What is Ken Wood’s mission and what path of destruction is he leaving?
Did woodie lie about Dr. Famirs death?
Did woodies cci method cause Dr Famir to loose millions?
Why does woodie keep losing people from his room that once were highly respected individuals in that community?
Does woodie scam people into thinking its all for charity?
Does woodie trade the cci himself or does he scam people into thinking he does?
What facts, proof and stories do you know to help get to the bottom of this?
Did woodie lie about Dr. Famirs death?
Did woodies cci method cause Dr Famir to loose millions?
Why does woodie keep losing people from his room that once were highly respected individuals in that community?
Does woodie scam people into thinking its all for charity?
Does woodie trade the cci himself or does he scam people into thinking he does?
What facts, proof and stories do you know to help get to the bottom of this?
Woodie, Tony, Susan, we are calling on you to explain these things. What is the real story behind it all? Have you mislead everyone and lied out of desparation to become famous?
Support our sites quest to dig for the factual truth.
This is a call for everyone that used to belong to Woodies CCI club to post what they know.
Post this blogsite in rooms daily and help get to the truth!
Support our sites quest to dig for the factual truth.
This is a call for everyone that used to belong to Woodies CCI club to post what they know.
Post this blogsite in rooms daily and help get to the truth!
Mplay's Options
Traders Paradise
Click on these sites for the latest News on Woodie and the CCI.
I would not fault woodie for not saying Dr. Famir's death was a suicide. Suicide is a taboo subject. No one wants to talk about it.
Also it looks like woodie and tony are cleaning up the messes already. I see a brand new LLC and published Make-A-Wish letters.
Also he took off the "hall of shame".....guess he just lost too many moderators.
Are the letters from "make a wish" real or are they as fake as he is?
Some don't even have his address on and the address of the make a wish.
Don't be fooled again.
ANyone with a fricking brain would see right past woodie and his bull shit
he is just a feeder for PFG and when they are done with him then he is done
until then it will always just be more of the same bullshit
get real folks and take your head out of your ass for a change
Those MAW letters look real to me. But what do I know?
The worst problem with the site is that the CCI does not work as Woodie insists it does, and he is full of bull as far as trading goes which is really deceptive. Those seminars/trade alongs are just junk. And now selling a $900 tape is just over the top. Those DVDs are only good for drink coasters.
Nothing in life is free, you guys should know that.
Would someone weigh in on the "new" range bar CCi. Its hard to massage the stats now that their are precise entries and exits. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not implying the old CCi was good. It was a croc (Purposely trying to keep my language non vulgar). I took my own stats for Dec (when they were introduced to the room as they were available in Nov for only the Trade-a-Long attendees)Jan, and Fed. Jan was best by far and slowly dwindled there after. The douche took down the stats in April claiming that nobody was doing their own stats and that the room was getting lazy. April has been a shitty month also but thats trading I guess.
So much negativity, so much doom and gloom, talk about what happened and repeated comments about a class action
is not really positive action, doing something positive is to start a new club to trump woodie with something much better
I am prepared to start such a club for free as i feel for all you guys thats had such a rough time that it is about time something was done and you cant get rid of the con artists in this world, trying to do something about such people is like a dog chasing his own tail, the closer he gets to it the faster it moves away so in my opinion they are not even worth talking about. There comes a time to just cut it loose and move on.
i'm not going to do it if its a struggle to get going, so i would need your support and some mods too.
what should we call it... the ex-woodie club or the anti-cci club or anti-bs club or something more positive ?
i'm sure with a little help i can do a much better job than that muppet without all the frustration by being open and honest with people
life is too short to focus on the past, lets focus on the future for a change
i aint gonna do it on my own so comments please or email me maverick@tradersinc.com
or via this site... tradersinc.com
First of all mplay is an idiot when he use to mod at woodies cci club I couldn't hit the mute button fast enough. He sounded pompus and you could tell he had his own agenda. Why he wasn't ousted way before is beyond me. The rest these guys that whine and whine about woodie skimming off the top open their own rooms and charge $100-$150 a month give me a break they already proved they can't make it on their own. Grow up guys its the real world.
Whoa boy!!!
Sport has hit the big time!
Dennis Bolze has been marketing his schemes heavily to the day trading community for years. Apparently he's been preying as aggressively upon retirees as well.
My sympathies go out to his family and those who are owed money.
He posts his derisive comments, followed by a hearty "ROTFL".
Everyone else is wrong.
Who's on the run now, Dennis? Hmmm? "ROTFL"
Anyone remember Dennis' secret black box trading system? The one in which the closed-box, dedicated hardware was delivered to your door? The one that failed to deliver actual returns?
I've seen a lot of dirty laundry described in the press about Dennis, but somehow that blackbox system has fallen under the radar.
Dennis, you're nothing more than a scummy scammer and felon.
I warned my friends that you were up to something very shady and was chastised for having even said as much. Imagine my surprise to find you on the run with your victims' funds.
Did you really need to rob retirees of their funds by way of nothing more than your greed?
Did you really need to humiliate your own family, friends and associates by way of nothing more than your own greed?
Quite frankly, if you never surface again the world will be a much better place.
Good riddance, Dennis. I'm glad to be rid of your scamming kind.
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