What’s worse then a snake?
A two-faced snake of course.
Uncovering the truth about moderators and their rooms is our current topic. Post what you know about trading rooms and the people that help run them. Please be fair and factual. Words cut deeper then you may realize.
We all need to know the truth about the rooms that we visit. Trading is a serious business and this is a place we can talk feely without fear of retaliation. We have learned a great deal about rooms and their owners in the blog. Now it is time to get to the bottom of the mud. Drain the swamp and find the snakes so to speak.
We are calling on everyone to post what they know and share everything they can. Uncovering the truth can be painful, but useful nonetheless.
Thanks to all of you for making this blog once of the most visited in the trading world! Remember to post this blogs web address into the chat rooms and on other posting sites to help keep it popular.
We all need to help each other find the truth. Why wouldn't the room owners want it posted if they really are trying to help people, right?
1 – 200 of 230 Newer› Newest»Fair, Factual and Truth are usually not words associated with A-nony-mouse. Not when you use Snake, Mud and Swamp in the same breath. Who are you kidding?
Amazing to see they now have a Tony Trade
They guy doesn't even trade, and can't even when he tried.
Is this another excuse to get him paid flights to the trade alongs? Let's get real. Woodie is full of bullshit.
Why am I the only one who ever posts a link to this blog in Woodie's room? If you want people to know the truth about what goes on there, you're gonna have to direct them here -and often.
You aren't afraid of Cathy, are you? lol
Probably you are the only person who posts because no one else gives a shit. LOL
I'm new here. Thanks to the person who posted the link in woodie's room. I had no idea of whats been going on. Wow!
Yeah well stay away from drboob's room too, that's even more of a snakes nest of lies. Watch him try to tempt you with what's going on his paid room if you bother to check it out at all.
Can anyone tell me how they're doing in Gio and JY's room (tradingelements)? I don't have Hotcomm yet but want to try it out.
I've been in TradingElements for about a year now and am finally making a full time income off trading. I trade intraday and usually have a few positions based on gio's stock review. I originally left woodie's room about a year ago when he decided that he could do a better job of reviewing stocks than gio - ha ha.
With all this said, we're happy in our little corner of the trading world, so if you're a nutcase, we don't need you in our room and we certainly don't need any drama ;)
Thanks for the feedback, Gio.
She sure was careful to word all the correctly wasn't she.
Sorry smart guy at 7:20 - not gio. If you don't believe me just come and ask for todd in gio's room (not my screen name or my real name - I don't need to get kicked out of the room just for your sake because I posted here) and I'll pm you back as long as I'm there. If I don't answer leave an email address and I'll write you back - it will be easy enough to check my IP and find that I'm nowhere near the east coast.
Knowing gio and jeanyus, they have more class than the rest of us idiots than to post here.
You guys are all so smart - lol.
I never could understand gio. All she did was ramble.
Now that is my pick for SNAKE.
G - I - O.
Gio. Snake, liar and fraud.
You get what you pay for and there's some of us that pay to learn from Gio and JY. We just trade, respect each other, enjoy the day and make money. No one tries to sell us anything or scam anyone. Rare in the world of trading rooms.
I don't know of anyone who doesn't appreciate what we learn in their room. Without the restrictions put on moderators in Woodie's room to keep it only cci, Gio and JY aren't what they were back in Woodie's room.
It's real simple in TE - as they tell us... If you're not learning and not making money, go get a different job - trading's not for you.
Funny thing is that in the year or so that TE has been around, no one has posted here about Gio or JY ripping them off or doing anything dishonest (I know cause I read through a lot of crap just to make sure.) Even still, some will criticize cause that's what they're good at, regardless of what's "fair and factual."
Gio? I think she did a lot of lying in Woodie's room in order to get attention, students, a following, etc.
It's quite clear that she lies a lot, so I'm not so inclined to study under such a person. I mean, if she lied to me then, she'll have no trouble lying to me now.
Gio was the only moderator worth a damn in that room. And that was despite the fact she was limited to discussing CCI.
But then again, according to Woodie, he has no idea of who this person is LOL
What's up with susan's picture picture on woodie's site in the moderator hall of fame? she's never moderated. she collected money and that was about it. but cash only please. I guess none of these people ever heard of receipts - or morals, ethics, honesty, etc
Dr. Bob now posting about Gio just to take the heat off himself?
Sport is back posting in "Trader's Pair-of-Dice'. What happened to all the house photos? Now he is complaining about going to a charity event. HUH?
Is this for legal reasons?
I smell bullshit again.
"Trader's Pair-of-Dice". that's funny, and pretty accurate.
Sprot is doing some new black boxk stufr???!!
Thanks Sport for posting that. Glad to see you are back to you same ol bullshit.
How many times does that guy say he is going to do something, and then....
nothing happens.
Like when he was exposed for federal fraud and indicted on charges but wouldn't admit it.
Anybody wanna guess what that was for and wether or not you should believe a thing he says?
Ummm, NOPE.
Anybody remember when he bragged he would trade live and when a follower of his set up a room he NEVER SHOWED UP.
Loser. Simple as that.
I will let you in on a little secret. If you need someone to help you trade....please do not put your money in the market, but in a CD that will earn you 5.10-5.75 percent per year garanteed. You have no hope of doing better than that.
Wow Mirna,
Thank God you have saved us all!
Thank you so much!
You're so right! And we're so wrong!
We are sooo fortunate that you have dropped in here to save us from ourselves!
Not much in the way of credibility in the HotComm rooms. Sure wish it were different.
It looks like sport is going to try to make money for his own trading by trying to teach you trading, according to him, even though he can't trade for himself.
Hmmm, now isn't that a bit odd.
Sport gets my vote for SNAKE of the year award.
Bad mouths everyone after promising to keep his mouth shut about things.
You know you better not talk anymore Sport. Remember, Traders Helping Traders.
You know who this is.
Sport doesn't have a room anymore. He's old news. F him.
Bob has a room and he's still a jerk.
"The Workshop and how it will unfold....... "
what is this guy smoking? how many times is he going to act like he is going to do something then never does.
he can't trade. doesn't trade. and will never be able to trade.
full of BULLSHIT.
I read how woodie claimed to not know who gio is and that he never heard of her. Did he really say that?
I still have some of her lectures saved fron the days woodie allowed recordings in HC. Maybe I should send a few to woodie to refresh his memory. LOL
Gio is such a bitch no wonder Woodie wants to forget her. I would too. That woman rubbed me the wrong way. UGH.
you should be thankful any woman rubbed you at all or even got that close to u - lol
Look, all you need is da CCI, nothing else...just the CCI...
oh, and the 34ema...but that's it, da CCI and the ema...and the angle of the ema to tell you da sidewindeer....but that's all, da CCI and the ema and the sidewinder..
and the leasted square-red movign average and the angle of that to get the czi, but thats it, the CCI the ema and angle and leasted square-red moving average and da angle and the sidewinder and the czi....
and you don't need no stinking price bars, well, unless they Hank n' Ashley bars, but really all you need is the CCI and the ema and angle and leasted square-red moving average and angle and sidewinder and czi....
Enough said.
Did you get a load of this new guru Robin Dayne at woodies cci club? I went to one of her "free" lectures and it was just total SNAKE OIL.
And she advertises her paid seminars there too right in the room and on the calendar. What gives with this? I thought it was all supposed to be FREE?
One day she came in to advertise her junk and she could not even get the time right? Not too smart is she?
Why is she in the room woodie? We all want to know?
Well,Woodie's land finally goes to a pay for room format. I knew that would eventually happen. Yes there is still the "free" room, but you know everyone will want to know what other secrets are being discussed in the pay for room. Truely sad.
