Saturday, February 24, 2007

Wizard Of Trading Room Oz! Who Is Behind The Curtain And Can They Help?

Trading rooms are springing up everywhere along with trading blogs, chat rooms and bulletin boards and even seminars. It is time to have a discussion about all of these sites and events and what their benefits are.

List the sites you know about and give some information about why they are useful or what deceptions they are peddling. Be sure to list all the gurus that these sites push and tell us what you really think about them.

Are their methods sound, helpful or full of hot air?

What do you think about the level of traders participating at that site?

Which characters at those sites remind you of the Wizard of Oz, or Dorthy, the Lion or the Tin Man? How about the Fairy Goddess or the brutal Witch or even those nasty little flying monkeys!

Let's pin point who is behind that curtain once and for all!

Stick to the facts and discuss the specific pros and cons of these sites so that people can know the inside scoop!

To post a link so that it is useful to everyone here please use the simple format:

<A href=""> Site Name </A>

Thanks to all of you for making our Trading Room Feedback blog number highly successful! We all here believe that our success is because of you! We appreciate you posting this blogs address into the postings and trading rooms all over.

Keep it up!


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Anonymous said...

i like crocs blog about his trading. he seems honest and trys to talk about things that are important to trading. he brings up many different trading topics.

croc is selling something if i remember right, some tool, but seems ok to me to make money from putting time and effort. that is what the world revolves around.

Globetrader Blog

jake said...

What success is this blog enjoying?

Who are "we"?

All I see is a bunch of anonymous posters ripping people apart. What do you people get from posting anonymously and flaming? Does it make you feel better and like more of a person?

If you don't like a room that you are in or can't stand the person associated with that room, why are you there or go there or visit that site? Is it like passing a car wreck? You just cant help but look?

It seems like some here just want to inflame passions and really could care less as to whether there is validity to what is out there.

If someone has taken the time and energy to try something different and then share it with others, just rip that person apart. Liar, theif , fraud and worse.

What have you anonymous posters or the anonymous person who hosts this blog done to help others? Do you think that this blog is your contribution to the betterment of the trading community? Or is this just your perverted way of getting jollies by toasting people from a distnace anonymously?

I just see weak, insecure, immature faces behind all these flaming anonymous posts in here.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the market gurus but the people themselves. We should know that when someone says it's a 80% system that something is wrong. But instead people after watching infommercials or buying trade rags believe they have found the answer.

They open an account with a few thousand dollars and start to trade live ASAP. The brokerage houses are just at fault with low margin requirements for beginners as the market guru for promoting a system that works 80% of the time.

If a system has an intraday drawdown of 5 points in the Russell2000 and the person with a 10k account has 5 contracts on he is risking 25% of his account if HE was following the rules exactly.

How many losing trades can someone take before they throw that system out and start bad mouthing the guru? I am sure these people do not take the time to see that the system they bought had 3 losers in a row at some point.

So is it the market guru or is the greed of the trader that is the real problem here. Now there are good gurus and there are real pieces of work out there.

Anonymous said...

jake, why did you post anonymous before if that is so bad lol? look at the pot who is calling the kettle black lol? i've learned a great deal from this blog. it has some really great posts and then some funny ones. also some eye opening posts as well. did you know that woodie is doing those things? think we would have heard about it in his room? no we wouldn't have. an open forum to discuss these things without the text-b-gone is quite an improvement over being banned for asking questions.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about him, he is doing the same thing that he is condeming. He is just absurd. I like this blog. It has taught me a great deal of things about many of the people. I sure wouldn't have heard about these things from their own sites. This blog is very informative.

Anonymous said...

woodies cci trades Monday 02-26-07

RUNNING TOTAL: $0 start the day

#1 (called: ON TIME) ER2 - zlr looser -$100.


#2 (called: LATE) ZG - ghost (talked about setting up, later when it was already 10+ ticks called it "anybody get that ghost?". exit gave +$30.


NOTE: woodie just slammed GIO. said she had no loosing trade in 3 years. that is why she was let go. really? funny we mentioned that to woodie for over 2 years and he did nothing. because he used her. but when she started her own site, bang! she is gone and he made an excuse. but in the meantime she was being presented to us as a great trader. why was woodie using her like that and why was woodie screwing us by letting her stay for over 3 years? he does not care about the traders. whatever is popular at the time. not traders helping trader, but woodie helping himself.

NOTE: woodie comments that he lets people go each year that think they are going to get millions of dollars on their own. so he boots them. this goes to show the psychology of this man, woodie. he is so egotistical and jealous that he does not want others to succeed as a team. building another website and creating your own room is a natural part of sharing traders helping traders. why does that bother him so much, i ask myself?

NOTE: woodie will be in europe for an entire month. paid for by the money that was supposed to go to the children. why? traders helping woodie travel more then 4 days? 30+ days? how much is that going to cost for him and tony and a few others for over 30 days in europe? does his wife go as well?

NOTE: woodie is slyly using hedge words to take trades. “you aggressive traders might be in the trade”. later, at the end of the day, if the trade worked out well for him and he thinks he can get away with it, he will say “most people in the room took it, and so we will count that in the stats”. how the hell would he know who took it and what kind of stats gathering is that? he is obviously uneducated and is a grifter and scammer for his won good.

#3 (called: ON TIME) TT which means Tony Can’t Trade. woodie called this late and it ended up losing people 7 ticks from the entry.


#4 (called: LATE) GB100 otherwise knows as GB Hasn’t Taken Over 100 Trades. Trade already took over 10 ticks heat and he didn’t take people out. woodie is flailing all over the place. looking at price bars he said it wont get out of this area so it might fail. what happened to using the cci only? why is he using price bars? of course, woodie also violated his rules of 6 bars over the zero line. it went 4 above then made one bar on the zero line. then went 3 move above the zero line. trade was NOT a GB100. but woodie took it anyway. woodie is flailing everywhere here still. for example, cci is going flat but woodie wont get out. he is biased and not following his cci rules. why not? what is he following? nobody is questioning him. and that is the problem with the room. now he is making things up. says he is staying in the trade because of the chop zone indicator color and the last 3 bars, etc. wait? aren’t those used for entry? what else is woodie looking at? why is he not sharing it with us? why is woodie making everyone stay in the trade against his rules? makes me wonder what else he is looking at? funny how woodie, unsure of the trade took down the entry trend line her drew while the trade was looking bad. now that he got lucky he redrew the trend line and got excited about the whole trade. woodie does not seem stable or is not telling us something about how he trades.

WARNING: woodie is saying right at this moment that people are up over 50 ticks on it. now if it is at ER2 822.00 and the entry was 826.00 max then HOW does he get 50 ticks? seems that he entered way before us.



Anonymous said...

Site Name Any body got anything to say about Waxie? LOL.

Anonymous said...

many traders didnt even take the trade on the ER because woodie called it late and even said so.

what suprizes me is that woodi eis making many statements that have nothign to do with cci. you can tell he is watching price bars. also, he is in hope mode (hoping his room stats can get this in) and saying he wants $1000 trade.

also, he changed his exit condition out of the blue. he changed it to a horizontal break of the turbo lines, not the 100.

i was in shock to see how woodie traded today. out of control.

Anonymous said...

Today clearly showed me woodie makes trades up. He does hedge his bets like DAX used to do. That is why he let DAX trade in the room for so long. Same as GIO. She always took winning trades. He later says he keicked them out becuase of this but that obviously is a clear lie. We all told him about these things from the start. He did nothing because it drew people (suckers) in.

Today he made up so many new rules and nobody did question him. And THAT ladies and gentelmen is the reason we need this room. To caatch woodie in the act and other room mods.

Face it, he doesn't care about traders. He's got a BIG EGO and that is all he needs to feed.

Woodie truely is a grifter.

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest scams around are Mutual Funds. I really lost a lot of dough in Putnam. All 5 star ratings by Morningstar. And all the while my broker kept saying, "don't sell them....they will come back!"

$30,000 down the toilet never to return and some of those funds went belly up! Shows you how much a 5 star rating means.


Anonymous said...

Good god, when I was young and really really stupid....I lost $5,000 in a Black Box QQQ idea. The website sent me emails of when to trade. It is no longer around. I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

Woodie has the biggest scam-dicator going with that CCI bullshit. I lost about $10,000 on his basic CCI before I wised up.

Stay away from that room as far as you can go!

