We have been overwhelmed with emails regarding Woodie's behavior. Some very furious at him for betraying their trust and friendship. Many others ranting about how selfish, self centered and ego driven he has become over the last 2 years. Some even calling for an outright ban of his room and any services he pushes.
This thread is our attempt to get to the bottom of this. Are they just being complainers because they all lose money anyways? Are they being truthful in their comments? Is Woodie really selfish or did he help all of you to trade and you have forgotten that? Or has Woodie really taken a turn for the worse, become the 'Guru' that he once very strongly put down everyday before and lost all of his friends along the way?
Adding to the debate we have collected two statements from Woodie himself:
-[3:12:41 PM] woodie says:
there are others from S&P pit i helped too..
- [3:54:18 PM] woodie says:
i survived 28 years trading..more is not better..
Questions to fuel the conversation:
Question - Did Woodie really help anyone at all? Or did the people that learned his system teach everyone? Many people say that Woodie never really has taught anyone and that he can't. In fact they say that if it wasn’t for a few select people creating his methods and teaching people that he wouldn’t be anywhere today. They say that all that he can do is utter a few words before losing energy or getting mad because the student questions his comments. What do you think?
Question - Has Woodie really survived 28 years of trading? Has he ever traded enough and exposed his results during each day enough to show that he truly can trade? We obtained a direct comment from Woodie from a emailer where Woodie stated that just up until the start of the previous chatroom he wasn't profitable or consistent. But he stated that he was using CCI for many years. What do you know about it? What do you think about the topic?
Question – Why can’t Woodie answer the hard hitting questions? Why does he avoid them at all costs instead of just explaining the situation if it were simple as that?
Question – Can you learn the CCI without Woodie, his chat room or his, what some call, expensive, unnecessary and boring trading seminars? Is it even possible or do you have to be alongside Woodie so he can teach you the details?
Post this sites link in his room and your chat rooms and everywhere you can to help spread the good work we do here! Our site is very popular and growing every week! Debates rage on while the truth comes out. Tell us what you think.
1 – 200 of 287 Newer› Newest»Woodie doesn't teach people his trading system. Everyone else does the teaching. Woodies barely utters 2 full sentences on a topic at any given time. Anything done in the room is because he uses people to do his work. He is pathetic in my opinion. I've watched him for years now and see how he uses moderators until they figure it out.
Woodie has no true friends anylonger. If he did then wouldn't there be tons of the old moderators in his room or stopping by to say Hi at least?
Think about it. The problem now has become that he is making a living selling product. Just like he said he would never do. Not that it is a bad thing to push products, but that he used to put down people that did that.
Why the change? Can't trade? Does he ever show you multiple live trades during each day? No he doesn't.
Who are the current set of mods? People that can't trade. Do you think biggs trades? No he doesn't. He paper trades only. Never live. He admitted it.
Then there is the guy that never shuts up. I counted the sentences he rambled on for a full 30 minutes. It was over 150! Guy, give it a rest for god sakes. CCI is simple. Why the heck do you feel the need to comment on every thing on every chart you have and every indicator you have (even though you can't trade live) and every posting made in the room. Take a hint and shut up, please!
The room is in the dump now. Woodies has no friends. He has turned into a pathetic guru without support.
I agree with steven. It's a damn shame when you think of all those who have passed through woodie's room(s) and how much money was lost along the way, along with all the broken spirits of the would-be traders that woodie was claiming to be helping. It's easy to see now that he was only helping himself. And then there's his little toadie-uk, another slimeball.
Who's buying into this TAL in Prague type crap? Woodie wants to see the world, so why not do it at the expense of those still ignorant of his ways. Do it in the name of MAW and it makes it all alright. Shameful to say the least.
yeah, i was a mod for some time. the control issues were scarey, to say the least.
the bottom line will always be my trading account. and my trading account is better served by having left his room altogether.
hi. it's me again--anonymous, with an addendum to the above:
i think that learning to trade requires building some solid relationships with other like-minded traders. i am happy to say that i was able to find such others to help me in woodie's room.
in fact, i made some great friends & connections whom REALLY helped me with my trading. and for that i will always be grateful.
as for woodie's teachings? i can't say i have much use for them now.
again, it's nothing personal; at the end of the day, it's all about my trading account.
best regards to all,
it is clear that woodie is a fraud.
he uses everyone to do his work just as was mentioned before.
he turns his back on people when they question why he did an about face and started using and promoting companies for back ally deals for which he gets paid for.
he doesn't train or teach anybody his system. tell me one person that he personally taught directly. no one. why? because woodie himself can not do it. others are the ones that created his cci trades and rules. not him.
in fact, he’s been all over the board on his own rules. without others pointing out the facts of the trades he would be nowhere.
all he can talk about is I, ME, MYSELF. he doesn't do a freaking thing himself.
nothing to do with his site or room was his own idea. nothing. think i'm wrong? tell me what was his idea and i'll tell you who came up with it and started.
woodie is an old, outdated, incapable trader that taken advantage of everyone for his own benefit. think about it.
i have a question. tell me who in the check republic even trades the cci enough that would substantiate a meeting to go there? are you kidding me. hold it in a major country of you have to. like Germany for heavens sake, if at all.
also, who needs the talks when you have his whole system in book form. that thing tells you every thing you need to know from start to finish. what more could you need?
let me guess, you are told to attend the trade meeting so you can learn the newest things that woodie doesn't even use?
wake up. he's a sneaky old bastard taking advantage of you and the children he is supposed to be protecting and you are getting bent over and screwed by doing all of his work for him.
Woodie is unable to teach, create or develop things. He is illiterate and not educated in any sense of the word. We have discussed this before in private and he admitted it to me. This is why he speaks as he does and unable to write documents, articles and such. He also admitted he never thought people would have ever helped him spot patterns and create new trades. He admitted to me that the CCI became more advanced due to the others that helped him.
I have bever told people this but find that it is time to do so. I was a moderator in his room for a long time.
Well I tuned into woodies chat room and looks like its the same old shameless promotion of HIMSELF.
What was really shocking was NickTraders exit on a ER2. It should have been a loss of well over 4.0 full points. But he logged it minutes later at only a 0.6 tick loss. And nobody called him on it. Amazing!
Afterwards he entered another trade long on the ER2 and it was working out well. Then woodie promoted that when he moderates everyone is making money! rofl
Why do I get the feeling if things are posted in a way to make great trades then nothing is questioned. This makes everything look good to newbies that don't know better.
Shamfull. Very disgusting.
And even worse was NickTraders bullshit lie exit on the first flaming failures.
OMG! Nicktrader just exited and stated it at the high of the move. THat was over 4 minutes ago! Its down 2+ full points from that price.
What happened to NickTrader? This is very sad.
Where did everyone in woodies room go?
The mods are terrible and come up with nothing at all to teach people. Not like it used to be.
And I see MPLay (the laughing drunk non-trader) is still moderating. God, didn't anyone give him feedback yet that he shouldn't comment on every single post and anything that comes to his head? It's so annoying.
All day woodie never made a call, well except after the fact, as usual. Oh, and he only pointed out what trades made money, rofl.
Am I really a better trader then woodie is at his own CCI?
Now that would be funny?
MPlay is on now: It's comedy hour. He thinks its entertainment time I guess. Did anyone tell him its a trading room?
- [3:27:53 PM] woodie says:
if you remember late this morning i said charts were showing that the market was tired from all the down pressure...and needed to move up or sideways ..going up now..charts don't lie
what a crock of bull. woodie is so desparate for people to follow him he wants to be right. i'm sure his trading is suffering becuase of that too.
besides, i thought woodie doesn't use price charts? roflma
its sad what woodie has become. old, nasty, decrepite and wanting attention. not to mention pushing products so he can actually make money.
previous poster was correct. he never called a trade today that made money. only 1 that lost money. but then said he moderated during the trades that others made that were successful. roflmao.
this is like comedy hour for sure! you were right.
Wow! Woodie is really pathetic. Every comment out of his mouth has to do with how well the CCI works. Nothing to do with training. It's like he needs to show everyone how well CCI works to make himself feel better.
But yet never called any live trades. Mentions things here and there but if it ENDS up working out great he says:
"Where's my YEN traders on that zero line reject! What a trade. See my people, CCI really does work!"
ummm, woodie? where did you actually call that trade. roflmao.
