person on this whole planet who has ever traded, who knows how to trade, and who, doggone it, actually trades!! Unfortunately, we will never know who that person is as he/she/it is named "anonymous".
Paul is the best moderator in Woodie's in my opinion....he gives the trades in print and voice before they happen....he is certified too.
keep smoking...
Hey anonymous, if you are the only person on the whole planet who knows how to trade and does trade, who do you trade against?
are you that fucking stupid to think there is only one anon poster like thats his real name?
tell me this isnt so you fuck-nut! lol
dipshit said "First bar and then an ideal trade......just another day!!!"
its a good thing people dont follow Dennis and his false posts.
how juvenille is it to try to tell people that a 3 min trade works and you can make bank off it. he doesnt even talk about how many times it loses.
oh except, just like i told you all before, when he loses so fucking hard and big that he must admit it. lol. but most loses go unpublished.
people, stay away from frauds like Dennis AKA Sport AKA dickhead AKA fraudie boy for your own good.
did you all know he admited to financial fraud?
Did Dennis commit financial fraud?
Is this true?
yep, he sure did....I heard he spent 6 years in the slammer.....
Hey anonymous, read yours, hers, his, it's posts. Per that "anonymous" no one ever trades, never did, doesn't know how. When someone refutes that, "anonymous" again repeats the same mantra. Therefore one can only conclude that that particular "anonymous" is the only person who trades. Who does he, she, it, trade against? Oh yeah I guess he, she, it, can have two accounts and trade against him, her, itself.
Seems to me that person is a wee bit jealous of those who have "made it" by whatever means.
Yes Dennie was conficted by the federal government for financial fraud. He admitted to it after people found his trial records months ago. It was very embarrasing for him to say the least. He didn't spend 6 months in jail. Not sure how much though. However, he had to pay restitution and fines worth thousands of dollards just like Steve Matrix did.
Dennis is not by any means a person who 'made it' if thats who you are talking about. His month comes from his married into family. It is not his. In fact, his family doesn't like him becuase of of over bearing, uncontrollable attitude and harsh manners. I won't mention whnat else he is accused of doing. You can find out by talking to his town folk. Let's just say he is not a very good father or husband nor is he very good in god's eyes.
Be warned to stay away from his antics. He does not trade professionaly. He makes things up and trys to sell seminars. Like Steve Matrix.
this is all very true about Dennis. why do you think he has been sent out of woodies room?
he can not be trusted and does not know how to trade. he is a scammer. simple truth is that he just can't trade.
why do you think he talks in riddles?
never answers questions directly?
always acts like a child?
never seen him post trades continuously over a given set of days? (which by the way what he does is post a trade here or there to see if he wins, he is a gambler, not a trader, big difference, adn then if he loses he says cant wind them all, if he wins he says "see what the secret sauce does for ya")
he is so full of it. his tick and trin crap is for the birds. old hat long time ago stuff. doesnt work, period. its all random and for the most part and just keeps people out of trades, good and bad.
he learned it from the trading books back in 1999-2000. remeber Sniper Trading and all that crap? lol it lags. tell me it doesnt?
Dennis, you are a fraud and you dont have a following. no one likes you. your house pictures show us you are stetching your stories.
notice how there is no bridge to talk about anymore?
wanna guess why?
can you say "its the states bridge and he was called out onto the carpet and we win"
What did we win?
the real turkey is Dennis. you can now see him starting to blunder with his 3 bar trade, just like i told you he would.
he doesnt trade that. he doesnt trade actually. his money comes from his wife. do you know why he never comments on that?
so he makes things up that his mind can grasp. ah yes! the opening trade. seems simple! yes, and i can grap profits all day long.
oh wait. i never though it would be this difficult or everyone else would be doing it.
oh boy i better figure out more rules as i go or they are gonna know i cant trade.
opps, i need another rule for this here too.
and on and on and on he goes just like i told you months ago about this trade.
you see, dennis cant trade. he is trying to sell systems. thats all. why do you think the wall street people know to stay away from him. he is a liar.
remember he finally admited tht he commited federal felony? financial? guess what for?
federal too. not pretty.
guys, just stay away from him and let him ramble on. the 7 or less people that still read him will tire soon and move on as well.
why do you think woodie through his ass to the woodshed?
ask yourself that tonight before you go to bed and then when you wake up in teh morning. you will begin to see the answer folks.
good luck :)
anonymous Dennis basher...you are a joke. Why don't you just worry about your own trading instead of being obsessed with what Dennis is saying?
Or better yet, why don't you start your own blog outlining some of the ideas you have regarding trading setups?
Trading is not simple and no one setup is 100%. 70% is excellent.
Stop talking to yourself in obsessive, rambling hateful posts, and do something with your life.
I think what the poster says is ligitimate and truthful. People like you that 'love' under any circustances the one being criticized just try to bash their comments. And without any basis or logic I might add.
I know 3 people that post here on various topics and that doesnt include the many others that post here as well. So there goes that idea. So much for brains.
