Saturday, August 13, 2005

What do you listen to the moderators for?

What do you listen to the moderators for?

Great feedback everyone! Let's keep the bashing down to a very minimum. However, you do need to be critical because they do need your feedback to improve the rooms, their service and keep them on the level.

Remember this: You can criticize someone without using names and it actually cuts deeper and makes them think more about your point.

I've gotten word that the various owners of the rooms are reading this blog. And if you haven’t noticed look closer because they are changing their rooms as we speak... We are having an effect!

Please post this blog in your rooms, forum posts and other blogs as well as tell your friends in emails. We grow stronger with each person that joins us in the conversation here at Trading Room Feedback.

The topic now will be "What do you listen to the moderators for?"In other words, why do you listen, what are you getting out of it? What does it do for you? How can it be better?


Anonymous said...

Originally when I came to Woodie's Room, I listened intently to the moderators to learn the patterns, get questions answered that I didn't see on the website and find out good places to find more information.

Then as I progressed, I liked to hear all the trades and see if my observations matched theirs and if my trades were similar to the moderator's. Helped to build my self confidence.

Now since I have been in the room for over a year, I listen to the room mostly for a companion, talk to friends and entertainment. Trading is a lonely occupation without chats.

Anonymous said...

I am starting to see how woodie operates. He doesn't actually connect with the room members. I guess he thinks he too good. Notice how he logs in for hours into the room but doesn't help answer any questions, provide any training or join the room in discussion. He is off in other private rooms talking with his friends. I find this behavior strange.

When he does do any of this it is at a minimal to say the least. I really do get the feeling without any of the previous mods and helpers woodie would be nothing and nowhere. He doesn't lead the room. Doesn't participate. And doesn't do any extended training to help traders. He hasn't even written a document on how he trades.

What does he get out of all of this is what I ask? I also think he just likes to see people want him and find it curious how he doesn't allow feedback into the room. His mods are all the same. Go GO GO Woodie! But woodie hasn’t done anything. Does he even trade at the TAL's? Does he even present anything there over and above the same meaningless presentation? Anyone with answers to these questions please respond as I am becoming most interested in what is going on here.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

you are correct james. you have spotted what most all mods that end up leaving the room figure out. but you never know it because woodie doesn't allow feedback and boots people when they are '1 comment against his way'.

you do see woodie doing charts tonight, solely because of this blog telling him to actually help people. its sad. also you see him laying into someone for asking questions about forex trading. woodie cant have a complex discussion about any trading, his own included. he cant talk. wont discuss anything and shuts you down with 'bbl - oatmeal to stir' crap. tonight the guy asking questions finally got the 'ive been trading for 28 years and ive just given you all that! if you dont want to believe me then blah blah blah!'

woodie wouldnt be anywhere if it wasnt for all the help because he cant even explain anything, let alone his own method and does no hard work to help people.

Anonymous said...

When you get something for FREE, you have to take it for what it is worth. It is a great place to learn how to use a system, but not a place for experienced traders who like to tweak things. Or ask questions.

There are basically 2 student rooms if you listen. One where the students teach (the blind leading the blind) and a main room where the "big guns" teach.

This morning I was listening to Woodie and TW and if I took their advice, I would have been deeply in the red!

Anonymous said...

the main room is the blind leading the blind. the student room is just some runoff room so the blind in the main room aren't bothered during the trading day.

Anonymous said...

Teddy's site is down again. apparently he did not pay the bill. He was shut down in April for the same reason, and he solicited funds for his site and it opened for a month or two again. please contribute to his site, so he can reopen it.

Anonymous said...

Teddy is pulling a fast one. he has repeatedly stated that he is a successful trader. Teddy has also stated he has quite a few successful buisnesses as well. So why should Teddy want or need money to pay for his site?

Anonymous said...

Hey you whiny chatroom freeloader, you want a "free" forum just full of valuable information for you to copy, why don't you try this one:

Why would teddy want to pay $360/yr to host a forum he has no interest in, for a chatroom (not his) that he also has no interest in? To prevent freeloaders from whining?

All of the information on teddy's old forum is being transferred to another web hosting site, with the full cooperation of teddy. So again, stop your whining, loser.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:32, apparently you are the only one who knows that info, so you must be in on the scam.

Anonymous said...

Try this url, good info there and it is free and doesn't shut down:

Anonymous said...

Teddy announced he was not renewing his quarterly web fee for his old forum and also asked for volunteers, who still had some interest in the info on the forum, to set up a new PHP forum and put all of teddys info, saved in an SQL file, on the new forum. He announced this in #safari, so it was no secret.

There were several volunteers that offered to do so, and so the same forum will soon appear at a different website under a new name. The hosting party had some excess capacity available, so this is costing no one anything this time. Unlike when teddy was paying it all out of his own pocket.

Anonymous said...

The URL mentioned above is drbob's chatroom forum:

It's a good forum also, although of the 638 registered members, only about 10 mambers make any contributions to it, sort of like the chatroom.

Teddy's old forum was open for 8 months (minus a 1 week planned shutdown) and collected about 700 posts from many experienced traders, including complete 24 hour chatroom logs. There is almost no overlap between the information on tradershaven and teddy's old forum. Which is interesting, considering most of the members were once in woodies chatroom.

The URL for the "new" forum will be announced in #safari on IRC.

Anonymous said...

tonyuk just posted by mistake that he is in denver and was asking about the weather. LOL. BUSTED! looks like TAL make a wish money is going to pay for tonyuk's 2 week vacation and for what? he doesn't do a dam thing. hasn't written one dam article. doesn't trade. can't trade actually but thats another story.

why TONYUK are you taking money from the children ? ! ? ! ?

also, why is Woodie getting PAID thousands for his commericals and the kinds ain't getting any of it. interesting to see woodie start his rouse of making money outside of hiw 'free' room. it hurts the kids woodie. how can you sleep at night? WOODIE?


Anonymous said...

And pray tell, what flavor of idiot are you? Big fat liar if you ask me!

Anonymous said...

Tony is in Denver.

Woodie does not get thousands for his endorsements.

Lots of money goes to Make A Wish from WCCI. $105,000 at last count.

How many times do you have to be told that?

Anonymous said...

Woodie and Tony....we love you guys. Ignore these clueless idiots.

Anonymous said...

Tony is in Denver.

His wife isn't.

She's pissed.

For the rest of the year, she's not mowing the lawn, serving him his meals at his computer, or doing any of the other services she provides in exchange for all the free vacations to the US that she's become accustomed to.

Tony's screwed.

Anonymous said...

looks like Woodie won't answer the questions above. That is a signal to us. Also, WTF is tonyuk doing at the TAL? lol what does he do? he can't trade, doesn't teach and hasn't created anything but a lousy website.

I find it interesting also that he is getting paid money to do Esignal commercials without any mention or disclosure about it. Yet he puts out an image of openess and freeness for everything he does. Hipocrite comes to mind quite honestly. All day he acts like everything is free free free yet he's getting tons of kickbacks and free services worth tens of thousands of dollars a year. What a phoney. And whats worse its all on the back of these poor people that are made to feel they are doing something good while Woodie does not much at all. Where's a document? Where's the afterhours training? All rooms do this. Does he?

I really see how Woodie is scamming and even worse USING people to get Guru status fame.

Anonymous said...

What the hell do you expect for free? I don't think you would know a good deal if it came up and bit you in the ass.

I have been in the room for a year. I have been helping out. I have been making donations to charities. And this is the thanks we get from you?

Listen, do us all a favor in WCCI and GET LOST!

Who the hell needs you with that bad attitude.

You are outta here!

Anonymous said...


