What’s worse then a snake?
A two-faced snake of course.
Uncovering the truth about moderators and their rooms is our current topic. Post what you know about trading rooms and the people that help run them. Please be fair and factual. Words cut deeper then you may realize.
We all need to know the truth about the rooms that we visit. Trading is a serious business and this is a place we can talk feely without fear of retaliation. We have learned a great deal about rooms and their owners in the blog. Now it is time to get to the bottom of the mud. Drain the swamp and find the snakes so to speak.
We are calling on everyone to post what they know and share everything they can. Uncovering the truth can be painful, but useful nonetheless.
Thanks to all of you for making this blog once of the most visited in the trading world! Remember to post this blogs web address into the chat rooms and on other posting sites to help keep it popular.
We all need to help each other find the truth. Why wouldn't the room owners want it posted if they really are trying to help people, right?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 230 of 230This post is for barnacle and any one else who has some common sense.
Has it occurred to anyone, how one can get a great system that will make money for you day in and day out, for free.
Has it ever occurred to anyone, to know what exactly are the educational qualifications of Woodie.
Has it ever occured to anyone, to ask for the trading records of Woodie.
1. Woodie is a con man extraordinaire.
2. He offers something for free, but gets paid handsomely without anyone knowing anything about it.
Good trading everyone as the Woodster used to say.
That reminds me of this guy who was giving away free email accounts in 1999 to one and all, and pretty soon he had 20 million customers who did not pay a dime.
Everybody wondered how he could afford to do it for free.
It turns out he sold that email service to Bill Gates of Microsoft for 1 Billion Dollars, and the name of that company was Hotmail.
Free emails accounts. What a dumb idea that was.
Now leave me alone. I have to go moderate for woodie for free and need time to prepare. I hope he is resting.
I've been in Woodie's room for a few months and just found this blog. This is all news to me. I don't think much of the chat room for trading purposes, let alone all this other crap. Can anyone recommend a room where people are making money (without the drama please)? I don't want to sell vitamins and I heard enough of TW - but thanks.
I'm happy in gio's room (tradingelements.com). Just enough people to be comfortable with and individual attention when needed. Not the same gio that moderated woodie's at all. First room I've been in that I can wholeheartedly recommend. I'm now trading full time and making a darn good living at it. No drama allowed.
Its as simple as this...
You get what you pay for.
In Gio's room we pay for a service and we get it.
Woodie is a complete fraud.
FACT: He called YM and ZG today. Well, he called them a bit after the fact actually which is the first point of fact. And that is because they both moved in his direction. He slyly said "The YM did set up." And then a bit later he said "Anybody get the ZG trade?"
OK. After they moved he said that. This was just like DAX. Frontrunner of the room. Funny how Woodie does this too.
Then after the ZG went negative against the trade of 11 ticks, yes 11 TICKS, he says "You should have been out of the trade at break even..."
WTF? There was not way to get out of it at BE or even a 5-9 tick lose. Thte CCI signal was not there.
BUT, the YM was working and he was all in a roar about that one! Oh boy! A after the fact call.
If you guys don't get this about Woodie then you are freaking BLIND. This is how he is calling his trades and that is IF he does it that soon. Usually it is a lot later.
This is a scam. New people and some experienced traders can't figure this out. Woodie is very cunning. Not near as smart as I am though. Woodie is a pure peice of solid SHIT. BULL SHIT.
THen he sits there and no one confronts him on it. Not a single sole. Or you get booted, Right? Right.
Now he says he uses stats gathered by some dipshit in the room at all of his seminars. ROFLMAO. These stats are all after the fact and don't represent actual setups. CCI is moving all around at the time of the entry and you are not given so much context as you are when you look at the charts after everything is said and done.
He is CHERRY PICKING the trades.
Woodie, how can you scam these people that you pretend to care about so much?
Disgusting, nasty freak, scamming, ugly, old man you are. He will never answers charges becuase he is LOST and knows it.
The above post is silly.
IF you need Woodie or anyone to call out trades for you, then you are not a trader.
I do fine trading the cci set-ups.
It seems like a lot of people (or maybe it's just one person who is upset that they can't trade) who have written these comments are just confessing that they are poor traders who have lost money.
So what? It happens. Not everyone has the mental framework for trading. Go do something else that would be productive for you and your family.
you have missed the point of the previous post. i bet you love woodie. that person didn't say anything about needing someone to tell them how to trade at all. what they were pointing out is woodie as a scamster highlighting trades after the fact.
isn't that important to know when viewing his stats? of course it is. quit trying to turn it around and like the previous post said "'now the facts'. woodie is defrauding people.
Agree with the previous poster, I was in the room, and can confirm about "after the fact" calls. In fact, he was bragging that one should wait for 100 points on the YM,which was dropping, but it only went 80 points and stopped.
As a matter of fact, nobody has ever heard woodie, make real time calls, and he never will since he is incapable of doing it. If he does it once, everyone will know that he is perfectly worthless in his calls. And he would lose his adoring idiotic fans in a jiffy, lol.
He was also bragging that at the expo in nyc, all the gurus were losing money, while he was making 1300 dollars on his laptop on gold. What a scamster lol. Obviously it was all after the fact, and not a real trade either. At the end of the day, anybody can post the winning signals, what crap.
That was waht you call a Woodie Apologist. Always defends Woodie regardless of the truth. That is what the room is filled with. Other rooms are free to discuss the trades, calls and information. In Woodies room you are on a extremley tight rope. Ignore that clown. He is not smart enough to adress the topic. As for the fact presented, I saw the same thing and was amazed how it went over 13 ticks against him and all he said was "Scratch that trade at breakeven or -1 tick loss." And that was when it already went to 13 ticks against him. Not a peep from the peanut gallery ROFLMAO. Shame on you newbies.
drbob is about to do his best to work another one of his scams on all of you. It will make woodie look like a saint in comparison. Truth.