Yes, woodie is pathetic. He is much too old to can't keep his thoughts together well enough anymore.
I wonder when Woodie will pass away? Time is getting close. You can here it in his weak voice.
Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock...
Woodies does talk alot of bullshit. After the fact comments which anyone can make.
He really has changed a great deal. It's easy to see he hides behind his comments and won't answer questions that are hard hitting.
Someone in the room, for example, asked him how he knew the market was selling off if he doesn't watch price bars. He made no comment. Instead, he choose to answer the line on the next post which said "Woodie, this CCI is great!".
Funny how woodie is like a master magician only commenting on things that make him look good.
Kinda like the King-Without-Any-Clothes.
Today woodie is calling for a hold on the russel until we get $1000.
Isn't that a bias?
I thought we were supposed to use CCI to exit only?
God, he sounds like a cheerleader for his own trades now days.
What has happened to woodie. He is talking out both sides of his mouth.
Yeah, and guess what came next. Woodie said "yes I see an inverted ghost on the russel but I'm not going to get excited about it. I'm short so I'm holding on for $1000."
Can anybody tell me how that is CCI trading?
Woodie is nothing but EGO driven. And he comes up with comments after the fact to explain what he did.
What a loser he is.
Wow. You were right. Woodie says he is not exiting the trade until he makes $1000.
What kind of trading is that? The kind he argues against all the time.
Looks like he really has become the superficial bullshiting guru that he has always complained about before.
Woodies announced that Trade A Long for Prague is close to 400 people.
400 people x $350 minimum = $140,000.
ok, tell me you shouldnt have 100,000 left over AT LEAST for Make A Wish Charity?
who's making all the money? PFG?
what a scam.
if woodies such a crook, why hasn't anyone reported him yet?
cathy is right. woodie is pathetic. its sad to see what was once a nice guy turn into a selfish pric making everyone do his work while he takes all the credit.
woodie really doesn't even have the balls to stand up for himself and answer the charges against him.
i still wonder why everyone in the room is brand new each time i visit?
both woodie and sport (dennis the hick) are pathetic.
for example, look at sport today. calling his trades after the fact. does he really think anyone listens to him?
anyone find it odd how he comes in after the days done and brags about his supposed trades and how well it went today yadda yadda?
what a loser.
DENNIS (AKA SPORT cuz he has to hide his real name from people that are aware of his scam systems) said:
Last week the first bar trade did just fine.....with one outright LOSER!!!! Yes, there are losers in the real world. Today, it was another drop into hell for the first hour......so I'll just keep trading the setup......ROTFL!!!
Now the problem with the rest of the morning was one of listening to someone with an agenda blow off about how you don't need no price. Just lean into the sucker and blah, blah, blah.....some old noise. But here is a classic example of why just doing that is not good for your ego, not to mention your stress level.
You had the setup, the CCI was below zero for 6 bars, the turbo(set to 6)had moved up above 100 and turned down, for three bars also. But the price just kept moving higher, which in the real world means it's moving against your stop.....it's looking for you......
Now if you had used just one idea, that if you are looking to short the market which is fine, what do you except the market to do, once you are short.....
So why not wait until the price takes out the low of your setup bar....today it would have saved your bacon.....just because you have a good setup doesn't mean you have to hang your stones out the there.....DOES IT????
haha, shows he doesnt know how to trade the cci, that is for sure. seems he has an agenda of bashing people but never post trades live.
hmmm, i remerber back when he was challenged to post live trades and he didnt show up.
anyone guess why he didnt show?
There is a little roster of moderators that have left Woodie's room one way or the other.
Dr Bob
Jean Yus
Hmmm...wanna take a bet on the next one out the door?
I guess Hotcomm wouldn't share the wealth with Woodie. I checked out that new "free" room that Woodie has now. Yahoo is more sophisticated than that piece of crap. At least Gio and DrBob are smart enough to realize that Hotcomm is for real traders. The last time I visited Woodie's room there was 700 people, now it's less than half of that.
Nice to see some people are tired of the scam.
Where is gio these days?
So Woodie's in Prague? I guess he wanted to "czech" it out at the expense of his band of dimwits
Gio's at Tradinglements.com with Jeanyus. They still have a chat room on Hotcomm. It's a pay room a couple days a week but at least they never claimed to be doing this for free like some people.
I'm still new to Woodie's room - but I have no problem with it.
Does anyone know the real reason woodie left HC? It was a much better platform. The cost was minor in relation to what you received. How many remember when woodie said there was no reason to get Esignal when Sierra was 7 bucks a month? He changed his tune once Esignal started sponsoring him. How many paid for a full year subscription to HC only to have woodie pull the plug? Raise your hands....
anon at 10:50
you're saying much more than you realize
LOL - Cathy just reprimanded some guy for posting a link to this blog -
get this...
- rick s says:
cathy (and anyone else) when you have a chance your positive posts are needed at http://trading-room-feedback.blogspot.com/
- cathy says:
I thought that thing was dead
- rick s says:
shoot it please
- cathy says:
rick, sweetie, pretty please...don't post the URL in this room....I should white it out but I don't want to do that today
- rick s says:
oops sorry
- rick s says:
just trying to help
- Andy-CA says:
das boot da blog
- cathy says:
the official postion on all blogs is that we ignore them
- rick s says:
sorry cathy - I saw you there and thought it was ok - won't do it again
I guess cathy is the only one allowed to blog - she's the best woodie's room has to offer too ;)
tick, tick, tick,
any time now ...
cathy should be announcing she's leaving and never coming back (again) lol
tick, tick, tick...
now that is funny! roflmao
i'm glad this blog is open to feee speech. whoever runs this blog THANKS to them!
woodie is a scammer with regards to the sierra chart and esignal crap. what a scam. everyday saying how good and cheap sierra is and why would you need anything else.
then he demanded us all to stop talking about how cheap sierra is comapered to esignal after he started getting monthly checks from esignal.
i ask you --- how is that traders helping traders?
speard the word. post this link all over woodies site and sports site and gios site.
I got screwed by woodie after signing up for 1 year subscription to hotcrap.
What a waste. why didnt he tell people ahead of time?
Why couldn't he work out a deal with them to help everyone out of the mess he created?
Why does he leave everyone with a bad taste in their mouth?
Why does he leave every situation under bad terms?
How is this a positive leader?
What has happened to woodie and his friends?
He just as bad a Sport now.
Can someone tell me why there are supposedly 400 people at the Prague trade-a-long?
Isn't there like only 10 traders in the room from Prauge?
And who the heck would want to go to Prauge for a trading seminar?
Which by the way you can read everything you need to learn and master the the CCI out of the original document anyways, lol. That's how I learned it and I'm doing well.
I didn't need no stinking Trade-A-Long!
You guys are all big fat jerks.
Woodie is a really nice guy and I make money in that room with CCI.
I am only here because someone accidently posted this url in the room.
What a bunch of wasted losers you all are.
I went to the last TAL and learned a lot I did not learn in the room.
I plan on going to the one in Las Vegas too.
That is even funnier!
I've been involved with Woodie for over 4 years now if not 5 and still trade the CCI. I make money. I know Woodie very well and have seen all the changes.
Trust me. You don't need a trade a long that costs money. Read the book and study the charts. Nothing else needed. This is a solid fact. I've talked to many people about what went on at the seminars. Sure, want to meet people? Go then. But if you want to be serious about trading then stick to the room and the CCI charts.
As for Woodie, he really has changed. Become a super slime ball jerk. He isn't helping traders. He makes everyone do it for him.
Don't believe? Watch for yourself.
Should you leave the room? No.
Should you open your eyes to un-edited information that isn't deleted on hi swhim? YES.
fasttrade I agree with most of what you said, but I disagree on staying in the room. I'm in gio's room on a regular basis and yes I'm now a paying subscriber. Bonus hint - I made enogh in the first week that it became a pay room to cover my expense for the whole year. I've gone to a couple of her workshops with Jeanyus and each is different and well worth it. What a world of difference the last 8 months or so with gio and Jeanyus have made.
Woodie truly is a slimeball and I wouldn't go near that room again for anything. Someone asked why she has to charge if she's doing so well...Does Bill Gates still charge for Windows? I think so.