Sounds like you are too new to understand what is going on. I agree with the previous poster. Your idea of what is for 'free' is fine. We all agree to that I would have to imagine. But what you and some others are misunderstanding is the dishonest kickbacks, extravagant spending of TAL money instead of giving it to the kids, and the Guru status Woodie is gaining becuase of people like us and you now who are helping for 'free' becuase he is misleading you very slick and cunningly i might add.

No need to argue. Just think about it for a bit now and then and you will see what people mean.

Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yep, Woodie keeps shafting everyone without anyone figuring it out but a few of us. And you all are so blind that ahe is doing it in front of your eyes. Well, that is your problem.

Also, drboobs room sure sucks. Angela is a bitch and that is not name calling. She is so stuck on herself and tries to act like people like here when in fact she does nothing but attacks other women in the room. Yes, that is all she does. She's useless and we all cant wait until she hot the road.

Drboobs room suck, like I already said. He is going down the drain fast. You see how the posts in his room are after the fact now, just like TW_WI and most other mods in Woodies room are. Looks like they both go the way of the BULLSHITTER.

Lets see Woodie post live trades, or any of the mods, or drboob for that matter. Amazing how these people want to post trades after the fact. WTF? do they think we dont notice?

How about Eminifuts? Do you guys see how F'ed up he is? OMG! He gets into trades, and then when they are not going his way do you notice he disappears for hours? What a lamer.

I respect traders that post trades live and not after the fact. Repeat after me.... I will not BULLSHIT myself and others any longer becuase I KNOW that no one can say anything in the room about it becuase it will be called NEGATIVE by both rooms. And THAT is the problem.

Thanks to this room for providing a forum for feedback.

I wont talk about sporrt. He's just a huge prick plain and simple. Can you spell F.R.A.U.D.


Anonymous said...

So what if Woodie gets kickbacks from vendors?

So what if his expenses are paid from the TAL money? So what if Tony is flown in to help with money from the TAL? (if that even is true?)

I think you all are blowing the whole thing out of all proportion. It takes money to run a room and TALs. Do you expect Woodie to pay for all this out of his own pocket? I don't!

The thing is this. If you guys got an answer from Woodie, no matter what he would give it a negative spin.

No sense trying to reason with any of you truthfully. You have made up your little negative minds.

Anonymous said...

my we are a bit cynical arent we.

sounds like you dont trust what people say. in my experiance that shows that you are not trustworthy yourself.

the obvious problem that you are trying so hard to avoid is that Woodie says its all free. Preaches that its for the children. All the wasted money should go to the children.

Also, Woodie has a fit when people open a pay room. Spouts crap like "why pay if it is free here, blah blah blah".

Thats false. it aint free here. he is taking kickbacks, cash and extranvagant spending from the children. woodie is a two-faced hypocrit. not outlining expenses for TALS after stating that all funds go to the children is fraud. what keeps him from spending it on anything he wants.

now he has PFG doing it for him. lol. another expensive middle man.

this goes on and on.

you are obviously not bright enough to get this and not nearly sophisicated enough to figure out the scam.

i got an idea. go away and leave this to the advanced group of business people and you keep trying to work on your trading.

Anonymous said...

When I read all this crapola I just thank God that I am not dumb enough to bother opening a chat room.

I figured out a long time ago....if you make money on the sure as hell ain't gonna have time or inclination to teach. Or write bullshit blogs.

Though go ahead and talk about all this. Be my guest. It is entertaining.

Anonymous said...

I can see very clearly that you may want it to be 'crapola' but the facts are outstanding. If you dont like the truth then go spin your 'crapola' elsewhere. The truth is here and it hurts you.

Anonymous said...

what kind of fool would call this site crapola? think about that one for a second.

everyone is allowed to read and consider each post and its value. why would someone not like this ability?

everyone can post what they know, or facts or their opinions freely. why would someone not like this ability?

makes you really wonder why that person would be so upset at this. can you freeley post your opinions in their chat rooms?

dont you want pressure to be put on the chatrooms to do what they agaree and say they do? dont you want your chatroom to be better? of course you do but it doesnt allow feedback.

if anyone says anything that aint "oh woodie, drbob, sport, you are the best" comments then you are booted. true isnt it? another fact in your face isnt it?

i understand that facts are hard for you to accept. you live in a world of hiding faults and that is why you are a struggling trader. get over this and that will help you become a better trader as well.

Anonymous said...

Think a moment.

Say I came into your public room, started accusing you of being a liar and a cheat and that you couldn't trade.
I bet it wouldn't take 3 seconds before you gave me the boot.

I wouldn't expect less.

Anonymous said...

you can't be that f'ing stupid are you? is that the best logical argument you can put together?

good luck trading lol.

Anonymous said...

No, I am not fucking stupid.
But I know you are. Damn, you can't even spell it.


Anonymous said...

I think I need to get out the soap.....

Anonymous said...

Blogged said blah, blah, blah. What is up when you click on the blue highlighted name. Oh my, it's a spammer.

Anonymous said...

here is the MOST blatent and quite frankly stupid trick woodie has been pulling recently.

TradeMaven and PFG. what a f'ing prick he is trying to pawn PFG off as his choice just becuase he gets kickbacks.

even worse, he sits there and tells people his 'new' super duper auto trader and says its 'vey educational'. ARE YOU F"ING KIDDING ME? you nasty and stupid f'ing old greedy man. you are shameful! SHAMEFUL! that thing will serve to confuse and loose money for newbies. you know that. QUIT WHAT YOU ARE DOING. you KNOW they will just flock to a service if you mention it. you KNOW it wont make them money. and you KNOW its not trading correclty either. it wont educatte anyone?

i demand that you explain how you f'ing creepy nasty old prick?!

you are a scammer! that wont teach them anythign but to spend all their time trying to figure out how cci is really traded veres that convoluded process of autotrading which doesnt work.

Anonymous said...

lol, now woodie wants to fly MPLay (scammer) in to show people at dallas TAL Autotrading.

Give me a f'ing break you old man. First, Mplay is a scamming poor trader. We all know that. Seconds, Autotrading doesn't work, let alone the brand new setup he has made. We saw it live. It lost 9 trades out of 9. Who are you kidding?

Why would you want to spend money flying someone in that would only serve to confuse new people? you KNOW the system doesnt work. You know autotrading is for learning purposes. Are you really that F'ing dumb old nasty man?

You are scamming people and it is clear. Stop spending the childrens money on wasted needless costs. Tonyuk was useless and spent 2 weeks in Denver. WTF did you pay for that?

You are a peice of sh*t woodie and you should be ashamed of yoruself.

Answer these charges if you are a man!

Anonymous said...

well i agree with you. mplay trying to create state to state logic for autotrading will not work. he is not the "sharpest knife in the drawer" and computer science majors struggle with that. he cant do it. he doesnt even understand questions posed to him. and you are right. they are hyping it only to push this on newbies. it is a scam and i am emabarassed to be assocaited with woodie at this point. he is acting discraceful. he knows better and wont direct newbies toward what they need. instead he is pushing them toward whats best for his own bottom line... aka kickbacks.

what is funny is the mods doing all the work for him for nothing. he mentions that the TAL's take a lot of work. LOL. he doesnt do any of it. he doesnt even help at the TALS. its really silly. im embarassed.

the mods are really bad and cant trade either.

Anonymous said...

i just logged into mplay autosimulation and all i see is losses again. how can woodie call this educational if its always loosing and not to mention it doesnt even apply woodies zlr strategy?

bigger question is why do they both act like it works? i read the transcripts just now and they are practicaly jerking each other off about the sucess. are they homosexual? anybody know?

anyways, woodie is obviously pushing PFG becuase he gets kickbacks and i agree with previous posters, "i'm embarassed" as well. woodies failing at trading i think and he's pushing stuff to make up for the losses. just pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to this blog and Woodies constant reading of it you have been successful in making him change for the better!