PS...I did make it all back and then some with stuff from Fibonacci Trader. And yea, I have ONLY the STINKIN PRICES up! LOL.

It just floors me I stayed as long as I did there. I musta been drunk or something.

Anonymous said...

First of all I was in Woodie's room when GIO moderated and she wasn't in there for 3 years. And Woodie didn't let her go - she quit after Woodie wouldn't let her run a workshop in Chicago. She has her own room now which is doing very well. She does have losers (like every room) but overall, I've been quite profitable listening to her calls which is more than I can say about when I was in Woodie's bogus room.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell KeithFLA in Woodies room to shut the hell up ever 10 seconds or so. He goes on and on and on and on without a break whatsoever.

Is he a tweaker?

This is a good example of how woodie screws hismelf. There is NO feedback whatsoever. And if you do make a suggestion Woodie jumps on you like homelesss on a sandwich.

KEITHFLA - for christ sakes, shut the hell up!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the summary of anonymous poster summarizing 2-26-07 trading.

I knew he was going to call that ghost trade after the fact after it went 15 tiks down, after which he was foaming at the mouth as usual, what a scam artist.

Have u noticed he is quite clever in his use of words, according to him, he is now going to be invited by MIT to give seminar on cci.

I wish he does go there, those brilliant folks will expose him for the scab artist he is. They will tear him to pieces in a few seconds, when they see his tricks and tips only works in hindsight lol.

Anonymous said...

Woodie loves to criticize everyone who leaves the room when he makes it impossible to stay.

Truth is, all of the people who started new rooms are a LOT better at CCI and/or trading than he is.

He says "no negative posts" and then he rants on. I guess he is the only negative person allowed?

Right now he has to take every moderator he can regardless if they know what the hell they are talking about. He got his best moderator of all time, TW to leave. That man lives and breathes CCI. When he was away or sick, TW stepped up and moderated for days on end.

So the guy is forced to open up a room and Woodie is all over him all day ranting on and on.

If you want to check out TW who actually CAN TRADE the CCI go to
CCI Traders

Anonymous said...

Today 02-27-2007

Major down day today, I was not in the W room today, wonder if he actually caught the down move in real time and took credit for it.

Anonymous said...

billtrader was booted from the room after hours, as he questioned nicker about donations to maw. Apparently one cannot even ask whether donations were made.
What a scam artist.

No boasting, only posting he proclaims, and then he decides to rant about everybody, and nobody can ask any questions about his boasting.

It is fraud, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised Nicker is still there. Woodie really has treated her so badly over the years. You would think she would leave.

Anonymous said...

Look at the new disclaimer on Woodie's CCI Club site......I think he may be afraid of getting sued by all the little people who lost their savings.....wouldn't this make an interesting "class action suit"

CFTC RULE 4.41 Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain inherent limitations unlike actual performance record: simulated results do no not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under- or overcompensated of the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No presentation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those predicted or shown.

What a scam he has. He is not responsible for anything at all. And everyday new people turn up at the table because it is all FREE....

Anonymous said...

U got that right, isnt that super brilliant, you also get paid even though everything is free, even more brilliant, and then you are not responsible even if nothing works, tops them all.

Anonymous said...

woodies trading stats are bullshit.

here is yet another example of how he hedges his bets and takes the trades after the fact or sets the loss after the fact.

friday march 2 - woodie says the tony trade (tony lol he does not even trade) was called and woodie said he thought it would fall out of bed. meanwhile, he starts talking about how HE going to florida and meeting with greenspan. who cares about that anyway. a scam mag is setting it up and its a picture show. nothing to do with woodie. they are using him as a pawn. during this boasting session gold is going against him by over $200. did he say anything? no. he mentioned it later that it was a few ticks loss. bullshit! it was over $200 per contract loss.

then he is talking about the ym zlr and hedging his bets about, after he called it minutes ago, that the trade wasn't validated due to the cci being down at the -120.

well, did you call them or not? so how he does it. if it works and he can scam it into the results then he does. if he can get away with not putting them in then he won't.

see how it works?

woodie, you are a self centered piece of shit. with no friends. you don't do trade a longs your free moderators do. unmanaged, worthless newbie junk for your boasting benefit.

you are a grifter. stay away from woodie. he is scamming.

lol, he just announced that tony is coming to the trade along to do a webinar. that can be set up in 5 minutes with a web cam. now he is going to take money from the children MAW foundation just to fly tony first class in for 5 minutes.


Anonymous said...

woodie real trading results friday march 2, 2007.

so now he couldnt get out of the trade that failed becuase he was busy talking about himself again and traders started posting we got stopped out all over the place. he had no choice on this one.

he is 0 for 3. so far but i bet he wont count them all but 1.

stopped out on gold tonytrade:

stopped out on ym zlr:

stopped out on er2 mittens ghost:

Anonymous said...

The only reason this blog exists is to bitch about Woodie. Why don't you turn the bastard into the FEDS and let them piss all over this shithead. You can't give out trading info (FOR PROFIT) which he is without being registered which is not.

Anonymous said...

woodies bullshit trading fri march 2, 2007.

now woodie is saying that he called a zlr setting up on er2. he didn't say such a thing. he said that it was setting up as a vegas trade and it will take some time.

this is how be bullshits people into a winning trade stat and no one calls him on it. guess why?

experienced traders don't stay around to put up with this bullshit. i check back in for a few weeks and he is still pulling this shit.

newbies don't say anything becuase they just don't know what scam he is pulling on them.

Anonymous said...

woodies trading stats update fri march 2, 2007.

now woodie is calling for a short covering really some time today after he read off the index averages values.

why is PRICE so important to him now? he talks so big about not using prices and don't get a bias in your brain.

so WHY is he doing this then?

because he is narcissistic and it is all about himself. he said that it is not a bias. but that is because it is HIS opinion. that is the way bias works all the time. that person thinks he is right. he thinks he is right.

it is nothing but a bias. the main point here is that he says anything he wants and it doesn't mesh with his 'trading value' comments. he is full of malarkey just as the people he bashes.

why is woodie like this? there is no one to give him feedback because he has no friends, no one stays in the room and he boots them out of his 3 friend circle if they disagree with him.

Anonymous said...

woodies real trading stast updat fri march 2, 2007.

stopped out vegas trade er2:
-$100 (per contract dont forget)

stopped out of vegas trade ym:
-$100 (per contract)

Anonymous said...

stopped out on gold tonytrade:
-$200 (per contract dont forget) = -$400

stopped out on ym zlr:
-$100 (per contract dont forget) = -$200

stopped out on er2 mittens ghost:
-$100 (per contract dont forget) = -$200

stopped out vegas trade er2:
-$100 (per contract dont forget) = -$200

stopped out of vegas trade ym:
-$100 (per contract dont forget) = -$200

total at only 10:45 in the trading morning:
-$1200 using 2 contracts.

this is a VERY STEEP trading drawdown.

woodie, how do you explain this?

he doesn't, his people ain't saying a fucking word. nada. and THAT is why woodie is just a fluff and puff scammer. no substance and he will deflate soon.

Anonymous said...

woodies real trading stats friday march 2, 2007.

stopped out gb100 er2:

woodie got scared, switched his exit strategy on fear and tried to tell people to exit. i thought he said to stick with the plan? he was watching price bars on his other computer and decided to make up some excuse about exiting. he was questioned about it. he had to make up more FLUFF.

that's -$1400 for the day adn we are only at 11:15am in the trading day folks!

good trading everyone!

a few comments from the room after losing so much:

[11:19:00 AM] Patti says:
woodie - the cci was pointing down on the er close - wouldn't you have to stay with it until the close of the next bar or stopped out?

Anonymous said...

woodies real trading stats update friday march 2, 2007:

finally a trade that made some money. well, sort of.

stopped out after taking 1 contract off at 10 ticks:
+100 total for both contracts

total for the day: -$1300


Anonymous said...


woodie just gave it away.

he said clearly "minute and a half to go before the bar develops... i mean 3 minutes to go"

he is FRONT RUNNING the room!

woodie is FRONT RUNNING the room!


Anonymous said...

woodies real trading stats friday march 2, 2007.

exited ym trade: 1 off at 10 ticks, 1 off at 40 ticks = +$250

finally a trade that made money. funny that i wasn't there to here him call it in time but we will give him the benefit of the doubt.

Anonymous said...