Woodie would rather take the money out of your back pocket while giving you a hug. Oh yeah, and it's easier to steal from the children of MAW
it must have been cathy's evil twin, boobcathy, that announced in woodie's room today that all blogs are to be ignored. right now she's sitting there biting her nails wondering what will make her look sillier -
to post or not to post - that is the question
(naturally she'll pick the one that makes her look sillier)
I guess what really bugs me is where all the former room regulars have gone. Where are:
Dr Bob
Jean Yus
(feel free to add to this list - this is just off the top of my head)
Not one of these former moderators ever stops in to say hello? Every one left on some kind of bad terms? Woodie is toxic and it just takes some longer than others to realize that.
Biggs has never been a profitable trader. He practically brags about it. He'll be with Woodie forever. He must have run out of clues years ago.
last I checked Hankster, Razz, Trader Dave and Dana are still there birdbrain.
You are missing TONS of names there my friend.
But that just goes to show you how bad woodie is at treating people right and dealing with them fairly.
umm, Dana?
ROFLMAO - she is a terrible trader, scatterbrained lunatic.
anybody remember her from other rooms? wowsa!
Stay away from her! Far away.
Seeing 22 posts in the same afternoon that someone "accidently" posted the URL in the room makes me see there are a lot of negative, but fortunatly silent people in Woodie's Chat.
Why the hell do you hang out there if you don't like it?
Nobody is discussing the merits of any of those traders' abilities. The point is that woodie is a jerk and treats people like crap. He uses them up and tosses them away. I haven't been in woodie's rooms for over a year but I know the traderdave who planned the vegas tal a few years ago left after the conference never to be heard from again. I had heard about hanksterr, raz, and dana leaving - I guess I'm mistaken - not that I care. If they're still there I guess they're not so bright anyway and deserve to be there.
I am new to woodies room and am wondering why Woodie makes everyone do all this for him?
He doesn't seem to be involved too much in this?
And he isn't teaching much of anything as well. It's more like a "whatever comes to his mind" kind of chat room.
And why so many people leaving if he is a good person?
Makes me wonder.
How funny it was to listen to the Prague lecture.
You can hear TonyW (drunk, useless, microphone connector, non-trader), giving disclaimers on not using the lecture as trading advice.
Again, why is there 400 people there? I don't even believe that.
Who would go to Prague (a 3rd world country without any financial center to speak of) to learn the CCI when you can do it on your own very easily.
Anybody want to explain that one?
Why is TonyUK so fat?
What happened to him? God he is ugly.
Is there a trasnlator repeating everything that is being said at teh trade a long?
ROFLMAO - what a useless seminar!
Just read the book and watch the charts.
Woodies is barely into the seminar and he's already asking for questions.
HAHAHAHHAHA... he has nothing to teach them. He can't teach. That's the joke!
He is way too old and is just taking advantage of people adn their money to travel.
Funny how he doesn't make it nice for the people that have helped in so they can travel. Only him.
ROFLMAO. suckers.
Can any of you talk about the good things about woodie and his room? I doubt you all started out not liking him. I'd like to know at what point things went wrong.
Nothing really goes wrong. Just eventually you move on and do other things.
Either that or change your name so the jerks and newbies leave you alone.
it was quite the laced koolaide we swilled for a time in woodie's room, no?
thinking we were learning something beneficial? something replicatable? something with which we could both prosper as well as help others?
hey, if you believed and persevered without first applying some of your own critical scrutiny, as i did, that's your problem...as it was my own.
i've only myself to blame for wishing the real situation was better than what my gut was telling me (ok, shouting to me).
what finally tipped the scale for me was something i realized during a phone conversation with woodie himself; to him, my account balance was of no import. what really mattered to him was my loyalty. umm, no thanks. hey, i can be stupid, but even i have limits in that regard.
in summary, i think the room began with a fantastic consortium of great traders and with a real mission that was credible, worthy and honest. and i can honestly say that i made my best contacts with experienced traders who REALLY helped me in that room. but how it's all ended up--so far--is quite another story.
it's yet another lesson in believing in oneself, rather than another. and if someone recommends that you believe in them, rather than yourself...please run away as fast as you can.
i learned a great deal about myself during that ordeal--and for that i am thankful.
anon at 8:48 - I believe you said it about as well as it could be said. I'll bet there are tons of stories just like yours. My story is identical and I even recall woodie saying to me at one point and I'll never forget these words, "You're welcome to help me any time you can." It was absolutely obvious that his only concern was what I could do for him.
I, too, believe the room was started with the best of intentions. Then woodie got a taste of what he could profit from and exploited that to the hilt while professing all along that this was all for free. A little honesty on his part would have gone a long way. Nobody would have cared what he did if he was just honest about it.
I'm happy these days in gio and jeanyus's room. It's the room that woodie's could have been. We don't need 300 people there. We make money, we all get along, and honesty rules.
As for me, I loved woodie, before he changed.
It's really sad. I still trade the CCI myself but want nothing to do with woodie at all.
He uses people and throws them away. He isn't honest at all. That's why people move on. He is a manipulator of the worst kind. Almost a pathelogical liar to be quite honest. Sport (Dennis the menace) is too but at least its very obvious.
It all started for me when woodie told us not to talk about the cheap price of Sierra Charts and that those charts work just as well or better then Esignal. That was after woodie began getting kickbacks from Esignal.
Does that sound honest to you when your motto is Traders Helping Traders?
Woodie is a shameful old nasty decietful man. What a jerk he has become.
Where is Susan by the way?
Woodie did not change, you did.
You simply outgrew the room and moved on.
Susan still does all the hotel arrangements for the Trade Alongs. I have seen her in the room sometimes.
Woodie's Room has always been a place for new traders to learn how to trade. And the method they are to learn is the method that Woodie teaches. Woodie's name is on the door so it his rules.
When people get "disposed of" is when they decide to only teach their own method and not teach the basic Woodie method. Then are asked to stop. Some people get a real Ego about it and pitch a fit and leave in a huff.
As far as all these "deals" that you think are going on, they aren't. There are sponsors for the chats and charts. How else could anyone afford to do it so it was free to the members? Money has to come from somewhere?
I am one of those long term people who has been there for years. I am there to have some company while trading.
Now that's the standard excuse that is thought up from a woman.
Obviously wants everything to be 'OK' and everyone get along blah blah blah.
Was that ignorant comment from Cathy?
The truth about your comment is that you can't read the posters words very well. They mostly all stated facts about specific problems that woodie himself had.
Woodie does use people, gives them little to no credit and throws them away when he is on to his next scam.
That is clear to everyone except people who 'think' they are his friends and work to help him day in and out.
Remeber that the only people that are in on the scam are TonyUK and woodie himself. Noone else gets rewarded for their hard work.
I could have put up with woodie being a jerk. What I can't put up with is the the dishonesty involving MAW. I believe he's a criminal. At this point, anyone associated with him should be ashamed of themselves. Apparently they don't care as they feel they're getting something for nothing. They're wrong. There's a high price to be paid.
Just think of those kids from MAW.
Get your facts straight.
Woodie's CCI Club gave over $70,000 last year to Make a Wish. The letters are on his website.
Check back a little further. Woodie's been doing these TAL's for 3 years. Only recently has ANYTHING been acknowledged by MAW. Woodie only took cash at the TAL's in the beginning. Ask why there is no record of all that cash to MAW for the first 2 years at least. Ask Susan about it. Ask her why she is so glad that Peregrine has taken over the handling of the money. Ask Woodie how much is spent on TonyUk's bar tab on these TAL's when a 17 year old kid could set up the mics instead of flying Tony in first class from England, usually along with his wife. Ask why Tony stayed an extra 7 days in SanFrancisco after the Monterey TAL at the expense of MAW. Ask why Tony's website looks like a billboard now. They should have the decency to be giving this money to MAW now, they make enough off all the other crap they advertise. Call MAW and ask for anything showing donations from 2003 and 2004 - there were plenty of TAL's but not any records of what MAW has received.
There's lots more questions. Ask Woodie any of them and you'll be banned from the room. I know.
Ask Woodie why no former moderator's materials are still available on the website. My guess is you'll keep your head up your backside and believe anything Woodie tells you. The Kool-aid is that good and you wanna believe - we all did.