I might as well stick with Gio and Jeanyus's room. At least we make money there :)
*The Woodie 100 Club* is a way to get people to give to charity and see automatic trading working live.
I think if it gets people to donate, it is a great idea. I just hope the trading goes well so the charity gets the money.
Hey Bean,
Just for shits and grins, ask Woodie if he's gonna make the accounting public? lol
"I just hope the trading goes well so ...
I don't do "hope". I work a solid trading plan with a positive expectancy, which is continuously measured and adjusted against ongoing statistical evaluation.
What's going on at Sports old blog. Now he calls himself Tater and just posted a pile of old posts like they were new....No more anything about a seminar or the new pix of his house....what a pile of bullshit.
When you "expect" you are hoping you are correct in your analysis.
And past results are not garuntees of future profits. Says that on every damn ad for the market. So why should a program be any different than a human?
No matter how smart you think you are, the market does have an element of luck. All you can do is manage your risk.
The accounting for the Woodie 100 Club better be public. All charities are made public by law.
I suppose you've seen the accounting of what woodie took in at the Chicago TAL, the Monterey TAL, West Palm Beach TAL, and all the others that Woodie insisted on cash at the door.
If you have, you're the only one not still waiting to see exactly what went to MAW and what went to pay Tony's bar tab and room service for Tony's wife, and their First Class plane tickets, and the vacation they had to take as long as they were in the States anyway, etc.
That information is on the club website about the MAW donations. Go look for yourself, I will wait.
And why pick on Tony? He is the backbone of the club. Without him there would be no website, TALs or chat room. I think the guy deserves a fat paycheck for all that work.
Bean - You must be new around these here parts - LOL
If an accounting was ever taken at any of the early TAL's, Woodie, Susan, and Tony would all be in jail by now.
Up until Perigrine started handling the funds there are no records of even a dime being sent to MAW. Go ahead and call - I'm not going to wait though.
I hope I didn't make you wait too long :)
If you really want to know what Woodie is all about, read this blog from the very beginning and ask a few questions in the room. You'll see things in a completely different light.
I wish it wasn't so, I really do.
Woodies room such a joke. You have this Nicker person calling trades on Russel 5min chart every 5min. Please, guys give it a break. Calling patterns before they are formed and calling patterns in little wiggles of the CCI. If anyone can follow this Nicker good luck to you. At least stick with what Woodie says is a pattern, there is more validity to that.
woodie is becomming what he said he was not....a paid room. Once he got 400 people to sign up it went from 200 to 600 bucks. All for charity, MY ASS!
he came back and does nothing but ban people, negative posts and be nastier to everyone than before. Ego gone wild. UGH
I see what all the posts in this blog are about now.
I won't say I told you so, but....
We've all been there and we all wished that Woodie was for real. As you may now realize, there's a reason why all the best people who've ever been part of Woodie's room never show up there again. The longer you know Woodie, the more apparent the BS.
Wow. I left Woodie's well over a year ago for the reasons cited above.
Guess it's not improved much since then, eh?
Damned shame.
Did someone say that woodies rooms now cost money?
I still see that they are free?
Am I missing something?
One room is free for now. So don't get your nickers in a twist. Yet.
Can somebody detail what rooms wood has for me and how much they cost?
When I go to the site I see all the rooms for free so I must not be understanding this?
What kind of ripoff is he pulling here?
Listen in on tuesday in the free room. Woodie will tell you all the CCI "secret sauce" will be revealed in the new improved advanced room that is $600 a year, payable in full, no refund issued if you are dissatisfied.
Click the links on his main page....with the picture of the monkey....it is there.
That is so apropos....woodie is trying to make a monkey of us all.
So it's Tuesday night. What was announced today?
Is he still trying to bilk others?
I don't go to his rooms, since I am a real trader.
If you are a real trader, what the hell are you doing here?
That was one of the most intelligent posts in this blog anonymous!
I don't see any room in woodies that costs money?
Whos bullshitting who here?
Give me the exact link by link I push to see where the pay room is?
I want to see this for myself.
Did Cathy-Bob-Billy-Joe-Walmart get warned by woodie to knock it off?
She quit woodies club.
http://woodies100club.com/ for those of you who are too lazy to look. Yea, it is for pay....600 buckaroos and NO REFUNDS. Take a look at the wavier...oh man.
Welcome to woodies100club. [Preview]
The concept of trading 100 contracts for 100 years by the monkeys [i.e. auto trading] with the main proceeds going to charities is the aim and goal of this new woodie club.
Woodie has stated that some of his trading life goals are to trade 100 contracts, trade the monkeys live, start an advance CCI chat room & generate even more money for "Make A Wish", other charities & worthwhile causes.
- Trade 100 contracts with the CCI for the benefit of charities & worthwhile causes.
- Start Trading with a Base Investment.
- Grow through future memberships and trading profits.
Trade the Monkeys live with real money.
- Efficient execution - no Fear or Greed.
- A Teaching tool for CCI.
- Prove that CCI setups work.
- Operate in perpetuity.
Advanced Chat Room.
- $600 annual subscription paid to TalksLive to facilitate chat room and base investment.
- Different methods of using the CCI or any other trading methodology.
- Not tied by the trading rules of the main room.
- Fee will be waived for moderators helping the club to grow. [sign agreement]
Member benefits
- First founder members granted grandfather rights.
- Join the Advanced Chat Room.
- Watch the Monkeys Trade Live.
- Option to open a broker account to mirror Monkey Trading.
- Contribute to woodies charities.
NON - Members
- NO entry into Advanced Chat Room.
- Regular rooms will remain vibrant open and free.
- End of Day snapshot Monkeys Trade.
- Cannot mirror trade with a broker account.
- Still Contribute to woodies charities.
Monkey Code
- The code of the monkeys shall be locked down.
- Code to become proprietary to the club.
- The code will NOT be available or sold.
- Charting software companies to run programming classes.
- All the above concepts & benefits can change at any time.
- That all trades shall be strictly at the members sole discretion & responsibility.
- Past results are NOT indicative of future results.
- No guarantees or warrantees of any kind given & none should be expected.
- You must read & sign the woodie100club agreement - click here
How do I Join the Woodie100Club
- Send email to monkeyfuck@woodies100scamclub.com
- In the subject line type: woodie100club founding member
- The woodies100club members agreement will play a big part of your agreeing to sign up, accept the agreement and join this great new venture.
What the hell is that club about?
Can anyone PARSE that damn posting for me. Who knows what this crap is about?
I understand that there will be no refunds. I understand that should I become a nuisance in the Club as defined solely by an officer, that I agree that I may be banned and the access to the club is forfeit. In this eventuality there will be no money returned either.
(singing to self)
Take the money and run! ...
doot dotten doot!
Take the money and run! ...
Do you guys get a load of this?
Who the hell is writing their stuff?
A - A Moron?
B - An Village Idiot?
C - A Dumbass?
D - All Of The Above?
What is it that they are trying to do anyway? Am I going to give money to them to let some fucking monkey trade for me?
Tell you what. I'll give the monkey $10 to play with his nuts while he jumps up and down but thats about it.
The Woodie 100 Room was supposed to be a charitable donation, but now it cannot be deducted as such? This is what I got on the agreement to sign.
"- Payment of woodies100club subscription does not constitute a donation to charity for tax purposes. This subscription is for entry into the chat rooms and the listed benefits and part of it will be used to build the base investment to trade the Monkey for the benefit of chosen charities and worthwhile causes."
This is funky.
Hey Hey....if you want a commercial free CCI Room...TW has opened his own chat room.....to get there go to
The chat room links are in the website.....
Good Luck on your new venture TW.