Maybe all the traders who lost money with woodie could start a class action suit? Goodness that would put his scam right out of business faster than you can say "just trade the damn patterns".

But wait...if you read his homemade disclaimer....not made up by a lawyer mind you....he is not responsible for anything he says or does!(all that bull about his lawyer tells him this or that is just that BULLSHIT)

I am sure a REAL lawyer could blow holes in that bit of boilerplate. Anyone interested?

Anonymous said...

Yea there should be a class action lawsuit against this fucking asshole of a bastard. Why do you think TonUK and GB set Woodie up so he would take the fall for them.

Very clever of them to do against this old man would can't keep this sugar levels right.

Anonymous said...

New movie about Woodie coming out soon....



Anonymous said...

The day that a class action lawsuit is filed against that piss ant is the day that Biggs has a winning trade.


Wake up you losing assholes, you should be glad that Woodie left you join in the first place. Just because you are a bunch of sore ass losers doesn't mean if Woodies fault.

GROW UP before your wife finds out what a pile of shit you are


Losers suing Losers

Anonymous said...

losers suing losers hehe

that was funny, made me laugh!

woodie really does have a big EGO. you can hear it when he talk about himself and his room. he dooes seem to forget that everyone dooes the work for him, not him.

does anybody know any other room that has mods that do work and don't get paid? they all get paid.

ok so woodie doesn't charge a fee for his room and he shouldn't start for the crap he tries to sell but thte mods should at least get benefits. all they get is booted.

it's really not a trading room about traders trading. its a room about woodie and himself and all that he thinks he has done.

ok i know he hasn't done much and it wasn't on his own, and yes he can barely speak in intelligent words, and yes it is funny when he makes sentences up and mispronounces words, or makes new ones up for that matter, but at least he reminds you about how he doesn't need no stinking pprice bars and then he is looking right at them on his other charts.

it tis kinda funny how we all know this but the newbies don't. and the mods won't say anything. some of them probably are still in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Just so you know.

There is absolutly no way you can sue anyone for trading losses unless there was intentional fraud like Enron or Refco.

All the websites that offer trading advice, all the brokers, all the chart vendors and anyone who has anything to do with trading uses the same disclaimers. And they make sure you read them first.

Truthfully, it is your problem that you followed the "education" and lost money.

Anonymous said...

You are so full of shit you might be living in another world. It is illegal for someone to profit either directly or indirectly from giving advice unless they are registered.


Woodie, well really, TONYUK and GB007 have cooked up deals with vendors and Woodie himself have taken money hands over fist from the TAL instead of giving to charity like he promoted.


So why don't YOU being the owner of this blog and the one with a bug up his ass get everyone together and we can join you in filing a legal action against the bastard. If nothing else, the vendors would jump ship and the fucking bastands would go away. The best case would be to take the hot tub back in a judgment against the scammer himself.

Give us the details and how we should contact you to file the suit. We are ready or are you just some asshole with a bone up their ass.

Anonymous said...

You are so full of shit you might be living in another world. It is illegal for someone to profit either directly or indirectly from giving advice unless they are registered.


Woodie, well really, TONYUK and GB007 have cooked up deals with vendors and Woodie himself have taken money hands over fist from the TAL instead of giving to charity like he promoted.


So why don't YOU being the owner of this blog and the one with a bug up his ass get everyone together and we can join you in filing a legal action against the bastard. If nothing else, the vendors would jump ship and the fucking bastands would go away. The best case would be to take the hot tub back in a judgment against the scammer himself.

Give us the details and how we should contact you to file the suit. We are ready or are you just some asshole with a bone up their ass.

Anonymous said...

How are you enjoying DrBoobs room so far? How is his vitamin sales going?

Anonymous said...

Funniest thing over at the land of boob. He's admitted that he wants to sell his shiny new system. Of course he's entitled to do that. But what people should realize is that he's just a rabid grail seeker. He's all into this thing now, a couple of months ago it was something else, and a couple of months from now it'll be something else yet again - particularly when this grail falls apart. Plus of course there was that fiasco where he booted someone who wouldn't share proprietary information from someone else's trading system in his room. Wonder how he'll feel now that the shoe is on the other foot. I'd say that people should post his paid system information in other rooms as well, since his actions imply that he believes that's morally correct. But then again, there's the risk that people will believe it's something worth following and lose their shirts, as people have done before while following him on his quest for the magic system.

About the only thing he has over woodie is that he's admitting that he wants to get paid for what he's doing. But there went his "we're all in this together - helping each other" thing, right out the window.

Anonymous said...

What about you starting that class action lawsuit shithead or don't you have the balls to actually do something constructive?

Anonymous said...

All talk and no walk is more like it

WHY wouldn't you form a class action lawsuit like you promised ys

Anonymous said...

Why not file a law suit against Woodie and his hood


Anonymous said...

What would happen if one opened a site called classactionagainstwoodiedotcom, would folks be willing to send emails to the webmaster to join, the class action lawsuit.
Many would be glad to do it, if there is a lot of interest in it only. Also sure would like to have a voice mail copy of his talks to the President. There are federal laws making it a felony to impersonate a federal officer.

On Friday he was running around claiming that he is invited to have lunch with Greenspan.

What a deal, I have that on text.

The law by sec is that there should be full disclosure. Since Woodie claims that everything is free, and if he indeed is being paid by vendors or other advertisers, then he is in violation despite his disclaimer. All one has to do is ask in the room, "Please disclose if you are receiving payments from anyone, either directly or indirectly". That would put the final nail in his coffin.

Anonymous said...

If he claims, that he does not need to get paid because if he wants money, all he does it put on more contracts, then his trading records can be subpeoned, particularly if that info can be captured via voice taping or in the text.
One can put a class action suit in federal court from any state in the usa.

Anonymous said...

Now that I can see there is some interest in a Class Action....I am busy looking for a lawyer to take this on. I will keep you posted as to what he/she says.

Anonymous said...

PS. When I get a law firm to take this on, their website will be posted in the blog.

Anonymous said...

Woodie = Wizard Of OZ

You know, the guy behind the curtain full of bullshit, tiny little man.

Anybody realize how much he is trying to predict the market now days and talking about prices?

He keeps saying short covering is going to happen. Oh not today but then probably tomorrow, etc. How his stocks are going green so it could be a clue as to why the YM hasn't reversed and turn into a ZLR. Is he fianlly figuring out you need to look at prices and hat prices lead - of course.

Why is it that nobody questions these things at all?

That is why this room is so valuable. No one gets shut up in here and we are free to express the facts.

Anonymous said...

I spoke with 2 lawyers yesterday and today and they both told me what woodie is doing may be unethical, but it is not illegal.
For now.

If you wish to complain go to CFTC COMPLAINTS On that page you will find phone numbers and addresses of who to contact.

If we all complain, maybe we can get something done about this.

Anonymous said...

x - someone in the room asks who is a good broker for a new futures trader?

moderator KeithFLA instantly says: use PFG broker

x - someone else in the rooms asks how much they charge per round trip on futures?

No more then 15 seconds later Woodie and Susan BOTH chime in all of a sudden after never saying hello to the room before this:

[9:52:27 AM] SusanFl says:
Here is Neil Rogers number at PFG 1-800-546-9423

[9:52:28 AM] woodie says:
rates are not the most important ..service is

If I recall woodie used to say IB is the best and the price was good. No need for high priced brokers to make your broker. Remember that? Is he in bed with PFG now? You bet.

Then notice, just seconds later, how they say hi to each other as if they were not talking to on another already in a private chat. Give me a break.

[9:52:36 AM] woodie says:
hi susan

[9:52:53 AM] SusanFl says:
Hi Woodie

Then, PFG, the broker wants to interrupt the trading room that KeithFLA is moderataing to talk to him. Hmm, good service from your broker is when he interrupts your trading and makes you talk to him? Shouldn't we be waiting for signals and talking about the market? It just opened? Why is the broker talking to the room moderater?

[10:00:53 AM] PFGNEIL says:
Please open your skype keith

Bascially what we have here is WOODIE pushing PFG and trying to stop all talk about any other service. This is sad. And you KNOW prices are bad because he is trying to say service is most important? What service? the cheapest broker around has never given anybody problems and never had to call them once. IB. So what service do we need? Oh you mean service when PFG trading plateform goes down and you need to call them? Why not choose a broker that never goes down? ROFLMAO

Trading is a business, keep your costs low when possible. You don't need a broker that is expensive.