Dennis, is my opinion too is a fraudster. He is no different then scamster Stever Matrix. You can tell Dennis is just very jeoulous of Steve and what he is doing. Dennis obviously has a mental disease that doesnt allow him to focus (A.D.D) and causes him to blather all over the map about anything his right brain can fathom up.
No real trading ideas of serious lectures come from Dennis. This can be wittnessed by his lack of actual posting, which Steve does and Woodie does live. Dennis was asked by his own friend to come into a trading room setup by his own friend and he never showed.
Remeber? He was the big man that was going to trade live! Ok. So he is a no show. Wonder if that means he doesn't really trade?
I think all of these things are truth in eveidence. I also think Dennis has many problems in many areas.
There you go talking to yourself again anonymous. You know that you are very transparent. The same linguistic style and and other cues.
As I said before...get a life, or why dont you start a blog with some trading ideas?
Don't be so lame as to think that just because you blog also lol.
Do you use logic at all or just emotions? Anyone can blog, trade, teach or whatever they want.
That line would have us all doing only what we were slated to do in life from the get-go and not ever trying new things. Does it mean we are all great at everything we try. No.
Dennis is a fruad. This is true. Anyone see him trade real time day after day? No.
I thought not.
I'm getting sick and tired of hearing Dennis A.K.A Sport talking down to everyone like he is a real trader or like he makes money from trading. He doesn't trade. His money is his wifes as he admitted prior. He is a fraud. He admitted to that as a felony as well. I never see him trade in a two day period. And I am sick and tired of hearing him lecture us, over and over. And go on about how he helps people. Yeah right. Sure you do.
Dennis, please do us a favor and shut up. Leave us alone. We know what and who you are. And you sir are not a trader, or a good person.
Man this is the truth if I ever read it. Sport is a fraud. No one listens to him anymore. He has poofed out of the scene after woodie exposed him.
You guys notice he never trades live too huh? lol. What a scammer.
He lies about everything. Notice how we dont see any bridge pictures anymore? anybody wanna guess why? Its not his bridge. Its the towns brdige. remeber when he was exposed on that one?
Anyone wanna be smart and explain why he isnt excepted in higher level circles of people, why he rags on woodie so much?
Jealousy? Rage? Low-self esteem?
remeber when he was challanged to trade live in a room created for him? What did he do? Never responed to it. LOL. Never even showed up! HAHAHA - L O S E R!
Remeber how he was going to expose someone that burned his home? Wonder what happened to that one? Remeber all his diatribes about "I will get the person! He is attacking me and my home and my website, blah blah blah.... Well, turns out maybe he did it himself for the insurance money eh? Aweful convienent for him to be on vacation eh?
Doesnt it seem like there are too many strange things going on around this guy? Be aware! Stay away from his ilk. Go trade with woodie and Gio (ear bleeding bitch talker) if you have too. Hell, go trade with someone that cant trade like Dr. Boob. Whoever, just stay clear of a fraud like D.e.n.n.i.s. aka, S.p.o.r.t.
umm, who doesnt already know about this regarding... lol sport lol. what a name. hey sport! whats going on sport! lol how young can this guy act.
no wonder his family hates him.
Of course _Sport_ is a fraud. You don't really think we follow him do you? He was exposed many months ago and he lost his following. All he does is bad mouths people.
And you speak of jealousy? rofl. he is the most jealous person alive. Always trying to be _somebody_. Trying to trade, trying to act like he is well know.
It is his wifes family's money. Not his. Don't you all know that?
You think sport is jealous? drbob takes the cake. He's turning into woodie one hundred percent. What happened to verus, cluelesstrader, lobsterboy?
And now tradershaven has lost MarkB. Why? Because drbob couldn't stand that people in his chat room were listening to someone other than.... drbob! So he think he learned something from MarkB then installs his software and pretends he is an expert using it like MarkB is. So now the whole day in tradershaven is some little jealous guy - drbob- pretending he knows how to do that kind of fibo work and MarkB is drowned out. I don't blame him for leaving.
Shame on you drbob you get in the way of us learning the same way woodie did. Your ego is in charge you should learn to step back. You don't need to be the master of all. It should be enough for you to bring people with knowledge to the rest of us. Not try to pretend to be them.
MarkB if you're reading this..... do you have an answer?
Even more important what do you have to say to that drbob?
The truth is revealed. Moderator basher here does NOT know how to trade. I quote "get in the way of us learning". I thought you knew everything. Why do you search the web for trading rooms only to bash those that have the gonads to get in front of a "room" full of goons like you and get trashed?
Get a frickin life, in person you are probably a rubbery little piece of #@$* who would shiver in fright if any one challenged you....instead you hide in a blog. Do YOU really believe the moderators read this? You need some help.....
I'm not sure if you are American or not but I have to believe you don't understand things well. The moderators of this blog are well known in the trading industry. They do not bash anyone. In fact, if you read every initial thread they create you will see them asking the posters not to bash.