...and of course TW's photo has been removed from the moderator "Hall of Fame" at woodie's site - LOL
Another one bites the dust...
The guy helped out 8 days a week and Woodie's already blown him off.
Wow the same platform and server as the Woodster? That's ballsy...
Or it is very SMART....makes it really easy to look at both of them....but to listen, you have to have 2 people blabbing at you all day because none of the rooms have their own volume control.
The software the woodshed and TW uses is really LOW quality. But it is FREEEEEEE.
- [5:48:52 PM] Jason Craig says:
I missed woodies recap on the ER, does anyone know how much the CCI made today?
- [5:50:53 PM] woodie says:
jason 900+$
- [5:51:13 PM] J Signal says:
How much for the week
- [5:51:20 PM] Jason Craig says:
Thanks woodie. I was close to that my self
- [5:51:44 PM] woodie says:
great wtg
- [5:52:01 PM] Jason Craig says:
thanks, I needed it after yesterday
hmm, now woodie allows totals to be posted in the room?
wasn't he against that. wel, back when he was an honest person trying to do an honest job?
what a total scammer he is now. pathectic old man. greedy.
by the way, were those trades taken live? or was that just after the fact trades?
can you say BOGUS!
woodie has turned into a real loser.
Wonder why Woodie himself never explains his actions. Charges that are very serious. Yet never a word.
Except for booting the person.
It was a few people that made Woodie what he is. It sure wasn't Woodie. We all know that.
after the fact trades!
now the woodster is trying to say he made that much?
if you guys only knew what scams he's pulling.
Another sucker lol...
Let's take bets on how fast his picture goes up, he figures out the BS, realises he is being USED, and he gets booted and finally the picture comes back down!
I'll give him 6 months. Wow, all that work for free while getting laughed at by Woodie and TonYBaloneyUk in the meantime.
- [11:51:17 PM] Woody Hughes says:
woodie, you there?
- [11:51:25 PM] woodie says:
- [11:51:46 PM] Woody Hughes says:
renshi sent an email to tonyuk about me helping with the forex hours... but I haven't heard anything...
- [11:52:10 PM] woodie says:
great tony sleeping
- [11:52:13 PM] Woody Hughes says:
tony was happy to hear about it... so as far as I know, he's ok with it...
- [11:52:28 PM] Woody Hughes says:
if you remember, mention something to him perhaps?
- [11:52:28 PM] woodie says:
i'm ok too thks
- [11:52:43 PM] Woody Hughes says:
I can moderate 2-3 days a week
- [11:52:45 PM] woodie says:
will do you will mod?
- [11:52:50 PM] Woody Hughes says:
- [11:52:54 PM] Woody Hughes says:
I am on PST
- [11:52:56 PM] woodie says:
- [11:53:08 PM] Woody Hughes says:
so I can mod Asia 11:00PM - 1AM PST
- [11:53:13 PM] Woody Hughes says:
into London
- [11:53:24 PM] Woody Hughes says:
about 3 hours... which is usually good for a setup or two
- [11:53:31 PM] woodie says:
ok we are doing forex in here before index
- [11:53:35 PM] Woody Hughes says:
- [11:53:43 PM] Woody Hughes says:
just let me know when you'd like me to start...
- [11:54:00 PM] woodie says:
great lets do it i'll let tony no thks
- [11:54:03 PM] Woody Hughes says:
I gotta get a different nick so we don't confuse each other...
- [11:54:09 PM] woodie says:
- [11:54:14 PM] Woody Hughes says:
thanks bud
- [11:54:19 PM] woodie says:
thk u
Woodie is disgusting.
He is referreing to his supposed friend of just several months in the chat room.
He is stating the Dr. Famir, who terribley passed away from a heart attack, is giving us his birthday gift in a trade that is doing well.
That is disgusting. This man is so full of himself he has become abnormal and out of touch.
Then let me ask you something? What the heck are you doing in that room then? Are you just bored and hanging out for entertainment? Or do you just like to post anonymously on blogs?
That is aweful! Woodie has not taste. I am starting to dislike him very much. He is a pompus ass now and I agree, very disgusting man.
To say such things about a person I knew very well before he passed makes me sick.
Shame on you Woodie.
Woodie really is stepping over the line. Amazes me that he doesn't answer questions and it is so evident that he has mis-handled money so much so that he is tripping over himself to try to be hands-off.
Why isn't there anyone except some blind old dumbass still with him in his room? A dumbass by the way that just thinks he knows how to collect stats and can't trade. GB. Pathetic. He tries so bad to terach people what he thinks he knows.
It's like two peas in a pod.
don't you love the clueless idiots that can only say "then why are you there" as if that holds water. lol
and, also as if that meanas that woodie can do whatever he wants to anyone and screw the children at all costs.
notice how woodie doesn't even like children?
so even cathy left woodie's room. i've always felt sorry for her. woodie leads these people to believe that they can do something that even he can't and he ends up hurting a whole lot more people than he helps. actually the only ones helped are woodie and tony. it's really sad and it's continuing all the time.
Yes, that really sucked the way Woodie treated TW like he was some unwanted stepchild and the man did 7 days a week moderating for years to help out when Woodie was sick or gone to his TAL/vacations.
Woodie told all his moderators on Monday in the room with no notice at all, there are no more moderators here only in The Woodie 100 Club bullshit. We get paid and you moderators do what we want. Woodie will throw you a bone and the moderators get in for free, because hey, you guys are expected to run this room too....and the more honorable souls like TW got on their horses and left Dodge.
Then suddenly the scam is exposed by another ex moderator and there is no more 100 Room....and TW has his own FREE room. What the hell!
If you look in TW's new place carefully, you will likely find a lot of the old and really good moderators talking there. Really worth a look.
Yes a nice pile of old WCCI favorite moderators....Paul, Rover, Gabriel, Snowman, Major Mike and I heard Soren might come in and say hi.
The right address for TW's free Room
Personally I'm not ready to give up the much better chat platform in Hotcomm, where Gio still does the best job of moderating/teaching. We have more people there than anywhere else I've been who are actually trading and making a good living at it. No nonsense, however, we work and we like it that way.
I give credit to TW for finally realizing Woodie's a user, but geez, he shoulda saw the light a long time ago. Many better moderators sure did.
I've only been in Woodie's room for about 2 months and I see right thru the bs. I'm gone.
Who is Gio and where do I find him?
Woodie is a very stange fellow.
He looks strange. I can't stand to see his creepy face on his website. Doesn't he understand that? He looks like an ugly woman.
He is so manipulative to people that help him. His mods see that after awhile. I was told be a few mods that he told them what to push in terms of charts and services and damn near made it mandatory.
He is a fraud and stole money from the trade-a-longs just like sport said.
now you know why he doesn't answer any qustions about it.
First, Gio is not a him, she's a her, and second, you can find her at TradingElements.com.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass as you all leave the woodshed.....all poorer but a lot wiser.
Didja ever wonder why there are nothing but newbies there? The old ones are back flippin burgers!
Is Gio still not posting entries? Oh , and has she still never had a losing day?
What a pile of horseshit!
Funny you say that. I was in her hotcomm room on monday when she called ER short pre-market, she stayed with the trade most of the morning, then called the exit target. I made some good money. I have found her targets and chart interpretations useful and accurate. You don't like her, so what. She talks a lot but she's good.
How can you follow the advice of any Woodie moderator. They come and go so fast once they learn of the Woodie scam - Woodie gets the money and glory, the free moderators do the work. Do you really think that anybody who knows anything would work for Woodie for free? There are better alternatives!!! See above post.
Gio's not the same moderator she was in woodie's room (No stupid woodie rules to be concerned with.)Her entries and exits are pretty clear once you learn what she's doing. She's not going to call trades for you but it's easy enough following along and I'm making way more money than I've ever made before while trading.
