Where In The World Is Dennis Bolze?
Rumors are flying about Dennis Bolze "Sport" walking off with over $20 Million Dollars.
Is the FBI looking for him in a world wide manhunt? Has the infamous futures trader finally made his last BIG "trade" or did he "pick the red marble" and lost it all!
What is in his past and current connection to Ken Wood "Woodie" and his trading site: WoodiesCCIClub.com ?
Who in Woodies group is also involved with this? Tony perhaps without Woodie knowing it? What did Sport mean about Woodie collecting cash at the door of the trade-along events and Woodie not reporting it?
What did Ken Wood and Dennis Bolze do together?
Have you seen him? Tell us what you know.
Post your information here and lets get down to the hard facts!
From what I've gathered.
"Is the FBI looking for him in a world wide manhunt?"
I've read news reports that the Feds are involved with the search for him. To what extent is not known.
"What is in his past and current connection to Ken Wood "Woodie" and his trading site: WoodiesCCIClub.com ?"
Dennis used to mod for Woodie back in the day until he attended a "Trade-along" and cottoned to the fact that Woodie was pocketing the money collected at the door instead of donating to the Make-A-Wish foundation. Since then Dennis has blasted Woodie publicly on his blog for being a scammer.
"Who in Woodies group is also involved with this? Tony perhaps without Woodie knowing it? What did Sport mean about Woodie collecting cash at the door of the trade-along events and Woodie not reporting it?"
Nobody that I'm aware of. Dennis washed his hands of Woodie's more than a few years ago.
See above.
"What did Ken Wood and Dennis Bolze do together?"
See above.
"Have you seen him?"
I last saw Dennis in June of 2008 at his Gatlinburg home for a trading workshop. The last anyone saw Dennis was in December of 2008.
For a personal account.
Ken Wood had more dealings with Dennis then we know.
I believe that a person doesn't go from 0 to $20M without bringing along a few dis-honest people along the way in some fashion.
Get my point?
Did anyone even know that he was taking peoples money to trade with?
I don't recall him ever telling people that he traded with that.
This is one amazing story.
I can't help wonder who else was involved.
I highly doubt that anyone who was publicly working with him in the ponzi scheme had any idea what he was doing. I believe he not only damaged the accounts of his clients, but the reputatins of his associates, many of whom remain behind to pick up the pieces, answer questions and carry on ... ethically.
There are several great organizations [formerly] associated with him that don't need this sort of publicity and wouldn't associate with him had they known what he was doing.
He held forth on a loud, swaggering and blustery tale over a long period of time. I think he might have squeaked through scrutiny, were it not for the circumstances beyond his tight, secretive control, such as the economy and retirees needing money to pay their bills.
What a disgusting abject asshole.
The guys that worked with him on his black box service in years have kept very quiet.
He's on the but and it appears that he's been spotted in the state of Florida!
Dennis was at the Super Bowl.
Did they even think to stake out that place to find them?
Probably not.
Do you think he didn't have tickets ahead of time?
That is why they spotted him down in Florida.
I predict a matter of weeks to months before its over for him.
His look is unique and he is a big man with a loud mouth and swagger.
Just look for him at the Sundae shop or Danish bar lol.
You're probably right about the Super Bowl, wouldn't doubt that all.
He also had a son (step?) down there who was going to be setting a Harley Davidson dealership.
My guess is Dennis has let his hair grow long and now has a beard and is traveling on a chopper. Next time a biker passes you, take a close look!
WHEREFORE Plaintiffs request that an attachment issue against all assets of the
Defendants, wherever the funds may be located and that the Defendants be compelled to tender
such assets to the Court for application to the just debts owed to the Plaintiffs. Further, it is
a) that process issue and be served on the Defendants;
b) that a writ of attachment issue against the lands and tenements, goods and
chattels, rights and creditors of the defendants.
c) that the Plaintiffs be awarded judgment against the Defendants for $514,070, plus
pre-judgment interest, post-judgment interest, treble damages, punitive damages, and all other
claims made in this action not to exceed $2,000,000.
d) that the Plaintiffs be awarded attorney fees and costs of collection.
e) that the cost of this action be taxed to the Defendants.
Submitted this the 5th day of January, 2009.
CAROL Musznc
Umm, excuse me but where is the fairness in this? How do they know that Dennise owes them 500K and now up to $2M due to damages?
That is absurd.
Trebel damages? For what? A losing investment?
If Dennis were to have gone broke trading then would he owe them? No.
Is this the way they do business in Tenn?
Apparently Dennis does business by disappearing after lying to his ... um, *investors* ... oh, and after commiting fraud and forgery.
Yep, looks like that's how they're doing now it in Tennessee.
I believe that these people are not investors per se in the trading business, but partners and contractors, etc. in various local real estate deals who can specifically, at this time, say what their losses or money owed are.
Good riddance. I've waited a good many years for this.
Bolze was arrested Thursday in Jersey Shore, Pa., by the FBI and IRS. A U.S. Magistrate Judge in Scranton, Pa., on Friday ordered Bolze held without bond and transferred to Knoxville to face trial.
Such transfers normally take about 10 to 15 days, U.S. Attorney Russ Dedrick said late Friday. A court date will be set once Bolze returns.
"We are certainly glad to have him under arrest, in detention and headed back here," Dedrick said.
Bolze was arrested without incident inside a house that he is believed to have been renting and was alone in the house at the time of the arrest, the FBI said.
Here is the Formal Complaint:
About 100 investors, mostly from Europe, invested about $20 million after being told they could expect profits of 15 to 20 percent, the CFTC complaint states.
Bolze "solicited approximately 40 customers residing in Tennessee and other areas of the United States," according to the complaint. "Two individuals, residing in Mallorca, Spain and working under Bolze's direction, solicited approximately 60 pool participants who reside in various countries, including Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Maldives and Turkey."
Bolze encouraged investors to put money into Centurion Asset Management Inc. and Advanced Trading Services, two Nevada-based shell corporations that he said were trading firms.
Despite reporting profits, the two firms "lost money, never carried an account balance in excess of $250,000," and "misappropriated participant funds for their own benefit, and operated the commodity pool in a manner akin to a Ponzi scheme," the complaint states.
Ken Wood?
The Drunkard Tony Holden?
What about the lady that runs the Trading website he was so close to?
Who was involed?
By the way, just you everyone knows...
Woodie posted this:
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Good riddance. I've waited a good many years for this.
Thursday, March 12, 2009 7:42:00 PM
Speaking of woodie, when will he be arrested?
You all know that woodies took money without reporting it to the IRS just like Dennis has said.
Woodie, you think Dennis isn't going to turn you in?
My guess is that Woodie will pass away shortly due to the stree.
Good riddance to both of them!
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Time to get that Donald D Merrit in handcuffs too.
Federal prison, where he belongs ,where when i first met him , i thought HE BELONGED !
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