Woodie is pulling a scam to feed newbies to PFG and that is how he gets cash kickbacks.

Anybody ask woodie how much PFG gives him to do what he does? Wouldn't that be an important disclosure to tell everyone?

Is woodie and susan getting free trades from PFG? what do the mods get? woodie gets it all and he won't disclose that to you. That is why he can say service is more important then cost. Since when? And since when do the other brokers have bad service?

Anonymous said...

The REAL money in trading, ESPECIALLY if you can't trade, is in brokering.

Woodie et al are no more than "affiliate" marketers for the various services they are hawking.

It wasn't long after they began trying to shove PFG down my throat that I left that slimey room.

The writing on the wall was pretty clear.

Since then I see PGFNeil skulking around several PalTalk rooms.

Heh, no one likes bottom feeders, but that's what they are.

Anonymous said...

Woodie uses IB for all of his trading. Now isn't this odd?
Here he is pitching for PFG but does not use them. Does this maybe tell you that Woodie does not trade futures? The same futures he has up on the charts in the room and is telling everyone how to trade. LOL.

Though he does pitch for Esignal at Expos. But not in the room. Another odd peice of info.

Anonymous said...

bottom feeders
at best, affiliate marketers

Anonymous said...

One thing is certain, the old man is undisputeably the most despicable character on the planet, as he has no loyalty to anyone, as demonstrated by the fact, that except for a measly few, all folks including moderators have been kicked off for the slightest imagined threat or slight. Just as well, as nobody seems to be making money except via bragging with hot air.

Parasite is the word that comes to mind !

Anonymous said...

well today was BUSTED.

after a long day of 10 trades yesterday with a losing balance he woke up exhausted this morning to, by mistake, put up the wrong charts!

it took him many minutes to figure this out. he had hog futures and others up on a 3 and 4 minute charts using price bars and all kinds of things on those charts.

thought you didn't front run the room woodie?

thought you didn't use price bars woodie?

thought you only used 5 minute charts to trade woodie?

what were all those other things on your brice bar charts woodie? i never saw so many things.

Anonymous said...

Good catch and bust anonymous, I wish I was there lol.

I was there on his daily recap yesterday, and he called that inverted ghost a winner, when he was chilling called up by someone who trades it and said "that was stopped for -10. Thereupon, Woodie said "what" humm, what but, and then he looked and said, u are right, it was stopped 2 bars later, right right, np that was a loss, np np, we are all honest, we want only to report honest trades that were taken in the room. Rofl.

He got caught on that one too. Also proves he did not trade that also, rofl.

Anonymous said...

when one trades a live account, one knows when a given trade is a loss or a profit.


Anonymous said...

it is worse then that...

someone asked woodie the other day when his trading platform went down and he lost his charts what he is doing about his trades and was he trading live...

he did not asnwer except with a limited response of "ok i got my charts back now".

why did he not want to answer what to do during a crisis like that? wouldn't that be an important thing to teach other newbies about?

woodie is a fraud, front runs the rooms on 3 and 4 minute charts and is doing all of this for his own EGO.

NOT YOURS! get it? it is not for YOU. it is for him and him only. screw the mod and all the people that help him.

everyone around such as these professional coaches lol, adn brokerages and charting package asswipes are all leeching off of him. he thinks they like him. he thinks everyone likes him lol.

no one really likes woodie except for the first 3 months when you think he is great.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you guys just dump woodie? He is so like, a liar dudes! So yesterdays news! Uh huh.

I left there and it is much better in TW's CCI room. At least he really trades the CCI and seems to do well at it.

See ya there.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone catch that Woodie said that he owns ?

Watch out about using that service is so because he will spy into your business illegally like he did on hotcrap software.

You people don't understand that Woodie is a manipulative piece of shit and will do anything to get his way.

I know. I have helped him before. And regret doing so.

Anonymous said...

In what way did you help him?

Anonymous said...

When are you going to let us know when you are ready to file that lawsuit? Most of us would join you in bring this bastard to a courts bench for judgement day.


Are you afraid that it only you that has a bug up his ass, you are no better then the piece of shit you complain the most about.





Anonymous said...

what exactly has woodie done that would merit a lawsuite ?

I spent some time in his room over the last week or so, sure its the same old trick of calling trades retrospectively, ignoring trades that quite clearly meet patterns, exaggerating gains, diminishing losses, most in the room are inexperienced, and that includes the mods. Since he never calls live, he's not even front running.

He's never actually said that all profits go to MAW, its clear the TAL's are a con, definately immoral, but is it actually illegal ?

You aint going to stop woodie unless someone can come up with a good reason, the fact that he's a sad old tosser isnt really reason enough to shut him down.

does he really do that much harm ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I spoke with 2 lawyers yesterday and today and they both told me what woodie is doing may be unethical, but it is not illegal.
For now.

If you wish to complain go to CFTC COMPLAINTS On that page you will find phone numbers and addresses of who to contact.

If we all complain, maybe we can get something done about this.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 12:12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

did we pick up an mentally ill poster here? lol

anyway, does anybody realize that woodie is in florida just to take a picture with greenspan as a puppet for traders rag since they dont wont to go.

woodie is such a attention horror he is wasting time for a picture and boasting about it.

what he REALLY is doing in florida is.... anybody know?

to meet and screw Susan.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody know woodies address? I would like to send a note to him.

Anonymous said...

Just go to the TAL and hand deliver it


Anonymous said...

woodie has really turned into a total butthole. his responses to people are very rude, abrupt and pretentious. it tells me a lot about his charater. thanks to whomever posted this link last night. now i know the truth about woodies bullcrapola.

Anonymous said...

Yes Anonymous, I caught that "Did anyone catch that Woodie said that he owns ?".

He also said, that he charges rent for rooms to others, so that the rooms could be free for traders.

He also bragged that he would say "Hello" to Greenie on behalf of the traders in the room. I bet you he cannot get within 2 feet of Greenspan. And have you ever heard of Greenspan ever listening to anyone except in Congressional hearings, lol.

What a piece of xxxx.

Anonymous said...

Why waste your dough hand delivering anything to that piece of xxxx at a TAL.

You could just as easily post a note in the forum at his site, and also post in his chat room.

Of course you will be booted or blocked on the forum, but who cares, you could change your email and nick and join again anyway.

Anonymous said...

very interesting blog. woodie does not say much about what he does. seems like everyone does it for him. do they get paid? i think he is rude to people. what other rooms do people use to gather?

Anonymous said...

Why do you pretend that there are alot of people visiting this blog shithead.

No posts for days, then 4-5 in a row if you look at the time stamps,


File the lawssuit you promised and then you can find out the truth during a hearing instead of just throwing your bullshit out here all day long.


Step up to the plate and be a man for once instead of a cocksucking loser shithead.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:22 - Though I'm not the person who threatened a lawsuit (actually I'm sure we all know that no one is going to spend the money on that), I have no idea how many people visit this blog, but what I do know is that anytime someone posts a link in woodie's room to this place, the posts increase. The links really cheese off that old bastard - LOL

Anonymous said...

Shit Sherlock, you obviously lack 5th grade skills.

No Lawyer would take the lawsuit. It was posted above. Can't you read jackass?

Anonymous said...

This is for the above Turd Brain.

Anonymous said...
I spoke with 2 lawyers yesterday and today and they both told me what woodie is doing may be unethical, but it is not illegal.
For now.

If you wish to complain go to CFTC COMPLAINTS On that page you will find phone numbers and addresses of who to contact.

If we all complain, maybe we can get something done about this.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 12:12:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Yea I think the owner of this blog should step up to the plate and have everyone email him then we would all know just how muan would join in.



Anonymous said...

um ... this is Turd Brain here...

Just because someone posted that they talked to two lawyers who said that Woodie isn't doing anything illegal, it doesn't mean that lawyer #3 would agree. Most likely he would, however, that doesn't mean that there is no case. More likely it means that lawyer #1 and #2 wouldn't take the case on a contingency. You can bet that if you offer a decent attorney a retainer of maybe 50 to 100K, at a rate of $350 an hour, he'll file the case with no guarantee as to the result. All you need is a cause of action that would not be thrown out that could be considered frivolous.