Do we really need to tell everyone how Gio REALLY is?
Let's not have to go throrugh all that again. You know better.
That would be worse then having to hear here SCREECHING YELLING DEMEANING tone and make our...
She is a phoney trader, scammer, with mental issues.
Nobody's inviting anyone to gio's room. We're content the way it is.
To whoever is posting how great her room is... we don't need any idiots in there so please stop posting.
Our ears bleed daily, gio talks nonstop, she's completely clueless, so...
Amazing how they never speak to the issues.
Gio can't trade. Obvious.
Gio always comes late with...
"Ohhhh!, Did you all get that trade I was thinking about 12 minutes ago? It's working nicely."
You know its true. She did that all the time. How pathetic she is.
The only people that can stand her are newbies that want to hear someone talk.
In fact, that's all anybody wants to hear when they are new. As soon as you figure out a few trading ideas you realize the BS she pulls.
Only a few people ever traded live, posted results and they were not even live-mic mods but helpers in the room. Other then them I have never seen Gio or even Woodie post/call live trades.
Why not?
Can anyone tell me? Be honest.
You are an asshole. You don't know what you're talking about. I'm in her room. I make money off her calls. You don't like her approach or methodology, so what. Different strokes for different folks. That's what it's all about.
Enough of this Gio is great - Gio isn't great crap, what's happening with DrBob and his software he pushing? Is it any good or what?
drboob and his perpetual grail hunt are the epitome of crap. talk about being dragged down/losing your shirt fast, wow.
LOL, have you looked at drbob's site recently? He's selling a multilevel vitamin scheme. Probably trying to make up for losses from the last grail search the dilernia nonsense. He doesn't realize that he can't make up for the loss of face or credibility.
WOW..first time ever visiting a blog for me and probably the last. First off I see most that post here don't have the sack to identify themselves as they generally rip and ridicule other(s). Some who peruse this forum may recognize me from woodies room some time ago. I too became somewhat disenchanted with woodie and decided to move on. I will say that I am grateful to have crossed paths with him however, in that I have forged a few lifelong friends that now trade together on a daily basis. One such friend is drbob,whom I first met at a woodiecciclub tradealong. We are individually responsible for our own successes and setbacks in this noble pursuit of trading for a living, of which I have been a "survivor" for 9 years. Whomever the gutless soul who besmirched drbob, apparently you are one of the many out there who can't think for themselves. Bob is an excellent trader and has always been willing to share his trading methodologies freely. If you experienced losses following him or anyone else, its your own fault,especially in a "free" forum. I learned a long time ago its a person with a small mind that talks about others, people with average minds,discuss events, and those with great minds , discuss ideas. I have always been a proponent of multiple streams of income in my life, and for the record, it was me that introduced drbob to the idea of trying Isagenix products. Being an open minded individual that he is, Bob discovered, as did I, and other trader/friends in my chatroom,increased energy and mental accuity, which has personally contibuted to better trading and overall health. Lest us all keep in mind, with out good health, we can't enjoy our trading weath, can we? I do have to say that woodie certainly isnt looking to healthy himself lately. I believe everything happens for a reason. Rock On! For those who may want better health and a legitimate vehicle for increased wealth, check this out...http://tradershaven.net/forum/php/phpBB2/index.php
Trade Wisely !
LB : )
What a loser!
Go spam somewhere else you moron.
Oh I'm sorry, got discus ideas somewhere else moron.
ROFLMAO! I can't stop laughing!
Is boob-bob really selling vitamins off his site? That guy never could trade, berated people, jumped on innocent people asking questions and is obviosuly lacking character and integrity.
See what happens boob-bob when you treat people like shit?
Asshole. ROFLMAO!
which dumbass is LB anyways?
let's discusss how pathetic he is. probably another never trade trader like most in woodies room.
There must be more chat room than the ones mentioned here. How about #emini or #enthios or any of the 100's on mIRC? Or is that uninteresting because of no voice chat?
My goodness Mr Anonymous.. no spine to identify yourself. You know as hard as I really try to see things from your point of view, I can't seem to get my head that far stuck up my ass. Certainly is entertaining to witness such banter out of an apparently lonely and deranged individual such as yourself. Once you are able to contain your subsequent laughter after reading this, and certainly a symptom of your dimensia, remember that the last laugh is on you pal.
After reading all the past posts in here, aside from the entertainment value, there is nothing productive or constructive about this blog site imo. I'll pray for you.
Don't worry about this 'anonymous' fellow. Whether he is successful or not makes no difference. His posts are mainly self-serving and he spends most of his time ROTFLHAO where he belongs. Those of us who have been around for awhile know who he is. He contributes nothing.
Dr. Bob on the other hand is the real deal. When is not running his successful practice he spends time trying to actually help people with ideas. I have traded privately with him and he puts his money where his mouth is. He's not Jesse Livermore but I have never heard him claim to be. And in the end he has been quite successful with his trading.
As far as his foray into nutrition as another stream of income whats wrong with that. Who wouldn't like to feel better, be healthier and make some extra money.
People have to do their own 'due diligence.' He is just offering what he thinks is another opportunity to get healthy and increase your wealth.
Pick up Paul Zane's Pilzer's book "the next millionaires' which deals with past, current and future trends. www.paulzanepilzer.com Or read any book by Robert Kirosaki of 'rich dad poor dad' fame. Huge discussion in these books about just what Dr. Bob is talking about.
Technology, home based businesses and the health and wellness industry are exploding. Its unbelievable that Dr. Bob has the where-with-all to share this with others who may not be paying attention to real current economic trends. Its amazing he is even aware of it.
bob cant trade. we know that.
is replying with initials like you two circle-jerking friends do somehow not anonymous?
what is said counts, not who said it. we all know that.
good try through.
good luck :)
Hi Cathy
You Cathy are as dumb as they come. You have proven that over and over again. Go back to what you know - hair. Your opinion about any thing else is worth just about as much as you are worth - nothing!!!!
Just to recap and preserve the record. Between the last two posts was a post by Barnacle in which she admitted being Cathy. When the dipshit above made his comments about Cathy , she promptly removed several of her "Barnacle" posts, including the one in which she claimed Woodie was a fraud. It's about time she came to her senses.
I was ready to look up all the farewell posts that Cathy has done and repost them and then I thought... f that...
I got better things to do.
At least we got her to admit Woodie screwed her too.
Cathy - So when are you going to delete that post? LOL.
cathy no longer in the woodie moderator hall of fame. i guess he's never heard of her.
Hey Cathy,
After all that time in Woodie's place, you now like using Dennis' first bar trade?
According to Woodie, all you need is CCI.
Shame on you Cathy, you traitor (and I don't mean trader).
Okay here we go again
When's cathy gonna claim she's done with this blog and she's never gonna come back again - again?
Cathy how come u left Woodie and why did he have to remove your name from the moderator hall of fame?
I thought u were making so much money there that u felt obligated to stay and help the newbies.
anon 10:17 - here's a clue.. the other day TW was asked if cathy would ever moderate in his room. he got a pretty good chuckle out of that.
so...why are tw and cathy et al no longer with woodie?
probably the same as all the rest of us - woodie's a cheating, lying, self-centered, defrauding, (insert your own favorite expletives here)
it just took them a little longer than most
That's not why TW laughed.
Believe me - lol
Click the name above and go to the newest CCI Trading Room. Or paste and copy this to your browser.
All your old favorite moderators are chatting there.
All the time TW and cathy spent helping in Woodie's room and the thanks they get is to have their names removed from the moderator Hall of Fame.
Woodie would have a whole lot more members in a moderator Hall of Shame.