He is now saying the autotrader is having problems. This is VERY different then what him and mplay were saying before.

mplay is not understanding woodies cci patterns and needs to learn to trade himself before trying to autotrade, which doesn't work in auto mode ever.

woodie might be way to old to understand anythign anylonger to be honest. however, he was pushing it hard on people so that his kickbacks from PFG would go higher.

and do you see what he did today?

LOUD SPEAKER: "if we can get 15 more people to sign up then we can get mplay to come show us the autotrader", "just 15 more people and we can do it!", "ok now just 14 more people..."

christ, how pathetic.

why is he paying mplays expenses when autotrading doesnt work, his doesnt work, and its clear it doesnt work. now he want to try to entice newbies (i.e. "AUTOTRADING!!!!") and get their money for the TAL.

christ, how pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Change for the better, what are you smoking. Three cheers for Woodies and all the moderators that has helped him get to where he is today.

Anonymous said...

jimsy, lol, you're funny. woodie agrees with you too lol. where

singing to myself...

"have all the mods gone?..."

"oh were have all the mods gone?..."

"du du du tu tu du du da da da..."

"where have all the mods gone..."

Anonymous said...

woodie trying to talk with members in room today:

10:50:32 {woodie} one must get oneself under control...must get oneself to rid things that you know lead you to failure...if not
the longer this goes on the faster the road to ruin appears

ROFLMAO... you can tell woodie is trying to write his book. he sure sucks ass at it. think about what he wrote and how USELESS that crap talk is. its in every single book written. has it helped you todate?

he cant write. doesnt teach. couldnt have done any of this if it it wasnt for everyone else but him. you know it, i know it now face it.

Anonymous said...

woodie, you really are a nasty old man aren't you?

you are bragging that your autotrader works so well but you can't be so f'ing stupid as that can you?

no i don't think so. even after you just get done posting -7 er, -9 ym and +13 euro (-$70 + -$45 + $130 = $15 profit BEFORE trade costs you dumb arse!) you go on to tell us how great it is working.

well sir, you know better and YOU are scamming NEWBIES into buying into PFG (kickback for you) and geettign TradeMaven (kickbacks for you) when it will only serve to confuse them. you know that, we know that, your f'ing mods know that and yet you want to profit off of them.

you are distugting. nothing like you used to be before guru (idiot money making machine) status.

you sir are a prick-ly nasty scamming old man and deserve to be investigated.

Anonymous said...

listen to woodie BEG and PEAD for people to join his TAL so he can spend more:

12:35:54 {woodie} for you people that have signed up for the dallas tradealong or orlando and those that went to denver..automaven
has a free 3 month deal for you foe autotrading

12:36:19 {woodie} i need 6 more people to sign up for Dallas .today ..thks

12:36:53 {woodie} i can then bring in mplay for the auto trade part of TAL
12:37:06 {woodie} hehe

listen to woodie 'force' his own opinion on a new member saying they are still considering it:

12:40:00 {woodie} each one has been complaints at all on them not 1

woodie, let it rest? why are you begging people to sign up? offering to fly mplay in for autotrading (which you just started trying to do 4 days ago) is very sad. like the previous poster stated, you know newbies don't need to by trying to autotrade. that's just reckless comments. why are you trying to sell so hard?

other then you taking in more profit, are you trying make up an excuse to fly another 'person' in so the TAL looks like the mods like you? having a hard time to get mods to come to your TAL? i think they are starting to learn what the deal is.

Anonymous said...

Ever wonder why trading chatrooms and blogs like this get so negative? The main reason is because over 90% of stock and emini day traders are losing money and they're under a lot of pressure. If they don't stop the hemoraging they'll have to get another second mortgage to keep trading and then answer to their angry spouse. It doesn't matter what indicators they use or which guru they follow - the vast majority will lose money every week because this is the toughest business in the world. This pressure can make a nice person take on a totally negative and defensive personality - you see it everyday in the rooms. 9 out of 10 people in the trading chatrooms should go back to work because they will never support themselves by trading. I'm sorry to be so blunt, and if you're making a living trading understand that you are very fortunate. I'm a broker and I know first hand how hard a game this is.

Anonymous said...

PFG NEIL - shut the F' up. we know its you.

your logic is silly as can be. in fact its a direct copy of the then valid complaint about people posting negative comments about companies or stocks in order to profit.

ummm, this aint the same. its a feedback forum that doesnt reflect on stocks dipsh*t. understand that?

while you gather your brain cells let me help you figure it out...

the 'reason' so called 'negative' posts are on blogs regarding these trading rooms are becuase the owners do not allow feedback.


the so called 'negative' comments are actually facts and proof of what is going on.

why should we allow people to BS us?

oh, i forget. you are a porker (oh i mean broker) lol. that is your game.


Anonymous said...

Anon - I have no idea who "PFG NEIL" is, I swear on your mother, my mother and anyone else's that I'm not who you think I am. I'm an options broker from a tiny two-man firm on the east coast. I was an emini trader for three years and accepted an offer to manage retail accounts using options last year. Anyway, read my first sentence and you will see that I mention the negativity in the trading chatrooms, not just the blogs. You sir, are probably one of those angry traders losing money on a regular basis and taking it out on others from your keyboard. I will refrain from posting again here but if anyone that read my well-intentioned last post will take it to heart and decide if daytrading is right for them it would be worth my time posting that message.
Take care all.

Anonymous said...

go to for the old teddiesCCIroom forum.

Anonymous said...

anybody guess why woodie is taughting the 13 min now, EVEN THOUGH its confusing to new people (which is his target so he can build room numbers)?

go ahead? give me a f'ing guess? do it!?

its becuase B.O. i mean GIO is complaining that no one cares about the 13 min time frame she uses. so woodie feels compelled to support her.

i'm so amazed at how he caters to women like a dumb arse. whats the point? why should he? cuz they cry? oh poor GIO no one listens to her... whaaaaa... whaaaaa.

woodie is pathetic just like the previous posted indicated.

oh about his autotrader, ROFL, is he really that F'ing stupid to beleive it works without slippage? is that what he really said? how old is that f'ing guy?

what age will he finally pass away so we can all trade together like we want to without getting bashed in the room for helping each other.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody hear the Woodpecker explaining to Mark Douglas what a bracket trade is? That was freakin´hilarious man! There was a trader in the room that had problems holding on to a trade as long as was needed for him to reach his profit targets according to his brackets. And Douglas wanted to know what a bracket trade was in order to give some advice on how to get better at staying with the trade a bit longer. Woodpecker was therefore trying to explain what a bracket trade was and it sounded something like this: "well...uuuhhm...well...hmmm. You know. It´s when..uhhm...the trader clicks on the buy or sell button on the trading application...and...uhhm...then the order goes out to the market...".

Mark Douglas just went quiet for a moment and then said: "hmm. that sounds just like normal trade to me...".

Anonymous said...


doesn't suprise me. he can't teach. why do you think he has never written a document on his trading? anyone find that strange?

he's used people to write it for him. they got suckered into it. poor people. and the mods all do his work, for free lol. not even kickbacks like he gets.

when he is asked a question he can't even answer it with more then a few words.

can you say 'L.I.M.I.T.E.D.'

or 'dumb as dirt'

he is truely a scammer. go woodie!

Anonymous said...

well, today woodie reviewed the trades for the day. i only popped in for a bit but heard 1 traded reviewed.

it went like this:

"it doesnt meet my standard for a famir, but i read that some o fyou took it.. so we will include it in the totals. it went 3+ full points..."

give me a F'ing break. it was no pattern. the people that took it were stupid lucky arse newbies and so he included it to get higgher totals. pathetic old nasty man.

woodie i am embarassed to be a part of your room.