There are plenty of causes of action available, especially if you've ever paid for a TAL. Woodie doesn't have to be doing anything illegal, he just has to cause financial harm to someone who can prove that their loss was due to Woodie's fraud. That shouldn't be so difficult.

Walk into any attorney's office with a certified check for 100K and you'll be given the attention you deserve.

As I said earlier however, no one is going to do that, especially as this is what most lawyers will refer to as a 12 cent lawsuit - you can win, but you won't collect.

I was told a better course of action would be complaints directly to as many governmental agencies as will listen, starting with the SEC or even the Attorney General's office of consumer fraud of the state where you live and work your way from there. You won't collect anything but that would shut the room down and maybe lead to a fine.

I'm not an attorney (I'm only in 5th grade as posted above), and I'm not giving anybody advice but call a real lawyer and check it out.

You'll have to excuse me but I have to get back to my 5th grade homework, as I see how you 6th graders are so much smarter.

Anonymous said...

lol old bastard. that he is. i have noticed that he is getting meaner toward people directly in the room. and only allows 5 min trade posts. says it is so people dont get confused when really it is so he can bring in more people that trade a larger time frame then 3 min. he is so middle of the road and self centered. 5 min charts dont always work very well. 3 min charts work much better and control your loss better.

post this link in the rooms and let people know. it is great to have a forum where we can speak openly like we once did before.

Anonymous said...

The lawsuit wont succeed for the following reasons:

1. Though Woodie claims that he trades, he has not done so in writing.
2. Though Woodie claims that everything is free, he has not done so in writing.
3. Though Woodie claims that cci is the only thing one needs, you guessed it, he does not claim that in writing.
4. Everything Woodie claims is on voice and none of it is in writing.
5. For example, he claims to hold a TAL (Trade Along), but does he trade anything in real time. On this basis alone he can be sued, because he does not trade anything in real time. However, is that in writing. Obviously not.

So he is slick, slicker than attorneys. Even his manual on the cci is not written by him, but by others, so that no one can pin anything on the guy. Get it.

Regarding, suing him, anyone can sue in fed court or state court, as acting as their own attorney for reasonable cause, across state lines. And once served, one can subpeona trading records as well as all financial records of W, including bank records, income tax records and such . This will prove once and for all, whether he trades or not and where his income actually comes from.

It might require verbal testimony from others to state, that they heard on voice all of W's claims, unless you happen to have all his voice on tape, and are able to transcribe and put them all together, which is not an insignificant undertaking. Further, testifying by others is expensive and time consuming.

Thus W has cleverly walking the tight rope of legality.

One item that he might lose on is, if the State sues him for state income taxes on TAL fees which he has collected. If the collection is done for charitable reasons, the IRS can deny all deductions taken by the TAL attendees, because such is not deductible as a fraudulent deduction for charity when in fact teaching was done for trading. Here too, the students lose and W gets off scot free.

Anonymous said...

Who wants to sue woodie? Just send complaints to the FTC. Can someone keep posting that info in a nice tight message to keep it running.

Anonymous said...

There's always that old marketing tale: those that made the real money during the 1849 gold rush were the guys who sold the shovels to they guys who were hell-bent on finding gold in the hills.

Make no mistake, Woodie is selling "shovels", so to speak; he's not interested in looking for the gold.

in other words, he's a marketer first and foremost; that much is abundantly clear. if he's also a real trader ... well, apart from his own claims, it's not nearly as apparent.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I don't see anyone trading live whatsoever. Not woodie, gb, or any of them. All they do is hedge their bets and make you 'recall' their comments when the trade goes well.

gb does not trade. he just sits there day after day and collects stats. now he is trying to learn 1 minute scalp trading with the cci lol. cci is far too lagging to do that. largers scales is ok but price bars is the leading incicator because, well, it IS price. need i say more?

but since gb does not trade, and never calls trades live he just likes when the entire room is just talking to him, asking him questions and focusing on him. it isn't about trading. it is about him and woodie.

when gb 'booted' a trader for being what gb called disruptive it was full of shit. it was because the trader new far more then gb ever wish he could know about trading.

what's that matter gb, too old and blind to figure it out?

someday either one of these morons are going to pass on and another person of bullshit will be born to replace them.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what her site address is but GIO is one piece of shit. Talks to you like you are 5 year old and is so assumptive it is unbearable to listen to her. Not to mention her SCREECHING COMPLAINING BITCH moans when no one is listening to her that will make your ears BLEED!

Why do these people need to have absolute and total attention to themselves or they go off the deep end. Take woodie for example, if someone comes into the room and make quick friends with people and talks about trading he within days jumps on them and starts posting negative things about everything else so as to make himself look like he knows all. As if is wants a redirection of the attention to himself.

GIO is sad, and woodie is terrible.

Anonymous said...

as if any of you whimps will ever complain to any authorities about woodie lol. either put up or shut up or keep away from our room.

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever looked at Trade Angle?

I tried a free trial and wondered what others think. It is expensive, but worked very well during my trial.

Trade Angle

Anonymous said...

For the record, "talkslive" is a rebranded version of HotConference.

it costs a few grand to say you "own it". it's cheap.

Anyone can lease a HotConference room. And anyone can ask for a rebranded version and call it their own.

Woodie doesn't own the software; he owns rebranded resale rights.

here is a link to the software owner:

Anonymous said...

Good catch on that hotconfering connections.

Indeed W uses smoke and mirrors to enhance his mere appearance of knowledge and greatness, when in fact it is all emptiness, and this disclosure of the hotconferance proves it.

Other smoke and mirror untruths.

Posting and no boasting, and W does exactly that over and over and over.

No bashing or negative posts and W does exactly that over and over, by bashing all others traders as frauds and charlestons.

Traders helping traders, and W does nothing of the kind. Even his method is written by others, and everything in the room is done by others and not him.

Everything is free he proclaims, and W charges for so called TAL's. If everything is free, why does one have to pay for TAL's, he could easily disclose the method easily in his room with the whiteboard. In fact, the only reason the room is free is to advertise his TAL's with a sickening consistency.

Left over money from TAL's is sent to MAW, but W cannot prove he ever sent a dime.

He solicits paid TAL's in the room, but does not trade live even once at the TAL, does only the same after the fact, Good Trading Everybody crap.

Others are welcome to add the list of deceit and fraud.

btw, he just finished a tal at Arizona, and guess what, he was broadcasting from Arizona in his room, and again he was promoting his next tal in Flordia on May 3, 4 and 5th. Is that not wonderful ?

Anonymous said...

Yep. HotConference is the first choice of marketers all over the world.

Traders? I've no idea. But MARKETERS will easily recognize the software.

Woodie is clearly putting more time into marketing than trading.

Anonymous said...

Woodie is a trader and is among the best, Some say he can trade better than all the rest.

You will hear him say, "we don't need no stinkin prices", because he trades with out any vices.

Woodie is a man with a heart of gold, Who wanted to help traders with nothing being sold.

New traders face men full of greed, Selling products that are useless indeed.

Seeing traders swindled every day, Woodie started a web site where no one would pay.

So Woodies CCI web site he did build, To help traders develope their skill.

His web site grew and became very large, He never ask for a dime, he never has charged.

Hotcomm rooms he has now opened wide, Traders from around the world learn at his side.

Those greedy offered Woodie millions for his site, But Woodie said "NO" with all of his might.

"Traders helping traders" is the way it will stay, So we can help those less fortunate along their way.

Woodie sends hours a day helping others, Giving time to a stranger as if he were a brother. Week after week helping traders learn, Who have nothing to offer Woodie in return.

Woodie is known by the greatest in the land, But will spend hours giving the lowly a hand. Treating all traders with dignity and respect, There is no one Woodie will neglect.

Woodie is always giving day and night, Helping struggling traders at his site. Woodie all of the traders here want to say, thanks for showing us the way.

You are a special gift from God above, and hundreds of traders here send you their love !

Anonymous said...

that goes to show you how many morons show up to trade with absouloutley no thinking skills not to mention any analytical sckills what so ever.

dont worry. this person is still in the land of OZ drinking the kool aid and playing nursery rhymes.

Anonymous said...

lol, look at his posting name - I think it explains his tongue in cheek approach to this. Nice work.

Now see if you can come up with one for the greedy dentist, um vitamin huckster

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gullible - loved your post, but maybe you better copyright that before it ends up on w's site. They may leave out your last name. lolol

Anonymous said...