Hundreds of people have passes through Woodie's room over the last few years. There are maybe 5 that have been with him all that time (and they still can't trade). Ask why all these people left and it's not because they made so much money they didn't need a chat room anymore. Eventually everyone figures out what Woodie is really all about. You will too one day - maybe.
Woodie has changed. Period.
Or maybe our eyes have been opened to who he really has always been.
Does anyone really know?
I think the answer is YES. And that ais because people don't really change in life. It's just that their actions become more exaggerated as they gain more oppourtunity.
In woodies case, he probably always has been a shady character. Probably thinks the world owes him something somehow. Which is silly.
Everyone has worked for him very hard. What did he do for them? Cut them out? They never visit on a regular basis? Never include them in his site?
Ouch! Something doesn't smell right here to me at least.
The thing with woodie is that whatever is said to defend him, merely opens up another closet filled with still more skeletons. Why else would the "official" position of woodie be to ignore the blogs? Anyone with nothing to hide would simply answer his critics and provide proof of how wrong they are. It would be simple enough - just tell the truth.
You ain't gonna see that happen.
The truth gets told and the idiots refuse to believe it.
My official postition is to not read any more shit.
"The truth gets told..."
and YOU refuse to see it.
Woodie is a scammer. Why would you think otherwise. I see you have nothing in your hand but a dream.
So many posts, so many facts. And you still are in HOPE MODE.
what would expect from cathy?
I tell you one thing. After seeing the ration of shit you give everyone, I would never open a chat room. Why bother? If this is indicative of the jerks out there listening.....now I see why Jerry Springer is still popular!
That doesn't make sense, at all.
The facts are presented to you. You are not even disputing them. Yet you want everyone to always like woodie and everything woodie does.
Can you show me the damning statements and facts against anyone else in the trading world? I doubt it. And if you can then what is your opinion of that person? Think about it.
Woodie created those facts for himself which made people open their eyes so to speak as to his deceit and deception. It didn't just automatically appear around him by mistake one day.
We all liked woodie for the same reason you still do I guess. But it's hard to keep liking someone you see as not a good person who takes advantage of others and does so with a smile and a wink to TonyUK.
Do you see the point clearer now.
We all have our opinions.
But I don't see anyone out there helping newbie traders for free except Woodie.
That is the point most of you miss.
The point you are sadly missing is that woodie is not doing anything for free. This is just a front for the deceitful things he's doing behind everyone's back including yours. You apparently have a gangster mentality - it's ok to cheat, steal, kill as long as you're nice to your mother and you give to your church.
Da Big Tony sez it's OK ta do dat....whatsa matter with you...ya weak?
Me and da boyz donna see nuttin fishy going on. Got it!
Al Capone's gramma
No body does nothing for free.
Including your mother.
Make-A-Wish has too much money!
St. Paul, Minn. - When 16-year-old Mishawn Woodcock was fighting cancer, she struggled to keep death out of her mind.
She didn't want to see funeral flowers, priests offering last rites - or registration forms from the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
"I said: 'I am OK, right? I am not dying, right?"' said Woodcock, recalling her panic when a nurse showed up with the Make-A- Wish paperwork. "I looked at the nurse. I looked at my dad. I said, 'Don't you tell me I am doing OK and then get Make-A-Wish in here."'
Woodcock, now a healthy 18-year-old from Ham Lake, thought the group granted wishes only to dying children.
Like most others, she didn't realize that the sprawling wish-granting industry has been a victim of its own success, collecting hundreds of millions of dollars for a shrinking number of dying children.
The groups have been forced to broaden their missions to grant wishes to car-accident victims, senior citizens or those long past their illness. Some groups give money for scholarships or funerals.
The more than 150 chapters of various wish-granting groups in the United States still help dying youngsters, but kids like Woodcock are more common.
She recovered from her cancer a year ago and is a vision of good health who is looking forward to college in the
fall. She feels guilty about accepting a present from the Make-A-Wish Foundation - a three-week reunion with a friend from Nicaragua.
"By taking this, am I taking a wish away from some little kid who is dying?" she asked.
The policy change raises questions. How sick does a kid have to be to get a free trip to Disney World? Does pneumonia qualify? How about a broken leg? Generally, local officials review applications. The national Association of Wish-Granting Organizations estimates that about two-thirds of children helped by the groups survive their ailment.
To get a wish from Make-A-Wish, a child must have an ailment that is "progressive, malignant or degenerative" as verified by a doctor, said Brent Goodrich, spokesman for the national Make-A-Wish Foundation.
Missing are the words "terminally ill." In 2000, Make-A-Wish stopped saying it helped only dying children, Goodrich said.
Oh my god....is Make-A-Wish a scam?
That is just too funny.....LOL
This is the URL to the Make-A-Wish article for those of you who don't believe it is for real. It came out today in the papers.
maybe it's time for woodie to find another charitable organization to cheat and deceive his members into contributing to?
Even Barbara and Angela have deserted Woodie. Woodie sure knows how to treat those who help him the most. Barbara ran that room. Like everyone else who passed through, there is not one indication of recognition of those who helped Woodie along the way. Oh wait, I forgot, if you look at Woodie's website (that actually belongs to TonyUk) there is recognition of all the guests who paid Woodie to advertise their services. These are some of the same gurus that Woodie always said he didn't need stinkin' up the room.
If you wanto to know how Woodie is going to treat you in the future, just look at how he's treated those in the past. Only his little ToadieUK is still in his good graces, and that's just because Woodie needs a handler and who better than a drunken, fat, tights-wearing, non-trading booze hound. Everyone else has been erased since they left.
Go wash out your mouth with soap!
What a vile mind you have. Too bad birth control is not retroactive.
Where is a good suicide bomber when you need one?
It's a shame that you can't fathom the truth. Many have come and gone before you. And as you can tell, there is no sign of them. Maybe Woodie buried them in the crawlspace.
You're beginning to remind me of those women who insist that guys like the Menendez brothers, Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson, and other murdering m'f'ers need love too and you'll write them, and visit, and they'll change for you because you believe there is good in everyone.
You're so special.
Does Bob know about this or did you get him paroled into your custody?
There are some new kids on the block at the Woodshed. I really like this Snowman fellow. Made some money with that dude this dull afternoon.
Cathy's not that deep - she just gets excited anytime anyone mentions a woodie
Dear Dennis or anonymous,(whatever you are calling yourself today)
re: Comment on Wed June 28 2006 @2:27:59pm
Cathy did not get me paroled into her custody. I was a cop. I never have been charged or convicted or any crime or felony. Can you say the same?
Yes, Cathy sees good in people even assholes like you.
She is a very intelligent lady with a high IQ. We challenge you to take a proctored MENSA IQ exam and see who is smarter. She will run circles around that perverted little mind of yours.
I've read your blog to watch the progress on your home . I am a retired builder who built homes of the same class and size as yours. You will have a wonderful home when you are through building it. Good luck with your new home.
About Woodie. I don't know what your problem is with him, but I have met the man on numerous occasions and found him to be very honest and sincere as is Tony UK. Woodie is responsible for turning Cathy's trading around and I am very thankful for this and have no problem with helping him in the room and at TALs. Maybe someday she will leave Woodie's room but not until she pays her dues for all the help.
Impersonating Bob is a new twist for you. I bet you wish Bob really had said those nice things about you.
U go girl - I mean Bob (shhhh - I won't tell anyone.)
That is really Bob writing that.
of course it is ;)
In case all of you haven't figured it out, Cathy is the only one who posts here who still thinks Woodie is a decent guy. She just posts as other people. Nobody else is quite that naive. Nobody really supports Woodie anymore. Average time in Woodies room for most people is now about 2 weeks. They visit and realize its all bs and theyre gone.
And all the negative comments are written by Dennis aka Sport.
If you haven't figured it out by now, this is also his blog. The few negative comments about him are just meant to throw the readers off is all.
I am not as naive as you think.
This is great. I can say anything I want and either Cathy or Sport will get blamed for it.
To the dumbass who thinks everyone is out to get woodie and is against thier thoughts as if they are being targeted...
You are wrong. Probably always have been too.
This blog most certainly isn't sports by any stretch of your silly imagination. Go read the extremely harsh comments about sport and you will clearly see that. Or can't you ever see clear, on any topic, ever.