Anonymous said...

Here is another classic from the Woodster: "Every damn candle is a doji to me, one way or the other.." Can anyone plllease tell me what THAT means?

Anonymous said...

well know you know...

woodie just said in room:

"PFG heard about charting complaints throughout the day and called me and told me what they were doing about it to fix it. now isn’t that service. they are super. unlike other brokers hint hint.. IB. that don’t take care of you."

hmm, ok now isn’t that shameful. i’ve never had a problem with IB. and sure not as many as they are having with PFG. and why do i care if they call woodie (to suck arse and please the master guru). isn’t funny how woodie now slams (and wrongly i might add) IB just to push PFG.

tell me he isn’t getting kickbacks. go ahead. i'm waiting...

woodie has gone from be a good soul and person into shameless old man out of control and doing anything to create a name.

you moderators doing this all for free are screwing yourself. you wait and see. look at how many actual good traders mod'ed before and where are they? think about it.

and every dam change to auto trader crap stuff he's running, he shoves that onto teh newbies too. "and by the way, mplay (which cant trade let alone create a auto trader system) has now added the gb100 blah blah blah to it..."

woodie, how many times do you have to be slapped to get it straight. it takes a lot of time to make auto trading work and most never do get it to auto trade correctly without constant changing. don’t you see how that will effect newbies or don’t you care? you just want the profit kickbacks from PFG?

you are shameless. nothing less then a piece of crap now woodie.

everything is about what kickbacks can woodie get. sad and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

ROFL. now woodie is saying he is going to run the sim and trade it live with his IB account.

umm, didnt he just bash IB and told newbies to get PFG?

he is and outta control.

Anonymous said...

now thats funny. woodie knows IB doenst have many problems if any at all. he told me that directly and told room memebers that too many time. i guess that 'line' doesnt fit his 'needs' any more.

i myself can't recall a time that IB has had any problems and i have been using them for over 4 years now. the only time is when a disaster hits thet market and and all thte charts now matter what company slow down but thats due to data feeds and nothing to do with IB.

Anonymous said...

wodoie says: "what we have going on here today is the March Of The Doji's"

now how did he know that? i thought he didn't look at price bars?

he has so many other charts running he doesnt tell anyone. he is such a scammer.

Anonymous said...

you wouldn't beleive what woodie just said. i'm embarassed for him now. how old is he getting? i think he is loosing it.

he stated "look at that doji candle.."

problem is that it was not a doji candle. ROFL!

i am starting to wonder if he even knows anything about trading or tech analysis honestly.

now i trade cci myself. but i know what i talk about and don't make it up. woodie please stop making us look bad so these posters will shut up.

Anonymous said...

does woodie really know how to trade?

has anyone really seen him make actual trades during the TALs?

all i hear him say is this pattern sets up, and alter he desges about the exit or talks about some people still in got lots of profits out of it. what kind of crap is that?

then i log into the autotrading room and see this:

{woodie} my laptop is having trouble big kicked off auto maven by saying error occurred closes auto maven down after i try to bring up...i'll wait to later to get help if your jeremy thks

{Jeremy} ok.. will take a look.. is that version 1.3 or 1.2..

{woodie} no idea jer

i know the posters previously mentioned that he is getting too old and somewhat senile. i'm a little worried about this whole situation actually.

what can i expect from the TAL? should i sign up? does the money really go toward a charity?

i saw him state that some company named PFG takes care of all the TAL money now? does that mean there is another middle man taking more money out of the 'middle' ?

please help!

Anonymous said...

What can you expect at the TAL?
Woodie walking around saying, "This is great, traders helping traders".
Does Woodie actually trade at the TAL?
Oh yea, right, and Ted Kennedy doesn't drink either.
Left over funds go to charity?
and Ted Kennedy doesn't drink either. ROTFLMOA

Anonymous said...

Gio?! is that really u. I suspect it's someone else using your name. What a loser.

Anyways, for all the woodie haters. It's funny how you all hung around the room till you figured out trading and moved on. Face it, woodies room helped you people develop as traders. Yeah, the new collection of moderators suck. But the oldies were good. A lot of the good traders have left, but those of you who were there when GB007 et al were posting and sharing, you learnt a lot!!

I suspect a lot of the woodie bashers are failed traders. You all *do not* have what it takes. Period. The only solace you get now that your trading sucks is you bash others. All woodie can provide is a forum to ask question and learn. It's free, so what else do you want?

As for me, I moved on. I have a setup that works and I don't need the room distracting me anymore. For newbies, the distraction might be worth it. It'll accelerate your learning.

Anonymous said...

you wish lol.

fitzy, shut the hell up. you lost all your money.

gb? lol are you kidding! he cant trade. he blind. he cant think or concentrate anylonger and never has called a live trade. ever. never.

who are you trying to fool? well you cant now.

Anonymous said...

does anyone have the information for the sidewinder?

i realize its only good for zlr which makes it lame, however:

what is the period?

what is the calculation used?

what are the values used to determine GREEN, YELLOW and RED conditions?

please post any information you have.


Anonymous said...

period is 25 and 34.

calc used is arc-tanget angle of
lsma-slope(25)/lsmafactor and
added together
where slope is (x - median(ema or lsma)*ticamount
where factor is squareroot(interval/180 degrees)
where interval is:
day = 60*sessionduration
week = 60*sessionduration*5
month = 60*sessionduration*22
where sessionduration is minutes showing.

green is above 100.
yellow is above 75.
red is everything else.


[these two posts above found at sierra charts help fourm]

Anonymous said...

who exactly is doing woodie bashing?

what i see is facts or opinions being posted based on events that have occurred. most give facts or present their side of what they report.

woodie on the other hand acts like whatever he is promoting is for the better, kicks people out or shuts them down, that promote cheap (non-kickback cash) tools that work very well and he used himself and loved.

now these tools suck and newbies should use the most expensive tools out there?

come on. lets get real!

he used Sierra Charts and IB, and still does actually, for years. any of you know just how cheap these tools are? you think $9 a month for Sierra Charts and IB that NOW has backfill at a price of $0 per month doesn’t control your costs?

shouldn’t you control your costs? didn’t woodie say that?

what happened now?

oh, i forgot. he's doing esignal commercials.... for money.

do you trust him to tell you what is best for your trading?

does his 'free' room now become 'free' at your expense? wouldn’t you rather have a room that is open to opinions?

shame shame on woodie for not being a good hearted person anymore.

Anonymous said...

So since no one knows who this blog belongs too. Could it have been setup to see who is giving him a bad time by checking the bloglog? See your IP and email address and so on.

Guess the Woodpecker is not as dumb as most think. Well, at least his die hard lieutenants checking and reporting back like good little soldiers they are.

Anonymous said...

given the heat created upon woodie, sport and drbob (relative to their room size of course) i think its easy to see it doesn't belong to any of them or their friends - if they really have any.

thanks to this blog for letting a true voice be heard. go knows woodie shuts you down as soon as you speak up and try to help new people. same with drboob. to be honest, i dont know who is worse.

drboob is an angrily agressive and cut-throat asshole. to anything against and to you to shut you down.

woodie is is a sly asshole kicking you out saying you are negative (lol) and then waiting for his esignal, PFG, TM, etc.) kickbacks.

oh! you didnt know woodie gets PAID? go ask him. see how he responds.

oh! you didnt know woodies mods dont get paid but do all the work?

you dont see how he doesnt even know what the schedule is? doesnt know what trading terms are? doesnt know what a doji is? doesnt know what autotrading really is and the problems associated with it? doesnt know that he has no friends? doesnt know that he cant talk, makes up words and his speech is geting worse and worse? doesnt know that he doesnt help at the TALS? doesnt know he lost his good will, kind heart and is going down the drain...