Mr Gullable, your post is a tongue in cheek gem, I bet it will be stolen and used for hyping W own agenda.

As an update, he sauntered into one of the rooms and this is what he posted.
- [11:08:55 AM] woodie says: the TAL...we were up $5800 for 2 contracts and when we added the woodies switcher to it it went to $8000 ..switcher tells you when and when not to trade.

If you believe this crap, somebody at the TAL made some good money, or was this again after the fact paper trading.

If it really happened, his $ 395 fees for tal, plus 1295 for plane, hotel, food and car would be a steal. You be the judge of that.

He is already advertising the may 3,4,5 tal.

Anonymous said...

get a load of this person! i wonder what kind of scam reverand he is. his voice is creepy when he moderates. something is wrong with this picture. here is a comment he made to woodie about being at the TAL. ROFLMAO!

- [9:43:21 AM] 5280 Silvia & Rev says: it was a blessing to be make it easy to serve

Anonymous said...

how many times in the just the last 30 minutes have they mentioned thte trade a long? it must be near 10 times. my god this guy makes me nautious.

whats worse is that the trade a long is nothing more then a bunch of free people sharing ideas that they could and do share on the chat room every day.

you dont need no stinking trade a long people. save your money and time. they are useless.

Anonymous said...

how many times do i have to see this illiterate moron type "NO" when he is trying to utter "KNOW". if he does write a book it will surely suck ass. anyone hear how he is having someone else write a chapter? ROFLMAO - everyone has to do it for him.

- [10:26:33 AM] woodie says: justin you should not be in this room..not until you no basic CCI

Anonymous said...

honestly, pez is the only deceant mod over at woodies right now. you can tell he trades. he does not stop talking however. but unlike rev and the rest that are just a bunch of bullshitters i like ones who actually trade and are serious.

not dumbasses like the rest. or ones with asshole aattitude like woodie himself. man, what a real jerkoff woodie is.

why is he so damn mean with people?

his poor wife must hate that bastard. anybody know how he demeans his wife?

Anonymous said...

Get a load of this crap by GB007, he is much slicker than the immortal Woodie.

This was on 3-21-2002 fed announcement day at 2:15 pm. The er2 shot straight up and someone asked about the 30 degree gb angle, which gb has been trying to disclose for 5 years, and never has disclosed, because if he does the game is over.

- [2:22:42 PM] gb007 says:
carlos the angle is not as good as it look. its a function of such small prior bars

- [2:23:42 PM] gb007 says:
carlos get this angle in a normal market and it's bet the farm time

- [2:26:51 PM] gb007 says:
carlos the bonds will almost always tell you what is going to happen on announcement

The summary of the above is, due to the very small bars prior to the announcement, he did not like the angle, also there was no cci signal prior to large move to call after the fact calls either, lol.

Today 03-22-2007, this is what the wise sage omnipotent scumbag GB007
says to the Question from the loving flock:

- [10:55:44 AM] Guss says:
gb you have yoru target set at +8 and if you see you have a bigger potential you move it further away?

- [10:56:43 AM] gb007 says:
guss yes in a strong trend. y/d was a good example after the FOMC announcement

"Amazing that the great gb007 is now claiming after the fact that yesterday FOMC move was a strong trend, but in real time, he did not say that it actually was". Probably thinks the whole room is a bunch of morons who cannot read or see through the fog."

Now get a load of this crap, where GB007 was caught lying, by posting he made + 8, when he was stopped out by his own rules when it was pointed out chillingly by one who traded it, lol.

- [9:55:54 AM] gb007 says:
s YM
- [9:57:06 AM] gb007 says:
out +8
- [9:58:20 AM] Major Mike says:
1min had a zlr that triggered gave t1 of 5 and then snapped back to be+1 that was an inner and outer...

- [10:02:37 AM] gb007 says:
MM ? i had 17 to 8 for 9 move.

- [10:04:16 AM] Major Mike says:
gb @ 9:56 bc was 812.8, went to 812.2 to get my tgt of 5, stop was moved to 812.1 and the takend out

- [10:06:37 AM] gb007 says:
MM ok. not what i had but i'll solve the problem by not posting entries

- [10:06:46 AM] gb007 says:
or exits

- [10:08:15 AM] gb007 says:
sorry i do not intend to spend time explaining entries or exits. they can be different on different charts and the fills can be different

Followed by sucking up posts:

- [10:13:39 AM] cr says:
guys & gals - gb007's passion is daytrading so for him to even be here while he is actually trading is unusual. often he trades the morning without all these distractions and then logs on later. so best to just accept his posts and not try to interact too much with him . don't want to scare him off

- [10:15:03 AM] LG says:
good post cr

These clowns posting the suck up posts are not interested in the truth, but try to cover it up. If this was Federal, they would be guilty of conspiracy and obstruction of justice, that is 10 years every time they do it.

Anonymous said...


i saw that too and didn't fell like calling him out on the carpet for the EXACT same reason you state. the suck ups suck so hard that even i can taste the shit from woodies and gb007's asses.

if these people actually traded for a living they would know better. and gb is a real piece of work. acting like a freaking crybaby about being questioned and saying "well if you want to question me then i wont post. blah blah blah".

i knew it was going to be a suck up session after that with the "oh no don’t stop posting my god of the universe that i cant get along without"

do these people actually have lives and women that have to deal with their ball'less bodies? get a grip you pussies! grow a pair and instead of begging for a bone that even GB can’t give.

you guys do realize that GB doesn’t daytrade don’t you? he never has. and stated that he never would. it is just that he needs attention and tries to get it in the ‘advanced room” now. advanced, lol now that room is misnamed for sure.

GB = GARY BALLS but doesnt have any!

Anonymous said...

Guys, Woodie's room isn't about trading. It's about marketing, in other words selling stuff to you.

Anonymous said...

woodie is harping strong on shysters charging money for trading tools and how he is going to change that so we dont have to pay any money to trade. he is on such a high horse today i have a feeling he is going to die soon. something is going very wrong with him and his attitude.

he is out of control. besides, he is the biggest scamster and out-right liar in the trading community.

he has this BIG idea now, ROFLMAO, to put tools together into a single front end. hahaha, what a concept lol. and he isn't even one that can program or create anything at all. no ideas what so ever. empty mind. cant talk. cant teach, gets mad at people if he has to say more then 2 sentences, etc. should i go on?

woodie is a know-nothing bullshitter that has everyone do the work for with no credit to them. pathetic, scamster back-hand dealing fraudulent old man.

ans STILL doesnt call trades live before the fact.

he has no education and is not smart at all actually. you can tell he is lacking attention and along with GB007 are both low level caveman thinking morons.

Anonymous said...

Good post! Woodie is a scammer and his health is failing. That is why he is trying to hard to make himself into someone, that he isn't.

He just called another after the fact trade once again "Some people got in on that zlr at such and such"...

Woodie, why wouldn't you call it live? OPPS! Another Woodie moment?

Anonymous said...

Quite a lot of my marketing friends have hotconference rooms. They pay around 30 bucks per room per month. Woodie's charging 500 bucks? Ouch!

He must have had the PM functionality disabled, because Hotconference does have it available, although it's extremely clumsy.

Hotconference targets the internet direct marketing crowd. I guess since Woodie doesn't think his market is the same as the direct marketing crowd he can get away with that kind of price gouging.

I had to laugh when I downloaded Woodie's and it installed itself into the same application as the marketing rooms.

He didn't even customize the icon for the downloaded installer.

Also, notice on this page his web master forgot to change the page title tag:

Anonymous said...


Compare the following:

Anonymous said...

As the old marketing saying goes, when the gold rush is on, sell shovels...

and picks, sieves, buckets and maybe even the odd mule or two.

Anonymous said...

Now they are selling tee shirts and stuff.....holy crapoli. That site is a real flea market alright.

Now this is an item I would like to buy Toilet Paper

Anonymous said...







1-why is PEZ going to do it and not WOODIE?

2-why is anyone going to do it at all? why wouldn’t the entire club get the information instead so it can help all instead of just one single person?

3-is this the MOVE to paid rooms so woodie can make money now?

4-why is WOODIE such a piece of shit that he is now making his mods do this stuff for free? is this the MOVE to change that?

5-woodie has stated thousands of times over the last 5 years "this will always be free! there is no damn reason to pay for this!" is he changing his weak old mind now?