What a jerk.
I just came across this blog today.
This is like a "Woodies Tabloid". Nothing on here, but a bunch of sour grapes from people who aren't very successful at trading. Do I make money trading Woodies' basic set-ups? Yes. It is my only source of income. Can anyone do it? No. Why? Some don't have the psychological make-up to follow a trading strategy. It's that simple. I never got the impression that TW or Cathy had the mental frame work to be good traders. Major Mike understood the rules of the strategy, but I think he admitted that he could not follow them. I hope Todd, Cathy, and Mike can overcome the very difficult task of re-programming their minds to become profitable. I'm quite sure they understand what it takes, they just need to do it. Anyone who is not making money using Woodies basic set-ups is not following the rules and is not trading the er. It works and there is a ton of money to be made. I hope all of you who are losers will soon become winners not whinners.
anon 11:22
just to be clear, Woodie is the focus of what many consider the problem. i truly believe that several years ago his heart and mind were in the right place. he taught for the benefit of teaching. he shared for the benefit of sharing. things aren't as they were.
you may notice that there are not many, if any, posts on this board that outright claim cci does not work. you will notice many, many, posts of how Woodie uses people, manipulates, lies, cheats, steals, and benefitted from diverting funds that were meant to go to the make-a-wish foundation into his own pocket.
of all the people who helped Woodie in previous years, there is only TonyUK who is still around (most know he actually owns the website and runs things.) ALL the moderators of the past who knew Woodie the best, have hightailed it out of there for good reasons. you probably notice that NONE of them ever come around to say hello or speak on behalf of Woodie - and for good reason.
i'm glad cci is working for you.
welcome to the blog
You say
"ALL the moderators of the past who knew Woodie the best, have hightailed it out of there for good reasons. you probably notice that NONE of them ever come around to say hello or speak on behalf of Woodie - and for good reason."
I think the best explanation for their lack of "coming around" is that they were not good traders and gave up. Trading is not for everyone.
Many people assume that the people moderating are profitable traders. This is a wrong assumption. Most good traders don't have time to moderate.
ie: I have been hearing this person who calls himself Josey moderating and making numerous statements about trading. The kicker is that he always tells you he is in a "sim trade". Sim trading is not trading.
My contention is that almost all of the moderators who you never hear from were not good traders and are bust. Yes, I commend TW for all of his moderating over the past few months. Why did he do it? Probably, so he could develop a name for himself when his web site was ready. Again, you have someone who was not successful trading, now moving on to his own web-site. Todd seemed like a nice person and I hope he becomes a profitable trader. Just more people who can't do, trying to teach. This business is full of those types. Let's be honest, IF Todd was a successful trader, do you really believe he would be setting up a Woodies clone web site?
Remember, profitable traders don't look for problems to get involved with that don't concern them. They happily trade and make the money. It's the people who fail at trading who always seem to want to blame others for their failures.
I won't comment or post again as I have better things to do. I hope all of you who read this will become succesful at trading and if not, move on to something that better suits you.
Good thing you won't be posting anymore cause you still don't get it. We're knocking Woodie, not CCI.
And my trading is just fine.
Thank you.
I don't think people really beleive that line about "If you teach you can't trade". It makes no logical sense. What does make sense is that regardless of wether you teach, trade or both everyone can tell very easily if you really can trade.
Take TonyUK for example, can't trade. Anyone disagree?
Woodie can't teach, or trade. How do I know? lol, none of your business, but I know.
Sport, Dennis, or whatever name he hides under nowdays because of his fraudulent trading system failure that he sold. He can't trade. Remember when he was challenged to a live trade and never showed up? lol, what a losing, lying, dope.
People that can trade were the ones that posted live trades day in and day out. Remember who they were?
Then there are those that never post trades, like me, that can trade but you will never know it.
Save your B.S. for your family. We all know who can trade and who can't.
Amazing to see they now have a Tony Trade
They guy doesn't even trade, and can't even when he tried.
Is this another excuse to get him paid flights to the trade alongs? Let's get real. Woodie is full of bullshit.
Boob-Bob is another one that can't trade. Teach or not doesn't matter just like the posted stated. Show your trades live day in and day out and we know. Otherwise you are full of shit.
Who are you trying to fool.
That's pretty cute there anonymous/flamer/big time coward aka from here on as ANONYIDIOT.
Three posts in the matter of 2 minutes. Let's see, there were 2 posts on this blog in 3 days and all of as sudden there are 3 in 2 minutes. YOU THINK THAT THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON? No, that's just a coincidence....can't be. It was three different people that say the same crap over and over again everytime they post. NOT!
What purpose do you serve anonyidiot? Oh yeah, you are a very successful trader who doesn't post his trades...that's right. OK. I can see how that is helpful to others. NOT!
Oh, I get it...You just like to show up now and then and post 3-4 times as anonyidiot, using the same verbage and typos and bad grammer...just to show us how clever you are NOT!
Ooops, sorry anonyidiot....that is one the things that you have posted with regularity! I didn't mean to steal your thunder.
Why don't you just go crawl under that rock you came out from under and go back to hibernating. You serve no purpose, you haven't added one word of helpful dialog to any discussion, you don't post your trades but just say your successful....shall I go on?
Anonyidiot...you are just , well in a nutshell.....TOTALLY USELESS!!
Did anyone notice hoe terribly mad the poster got? Guess a nerve was hit pretty deep. I'd imagine buy that level of rant and wild-eyed rage that they can't trade either.
Well, anyway, back to the topic.
I say we make a list of who can't trade and who can.
Me - can and does trade.
Woodies - can't trade, can't teach.
VitaminBob - can't trade, trys to teach.
Woodies Mod's - can't trade, try to teach.
TonyUK - can't trade, teaches ok.
Dennis - can't trade (loves to BS people though), trys to teach but can't do that either. uses his wifes money to trade. can't runa business either.
Cathy - do i need to even say it.
TW - can't trade, just talks, and talks and talks and talks and talks, with no real substance.
Name all of the other mods and I'll list them out for you folks that can't figure it out.
Way to go anonyidiot!
Oh BY the way (not BUY the way) you anonyidiot!
You are such a great trader but you can't even spell or use proper language structure.
Oh please Mr. Anonyidiot...identify your lame self so we can all have a real laugh!
wow, mods leaving woodie and he's acting like a big baby about it all?
gee, like that's never happened before
How about we change the name of this blog to the NEGATIVE FEEDBACK BLOG. There is mostly nothing but picking on people. You are a bunch of what are called "cyber-bullies"
....anonymous and nasty. Are you all in kindergarten? Or am I aiming too high here?
I have a thought for all of you, why don't you exercise your civil rights and turn off the chat rooms?
Pot....meet kettle.
Moderators in the woodshed are dropping like flies. Guess they got tired of the same old shit to eat. LOL
I'll express my freedom of expression and ask that the anon above ignore the blog and take a hike.
There's nothing wrong with many chatrooms - Woodie's just happens to be run by a creep.
What happened to the Woodie 100 Club?
The Woodie 100 Club? It is gone just like all the ex-moderators, never to be mentioned or heard from again. LOL
looks like the woodie 100 club is dust.
the link takes you back to his crappy site.
he never did respond to the emails that were sent. what a joke. why not?
i'll bet there were not enough fools to scam from so he shut it down.
anyone ask him in the room what happend?
let me guess --- he said "the lawyers said it wouldn't work"
woodie is pathetic.
see now he is going to scam $400 off of people right next to his home in a TAL?
who needs those tals? they are useless. i've been to 3 of them and they really don't do a thing for people.
Why would someone give $600 to woodie after seeing a page that says:
"Look, you give us the money and you don't worry about what we do with it"
Did you see the imature legal language on that site? Looks like a 'smart' kid wrote it? But not a professional adult lol.