Anonymous said...

what's with all the crap posted on woodies web site now?

3 trading coaches?

huge PFG advertising ads?

esignal ads but no Sierra Chart ads?

what the hell is going on?

how can SUSAN be a part of this?

Anonymous said...

Trading Room Feedback

This blog information has to get out in the public domain!

Go post this site in your chatrooms after logging in under a different name. then log out and come back later under a different name.

I can't beleive what woodie is doing. It's incredible to see him change into someone taking kickbacks for recommending products that are no good for newbies.

He is praying in newbies. And we need to STOP him.

Go post this link in boards, blogs and chatrooms. tell your friends. get the word out. If we come together we can change things. its OUR rooms. NOT theirs!

Power to the traders and help defend the newbies!

Anonymous said...

Looks like woodie and crew is starting to see how hard it is to make rules to trade on autotrader.

one lucky trade for what they say was +18 (NOT) and they are whooop whooop horray!

then the very next trade gets -15 at least and they don't say boo. not a word. nada. zip.

so they wait 20 minutes then they start fooling around with the rules like mad dogs as if they think that will work.

they have NO CLUE as to how to create a autotrading system and will be forever changing it. simple minded fools.

Anonymous said...


does woodie own stock in

if this is true then no wonder why he keeps coming up with that stupid line "and its great for learning" crapola.

iv'e never heard him talk so much about anything, ever. he doesn't even talk that much about trading. but he sure talks alot about getting TradeMaven which is connected to PFG.

holy crap! is this what is going on besides the kickbacks?

Anonymous said...

Hmm....I leave for a week and nothing changes. Please put in another subject Mr. Blog Starter.....this is getting too long to download.

I agree that things are getting weird in WCCI. It is encapsulated in it's own little world. Woodie's World.

Hey, just take it for what it is and you won't be dissapointed. I don't give a crap about newbies....I eat them for lunch.

Trading is a dog eat dog business and the sooner you all wise up, the better off you will be.


Anonymous said...

I am donating to the hurricane refugees instead of Make a Wish for the next few months. Please help them through

Anonymous said...

wow! look below at woodie typing as fast as he can to help get TM/PFG users signed up! notice time stamps. never saw woodie type so fast and talk so much.
11:10:24 {Marc_S.} is there a cost for TM charts

11:11:38 {woodie} marc yes 99$ a month gives u data and auto

11:12:10 {woodie} or u can use your esignal feed inti cheaper

11:12:32 {Marc_S.} esignal feed for TM?

11:12:42 {woodie} yes

11:12:44 {Marc_S.} cool

11:12:55 {Marc_S.} do you have to have an account with PFG

11:13:22 {woodie} to sim yes

11:13:29 {Marc_S.} ok, thanks

11:13:54 {woodie} check with PFG neil tho

[note to self: woodie, boy you sure are pushing PFG eh?]

11:14:53 {Marc_S.} will do, thanks

11:20:32 {woodie} going out for breakfast..bbl

oh shoot! notice below woodie doesn't reply when mis-information is given in room.
18:48:46 {woodie} flat -5

18:48:49 {mach5} happy post-boating labor day greetings, room

18:56:10 {Jeremy} nyce mach, which body of water?

18:56:33 {mach5} oh, just a local lake down here in louisiana

18:58:46 {mach5} so I was reading above, auto did alright the past few days?

19:01:07 {Rick_V.} I believe woodie said he was up about 400.00 on the euro last night on sim acct.

19:07:54 {woodie} nice would not trigger because bar close lower than -130 so no chase...

[note to self: woodie, why didnt you clear that lie up? it was only asked a few minutes ago.]

19:13:27 {mach5} I like that rule of thumb... <> 130

notice again woodie is pushing PFG (kickbacks) but not helping traders.
17:31:32 {Marc_S.} how do I enter stop loss

17:38:09 {woodie} I will run live charts at 6:00 est on the euro with zlr and the gb 100 on auto trade in the automaven room...

18:53:42 {woodie} great learning tool

[note to self: woodie, umm why are you trying to push PFG again and didn't even help a trader that was asking a very serious question? and how can you call an autotrader a great learning too since it doesn't even trader the rules yet. woulnd't that just lead to frustration? or are you more concerned with pushing PFG for kickbacks?]

Did anybody see the snaphot woodie showed had only $27.50 current balance and that is after tons of trades over many days which doesn't include trading fees or slippage (but who cares lol). and you wouldn't beleive the very last trade it made. #19 short and #20 cover which ended up being withtin 1 minute and on the same bar for a bad loss of -15 at least. was anythign mentioned about it? nope. ROFLMAO.

Anonymous said...

It is very clear that Woodie does not understand autotrading. It makes me wonder seeing how he is not helping with the room events, not doing ANY teaching whatsoever, and just sits there and pushes PFG charts that he is no longer "The Woodie We Once Knew".

What he is doing is at his own personal cost with respect to his long term friends. I think he may be going through a financial crisis and in need of money. It is my only guess. I would surmise that his trading is not going well.

Kinda like the Autotading lol.

Anonymous said...

lost another one to autotrader! lol

now woodie feels obigated to talk about the 'one' that got away.

22:01:31 {woodie} ok with that 1 st gb that i didn't have set up on correctly there were 13 points and -5 on that one so gb up 100$ so far on gb 100 [EUR]

ok lets figure this out. i watched woodie try to calculate the distance and he was all over the chart trying to see what he could get away with. sorry woodie. its rules. that is what autotrading is about. and based on the rules even if you would have had it turned on it would have been +7 not +13.

opps, i almost was doing what you do. we have to add slippage so +7-1-1 = +5.

opps, we also have to add in 2 trips at 2.00 each best case is $4.00.

so EUR 5 ticks best case and minues trading fees. hmmmm. but what is so pathetic about this is they thing is was a GREAT trade. that is because they are looking at the red bars and see $$$. problems is the autotrader didn't and wouldn't have taken that much out of it even based on the rules they are using.

woodie, go push PFG to newbies lol.

oh wait, we forgot to add fees and slippage and loss of last trade which was -5 itself. wow, we are in the hole again!

and they are still high-fiving each other over it. HAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Sad to see Woodie morph into this non-trading corporate shill. It's especially painful to have to hear him cluelessly hype this autotrader, even being low enough to tout it as a great "training tool" for newbies even if they don't use it for real trading. Back in the day he used to look out for the newbie and steer them towards simple, cheap charts and brokers like Sierra and IB.

It's shameful to see the old man sell his soul and integrity this way. I guess greed is intoxicating, and if you're a 25 year veteran of failed trading and now retired, in supposed failing health, and still making your old wife work from home to pay the bills, you'll jump at a final chance to grab the gold ring. The rubberband wad of cash at those first TALs whetted his appetite for more, so he's sold himself to the highest corporate bidders to cover the chats, brokers, charts and even the TALs. Too bad he's in the narrow field of daytrading. It'd be nice to get hooked up with free yearly car upgrades, free groceries and someone to cover the water bill for the backyard jacuzzi. I'm sure he's working on it.

Anonymous said...

I also think Mr. Woodie has taken a turn for the worse. He doesn't help traders anylonger. The room has gone downhill. The moderators are not very good at all. The two that are good (NOT mplay, paul, jeanyus, gio and the like) will probably move on. Woodie seems to be into making profit back from companies he promotes now rather then trading. Oh well. Guess he can do what he wants be he no longer is a good person in my book.

Anonymous said...

oh god! my ears are BLEEDING again!

anybody guess as to why?