6-why can't WOODIE teach and mentor people? he is the master supposedly? can't he teach? do you mods finally get the picture? why he has YOU doing everything for him?

7-does WOODIE take advantage of people wanting to be "moderator" and get attention? when most of them can't really trade anyway?


Anonymous said...

Yesterday in the room someone asked where TW was and Woodie said he was kicked out of the room because he cant trade.

Anonymous said...

[[[ from a Woodies CCI Club Moderator ]]]

- [4:07:49 PM] Josey Wales says:
I, by the way, am not a successfull trader... been seriously at this for 1y 8m. I do still have an account... sometimes I wonder how with all of the bone head mistakes I make... but I'm constantly working those skills, getting better... I'm learning my weaknesses and strengths. I have a plan and I'm on track.

Anonymous said...


WOODIE the SCAMSTER just said "I think the future is with autotrading and we want to provide a complete package to them with front end stats and switcher and auto trading monkeys program. And when it is done we don't want to charge $10,000 like everyone else does."

OH really? Woodie, your are so transparent. How much do you want to charge? Why are you so gung ho about having everyone else create something that you are now going to charge for? Why should you charge anything for something your didn’t create? Notice how he said “won’t charge 10,000’s of dollars...” It is a change from the “Won’t charge anything blah blah blah”.

What happened to traders helping traders?

This is what is happening to woodie. He is desperately trying to make money because his CCI trading is not working as well for him as he wished. And he is also trying to find a way to back track over his statements of never having to charge a dime for anything and calling everyone that does a thief.

Remember all of those comments for thte last how many years?

Woodie is really a very bad person, deceitful and manipulative.

Anonymous said...

Woodie is a LIAR.
Tony is a LIAR.

Anyone who has anything to do with them is a FOOL.

Anonymous said...

again and again just crap on the this blog about what wood did or didn't do
how is screwed the moderators and used them to his advantage
how he might have used the money instead of giving it to charity how he did this and tha.

i don't understand how come you won't let us all know how we could form a group of former members and moderators and sue this fucking bastard

you seem to be the only one with a bug up his ass all the time
Woodie doesn't trade live
Woodie wants to trade your money Woodie wants you to use his software
Woodie wants you to come to his bullshiting three days of did you see that trade, that was 13 winners this morning alone

man either do something constructive or you are just like the people you bitch about


are you a fucking worthless piece of shit or do you have some balls let us help you


Anonymous said...

anyone see woodie trade last night? standard woodie bullshit. mentions a trade setup. posts bnar close info, as if he is in the trade. later, IF and i do mean IF it goes well he posts 'working well' just like he did for the first trade. however, just as he also does, for the second trade, the one that was a loser and dropped hard against him he never came back to post anything. just simply disappeared.

and THAT, folks, is how woodie hedges his bets and makes newbies thinks he knows how to trade. he does not. had that trade went his way 100 ticks he would come back on and say 'see that ghost work!'

he is pathetic. now he is talking about why he should start selling tools for newbie traders. he is slowly edging into charging for everything.

i told you back then and i was right. remember the breaking news about how he is going to charge for private tutoring, but of course he isnt going to be doing it himself. he cant. he is going to get others to do it for him. pathetic.

Anonymous said...

again again again and again all you do is bitch about this and that why won't you help us form a lawsuit for fraud against this fuckinng mother

you are no better then he is

if you see someone kill someone and dont report it and help put the killer away then you are just a guilty


Anonymous said...

You can't sue me because I ain't done nothing wrong. I have only spent my last 23 years helping traders learn my system.

I have had to maintain control because some have tried to take advantage of me, DAX comes to mind off the top of the my head along with many many others.

Gio wanted to do her own seminars and promote them in my room. I couldn't have that now could I?

DrBob changed the settings and confused everyone on exactly how I wanted the CCI used. I had to kick him out also.

TW was the latest that didn't follow the rules and had to be kicked out, but this is a problem when you have a group of egos working overtime. I am the one that discovered teh CCI, I am the one that developed it into a system that works 80% of the time.

But how can you sue me? I haven't done anything wrong, besides it is a group of us, so are you going to sue the whole group? I don't think so, you don't have a leg to stand on and only bad mouth me because you yourself is a loser.

I just wish we all could get along and help each other instead of this distaction.

Anonymous said...

don't worry woodie, even though you are wrong about what you just said i don't want to sue you.

i just think you are a low class operator that scams people with manipulation and threats. you are an uneducated moron that doesn't know much and acts like a bastard toward people.

think people don't realize this? thats why everyone leaves. only brand new people hang out with you.

Anonymous said...

That is all I need, Moron

Anonymous said...

Woodie (if that truly is you)

This is a very small list of the many moderators over the years who you have kicked out or left. There have been a LOT more than 4. Verus, JeanYus, Dana, Cathy, Paul, Clint, Rover, Soren.......the list goes on.

You threaten to sue everyone, so it is fitting that people threaten to sue you back. It is all bluster anyway.

TW left on his own because you told everyone there was to be no more free moderated room when you decided on the Woodie 100 thing (that ended up in the dumper anyway). He just did not want to be part of that. It is YOUR EGO that went wild, not his.

And you did not discover CCI. Barbara Starr did. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Get your fact straight. It were published everywhere that I invented the correct way to trade the CCI

PERIOD and I am geting tired of you morons saying differently.

People leave because they just don't like being told how to run my room and if I feel you are trying to pull sometime over me.

Look at all the people who have used me and damn it I is geting tired of that too.

You sir dont have the balls to show who you are because I will sue your ass.


Anonymous said...

What a comedy show this stupid blog is! You guys really do need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

comedy is good, and woodie certainly supplies it in spades !

Anonymous said...

What a class act that Woodie is...

I hope all the lemmings read that pompous, illiterate post and see just whose ring they are tossing their hat in with.


Anonymous said...

That's not Woodie. He can barely spell his own name, let alone read the posts here.

I don't think he can put two sentences together even while speaking.

Anonymous said...

Dear Woodie:

Woodie, u scumbag, can you tell the world, what exactly your education is, and from which college or high school, so that it can be verified.

You also state everything is free.

That is like getting an unsolicited phone call, claiming that you just won a free vacation !

That is also like getting in the mail, a sweepstakes letter that you just won a Million Dollars for free !

Nothing in this world is free, except free gifts from relatives and close friends. So what exactly is your gimmick that is hiding behind your free "proclamations".

The fact is, your adoring constant turn-over chat room members, are a bunch of naive morons, for believing such scams as everything is free garbage.

I sure hope, you get sued and sent to jail for taking so much from so many !

Posted by one, who is not fooled with your baloney !

Anonymous said...

so much for her website. her constant screeching makes our ears BLEED! we are sure glad she isn't in woodies room anylonger.

is she still with that gay wanna be trader cowboy?

Anonymous said...

Guesss which family the scumbag knows, I always wondered about his behaviour.

This is what was said in the Advanced Room, Lol. (Never seen any Advanced Trading Posts ever !).

1- [2:01:15 PM] Carlos says:
debbie , ever go to Fairway in Plainview?

- [12:01:16 PM] esmeralda says:
wots nova?

- [12:06:47 PM] gman says:
carlos where do you live......

- [12:08:47 PM] Carlos says:
gman its on Manetto Hill Road just north of the YMHA or now the JCC

- [12:09:05 PM] Carlos says:
I live in Massapequa on the water

- [12:10:09 PM] gman says:
everthing is by the ymca...but where in new york or where

- [12:10:59 PM] Carlos says:
Long Island, near where Carlo Gambino and Woodie and Joey Buttafuco used to live

- [12:11:37 PM] gman says:
ah ok ty BOSS

- [12:11:47 PM] Carlos says:
- [12:12:12 PM] esmeralda says:
hugo boss lives there too?

- [12:12:20 PM] Carlos says:
we have a July 4th Parade every year down the boulevard where I live

- [12:12:49 PM] Carlos says:
and I found out that Ken Wood (woodie) was the one first organize it

- [12:15:03 PM] woodie says:
carlos ..yes i did the very first one there

- [12:15:30 PM] maknmony says:

- [12:15:35 PM] woodie says:
glad it stills goes on today

- [12:16:19 PM] woodie says:
parade that carlos talks about

Snippet from today's log.

Everyone beware of this character !

Anonymous said...

Next, woodie will be telling his followers that he invented the internet.


Anonymous said...