I know the people that started this blog and it sure doesn't include dennis or anyone talked about in here. It was started by a group of solid and mostly very traders who are very well know and even mostly liked as well actually, and none of them are woodie or sport.
Quit kidding yourself. You trading might improve when you do.
The Woodshed is a beginner's room. There is nothing for advanced traders really.
Did you ever notice everytime a moderator tries to do anything different eventually they get told to stop or booted?
If you are a beginner...it is a great room. Just what you need.
If you want to develop your own strategy, go somewhere else. There is nothing for you here just company.
On that TAL question. I have been to two. You can learn the same thing in the room and not spend a red cent. Woodie could have a TAL online with no problem.
I am going to a 3rd one, but it is more to meet other traders and see what is available for the "advanced day"....and besides Las Vegas is a fun place.
Dennis is an idiot. On his blog he has photos of illegal Mexicans working on his house without regard to personal safety or OSHA regulations. Not a green card in the bunch!
So now if someone wants to prosecute him for hiring illegals, right in his blog is the proof.
That man is an idiot who also thinks he is above the law!
I'm not surprised to see woodie supporters (jock straps?)still here. As to going to Vegas for another woodie event, there is no way. I swore to never go to another woodie thing ever. Reverend Moon's supporters were less brainwashed. I'm still sickened by the thought of Susan on stage with Woodie fawning all over him and giving him some kind of plaque or some other bs. She looked at him in a way that we all swore she was gonna blow him any second. I'm still grossed out.
This really is a great blog. I have learned a great deal reading through the entire articles. Thank you.
Also, its easy to see what is blown out garbage comments and whats real. Suprisingly, most everything here stated is on focus and relavant too.
I always knew Woodie was a scamster. I wonder why he never has the peanuts to stand up and address the charges made, which are obviously true.
I think Woodie is living in a world that he controls himself and does not allow anyone to speak against his ideas. People that do this are surrounded by 'Yes Men' and do so to their own demise.
Woodie is a person of very little words. He lets everyone do everything for him. What a scamster he has proven himself to be.
I don't need to stinking seminar. I'll read the documents and learn for myself. The original document that I got off the yahoo site is the best and has taught me so much more then Woodie ever did or his supposed moderators. Wonder why Woodie doesn't have that document on hist site any longer. Go figure.
I agree that old CCI document was much better than the current CCI document. If you look on the Forum section the old one is still in there but buried in Cathy's thread.
I think the Trade Alongs could be done online for a donation to charity. Woodie is no youngster and all this traveling is hard on him.
Did anyone see the responses given by admin at the Sierra Chart help board? Holy cow! That admin sure is an asshole. People were commenting on how the increase of 100% within 1 year was way too much and that they need to focus on simple changes instead of adding every indicator and feature requested by freaks that probably do not trade so that they can keep costs down.
Then the thread got a flurry of responses to admin being an asshole to the posters. Then he took a page out of woodies book. He deleted the thread.
So much for customer care! ROFLMAO
The owners of this blog should start a topic on sierra charts. Someone should post this link in their site to get FEEDBACK without editing.
Very, very true. Sierra Charts 'Admin' that posts on their board is a big asshole. Just like Kiwi. Both of them thtink they know what their talking about and you can never disagree with them or they get bent out of shape. They are borth wankers to say the very least.
Sad. Very sad.
Sierra charts went from $80 a year to $240 a year? Holy crap!
Is Medved still free?
Medved is still free.
As for Woodie, well he's become virtually irrelevant now. He's achieved his goal of becoming a corporate sponsored guru. It was a road ridden on the backs of thrown away volunteers, and flings with other companies, but he's set with PFG now. PFG will ride and hype the Woodie TAL thing until it gets stale, so they'll use him as he uses them. Maybe it goes another year or so at best.
Most significantly, and ironically though, is the fact Woodie's popularity and reach to the masses has dwindled since climbing up the "legit" corporate ladder in gurudom. Much is due to the fact that he's simply running out of newbie suckers. Having forums like this over the past year or so has greatly helped in speeding up the education process and saved a lot of newbies a ton of time and money.
It does seem that 'Admin' at Sierra Charts deleted the thread discussing the higher cost of the product. Too bad, it was a good discussion on how they are adding things that are useless that lots of people don't use instead of focusing on graphics and layout options instead.
If any of you can go post your opinions over there, even if you don't use Sierra Charts it would be of great help.
Just start a new thread.
Amazing how he just deleted it like Woodies Text-Be-Gone when he doesn't like what is being said.
Why can't these people just address the issue and answer the problem at hand directly.
you can start a new thread using the link at the bottom and registration doesnt verify your information so it takes 10 seconds to do. thanks for any help for our cause. they really do need to be set straight.
Does woodie track IP address with teh new crappy chat room he is trying to use?
If not we need to post this blogs address in there and also go post announcements of it into the posting boards everywhere.
This blog really has great information and nothing is ever edited it seems by the owners.
If you think that you can be truly anonymous on the internet, you are in for a rude awakening.
Writing here or anywhere is like pulling your pants down in public and then announcing your name and social security number over a loud speaker.
Guess I is gonna switch to QuoteTrek.....why pay for what you can get for free! An add or two is no big deal! Maybe it will be something I need?
The free charts are at www.quotetracker.com if you don't mind a commercial banner....without advertising they are $7 a month.
who really cares if woodie can track an ip address? if you believe ure doing the right thing by posting this blog's address during the busiest times in woodie's room, then do it. i have. i don't ave the new woodie software so i have no idea of whether there is the text eraser. when i was still on hotcomm i would ask legitimate questions about this blog and inevitably it would be erased soon after. i don't know how that works with the new stuff.
my problem was that i felt i had a right to ask about certain things said in this blog, so i asked in the room. this was after i emailed woodie and was ignored. if woodie would like his room to be a public forum, he's gonna have to deal with a little free speech.
post this url as often as u can in woodies room and maybe we'll get some answers.
if u get erased or ignored u'll know the answers. let some of woodies people answer questions here - but warn the newbies - enough people have lost money because of woodie.
its time woodie finds out he's not beyond reproach.
You will be erased.
And you will be ignored.
Free speech my ass. That is what all nasty people say to defend their crude actions.
Go back in your hole.
You sound like a dictator.
No free speech? What is there to hide from? A question. That is hardly 'rude' as you say.
Facts hurt everyone...
Well, everyone that is involved in a scam or behavaviour not becomming a man that stands tall and proud that is.
Post this blogs address all over the site, chat room and send it to your friends email.
No the new chat room software doesn't log IP address so its no big deal if you post the address.
Change your name before you login to post it.
Spread the word!
Oh, and by the way cathy - FUCK! You ARE ugly like everyone was saying.
What is it with UGLY women following woodie around.
In fact, why does woodie look like a nasty old woman himself? Something strange going on with woodies looks right?
Is that ALL you can come up with?
What a sorry excuse for a human being you are.
Oh and yes...your IP will be banned.
Not sure what the heated debate is all about. Just saw the link to this site on Woodies posting boards...
But, I would probably say that Cathy just posted (because she was called ugly) and that no IP address is logged at woodies site (because she just said it would be).
People always give up info that direclty relates to their lies first.
I'm no genious but I'm guessing I'm right.
On HC your IP could not be seen unless you stayed in the room. The trick was to post and leave quickly. That gives them no time to look at your info on your screen name. Even if your IP were banned it's simple enough to get a new one - just call cable provider and ask or in the case of dial-up your IP does not remain the same each time you sign in.
So post and run if you want to come back - at least that's how it was with HC. The new room is not as sophisticated as HC so you can get away with much more.
Cathy lives in her own little fantasy world where she believes woodie will save her from herself. Unfortunately for her and so many others it ain't happenin'.
Who the f is woodie that he thinks he doesn't have to answer to good, honest questions?
Cathy you should be ashamed of yourself.
hey cathy ... remember this post on june 22? ... I guess you picked "to post"
Anonymous said...
it must have been cathy's evil twin, boobcathy, that announced in woodie's room today that all blogs are to be ignored. right now she's sitting there biting her nails wondering what will make her look sillier -
to post or not to post - that is the question
(naturally she'll pick the one that makes her look sillier)
Thursday, June 22, 2006 3:21:02 PM
I'm new to this blog and Woodies CCI Room.
Why are there so many questions that go unanswered by Woodie here?