Anonymous said...

actually, you shoulnd't make fun of her. she takes medication and can't help how she talks. she also has issues stemming from childhood. her mother used to beat her severly until she would confirm and validate everything her mother says. that is why all she talks about is why it is okay or not okay to do this, this, this and this or that, that, that, that in every sentence.

Anonymous said...

very true. she talks down to people. in fact, just this morning she said that all the other mods use her ideas so she should be listened to.

she is full of herself so much so that i think she is a ah*le guy. she is terrible. its like kindergarten class with her. she doesn't provide intellectual information or sound trading ideas. she rambles on and on.

Anonymous said...

can you believe her. ROFL.

gio: "I guess you folks are not used to me asking questions?!"

that came after she asked a question and no one answered. lol.

amazing to see a manipulative batch that she is try to control it so that they are responding unlike her husband does with her in bed.

hey, girlfriend, GO AWAY!

Anonymous said...

looks like gio is arguing right off the bat with people. now DrPaul gets sacked for telling gio to stop the Political comments. of course gio is allowed to make those comments. woodie doesnt say anything. if it were anyone else then he would have spouted his mouth off. what a nasty old scamming man he is now. yuck!

Anonymous said...

Nothing surprises me anymore. There's always gotta be at least one dork who complains about gio as if she is forcing 500 people to listen to her. If you don't like what she says or how she says it then stay the f away on the days she moderates. If you can't stand to be away from a chatroom for even one minute however, here's another idea... it's called MUTE. There's plenty of us that appreciate what she does. My guess is her husband appreciates her too as he's about as happily a married guy as I've ever met.

It seems to me that the posters who find they have to reference gio's sex life are most likely unhappy with their own lack thereof. Some guys are just too limp to handle a strong woman I suppose, or just not able to get women to pay attention to them in the first place. Either way, I guess even their moms turned them away as infants. You guys have some issues.

I never see any references to the male moderators' sex lives (not that we want to - lol) but picking on gio just shows how some guys think they can only hold their own against women. To those guys I suggest you grow a pair and use them wisely. Life can be so much better than what you may be used to.

Anonymous said...

I always mute and stay away from Gio as she is FOS! Her hypothetical and philosophical BS is way over the top and her crap about not posting her actual entries is old and tired. Have you ever seen her post or say an actual entry? It is always after the fact, chat room nonsense. Those who can't trade try to teach, and she is the personification of it.

Anonymous said...

Get real! I was sitting near her at the WPB TAL when she traded live and everyone who watched her made money. She can teach and trade - those who can't BLOG!! You're just jealous asshole.

Anonymous said...

Being an intellectual property rights attorney I would assume that I know the law regarding this subject. It is not illegal to give trade entry and exits as long as long as it pertains to no specific person. Furthermore, to ensure stronger protection Hotcomm uses the default notice upon entering the room and the user must choose "I accept" if entry is to be allowed.

Having said that it is outright silly to keep reposting these notices and may actually lead to a said member to believe that warning doesn’t apply to a particular moderator if teh warning isn't applied in the say way and fashion as it was the other moderator. That needs to be stopped.

Woodies stating that his attorneys have consulted with him seems to be what we call in the business as "Attorney Users". This is where they "Act" like they have retained an attorney but haven’t and most likely if at all only talked with an attorney which is not in the business of that particular area of law and has told the supposed client "oh yes, that would be a good idea" thinking it may help and not realizing that the person thinks they are getting legal advice.

It is common knowledge that providing entry and exit prices are perfectly fine when directed toward the entire community. Why do you think there are services that provide these trade calls via email to their clients and that are surviving for many years now with no problems.

What we have found is that people that use this 'line' as a reason to not do this or do that are hiding behind a poor service, lack of trading knowledge or general ignorance on the owners part, whether it be free or not.

Anonymous said...

Well asshole, I have listened to her non stop chattering for over 3 years and she has NEVER, EVER posted or narrated an entry, but sure is good and posting and narrating her exits. I have heard and seen to many BS artists in this internet trading game over the last 7 years. If she ever ventured outside of the comfy, don't rock the boat surroundings of where she is, she would get eaten alive. There is absolutely no credence to her BS of not being able to post entries either. It is done in hundreds of free chatrooms all over the net and all it does is afford her a mask to hide behind.

As I said above, she is the personification of BS.

Anonymous said...

10:47:00 {PFGNEIL} can you pick me up at the airport?

10:47:21 {woodie} sure!

10:48:10 {PFGNEIL} Laughing out loud ! woodie

10:48:24 {woodie} what time and day?

Know you know who owns woodie?

Has HE ever picked YOU up at the airport?

Anonymous said...

anon at 2:50...

it took u 3 years to find the mute button? what kind of an idiot r u? as said earlier, if u don't like what gio does, why stick around? i was also in wpb where gio had no restraints to her trading. she was amazing - just ask the crowd that gathered around her. i was skeptical until i actually saw what she does. now i'm only hoping to hear more about how she does it.

gio - if u see this, ignore these idiots, there r lots of us who appreciate what u do.

Anonymous said...

You must be really good, asshole, if you have listened to Gio for the last three years while having the mute button turned on. If you listened to Gio, you would know that she never calls her entries or her exits. You just want to be spoon-fed and all for free. You are dreaming and you are an asshole!

Anonymous said...

do you all see what they are saying to gio in the room on her FIRST day back:

08:07:25 {bill} hi gio, i have a question. have you learned to stop talking every second and give our ears a rest. it gets very annoying you must know. i hope you learned this by now. thanks :)

her poor husband is so glad she leaves him alone in the morning now that she is back to trying to trade again.

Anonymous said...

funny thing is this clown has been listening to gio for "over 3 years"... gio has only been moderating for 2 years - lol.

none of the mods call their entries. why is gio being singled out? oh yeah, right, cause u r a dysfunctional, low self-esteem. woman hating, introvert who can't deal with a strong, successful woman who gets more attention than u'll ever deserve.

Anonymous said...

How can one person stand to be in Woodies room for three years????This guy must be the biggest loser.

Anonymous said...

10:47:00 {PFGNEIL} can you wipe my ass, woodie?

10:47:21 {woodie} sure!

10:48:10 {PFGNEIL} Laughing out loud ! woodie

10:48:24 {woodie} cottenelle or scotties?

Anonymous said...

Rover and Paul post the entries, exits, reasons, stops etc.,

Posting a setup only is one of the oldest games in this business. It is a no lose situation, If it works then you say , I hope you all took that great set up, if it doesnt work, then you do after the fact analysis as to why it never set up.

One trade at a TAL and you buy the whole enchilada? The countless trades that werent narrated precisley in the room are thereby negated?

It is people like you that provide the order flow for the markets. Stick around

Anonymous said...

And the idiot that is making this a gender related issue....I am married, have a family that includes sons and daughters and have plenty of female employees as well. You are a fruitcake,

Anonymous said...

yeah, yeah, the old "order flow" insult - like that's never been used on this blog before - lol.

hypothetically, let's say you have balls and decide to moderate at some time...

you are not a CTA and have a spouse and a home and whatever other assets, you'll probably never have...

you express all your entries and exits and some doofus like you tries to follow every trade you call...

naturally he loses his whole account...

he sues you...

it's a bullshit, frivolous lawsuit with no merit whatsoever...

you have to defend it or the allegations are taken as true...

you have to hire an attorney to do this...

the attorney wants 15K as a retainer and $250 - $350 per hour...

you win the case and the plaintiff has no assets for you to countersue for...


Anonymous said...

anon 3:46 - so you're a closet homosexual - big deal, they hate women too.

Anonymous said...

hey anon at 4:01

The mods are paid so much, is this really a problem? lol

Some of these people give their time for no other reason than to help and they have to put up with all this bullshit? I'd rather blog and dish out the bullshit.