What was the $600 for anyway? Were they going to trade it with automated tools? lol
They wish. Woodie doesn't even understand automated trading. You don't even understand it. I talk to so many people about it and they are clueless as to how it works and the pitfalls.
Why would anyone give him $600 free and clear to scam away in his bank account?
And a $100 idea low and behold becomes a $600 idea paid up front with no refunds thank you very much. And where was the extra $500 going? Guess!
Dennis you are a little late on the uptake with this particular scam. I thought you would post this in your blog a MONTH ago!
The reason it was ditched was because one ex-moderator who also was a SEC lawyer exposed this for what it was. Tony had to return all the money he collected or get in a boatload of trouble.
And this is also why a pile of moderators quit. They got tired of having this sort of crap shoved down their throats. They were told all the moderators were to go to the $600 room and they were going to close up the free room. No email, no phone call, no meetings.....one morning Woodie announced that this was to be it.
So now you know the sordid little secret. But wait there is more!
Woodie always said don't trade the ES, no range....and what vehicle were they trading? ES! Now tell me what logic was behind this? We were told that ES was the only contract liquid enough to trade this. That makes no sense at all to me. To you?
This blog is amazing. It shows the truth about these moron gurus that take advantage of people.
Take SSSSPORT for example. What a piece of work he is. Can't trade, can't behave and can't shut his mouth about the money we took from people. Why?
BOB-BOOB can't trade either but we all know that.
When was the last time you saw any of these people take live trades on their own printing it from start to finish.
Didn't think so.
did you catch the comment by woodie that he is going to write a book?
he can't write. can't teach past 2 sentences long. and everyone else came up with all the ideas he is using.
anybody disagree?
do you guys know how everything came to be step by step?
all of us have helped him inch by inch to develop his system. we gave him the ideas.
forced him to work it through and all he would say, yeah that is great. then he would go off and watch it himself.
guess how came up with the vegas trade for him? not him. it was a trader i won't mention by name asking him one day to look at a pattern that had a deep valley and then a shallow wave. it was only 5 months later that he announced a NEW TRADE!
do you think he ever gave credit to that trader? no.
what do you woodie lovers have to say about all of these comments.
funny how woodie thinks he is going to write a book. he is not intelligent enough to write even an article.
did you see his ghost article? lol what a laugh that was.
Many people know that Woodie had the majority of his system created by others. It is sad that many others do not realize it. Woodie takes all credit for it but that is just not true. Ever notice how Woodie never responds to questions like this. Also, ask yourself why so many terrible comments are made about Woodie here but no good ones. There is a reason for that. One, he does not answer questions in his room. He will shut you up or boot you if you get too close. Then all of his lame newbies pile on and say "Woodie is the best! Don't talk to him like that!" - Just pathetic hiding of the truth and manipulation of the new people.
By the way, he thinks he is going to call his book "Revolutionary New Way To Trade". haha! He thinks that putting trend lines on an indicator is brand new. It is not. Book after book has been doing it and he is just not aware. Like it has been said, he is not intelligent and I agree whole heartedly with that comment.
With Woodie, it is all about the money. Not helping the children. He couldn't care less about the children. He is an egotistical maniac. After he passes away from his medical problems is when the focus on trading the cci will take place. Until then, its focus on Woodie, Woodie, Woodie only.
The sum of his existence will be how he treats people.
Where have all the moderators gone?
What other room has people helping so much and then disappearing completely?
These comments are right on target. Sharp, to the point and factual. I am one that agrees with what is being said. Woodie is a control freak and that is why this information is so important. No other room is ran like his. You can't even question something. He puts you down so quick or assumes you are a hater. People who do this do it for a reason. I think it is now clear why he is doing it.
how do we post this blog link into woodies room without him knowing who it is?
what tools does he have to figure it out?
people need to see who he really is.
he is an ASSHOLE and is a scam trader working off after the fact trading calls only.
Woodie wouldn't dare come in here.
We would rip him to shreds with facts.
Then we would BOOT him!
the only thing worse than woodie running that room is the FACT that tony will be running it when woodie kicks. tony's just biding his time. then you're gonna see some real shit. woodie will be elevated to sainthood, and tony will fleece everyone of the flock.
Woodie wouldn't dare answer any questions because he and Susan both know he stole from the first 2 years of TAL Trade-A-Longs.
He can not be trusted and his ego is huge based on what? Nothing. He hasn't done anything but act like he is trading and travel on everyone elses dime and talk about simple things.
Do you really think, given how inept he is at computers, that he is sophisticated enough to 'research' the cci using many different angles like is required?
The other poster is right. Woodie has taken credit for everything done by everyone else.
He has done nothing.
And THAT is why is won't answer questions.
Wow, I didn't know you guys knew so much about Woodie and his crap. I've never spoken up until now but don't forget that Woodie tried before to write a book. Remember?
Let me refresh your memory. He said he was going to have everyone write 1 chapter for him.
Recall it now?
If you have ever talked to him you can readily see that he is not that smart at all. All he pretends to be is a nice guy. Underneath he is a bastard. Other then that he tells people to do things in private that he wants done and won't discuss it with you for long.
He is a manipulator. His family hates him. I could tell. He couldn't write a book worth anything anyhow. He has no substance. Sure people will buy it but it isn't going to be a best seller by any means and a failure for sure in any definition of the word.
Not becuase of the CCI. But because Woodie is NOT who or what he pretends to be. Go ask him numerous questions each day and you will see how controlling he is.
well said! someone needs to post that information in the chat room with this link. spead the word!
Wow ANONYIDIOT you have been working overtime this weekend!
You are so transparent that it makes me laugh so hard.
Oh, except you left that part out this time. Good job...ANONYIDIOT.
"The other poster" oh yeah that is one of your favorite lines. As if there is any other poster other than your own ANONYIDIOT self!
You say Woodie is so dumb, etc. Well ANONYIDIOT, you are about as dumb as dirt yourself with your inane repetitive posting. Your nonsense worthless proselytizing isn't regarded by anyone who reads it as being anything other than the psycotic rantings of a dumb, useless, worthless fool.
You better get out your dictionary there ANONYIDIOT so you can read up on what those BIG words mean, you ANONYIDIOT.
Did the weather warm up where you are ANONYIDIOT? I told you to go crawl back under that rock of yours and stay there. Maybe it is spring there already and you're coming out of hibernstion? Hmmm...somehow I had you living much further north than that.
Go get a life ANONYIDIOT! Your schtick is so old and tiresome!
folks, that was cathy if you didn't know. cathy, you can't trade either roflmao! woodie fucked you over and you seem to love it. admit it.
Who is she talking to like she knows them? lol This chick is out of her mind. If it really is her she really has no logic skills.
Since you're in Florida along with Susan, it'll make the apprehension of you crooks all the easier when the officials come calling. Nice that all you thieves will be closer together so that not as much gas will be wasted for the pick up. Do all the taxpayers a favour and just turn yourselves in straight away. Eventually you'll all pay for the wrongdoings of Woodie and his kind. Of course Tony will have to fly First Class to join all of you but the room will pay for it, so it'll be much less ado.
anybody figure out that it was wuudie the replied there. he isn't a man. he hides.
wuudie you are a pathetic loser and an ASSHOLE.
Cathy is no longer with Woodie's CCI Club and has not been for a few months. She hangs out with TW in his new CCI room.
Yeah, but she still loves Woodie and sticks up for him. You can tell because she is the only IDIOT that blabs on without content here.
The problem is that she does not really understand trading and therefore does not understand the big picture about how scammers like Woodie abuse people unlike no other trading room anywhere.