Why is only someone named Cathy trying to stick up for Woodie? Why doesn't she provide facts and details to support her arguments?
I'm a little confused but something doesn't seem right.
Posted in Sports (fake) blog:
Let's see if dennis himself will Message-Be-Gone the post or not. Funny, I would take the bet on a heartbeat that he will like he has hundreds of others:
Who says sport is a great trader?
He never trades live when challenged.
He edits comments that go against him, just like he complains that woodie does.
And his money came from his wifes family, not his own. He doesn't make money trading.
Get a clue. Dennis is a monkey clown.
What a bunch of whiners.
If you don't like what Woodie or Sport or whoever does, there are a ton of rooms on the net you can go to. Get a life!
You would not know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
The truth is you can't trade and are looking for any excuse not to. You would rather blame someone else for your problems than yourself. You are looking for someone to spoon feed you trades not teach you to think for yourself.
What a loser!
Why is it that people never do address the actual question or questions directly?
Like the last poster (probably a she) comes up with a reverse complaint as if it's wrong to express your valid opinions and ideas.
Address the facts or get the f out of the way I say. It's people like them that don't improve or create anything.
As I suspected, you're all too whimpy to post your nonsense and blog url's in Woodie's room. We'll erase it before anyone has the chance to see it anyway - lol.
You're an ass. Most people in Woodie's room don't even know this blog exists and we really don't care what you think.
It seems very clear to me that Cathy really is the only one to 'defend' Woodie. Problem is she does so without any facts, evidence or credibility.
Woodie needs to stand up for himself and quit letting these ghastly ugly old women do it for him. Or get ones that have a solid sense of logic instead of psychopathic and moronic behaviour.
Enough said.
Wow. Perfectly stated with dignity and clarity for sure. You are an amazing writer. Good for you and thanks for telling it like it really is.
I, as I'm sure many of us do, agree with you 100%!
I still like Woodie but wonder why he doesn't stand up for himself and explain things - as any tried and true leader would. I do it all day long at work. But we are professionals.
Get a life guys.
There is nothing to explain.
You mean nothing to explain that you'd understand.
Gosh you guys are right. Cathy never does answer or respond with any substance.
It is like she is a pathetic woodie-bot scrambling to defend his bullshit ways.
Has anyone seen his website lately? LOL! It's a freaking advertisment for a bunch of LAME guru trading idiots.
Not a signle one of them is worth anything in trading. Arn't these the same people that he warned you about?
Woodie - any comments on that?
To the owner of this blog - Thank you.
I'm guessing Dana will be the next winner in the "mod-be-gone" contest
I agree, Cathy and her non-substantive comments are BORING.
I wonder why Woodie doesn't comment on any questions presented to him?
Why would someone manipulate his moderators as Woodie does with 'Private Messages' stating "don't talk about this, or don't respond to that" with some bullshit excuse as to why one of his Advertisers wouldn't like it.
Know what I'm talking about Woodie?
Or don't you have enough balls to respond?
Dana is really useless. Anybody notice she has a mental problem yet?
What did the Brain-On-The-Fritz Dana do now?
Woodie called and asked that you stop blogging. He said you're an idiot and you only make him look worse than he really is.
I think it is Dennis Bolzes that owns the blog and posts over and over to be honest.
Let's review...
Cathy is an idiot and Woodie is an asshole.
Any questions?
I doubt it is Dennis. He has his own blog.
And it sure isn't Jeff - he loves Woodie way to much!
I get the feeling someone struck a harsh cord with Dana? Her charts are a bit eratic.
Cathy if you're so bored why are you still here?
(I sense another of Cathy's perpetual exits occurring soon) LOL
Why doesn't woodie just tell the truth and explain he's wants to make a living like anyone else? This BS about everything out of the goodness of his heart has gotten old.
Come clean woodie.
I left Woodie's room months ago and just checked in to see how the new chat software works. What a step down from the old room and tons less people.
I'm happily making a living at long last thanks to Gio and Jeanyus. Woodie was a fool to let them go.
Can the owners of this blog kindly remove the silly comments that were posted prior.
If there is substance then leave it. But the posts like "BORING" are just wasting space, like the poster.
If jeff was so pro-woodie, why has he never been back to the room?
Just useless space taking comments of no substance.
One word posts over and over are of no use - just like the poster.
Those "useless" posts do serve a purpose. They're a pretty good indicator of the character of the people supporting woodie ...
those who can't carry on a reasonable discussion so instead they simply try to disrupt it. It happens in kindergartens every where.
Here is Jeff's website created for Woodies CCI and trading document. It seems to have been updated to reflect current dates and copyrights on the site. Jeff probably still hangs out in the room with Woodie or just watches the room like he used to before.
Look at the memeber count! I bet Woodie wishes he had that many members in his room still!
Here is the clickable link:
Why doesn't Woodie answer questions?
Most honest, straight-forward, and decent people discuss and answer questions all the time even if they are hard hitting.
Why doesn't Woodie do it instead of booting the person out, deleting the text or having all 50 of his kool-aid drinking idiots jump all over you like fools that know nothing when you ask a basic pointed question.
I think it is time you told the truth about this blog.
Who are the people who are behind this? I don't see names or anything about them anywhere?
Why are you writing this blog?
How did you know Woodie?
Do you still visit the room?
What name do you use?
Do you trade?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
All I see is a lot of "hate mail".
Did Dana finally get booted like he should have been a long time ago?
Talk about a non-trader spouting his mouth off about nothing.
When will the mods realize that it is not them or any skills they THINK they have that makes the newbies listen to them and beg for more, but that it is the 'SAY ANYTHING ABOUT CCI' that they crave.
A monkey could take the stage and hold up a CCI sign and the 'crowd' would go nuts over it.
Case in point - Dana. Except the crowd never really went nuts on him in the end.
umm, i think dana is a she actually. i'm not sure but doesn't matter. not sure what happened to dana but it is ok with most people if she goes.
now, lets get on to the topic at hand: Woodie.
what is Woodie doing latley? did he ever try to right a book yet?
how much has been given to Make-A-Wish? I know if i was doing that I would be posting totals, just like all companies, groups and organizations do.
If he is doing it then why wouldn't he do it the same way as them. postsing totals and showing documentation is a building tool that helps others see how good they are doing and makes others want to join in.
does that make any sense to the Woodie defenders out there? anyone can answer except for Woodie cuz he doesn't answer any questions of course roflmao
markets were really easy too play these last 2 days.
how did woodie do?
how many calls did he make?
how much did he make?
and don't give me the 'it is illegal to call live trades' BS like you always do.
I like the CCI.
I don't like Woodie himself.
I appreciate all the help from people in the room.
Woodie never helped me learn much of anything.
Woodie doesn't make calls because he doesn't want to have people show a track record of them.
Then they would know the truth.
Funny how they say that it is illegal to do so. Is that so? Wonder why there are thousands of people doing it on a large professional scale and arn't locked up. OH! Yes that's right! It's legal to call trades as long as you are not:
A: Front running them.
B: Advising 1 single person alone to take that trade directly.
Which is it Woodie? Since you would be giving the call to the entire room it CAN'T be #B.
Hmmm, must be A that you are doing?
HAHAHAHA! What a joke.
Why don't you guys go over to Trading Elements or Trader's Haven over on Hot Comm? Why keep on ragging on the Woodster?
To the poster above.
Yes it is illegal to post calls or give specific trading advice when you are not a CFA.
The SEC is going after all these so called "gurus". A big room like Woodie's is watched carefully.
Check this out.
Someone spells it out for you in A B C terms and you STILL have your head up your ass spewing nonsense.
Again, if you aren't giving advice to a specific person for their own trades and you are not front running the trades (like Woodie does) then it is NOT illegal you moron.
Quit trying to mislead people just because you are mislead by Woodie.
The truth of the matter is....if you don't like it, go somewhere else. What are you stupid?
Now Cathy's giving legal advice in support of Woodie LOLOL
Cathy, unless you're a licensed attorney, that's illegal.
Actually I find this information quite interesting. Thanks to whomever posted the link to this site on Woodies Chat room. It was clever how you disguised it via another site which linked to this site. Now I see why!
I'm new here but I get the feeling that Cathy is 'bored' as she says becuase she isn't being spoon feed blabber by Woodie.