Did you really not understand that or are you just spewing words in hopes that someone will listen to you by mistake.
What are you talking about anyways. You sound like a dufuss in all honesty. We all know about those who hide behind the truth, like you. Shouting at people doesnts make it so. Did you know that or do you really think everyone here listens to you when you posted just prior?
What a freak. You are already forgotten.
There is something brewing in the Woodshed looks liek Kathy left.
Didja hear?
Gio and Jean Yus are kicking everyone with any association to the Woodshed out of Trading Elements......no warning, you just get the boot!
Man, that is really bitchy of her!
Looks like that idiot woodie, is not such an idiot afterall. He has outlasted all you blogging idiots. Seems none of you post anymore, which just goes to show that he can lure in the new and not so new traders and preach his bs with no one to complain about it. I guess you people in the states aren't as smart as you think you are.
Is that you Tony? Your tights are showing. Geez, someone give me a pot, I need to vomit.
woodie is now moderating five days a week. it looks like all his mods have abandoned him. seems that wodie is going down with the ship. oh wait, biggs is still around LOL - is he perpetually clueless?
Where did all those moderators go? I thought some were really pretty good. Did they give up on cci or just move on to other rooms? Is Woodie just another scamster? I see that any info on past moderators is not even on Woodie's website. That website by the way looks to be generating some serious cash with all the endorsements. What gives? What happened to traders helping traders? Inquiring minds want to know.
Its simple - the more u get to know woodie, the more you know he's pretty much fulla shit. I think that about explains it.
anyone notice how no one listens to sport anymore?
he goes on and on about freedom of information and room restrictions yet he still screens all his blog comments. what a hypocrite.
as for his house, yuk. what else can we say but puke, yuk, blah. its like a big pile of cheap wood carvings. tacky as hell and ugly as a puss filled buthole spewing crap.
hey, that kinda reminds me of how sport is when he talks, lol.
now, that IS funny! hahahahaha
gee woodie - seems u pay attention to sport or u wouldn't know so much about his blog, house, etc.
crawl back in ure hole u pathetic old man
you aint dumb enought to think that was woodie, are you?
sports house is terribly ugly and tacky as mentioned before. that is for sure. but what do you expect from a low class white trash country hick?
what makes me laugh is that his whole house is made of wood. i think its becuase he cant get enough of 'wood'ie now that woodie has dismissed sport out of his secret circle. poor sport.
well, maybe i meant circle jerks, lol.
anony 7:09
yes i am that dumb. gee wally, it said it was woodie, how could it not be woodie?
apparently wit, satire, sarcasm, etc are not part of your blogging repertoire
Good try saving yourself but no dice my friend. It seems to us you really thought it was woodie.
Anyway, Dennis is a scammer as was pointed out before in this bog and others. He is a hypocrite and full of hot air. He was challeneged to trade live in a room live before and never did show up! He never spoke a word about it after that, haha!
What I wonder is which one is more full of crap. His dogs butthole or Dennis?
That really has to be the ugliest fucking house I've ever seen. What is it? A Disneyland fun ride on the Matterhorn? ROFL
Sport should stop trying to show off his house as if any likes it. It's damn ugly.
Get over it. Man what white trash hillbilly that guy is lol!
hmm, read below and you will see the same lame illogical argument that drboob uses all teh time. by the way, its a lie he tells over and over. he does kick people out. i wittnessed him klicking out a lady for asking how much he paid for the room. he was so overly paranoid and lacking confidence that he went bizirk, associated her with yet another group of people that were outing him and his 'woodie' ways, when in reality she had nothing to do with any of his problems. it was just a questions. i know, because she talked to me before drboob got there. yes, we all told him this but his blood red rage and lack of self he just couldnt get over.
when a person cant deal with themselves and the hard truth thtey always chime in about the anonymous comment. its as if they think we really buy into it. sorry to say but folks know the truth. no name is needed when the facts hit too close to home. its the fact that stands on its face, not the name.
look at the outing of kiwi and his corrupt ways months ago. after that he had no recourse but to waddle off in shame as the greedy, selfish puke that he was outed to be. bye bye kiwi :D
drboob is no different when it comes to being out of control with the "give me your name, but dont worry i wont punish you!"
hasha! sort of funny really. little men, probably with a teenie weenie little penis as usual.
drbob said...
That's great anonymous...Post on a board under an anonymous name.
If you think so highly of me to call me a creep without identifying yourself, why don't you just come into the TradersHaven room and post what your issues are with me in public to my face. I promise I won't kick out either.
May 17, 2006 7:18 PM
drbob said...
Anonymous that refers to me as a creep.
If you have such issues with me that you have to take pot shots at me under an anonymous nickname, why wouldn' you just come in to TradersHaven and tell me directly what your problem is with me? It is an open and free room.
May 17, 2006 7:22 PM
drbob said...
Anonymous who refers to me as a creep.
If you have such issues with me that you need to post under an anonymous pseudonym, why don't you just come into TradersHaven and confront me directly?
May 17, 2006 7:24 PM
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