What’s worse then a snake?
A two-faced snake of course.
Uncovering the truth about moderators and their rooms is our current topic. Post what you know about trading rooms and the people that help run them. Please be fair and factual. Words cut deeper then you may realize.
We all need to know the truth about the rooms that we visit. Trading is a serious business and this is a place we can talk feely without fear of retaliation. We have learned a great deal about rooms and their owners in the blog. Now it is time to get to the bottom of the mud. Drain the swamp and find the snakes so to speak.
We are calling on everyone to post what they know and share everything they can. Uncovering the truth can be painful, but useful nonetheless.
Thanks to all of you for making this blog once of the most visited in the trading world! Remember to post this blogs web address into the chat rooms and on other posting sites to help keep it popular.
We all need to help each other find the truth. Why wouldn't the room owners want it posted if they really are trying to help people, right?