Yep, Dr Bob sells expensive laxatives aka colon clense......ROFLMAO
Well some here are so full of shit they certainly could use it!
woodie is saying that peopel are charging traders to learn his system and that is illegal.
he is trying to use scare tactics and lies to keep people from charging for their services. what a crock of shit woodie is.
he says you need to be a CTA to teach people to trade or you are going to jail. NOT TRUE.
look at all of the rooms that do this. he is scamming people into thinking he doesn't get paid for all this.
New to the blog. Thanks for all the information. I found woodie making trades up during the review after market. He said he added the ghost trade that people told him about but he didn't take it. But he added the points, just becuase lol. You guys are right, he is a scam artist.
yeah and just now he ADDED a trade that a member called, well he did this because it ADDED profit to his trading for today. Imagine that, he ADDED two trades that he didn't take which were trades for large profit.
Now you know why he comes up with such large daily profit.
Does your broker allow you to do that woodie?
woodie says hes up 500 for the day. um that is with the trades he didnt take plus other trades he didn't call live - well, until they went his way.
then he said he is at $15,000 for the last 3 months with 2 contracts.
wow, i don't see him making calls at all but those are decent stats. lol what a after the fact scammer.
That is funny! Not a fucking person in that room, even Woodie is making that money and I'm can't tell you how I know that either. You people in the neighborhood need to question Woodie on his trades and his stats. He is bullshiting you BIG TIME.
Thanks to whoever posted the link to this blog in Woodie's room today. I didn't know anything about it and I'm sure most others don't either.
Drive-by postings - gotta luv u guys hehe
The man is a grifter.
" I think a thread needs to be started on how much money you made or lost from various systems.
Let's get down to that bottom line!
Trading is really all about the money!"
The bottom line is you, not "various systems".
A method that works very well for me may not work at all for you.
Your "systems" challenge implies that certain data--such as an individual trader's personal, psychological and financial resources--doesn't count.
And your "systems" challenge implies a persistent naivete in considering trading as a long term wealth-building solution.
One important aspect of success is learning how to do something and then tweaking it so it works well for you. Makes money.
This goes for all types of businesses including trading.
TW uses a 5min and 3min combination for his edge with CCI. www.ccitrader.com
DrBob liked the 50CCI.
Gio, well I am not sure what she uses, but apparently it works for her.
Woodie and GB have a tweak that they are not willing to share with anyone. Hehe.
Trading is a game where the odds are stacked against you big time.
Woodie must be taking all of these trades and have it documented in his brokerage account.
Here's why:
1) Nowhere near the stats sheet is the CFTC required "hypothetical results" disclaimer.
2) Woodie, is using the stats sheet to promote his "paid for" tal.
3) It would be a violation of CFTC rules to display hypothetical results without using the CFTC disclaimer while promoting a "paid for" product.
Has the CFTC made him post the "hypotetical results" disclaimer?
Therefore, I assume he has brokerage statements to back up his stats.
Oh, and I suppose you also believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy?
after spending a little time reading the 238 posts, it has become clear to me about a few things.
1. The fellow that owns this site isn't about helping people to make money trading, but is more concerned about trash talking.
2. If, and I say that with an open mind, Woodie has done all these things, why hasn't the CFTC, SEC, PFG or whoever been checking this out.
3. The owner of this site also spends a lot of time posting about how great his trading is, while at the same time just continues to pound on anyone else on their either fake trading or losing trades. Where is the beef you talk about?
4. Except for Woodie, TonyUK, GB and Susan who else is left after 5 years, that should tell you who is really behind the scenes here the ones that left were just caught up in it at one time or another.
5. The people who were either moderators or club members at one time have moved on, not because they are part of the problem, they saw the problem and didn't want anything to do with it after that. The people that left are not the problem so why continue to pound on them?
6. I guess if you have 5,000 blogs talking about trading, then there has to be one that just talks trash.
I rather like this site and think you are misunderstanding it. Go back and read the posts in all the previous threads. You will see it is a place for traders to give feedback that can't be talked about in the rooms themselves. Ever wonder why woodie boots people or flys off the deep end when someone questions what is going on? There is a lot more happening then you know and that is why people keep leaving. This site serves as a tool for traders actually helping traders, not just themselves. And more then likely that post came from woodie himself I believe. You are a self centered son of a bitch. Everything is about you isn't it? This blog isn't about you, only. It is about all of the trading rooms.
You forgot that Biggs is still there too after all these years. And he said once he did not trade. Go figure!
Has anyone ever heard woodie call a live trade, either in the room, or TAL ?
This is a serious question !
Woodie has never called a Live Trade ever, in the room or at a TAL, all are after the fact. He just goes around the room, saying "Good Trading" everybody etc. Lol.
The same is true of GB007, Terry and others in the Advanced Trading Room too.
Terry, as well as Guy_V, gives beautiful 3 push setups each day, after the fact, at the end of the day. So does my Advanced Get Software, at the end of the day, it sure shows beautiful 3 elliott waves, but during real time it is always wrong, lol, and will change its wave count as time goes on lol.
I suggest u or anyone else to pay $ 2k per day for 5 days to see gb007 or woodie trade live at their home. I bet they will refuse. Because then their game as well as their scam is up.
Try asking and I am sure u will be booted.
Think about it for a second, if it does what they claim it would do, would be giving it away for free. If it was me, I would keep it to myself, and just before I die, I would try to sell it for zillions of dollars. And please forget this bullshit about "Trading Helping Traders". If you win in trading, it is always at the expense of other traders. So Woodie is a liar regarding that statement too.
Good Luck with the tooth fairy.
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