It's funny how someone brought up the Vegas trade, there are few left from "back in the day" when that pattern was introduced.
Of course, what many forgot (or in most cases were not around back then to know), was all the hype leading up to that Vegas TAL surrounded not the Vegas pattern, but he was hyping his super-secret "WCCI", which he promised to share at the TAL.
Naturally, he first had to share this with his "inner circle" in a Vegas hotel room prior to the TAL, and then it was determined it had the potential to front run the regular cci both on entries and exits. So instead, when it was time to reveal the super wcci it was announced "it still needs some work" and the VT was instead introduced to throw a bone and appease the masses.
It comes as no surprise that it was tucked away, never to be heard about again.
The moderators TALK, sorry i mean BABBLE way too much.
Take KeithFLA for example:
He has been talking for over 7 minutes straight now about the same 5 min bar. He is going on and on about the same info. It is like he doesn't have a clue about what to say so he repeats everything.
Not to mention he sounds toothless lol.
You can tell who trades and who doesn't. He makes no calls. Talks about calls in the past. Who does this remind you of.
Woodie. Yep. Just like TonyUK and GB007. What another set of losers. Never made a live call in their life.
GB is a fraud.
TonyUK is a wanna be trader.
Woodie is a scamster and never could call live trades like we do.
Which is worse?
GOOD LORD! Tooless-KeithFLA is STILL talking! He won't ever shut up.
Here is the latest list of after the fact trade call losers:
[11:20:45 AM] gb007 says: alex 809.95 here
Wow, caught the lowest tick did you GB?
- [11:19:50 AM] croc says: Ensign posts directly to dacharts, so I hope noone minds: http://charts.dacharts.com/2007-02-13/Globetrader_03.png ... a lovely 1500$ move
Gee whiz! Croc, you made a great trade. Thanks for telling us after the fact. THe problem is a $1500 trade would almost double YOUR current account balance so give it a rest.
By the way, Toothless-KeithFLA is STILL talking! ROFLMAO!
It has been over 12 minutes now!
All the posts here serve no purpose unless you people post a link to this blog in Woodie's room.
Four or five times a day would get those sheep to see what's really going on ;)
TonyUK Trade lol
GB100 Trade lol
hahaha, these guys don't even trade.
Did you all know that GB100 does not trade? He has no money, is too old and just likes to keep track of 'statistics'. He is a true moron.
He is on the same level as BLINKY. Remember that fool. Blew his account in months and went back to his homeland crappy auz land.
Woodie allows many people to be built up to levels that they shouldn't be. But very few have ever traded live or even posted trades.
Speaking of that, what happened to that dumbass that even said he didn't trade live? What was his name?
Post live trades or shut up.
here is woodie loving his new tool:
- [7:43:54 PM] woodie says:
text wipe?
LOL - I couldn't stop laughing (still can't) when someone asked about Cathy in Woodie's room. His response... "not everyone is cut out for trading."
But I guess that makes them good enough to be moderators - LOL
hahaaha! Woodies new tool.
Now why would he even NEED a text wipe tool in his chat room?
Does he have issues he needs to keep quite about? Amazing how he has turned into nothing but a:
Woodie, you are a low class, greedy, disgusting human being and I know you read this - won't tell you how I know but you read all of this.
You are a peice of shit Woodie. You screw those that have helped you, you can't run a fucking thing and you have no friends.
I second that. woodie is a prick.
how can something so good as helping others turn into nothing but a backhanded and deceitful situation with everything woodie.
woodie, you are not a man.
GB100 trade lol
it's nothing but a zlr, has the same rules as a zlr as well for + - 100 line.
funny how he wants so much to be recognized for, well, nothing. GB can't trade. like it was posted before (and being a friend of his prior to finding out how he front runs the cci traders with false posts to gain profit), GB does not trade well, is an accountant that is washed up, old and does not trade live. he only collects stats because that is what he was trained to do.
remember that before you take the next special trade of the month lol
Boy that sure is true. Everyone wants to create a trade named after themselves. Take the tonyuk trade for example. What is that? A Charity trade lol. The guy doesn't even trade at all, nada, zip, zich and woodie names a trade after him? Are you kidding me?! lol
And what is the Tony Trade anyway? same crap as is going on with a GB100 trade. It just the same pattern named again but with a restricted nuance instead. whoop whoop whoopie! B.F.D.
Woodie is out of control and all over the map.
From a long time ago friend woodie, please stop scamming people and come home where you belong. You are hurting yourself, new traders and your family no longer likes you.
Does woodies girlfriend, Susan, trade anymore?
Where is she and what does she do with woodies club anymore?
as was posted above here is some proof that GB does not trade -
[7:21:26 PM] lucas says: GB never was comfortable takeing less then 15t targets on his setups, but now experimenting with 1m
[7:23:03 PM] jg says: i think GB was looking at these because guy's method works well for him and as gb said, it relieves the boredom factor
all because he says he is bored. you all know that if you are dealing with boredom then you haven’t been trading very long and GB says he has been doing it for years lol. umm, no. i don’t think so. and a 1 min chart at that from a person that preaches long term trends? give me a break.
GB does not trade live anyway you cut it up. just a statistics collector.
It seems the major secret here is that most room moderators don't trade like you assume they do.
I know for a fact TW trades exactly like he says he does. www.ccitraders.com
Will you please stopposting yourself???
It takes someone with a 3rd grade education to realize that all this crap is the same person over an over again.
Listen to me ANONYIDIOT!!!
We all can tell it is the same poster...YOU!!
Go away you ANONYIDIOT!!
You are worse than any of the people that you say are sams as you don't post a freaking thing except repetitive nonsense in here.
Take a break ANONYIDIOT
We are all sooooooo tired of your lame crap.
Post your name or go shut up
to the last poster....I am not even sure what side of the argument you are on.....lol
once again folks that was CATHY the hairstylist thinking she knows all. the one that woodie stated in the room about...
woodie "well not everyone is cut out for trading"
anyways, CATHY, what happened with woodie?
fuck you
Hey ANONYIDIOT, I am on my own side and on the other side of you, you idiot!!!
All you do is post the same crap over and over again as if you know everyone and everything. You herald yourself as a great trader , but you don't even post your name....just take ANONYIDIOT pot shots at those who do who help by moderating, etc.
We are all tired of your bullshit and repetitive, incessant psoting.
I was there also at the time woodie made that comment about cathy. Despite how he may have felt about her trading, I think it was pretty rotten of him to make that kind of remark about her. She, at least, tried to help.
Woodie was never the most tactful guy around. Over a year ago at a TAL he commented, not exactly in private, as I heard him and I was just an attendee, that he was hesitant to have Cathy take more of an active role as he didn't think she made a good appearance. I was shocked to hear such a thing, but it seemed to flow naturally from such a callous person. That was my one and only TAL.
He's not just a user of other people. I consider him to be a grifter.
Lets take a VOTE and make a list of who obviously can't trade.
Let me start...
CATHY - the one who gets sore on this board.
WOODIE - he is a bullshitter about his CCI trading. Why do you think everything that has been done was DONE by people that help him, not himself. He told me that he is stunned at how this has taken off and he has become so popular. He actually looked scared when he told us. We were a few in a group that had net with him later in the evening.
GB - now the guy is trying to learn 1 min trading. Be careful not to listen to his idiotic ideas.
And any other person that does NOT post live trades. How many times do I have to explain to people that if you do not POST LIVE trades then you obviously can't be called a trader. Yes you can join us for conversation but give it a rest, you are not a trader in our eyes.
MOST MODS - in woodies room minus a very few and I mean a very very few.
ok your turn...
You all must quickly realize that now that there is NO feedback into woodies room that everyone is only commenting positively about anything.