Anonymous said...

anon at 3:46 did your parents have any children that lived?

Anonymous said...

hmm...that is the lamest excuse I have ever heard regarding this issue and I thought I had heard them all. That uncertainty exists with every aspect of our lives and if you conduct yourself based on that principle, you might as well go off and live in a cave by yourself.

So for you, one witnessed successful trade is enough for you to sign on to the whole package? You certainly can do whatever you want, just as she does not have to post reality trading. I question your business acumen in evaluating performance based on a one time sampling.

I have seen and witnessed traders in rooms post their trades in a timely way, where you could follow the entry criteria, stop criteria and target criteria precisley without ambiguity or smoke and mirrors. She is not one of those traders, but she presents herself as a very successful trader. Has she EVER posted a loss? EVER? Come one man, get a grip.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:46

What you've been doing with your sister is illegal in most states and we don't want to hear about it. You have a family that includes sons and daughters? Wow, we're impressed. Sounds like one big inbred happy clan.

Anonymous said...

i see we are using teh SCARE tactic. look, the previous lawyer already told you like it is. one disclamer and thats all it takes. don't be silly. they hide behind poor skills. it's a dead issue. we know that.



Anonymous said...

well she does make money teaching people. didn't you people realise that? oh wait, woodie says people that get paid to teach are full of it?

everyone around woodie is making money but no one is talking about it.

gio can't trade and is not metal and controlling its sickening.

"I guess no one is listening to me so maybe I should just shut up!"



see how this works for gio's fragil mind?

only, and i mean ONLY newbies will listen to her and woodie is struggeling for numbers so he tolerates it. he has told me privately that she is a P.I.T.A. so he just ignores her. so we should just do the same.

go see gios website if you dont beleive me. act like a newbie in an email and see what she says.

can we post all the websites linked to woodie where someone is making kickbacks? its a long list and its growing.

Anonymous said...

Obviously this guy can't stand that Gio is successful - she teaches, she trades, she publishes articles, she speaks at conferences. Obviously, this guy isn't one of her fans. Big deal.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happenend to Cathy moderating? They need to put her on more.

Anonymous said...

So all is all this spamming to disrupt the criticism of GIO? She is totally full of it. A poster child for what is wrong with onlime, "free" chatrooms. There is no accountability.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a bug up your ass about this Gio. Just ignore her or is it more fun to poke fun at her?

Anonymous said...

did you come to the conclusion all by your self? lol.

come on guys. don't be little pussy-whiped tradie trade trade girly men.

lets look at the facts:

1 - gio doesnt post trades. we know that is for a reason. lets stop arguing about that.

2 - gio love to talk and talk and talk. even after she has been told to shut up in so many diffferent ways she continues on using "OH GIO DONT STOP I LOVE TO HEAR YOU" from a brand new trader whose ears are not bleeding, yet, justification to keep talking.

3 - face it. she has a clear voice. that is about the extent of her ability. who the hell doesnt understand the simple stuff she talks about. YOU? lol

4 - women can't trade. we all know that. look at susan, cathy, gio, woodie (yes, after looking at his picture i can't tell if he is adrongenous or not) and kate. htey can't trade and you know it.

5 - YOU can't trade either and we know it. yes YOU!

6 - thank god for this feedback blog to make our opinions known. woodie reads it daily and makes changes. you can tell he does. you are welcome woodie for our input you lamer SELL-OUT!

7 - IF woodie == 'SELL-OUT' THEN print "SELL-OUT!"; REPEAT until NOT woodie== 'SELL-OUT';




Anonymous said...

Cathy may not be able to trade, but she just gave me a wonderful haircut & shampoo. Her hairdressing skills are a gift from the gods. I gave her a $5 tip and well earned.

Anonymous said...

This guy has real issues with women. I have heard that men with little dicks have these issues.

Anonymous said...

Can we stick to the issues please.

We will get a lot further if we do. Be civil, use adult professional context and we can all post what we want. This way we will get the facts out, or opinions, and it will still be enjoyable to read.

Anonymous said...

boo boo you're an idiot...

if u read the earlier post from the "lawyer" you'd see that that the hypothetical moderator would win the case (especially with the help of a disclaimer.) The point was that that moderator can still be sued, as can anyone for almost anything. The point was that a moderator would have to defend a frivolous lawsuit and that costs money despite a disclaimer. Call a real lawyer and ask. Any lawyer can explain this to you, even a lawyer with "poor skills."

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like I am in the presence of great minds.
Actually I think all this Gio bashing is the work of one poor soul who has a lot of other problems not related to trading.
I have learned a lot from Gio and maybe I am a slow learner but I am still learning.
I feel her Monday night sessions are the best class Woodie offers.
I feel really lame even bothering to post this but I don't like it when bullies and idiots bash somebody that does not have to do what she does.
She has spent hundreds of hours helping people. It really pisses me off that one jerk can stand out more than a hundred other happy people but that is the way news works.
Get a life.

Anonymous said...

there are most defintely more people then 1 that beleive these things about gio. glad you like her and that is fine. but i belong to a small group of traders and they all hate her. so much for just 1 eh? lol

looks like the person that critized the lawer post wanted to be a lawyer in life but didn't make it. go re-read the post duffus. he is in the field. he smartly pointed out that a single warning is more then enough AND that if warnings are being thrown around ad-hoc that it could open them up to lawsuits.

but lets get a grip. thousands and i mean THOUSANDS of sites give trading advice to the masses. think they are all getting sued. don't be dumb. think about it.

whats probably the worst is gio DRONNING on with "ohhhh and i guuuues i should go aheeeeeed and say thaaaat thissss is just to warrrrrn you that this advice is useless, etc."

hey wait, i never thought about it but boy is she right. USELESS to none but the struggeling traders.

i wish you luck but its not with gio DRONNING and COMPLAINING lick a bitch that she is.

"MY EARS ARE BLEEDING!" lol that was funny. ROFL!

Anonymous said...

roflmao, you have to admit that not too many people get that kind of recognition.

ears bleeding lol.

Anonymous said...

His issue with women is that he has a small dick and has performance problems.

Anonymous said...

hmm, why is Gio so focused on that word? makes you wonder...

Anonymous said...

Little dick, little brain, asshole.

Anonymous said...

angry Gio? lol, i've already made 4 winning trades today. go try and trade.

oh wait... no one is there for you to bitch control so you have the day off. ROFLMAO

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot also. I am sure as hell not Gio.

Anonymous said...

over a 100 posts (and probably from just 3 posters - lol) on this last subject which somehow has become the gio thread. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think this has been done to death. I'm movin on - there's others to bash and I'm ready...

see yas at the next subject.

btw - I see someone just posted that woodie wants tonyuk to go to dallas tal - wtf. woodie practically writes this stuff for me - lol. I'm loadin' up for bear (i mean woodie - lol)

Anyone wanna watch how wood is turned into pulp?

Anonymous said...

This mplay autopilot crap is absurd. His autotrade screens take up more room than the charts, and honestly, who the hell needs to see the charts at all if this sort of money losing non-trading is being advocated and promoted?

How could Woodie give DrBob and Dharma the heave ho after their 2 year detailed development of the 50140 and 5034. That was just good old fashioned CCI chart reading action which taught newbies a new, effective way to fish for themselves.

Now this new, untested, ineffective rotisserie "set it and forget it" machine gets the Woodie seal of approval? Ridiculous. This isn't teaching people how to fish. It's selling them a robot that can't even hook a worm.

The YM and ER have made great big tradeable swings today, and mplay is playing monkey sounds to amuse the masses because they're whining about the flat, untradeble dead Friday market. Forget about banging the monitor. Just kick the shit out of that autotrading robot. It's broken.

