What is Ken Wood’s mission and what path of destruction is he leaving?
Did woodie lie about Dr. Famirs death?
Did woodies cci method cause Dr Famir to loose millions?
Why does woodie keep losing people from his room that once were highly respected individuals in that community?
Does woodie scam people into thinking its all for charity?
Does woodie trade the cci himself or does he scam people into thinking he does?
What facts, proof and stories do you know to help get to the bottom of this?
Did woodie lie about Dr. Famirs death?
Did woodies cci method cause Dr Famir to loose millions?
Why does woodie keep losing people from his room that once were highly respected individuals in that community?
Does woodie scam people into thinking its all for charity?
Does woodie trade the cci himself or does he scam people into thinking he does?
What facts, proof and stories do you know to help get to the bottom of this?
Woodie, Tony, Susan, we are calling on you to explain these things. What is the real story behind it all? Have you mislead everyone and lied out of desparation to become famous?
Support our sites quest to dig for the factual truth.
This is a call for everyone that used to belong to Woodies CCI club to post what they know.
Post this blogsite in rooms daily and help get to the truth!
Support our sites quest to dig for the factual truth.
This is a call for everyone that used to belong to Woodies CCI club to post what they know.
Post this blogsite in rooms daily and help get to the truth!