There is no corrections made.
There is no one held to account.
Woodie creates trades that do not exist and runs stats about them after the fact. Does anyone say anything?
Maybe it is because they are not smart enough to understand how the CCI works live. It wobbles. What looks like a ZLR during the day does not mandate that it turns out to be a ZLR and HENCE the stats are OUT OF WACK.
Has anyone even brought this up at all?
Or does everyone shut their mouth and keep quit like good bitches?
Or are they all to damn stupid to think ahead about this?
This is the problem with no feedback. He allows no one to say anything to him. I know. I was there. Woodie, you are a complete scammer and take advantage of everyone.
Where are all your friends? Where is the true and actual respect that people should have for you? It does not exist.
You truly are a PILE OF CRAP.
Cathy - don't feel so bad about what Woodie said about you - u oughtta hear comments he made about Susan - I wouldn't even repeat them here anonymously
Barnacle says:
"After 2 years I gave up trying to trade the CCI for sure. Lost $10k in real money while I was in Woodie's room trading the "basic CCI"."
Just goes to show you that not everyone is cut out for trading or maybe he/she just doesn't understand the CCI trading patterns.
I trade the CCI very profitably and it is my only source of income. It has given me a 6 figure income for 2006. To be fair, I trade 5-10 lots on the er, so everyone may not be as profitable. It does work, but as Barnacle will testify, he/she couldn't get profitable with it. It may just mean that Barnacle is not "cut out" to trade.
A good example or morons that woodies lets moderate nowdays are ones like 'Josey Wales'.
He sits there and blabs on about nothing. Missed 3 cci trades during his time. And then at the end of the market, after the fact, he calls a tonytrade (which is bad enough they call it tonytrade since he doesnt trade at all) and he sits there in the tade talking about every tick by tick. nothing to do with cci at all.
come one, lets see another tick, we need it for the week, come on, just another tick. he wouldnt stop.
had no exit plan, just kept rooting on the trade. well, until it dropped 11 ticks on them in 3 seconds lol.
he doesnt teach people solid trading. all he does, like all thte others, is put woodie on a cloud and call him king lol - so he lets them stay.
woodie is just glad for you DIPSHITS to do it for free for him!
So....what DID woodie say about Susan? Come on, give us a hint? Inquiring minds want to know!
Anybody get a load of Woodies Advanced Trading room?
ROFLMAO what a joke.
You got 3 dumbasses all cericle jerking each other all day long. They think they know how to trade and you can tell in the discussion all they do is act like they know better then everyone. Talk all day long about everything they know and how good they are.
Funny though, they never call trades live. For example, CL (dumbass #2) called at 36 tick profit on a trade when he never even told anyone he was in it.
Did anyone confront him about this?
Circle Jerking Clowns.
Woodie rooms have gone to shit. It's over, so many people cycling through that place I can't keep track of them.
I agree with your conclusion that Woodie's CCI is a piece of garbage. Why do you suppose people stay there so long instead of moving on to rooms and methods where people are actually making money? I'm sure it's not Woodie's good looks or charming personality - lol
are you kidding? all his rooms are filled with circle-jerking kiss asses. that shows you they are nothing but newbies. and that is why wooodie doesn't allow critism in his room. if it happens all the circl jerking fools jump on you and say "woodie is a angle, don't talk like that to him" lol. give me a freaking break. if you only know how bad he is front running your newbie asses you would tear up.
woodie is a scammer and makes everyone work for him. he does nothing.
[4:01:47 PM] Woodie says: 2 guru's were trading live on stage and i was trading from the esignal booth nearby..they were down 300$ and floudoring..i got all in gold...hehe big move CCI rocks
woodie, what about all the other times you didn't make money? why is it that it never happens like that? strange how you tell us about the times you only make money.
also strange how i was there and you didn't call those trades live at the expo either. after that fact bullshit.
oh sure, you mentioned it was setting up. but you never said you were taking it when it did set up. strange how you wated until later to explain how much you 'would' have made.
anyone think woodie is full of bull?
I do.
[4:13:08 PM] Woodie says: fidelity and real tic people wanted to meet with me to add the cci panel
[4:14:45 PM] Woodie says:
steve nison came over and wanted to meet me and said he wanted to do something with me..i said great however i don't use no stinking candles
Here is Woodie acting like he is important. God he is so full of himself. And of course he is full of crap. He watches candles when you are not watching. I know becuase we used to do it together back when I thought he was a good person. Boy, was I ever fooled!
Woodie wants everyone to want him. To think he is the best. However, is a scammer that took money from the Children Of Make A Wish. He is a fraud. And he boots people out that would like to trade on their own. He is dominating unlike anyother rooom out there. He is out of control.
THe only people he lets near him anymore are people that can't trade. Like TonyUK for example. Doesn't trade. Can't trade. And lives to far away to watch how Woodie trades live so Woodie feels comfortable with him.
Woodie has not friends. Anymore.
Anonymouse Feb 20, 3:46.
chats are going to pot there seems nice winning posts by not using cci.
Not seen posts using cci in advanced room.
Do you know of any better rooms, let us know.
ANONYIDIOT...there you go talking to yourself again.
I like that one..
Ask youself a question, so you can answer it and seem like the all knowledgeable one.
You even addressed your ANONYIDIOT self as anon with a time stamp.
You are so transparent.
You have no idea how to trade as you have never posted SQUAT!!
Except ANONYIDIOT nonsense.
Read this and understand exactly what woodie did to the moderators. privately sneak up on them and out of the blue say "STOP IT" without explaining anything. Ask him why or try to talk about it and he says nothing but “STOP IT”. This is because he is only promoting HIS own agenda, which is NOT traders helping traders and makes up an excuse about "IT IS CONFUSING OTHERS".
Woodie, you should be ashamed at yourself. Your mother is ashamed of you. Or do you hide all your behavior from her. Where did all of woodies friends go?
Why are other rooms open to questions and conversation, but not woodies? Is he trying to create a kingdom? Does he think he is the best? Did he forget who create him and who helped him and his method become popular?
It sure seems like it to me. no other rooms are like this.
Woodies room is NOT traders helping traders. It is WOODIE SCREWING TRADERS. Case in point. Why do you think he switched from Sierra Charts to Esignal? eSignal gave him kickbacks and rewards. Is that traders helping traders? Why is he pushing esignal like a mad man when it is so costly?
Snippet from another blog:
For full disclosure I need to say that I never had a problem with Ken Wood (Woodie), I never received any special treatment from him, I never attended a free TAL, I even never talked to him on the phone. I was just doing my part as a moderator because I love serving other people.
About 3 or 4 weeks ago, he started telling me - thru Private Messages (PM) - not to use or promote 50CCI in the chatroom because, according to him, I was confusing people. My answer was always that I did not understand what was happening or what his point was because as far as I remember he was the first one promoting it in his website and even inviting DrBob to the last California TAL. He never had a clear answer to me and was not saying anything different than "It is confusing"....
Wow, people need to post this blog site into the room. I can't believe Woodie would act like that behind the scenes. Is he really a pompus ass like that?
When the advanced room in the woodshed opened, the first thing woodie did was tell us don't use the 50cci and some other stuff too.
So much for a free and open discussion with advanced traders.
This is the moment I decided I had had enough.
Hi Verus
That is pretty funny...
What kind of "advanced" room is it?
You can't mention 50cci and what else is on the banned list?
Cathy - Welcome to the Dark Side.
On second thought Woodie is the Dark Side.
Welcome to the Light.
Cathy - Welcome to the Dark Side.
On second thought Woodie is the Dark Side.
Welcome to the Light.
LOL - My first post above and I got a twofer.
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