Old woman get bored easily. They have no excitement in their life.
Would you cut it out. You know you are hot for me and it burns you that I think you are ugly and your house is too small.
A woman has to have standards.
A link to this site has been posted a couple times recently in Woodie's. Once was right after a post from Woodie.
TW was moderating (as always) and he didn't even comment on it, and he comments on everything.
Looks like there is no text-b-gone in the new room.
Too bad there ain't no "Poster-b-Gone" in dis joint.
How about Blog-B-Gone? What a waste of time this is. But it is like a train wreck, we can't stop looking at it.
Woodie is exactly what he appears...a good salesman following the PT Barnum school of thought and most of his followers have been suckered by him even if they won't admit it.
The only real issues are how he can justify the lack of integrity in cheating a kid's charity and how Susan justified being his bag lady. How smart to have his hand's off while she handled all of the money so she could take the wrap for his scam while she cried over how wonderful he is. She probably cried all the way to the bank with him. Tony probably drank all the way to the bank or wherever he keeps his stash. What a combo...a liar, a crier, and a drunk. Perfect trio to cheat the public and say who me?...I'm just doing it all for charity because this is about traders helping traders (lose their money and send them on all expense paid trips.) Woodie gets an appearance fee from PFG and all his expenses paid and the leftovers not spent on dinners and booze for PFGNEIL (yeah its all caps cause he wants all he can get for his advertising dollars) and the inner circle might go to the kids. It's the perfect scam and what a name for it...MAKE A WISH! Woodie made his wish and it came true. He's living off the backs of traders and taking money from sick kids while his fat ass wines and dines. Cathy...how many dinners did your fat ass get?
Amazing that nobody cares and those that know ignore it. Better to be dumb since it's not a tv reality show ..who would even believe it?
well said.
lots of people now know woodie, cathy, the other mods and then susan and tonyuk are frauds.
thanks to this blog!
let freedom ring!
cathy, susan - i want to tell you that you are filthy C*nts for what you do.
stopd it.
well i mean to say the mods that are obvious frauds. the ones that know the scam woodie pulls and stick around.
most of the ones that have gone were very good and didn't put up with woodies BULL SH*T self serving games.
anybody know what i'm talking about?
There is so much going on in the world and THIS is what you complain about? You really need to get out more.
I think honestly you are all JEALOUS of Woodie and what he has done.
Either that or you are trying to sell some WORTHLESS but expensive trading system.
17:57:41 {Woodie} (Ver:5.50.000) Connected 7/18/2006 [Encryption Active!].
17:59:41 {pip} Disconnected 7/18/2006.
18:00:29 {Woodie} Disconnected 7/18/2006
Looks like woodie still likes to poke around and see what's up.
From TradersHaven...
So, you do the same thing to woodie's room...give it a rest.
i assure you that as long as people like woodie (and you) are defrauding others, there will be people like us warning them.
some of us (like me) fell for his scam and regret it enough that this is how we try to right this wrong.
traders helping traders - the way it was meant to be
I am sure there are far more people woodie helped for FREE than stupid people like you.
Take a hike loser!
Why is it so transparent that Fat Ass Saggy Faced Cathy is posting in defense of Woodie here?
Why can't she actually give FACTS instead of immature silly phrases?
Notice how the UGLY SAGGY old lady only presents one sided biased responses?
Now that I think about it all she does is post ADS in Woodies room like a sheepel that she is.
Is Cathy really empty in person too? Or does she actually have any important information to provide?
Cathy, if you would kindly go away like you PROMISED you would MANY MANY MANY times now Woodie and us would appreciate it.
Now that is mature.
I can tell the idiot at the other end of that posion pen is likely a pimply faced teenager with nothing to do until school starts.
I hear your mom calling you sonny.
Cathy is the ONLY one posting on woodie's behalf - and she is not very good at it. When woodie is eventually caught in this scam and prosecuted Cathy will be the first to say she was just an innocent follower.
Some people learn nothing from the past - remember Jonestown? Now we got Woodtown.
The funny thing is even Cathy says no one is making a living daytrading futures except woodie. WTF is the point then if no one can trade futures with CCI except the Wood himself, and no ones ever seen him actually trade?
Get a clue
cathy if ure gonna take on the responsibility of defending woodie, at least throw in a fact occasionally. its more effective than just saying this is all boring and woodie is a good guy just cause u say so.
oops. unless there aren't any facts to support woodie
I guess I must not post enough for you fools. I see stuff attributed to me in several blogs. And 90% is not mine.
I hardly have the amount of free time some of you here must have.
I do trade you know!
maybe you should post more - it might save you money
I think I hear Bob applauding that idea
so pretty much what you're all saying is that Woodie has turned into exactly what he warned us to avoid?
so who's the bigger idiot - him or the people who follow him - I know it's not me ;)
Why does Woodie keep everything secret?
Why doesn't Woodie answer hard hitting questions?
What does that tell you about Woodie?
What's the story with Hanksterr? Seems like he can't stand Woodie but he still hangs around. When are these people gonna get a pair and stand up to the old fart? Bunch of weasels.
- [1:08:20 PM] woodie says:
before buying a book why not donate to MAKE A WISH as you learn more here than those books
[1:09:32 PM] woodie says:
thats a slap at what we do here ....buying books and not making a donation to help kids
These comments is so awful on so many levels. I am just speechless!
Woodie just didn't say it very well, as always. What he doesn't understand is that he does not talk, write or speak very well and should let others do it for him.
OK, well that is what he is doing most all the time and now you know why he makes others do everything for him.
Like fat ass cathyboob for example. Woodie let's her push the ADs like his little bitch when she doesn't even trade like a professional. Who's going to listen to someone that doesn't understand trading?
I never said Woodie got the right person to do the job, did I?
Woodie has no real friends. Hankster included. Woodie uses people and doesn't do much for them himself. He is lonely and pathetic.
I actually almost feel bad for him.
That business with the books today was hysterical. Here is Doug just having a conversation about some good trading books that he has read or heard of and Woodie says that he is slapping the work that is done in the room and donate to MAW instead of buying a book. I was laughing my ass of and then he clinches the deal by saying that for legal reasons they (read his free trading room) can't recommend any books as CFTA rules and the "lawyers" prohibit it. Doug drops his jaw and tells Woodie, ummm, Woodie I am a lawyer Woodie, and I have to tell you , that is just untrue!
Anyway, it made for great entertainment at best. What a total crock of just misinformation and hogwash. Doug was being pragmatic and analytical of the reality of trading and how you can learn a lot from some of the best traders in the business as outlined in Market Wizards. You can bet you will never see Woodie's profile in the next edition of that great book.
Oh yes, Robert Krausz, was in that book. Anyone seriously looking at trading for a living should read both editions of that book and see what REAL traders think and do. Kudos to Doug for pushing the silly envelope that Woodie tries to keep all things trading in.
Be real you people in there, how could you see that dialog in there today and feel good about being a part of that cult. Expand your wings and see what else is out there. You just might be amazed at what you find. Price levels, support and resistance points, targets for trades will get you much better entries than a lagging indicator will and will allow you stay in your trades much longer as well. Leave behind that scalping in and out nonsense. It will burn you out and burn out your account as well.
You don't even have to be a legal secretary to know that Woodie tries to feed legal mumbo jumbo to you. That goes to show you that he doesn't have an attorney and doesn't listen to ones that tell him he is wrong.
Or he just says that crap to avoid doing what he CAN'T do, which is give people his opinion. That way he can't be backed into a corner.
Can't recommend books? HAHAHAHAHA!
Can't call trades to the room in general? HAHAHAHAHA!
Wonder how all the THOUSANDS of newsletters, and rooms and shows do that exact thing?
Hmmm, like I said before. You can give advice as long as it's in general to everyone and you don't make predictions or guarantees.
What fucking idiot doesn't know that?
This is why people don't stay around Woodie. He's a senile old man - and shameful at that.
Anybody with a brain disagree? And no I don't mean a kool-aid drinking dumbass that thinks they are 'friends' with Woodie.
As for the lagging indicator. That is not true. CCI does not lag at all and will point out potential momo very nicely. You should look at the CCI again. It works the way I trade it very nicely.
My problem is with Woodies shameful scams and lies to people. Just pathetic. How does his wife deal with him? Does he yell at her, tell her to shut the fuck up and do as she is told?