Anonymous said...

The ridiculous thing is to have Mplay do his stupid autotrader infomercial for the entire market day. All this "setting up charts" and stuff used to be OT during market hours so people could concentrate on actual trading. Now that WCCI is de facto conceding that nobody is actually trading in there, it's just a huge Q & A session on this automaven scam.

What a sad joke WCCI has become. Just a non-trading guru and his non-trading minions selling holy grail products to ignorant sheeple.

Anonymous said...

yes it is true. autotrader is a pathetic attempt to get newbies to buy PFG and Trademaven. Woodie owns shares of PFG. And he is getting kickbacks from Trademaven subsciptions. It is doing no good to confuse newbies into autotrading. Its like a big GOLD bar they are grasping for. Woodie knows better but he has lowered himself down into a pathetic level of desparation. I have been told his trading isnt going well and has changed sides to get guru status, claim all the benefits all while his mod and helpers do all the work and he does nothing.

now he is bringing tonyuk back in to do dallas? ROFLMAO, all expense paid vacation AGAIN? for what, tonyuk doesnt trade, can't teach and all he does is plug stuff in. B.F.D lol. this shows you how STUPID and gullable the newbies are.

woodie your are a SELL-OUT looser.

Anonymous said...

I dunno. That autotrader looks damn fine to me. Nice to think it will make money for me while I just watch. No trading decisions.

I can't wait until they work out the bugs.

From a little acorn grows a mighty oak. Ideas take a while to grow. Gotta be patient.

I think Woodie is open to new ideas. Gotta be creative to survive in this business.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how ignorant you are? Let's say for sake of argument that autotraders work. They don't and always need to be modified, but lets just say they do.

OK. Now, you are missing the point. Woodies keeps saying how WELL it works. He just got it created. Because and solely because of THIS blog feedback he has changed his tune drastically. YEAH TO THIS EBLOG! THANKS! He knows says its a progress in works and is starting to realize the pitfalls. The problem is he won't take feedback about anything that he is PUSHING on people because he wants to keep pushing it.

HELL, we all would love to autotrade and give feedback. But you saw that one person tell him there is slippage and he shut them down. lol. he is getting very old but knows that there is slippage. He also knows there is trading fees. Are you seriously going to tell me that he isn't going to take that into consideration BEFORE he tells the ENTIRE freaking room (plus newbies which buy and do anything you tell them) that it is great and great for learning (ROFLMAO- what a total asshole for tell them that, we all know that one). HE is PUSHING the product man! Get a clue. Newbies shouldn't be anywhere NEAR the product. They need to focus on basic skills. Not another deviation of trying to figure out what is going on.


It is NOT the autotrader that anyone has issues with. IT'S WHAT WOODIES TELL PEOPLE when we all know he is PUSHING and lying his ass off. Just like its not that he is taking kickbacks. IT is that he is PUSHING the products that he said should never be bought because they cost to much money/never will work/gurus suck, etc (you have heard this surely?) but that is what exactly what he is doing now and he is doing it slyly behind peoples back. Your back at YOUR expense. Think about it.

He is lying to people, misguiding the people he SWORE to protect (LOL) and doing so AFTER he swore to protect them (HIGH MORAL GROUND ASSHOLE) is much much severe and worse then just anyone trying to sell a holy grail.

Get it? I know you do. I made it clear as pie.

You are welcome.

Anonymous said...

I guess your criteria for "ignorant" is someone who disagrees with you. No matter. It is a free country.

Woodie is open to trying new ideas. That is a good thing IMHO.

If you snooze you lose in this business. I will be more than happy to take your money since you are so opposed to change.

How many baskets do I need?

Anonymous said...

Woodie is open to trying new ideas. That is a good thing IMHO.

Woodie's open to new ideas if he can figure out a way to get paid from it. He was open to DrBob's 50 CCI and the Wolfson ghost and JeanYus's Accelerator trade when he had the idea of writing a book. All his minions would write a chapter, Woodie would put his name on the cover, and it'd be Woodie's CCI book. He kept pressing that for awhile, but nobody bit. Then Woodie got into contract negotiations with PFG, so he didn't need any new ideas anymore.

Remember how r7, the original (and only) trademaven user in WCCI used to bitch and moan because he wasn't allowed to mention TM in chat? Woodie was beholden to esignal only at that time. Funny how things change.

It was mysterious to others how he did an about-face overnight, banning "non-classic CCI," but with Woodie now doing a fat personal deal with PFG, he didn't need outside ideas anymore. PFG would write Woodie's manual, take care of the TALs, and presently work to ghostwrite Woodie's future book.

Anonymous said...

"PFG would write Woodie's manual"

what manual is that?

Anonymous said...

Club=people working with and for each other with a common goal.

From what I have seen, this is really true at Woodie's. We all help each other. All 700 of us.

Seems to me the ones that get kicked out have ego problems and want to be star of the show there. Woodie is the star in this show.

Not me. I don't want to be a "star". I just want to make money. I enjoy helping others too. Works for me.

Give me a chapter of that book to write. Be more than happy to. Sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

lol, you don't really think people will just become polly-anna and say "oh ok. people are helping people so it is okay." do you?

woodie can't write. nor can he teach. everyone made him what he is today and we all know what he is today. SELL-OUT!

woodie isn't disclosing his deals (which he made fun of and put people down before about) and now he is on the other side of it. so what happened? trading ain't going so well?

wife has to work?

now he's changing to his own server so he can start charging money for the room. you think i'm wrong? you wait dipshit. i've been correct about everything i have predicted to this point.

and you ain't got close to 700 people. please. are you that freaking stupid? just over 400 adn don't give me that oh they are in the other rooms too crap. the other rooms are usless. woodie lost all his good traders and now only lame ones are left.

like you.

Anonymous said...

woodie is also going to use the new server room to CONTROL what is said. you say ANYTHING, and he means ANY-FUCKING-THING bad or wrong and negative or against what he beleive is his opinion then your IP address will be banned and you are screwed.

YOU will think Woodies way or get the hell out.

Anonymous said...

The thing to watch for: Woodie's negotiating a contract so PFG can use his name and "WCCI" in perpetuity. Woodie wants to get paid even after he kicks. Going forward, official PFG employees will be groomed as the new Susan, new gio, etc so they can effectively usurp the chat, brokerage, charts and TALs. Obviously, this process is well under way already. Woodie will maintain his fat salaried Figurehead Emeritus position, but slowly phase himself out of actual activities. He's been doing that anyway as a moderator and main TAL presenter over the years. They want the future PFG ghost-written book to be Woodie's "Reminiscences of a CCI Trader" and establish him as the modern day Jesse Livermore of daytraders. Livermore, of course, committed suicide without a penny to his name, but that's a trivial detail.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell do you get this crap smoking your socks again boy???? LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hello Folks, you all seem like really smart people.

So, you should know then that PFG stands for Peregrine Financial Group (which is now and not the other "Pinnicle Financial Group". Also, Peregrine Financial Group is not a public company. Not sure where you got your info that Woodie owns shares of PFG. Woodie is promoted by Peregrine Financial Group ('s called business, not kickbacks.

You seem like smart people, but are really bad traders frustrated with your lack of trading skills. It's easy to point your faults at other people. Good traders don't need Woodies CCI or any type of 'mechanical' trading system. You might as well have your funds with a money manager then. I say learn to trade for yourself and manage risk and stop complaining about some stupid mechanical system that gives you newbies that false sense of security. Oh and stop bragging at cocktail parties about how you made $100 in the market today. Your accounts are under-capitalized and nothing to brag about. You wouldn't need Woodies or status quo if you had the real money. People, we're talking about $5k - $10k accounts right!?