I bet he does.
Very good post and correct too. Even newbie traders know you can give general advice that is unspecific to a certain persons actual position.
I wonder what the education level of Woodie actually is? He doesn't seem to bright to me to be very honest. Kind of simple and slow at things.
I have cci up and use it for confirmation of trades that I am already in off of PRICE levels. Of course it is a lagging indicator as it it is derived from calculations of price that has been printed in the PAST!. I watched Biker take a ghost trade on a famir and get all excited about 50 ticks. I was in that trade off of a PRICE level on my charts at 694 which was 20 ticks before that lagging cci signal. Oh yes, as Woodie loves to say, I got in way before the cci folks and thank you all for moving it my way. Oh yes, I had a PRICE level at 700 also which was the TARGET of the trade. No need for some silly lagging cci tlb or whatever to get out, just set the TARGET and sit back.
The idea that cci is the only way to trade is just utterly ludicrous. If you have no idea of where PRICE it is like driving by looking at your dashboard only and not out the window.
If you want to make real money in this game, as I said before, get away from that intraday scalping for 10 ticks mentality and go learn how to look for longer moves at important s/r levels and hold for targets.
It is time to graduate from elementary school folks, and get on to higher education. There is a lot to learn out there and much of it is in BOOKS, which I doubt Woodie has ever read.
Just listen to that self congratulatory, kool-aid gibberish and really ask yourself if this is the type of atmosphere that best embodies the professionalism that you need to appraoch this business with. Mix that with some patently FALSE statements like it is against the law to mention a BOOK or state an exact ENTRY and you have just a toxic atmosphere.
Woodie is losing his grip on reality. What do I see this morning on the website....an ADVERTISEMENT for some junk trading system?
Woodie's whole deal is do what he says, not what he does. Goofs like Cathy and the rest of Woodie's merry men (yeah most of Woodie's women look like men) are not smart enough to have figured this out. Like anyone with half a brain is going to listen to this group to learn how to trade for a living. The smart ones left long ago.
Looks like Cathy left...her picture is not on the website and I don't see her name in the chat.
Gotta check the local Walmart and see if she is there?
I have a Golden Retriever, and one day I was in line at WalMart, buying a large bag of Purina Dog Chow.
A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now >enthralled with my story, particularly a guy who was behind her.
Horrified, she asked if I'd ended up in the hospital in that condition because I had been poisoned. I told her no; it was because I'd been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car hit me. I thought one guy was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard as he staggered out the door.
Maybe you'd like to see your jokes copied and pasted in Woodie's room?
You mean you can post blantant lies. Call people nasty names. Call people fat and ugly and stupid. Tell them to work at Walmart. And do it all anonymously.
And you find posting a joke about Walmart and dieting offensive?
Get a life man!
As always you seem to miss the point. I'm sure the previous poster meant that if you want to disrupt the discussion here with your tasteless jokes, that they can be posted in the chat room. How well received do you think they will be there?
For the record, I would never call anyone fat and ugly. Stupid seems to be a choice some people make however. Working at Walmart is working - I respect anyone who makes an honest living. I'd rather work at Walmart than make a living the way Woodie does - off the backs of unsuspecting traders who buy into his bs.
As for lies posted here, can you disprove anything said here.
I didn't think so.
As to getting a life, you may want to think about getting a brain of your own, one that hasn't been washed by Woodie. You're believing your own bs.
How sad.
"Get a life man"?
How long does it actually take you to read the couple of comments per day here?
Cathy - It' obvious you post more than anyone here. I'd guess that means you spend more time thinking about posting, though there doesn't seem to be any thought behind your posts.
Think things through and maybe you'll see why everyone thinks you're not quite all there - no offense intended
As I said before, some people have no sense of humor. None. Nada. Zipkus. So for you, I will stick to the facts.
The bottom line for all of you is money. So here we go.
You seem to miss the point of what Woodie is doing. There are a ton of sleezy outfits out there taking money from people who want to learn to trade. Come to Woodie's room and we will teach you all that and it will not cost you one red cent.
You can use IB and get free charts from QuoteTracker. Or we have free charts in the room you can learn to trade with and follow along. You can sim trade until you get it right. Not risk one dime.
We do have some sponsors for all this. Just because it is free to traders, does not mean it is free to Woodie and Tony. It takes money to run websites and chatrooms and charts. Woodie does not get one dollar out of this.
The TradeAlongs are run as cheaply as humanly possible. Obviously some of the posters here have never run an event. They have no clue how much money it actually costs. I do know.
I like going to TradeAlongs. There is something to be said about meeting other traders in person. It is nice to put faces with the nicks. It is a social event as well as a learning opportunity. Especially for all of us old friends of Woodie.
If your budget is tight, don't go to them. Simple solution. You can learn all of this in the room if you prefer.
This giving to others extends to Make A Wish and other charities. All of what Dennis says about it not going to the kids is total crap.
Not everyone appreciates exactly what Woodie is doing. And we have a lot of people who left or got kicked out of the room. I suspect people who charge for their advice are not happy with him. That's life.
As long as people post negative things about Woodie and his club, I will post rebuttles. Last time I looked Free Speech was still in vogue. If the blog owners did not want comments, they would have not have asked for them on the front page.
Well I'm very happy to finally see someone post some 'facts' about Woodie instead of ignorant comments and replies as usual.
However, they are not all true and most don't meet the points being made here. Good try though.
What it shoes me, and probably many others, is that Woodie single supporter, Cathy, believes that since Woodies class costs the cheapest and they do things for 'free' in the room (more on the later) then anything he does is OK.
Nope. Wrong. Cathy - Woodie has deceived you and everyone else by not telling them all of what he does behind the scenes and the deals he makes. Yet, in front of the scenes he used to call the others scumbags - until he turned into one.
He has denied people from talking about the low cost of other tools just so they can be guided to Esignal. Yeah, traders helping traders. Sure.
He can't account for the money that was stolen from traders at the first events - tens of thousands of dollars handled by Susan, TonyUK and Woodie.
He can't get along with others but makes them do all his work - and doesn't give them any credit. What? You are going to tell all of us that Woodie is a nice guy and knows that everything is being done is due to hundreds of others and not Woodie? NO, he is definitely NOT that kind of person. We know it very well now.
By the way, did Woodie take down your fat droopy faced picture because you asked him a hard hitting question or because you are, well, fat and ugly?
Ok, then there is the fact that everyone else created the CCI for Woodie. All the trades and exits were developed by others as he went along and he gives no credit to them. Anything to say about that?
Geez, how much can I go on. There is no end in site really. But I'll end with one more thing. Don't fool yourself. A website costs only $150 a year to host and TonyUK obviously doesn't pay anyone to make it because it looks like total shit to be honest.
Any why does Woodie have all those sponsors on his site? Aren’t those the same people that he used to complain about before?
Ask Woodie about any of these questions and he will boot you! I wonder why?
Woodie, you truly are a fraud.
CATHY is just another apologist for Woodie and his shady scams. She is no different then the idiotic and moronic ‘people’ that defend terrorists like the so-called ‘presidents’ of iran, syria and north korea not to mention the plo or even the hezbollah terrorist group holding lebanonise people hostage.
you are pathetic and disgusting cathy.
you erroneously and illogically try to defend woodie because you think if you don’t that your following him will be for not. no one said not to use the CCI you dumbass. what most people posting here are talking about here is the fact that woodie is a very deeply behind-the-scenes shady scamster and not traders helping traders like he pretends to be.
what part part of that don’t you get? you are just a poster of INFO-AD like a pathetic kool-aid drinker. you do not know of what we know because we were and some still are part of the group. not the group that post ads like a ugly infomercial. but the one that makes decisions. yes, the ones that get booted when we try to make things right, correct and fair.
cathy, you nothing but a text pusher of advertising. think about it. try not to cry.
Wow! That is exactly how I feel to the T. Excellent post!
I've learned a lot from this blog about the trading rooms and the people that run them and glad to have found the link in the chat room.
Thanks for this blog!
Cry? Fat, droopy, ugly? Terrorists? Oh man, are you totally lame. How old are you? Six?
I could sit here and call you names too, but what would be the point?
Do us all a favor. Stay out of the room if it bothers you so. Trust me. We won't miss you.
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