Yesterday in the room people where asking about other cci rooms. Woodie said that twcci guy with his new indicator uses moving averageswith the cci which lags.Huh I thought the sidwinder,chop zone and lsma were all based on moving averages. Then he says Nicker has been testing trading with no cci using the sidewinder(combo of the 34ema and 25lsma)chop zone (based on 34 ema) and red or green lsma(25 lsma)I guess the lagging moving averages work pretty well.

Anonymous said...

This is because Woodie, and only Woodie, has the depth of market knowlege and experience to apply rational thought and analysis to a trading method.

No one else, and I mean NO ONE, should even bother thinking for him/herself.

'Scuze me now as I need to go rinse out my mouth out with a disinfectant.

Anonymous said...

For the last couple of years Woodie has been pushing and touting autotrading. The platforms have been put on the shelfs because of glitches. But others in the room who are successful traders have auto programs that are making money.The key is you need to be successful trader first before taking on a auto program because you need to know what works and what doesn't

Anonymous said...

you are a complete moron and deserve what you get if you think ANY of those people have an auto trading system that makes you money.

the complexities of an autotrading system that works over time is so difficult that simple tools like the ones they are trying to use won't cut it.

thet fact that you even think they do means that you will not even understand what it is i'm talking about.

woodie does not make money trading. ask yourself why everyone there is a newbie.

Anonymous said...


please STOP pushing woodies garbage. i used to have respect for you and will lose it quick if you continue.

you were obviously told to explain to people by woodie thata the new SUPER TOOLS, ahem, would need to be paid for.

clint: "when the time comes i just want you to be ready to pay for these tools if that is what woodie wants..."

are you kidding me clint? you think we are morons?

why are you being woodies BITCH?

Anonymous said...

I was disgusted by what I heard Clint saying too. Clint used to be a good guy. What he is doing is so transparant that it makes me realize that Clint is a jerk!

And that REV guy is a fraud. No questions about it. Nickle and Dime loser. If he really is a reverand that is sad.

Anonymous said...

I heard that too yesterday and thought I was going to fall off my chair. You could hear the tension in Clint's voice as he was forcing it down peoples throat yet knowing he was wrong for doing so. Woodie doesn't even begin to understand how the tools won't help new people and 'old' people won't use crap like that either. He needs people around him with a set of balls to explain things to him.

Oh wait, he shit on those people daily and now they are gone! Oh well, that is what he gets for abusing people and using them for all they give.

I must say Clint, you do owe the people an apology for your load of bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone realize that Woodie does NOT keep stats at all? yet the mods and everyone talk about how he looks at his stats to check things? ROFLMAO

The mods are so damn dumb that I almost puke when I listen to them. It must be that they really don't understand how they are being used by Wooide to promote his INCOME. Nothing goes to them. Just him.


Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here listing to BIGGS (Robert B.) moderating in Woodies Scam room and he is talking about How to Trade To Make Living.

Why is he talking about it? He doesn't even trade live. Never had. Admitted it years ago when pressed after losing so many trades for weeks.

This is the problem for Woodies room. He has no respect for the newbiew and lests morons like that do 'something' just so he doesn't have to.

Are you folks getting the clue yet as to how Woodies operates?

Anonymous said...

note the following copy and paste from scamsters room while he was trying trade the HSI. this is exactly what the bullshitter does and not a single person confronts him about it. he posts a statement that is so hedged its silly such as GB LONG. then he never follows up on it. oh well, that is if it goes against him. he is not different then DAX the fraud. latter if the trade goes well we have to hear "gotta love the ghosts!" but if it goes bad then he just fades off into the distance and never talks to anyone or posts anything.

isn't it funny how no one is allowed to do that but him?

why dont any of you simple minded moderators call him on it?

or better yet, why do you guys keep working for him for free? ROFLMAO

- [11:59:45 PM] woodie says:
gb long

- [12:07:07 AM] trendrat says:
got out when cci hooked down -17 ticks

- [12:07:52 AM] Dan-PDX says:
no GB here, didn't reach 100 on my Sierra, however still possibility for a TT on my charts if we can get through this zero line

- [12:08:09 AM] trendrat says:
just nicked it here

- [12:08:55 AM] Dan-PDX says:
ya, got to 95 here, almost

- [12:12:10 AM] woodie says:

- [12:12:17 AM] Woody Hughes says:

- [12:12:31 AM] woodie says:
ok thks woody

- [12:15:43 AM] Dan-PDX says:
does anybody here actual trade the 2nd HSI session?

- [12:15:57 AM] trendrat says:
time to call it a nite....15 min to session end....nite all and good trading tomorrow

- [12:16:04 AM] Dan-PDX says:
nite Trend

- [12:16:18 AM] woodie says:

- [12:16:23 AM] woodie says:

- [12:17:12 AM] woodie says:
hsi closes 15 min

- [12:18:07 AM] woodie says:
15 minutes

- [12:20:42 AM] marketguy says:
Nite Woodie and everyone. Good getting my feet wet on HSI. A bit different energy than the ER2. See you soon.

- [12:21:02 AM] woodie says:
nite mg

- [12:21:41 AM] marketguy says:
Thanks for everything Woodie

- [12:21:48 AM] marketguy says:
nite to you

- [12:26:23 AM] Dan-PDX says:
nite all...good trading tomorrow

- [12:27:37 AM] woodie says:
nite all

Anonymous said...

CLINT is a loser now. what a complete kiss ass. someone dropped out of the TAL and woodie told clint to make up the time with another presentation and here is CLINTS response.

- [12:01:44 PM] clint-tx says:
ahh...ok...yesir...will try to have that together

CLINT, you are a SELL-OUT. woodie is a scamster and you know it.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Woodie Missed a 11.0 point ZLR lol. Anyone see him jump on the newbie that asked about it?

Woodie is a really piece of work. He has turned into an complete asshole.

Meanwhile, he has once again announced that Keith-Fla will be training people for profit so that other sites wont rip his people off.

Sure Woodie. Make excuses for making money you liar. Besides, Keith doesn't know how to trade let alone teach people. All he does is spout off the bullshit you give. It is a totally different thing to teach people to trade and deal with their specific problems.

This is just his move into money making venture. I predict it will not work.



Anonymous said...

yeah i saw that too. here is woodie not answering a question about the huge move that we all got - well all of us that were not in woodies kiddie room!

- [3:00:48 PM] zmaster24 says:
woodie did the autotader take trade on the er?

woodie finally said after pressure that the autotrader didnt take the trade. oh well.

but woodie felt bad so he wanted tolet everyone in the kiddie room - which you are not supposed to talk about anything different then a 5 minute chart and certain patterns, but felt free to tell kiddies about the AUTO SCALPING he is trying.

- [3:11:53 PM] woodie says:
scalp auto which we are also testing has 9 trades and 8 winners so far today

woodie is so two-faced, back stabbing, pathetic liar. he only tells you things that try to makle him look good. allows no discussion to benefit traders if it isnt about what he wants you to talk about.

he really does have a EGO. so much for woodie. he is going down the tubes fast.

where has everyone gone? no friends. nothing but leeches around him only. susan, tony - non traders lol.

Anonymous said...

But "scalping" results in more of those brokerage commissions.

Anonymous said...

Woodie is some peice of work. Can't write his own book, of course, but has to get others to write chapters for them - for free of course.

Can't teach in the room so he has other mods - that think they are great traders, LOL, just becuase they are talking on a mic - for woodie - for free, LOL.

Now, instead of woodie teaching people, since he is SO CONCERNED about traders losing money, now he is going to change all the rules he has ever gone by and start charging for teaching.

After Tood (TW) started doing this Woodie got jealous and wanted in on the action. Now we have to hear day in and day out woodie trying to justify why he is going to do this.

Of course no one speaks against it so woodie thinks is OK to do so.

And that my fellow traders is why woodie has no friends except the Susan and Tony leech team - non trade team.

jeffss said...

I've been in Woodie's room for a while but really have found it quite useless. I went to Gio's room at last Monday to see what she was all about. To my surprise I actually made some good money following her on some early morning euro trades. Say what you may but I'm going back. Her room is so much better than Woodies.

Anonymous said...

You got it right, the room is totally useless, here is another pathetic marketing attempt by woodie:

- [11:30:28 AM] woodie says:
60 tics now on 5 min gb 100 on er

- [11:30:29 AM] Guy_v says:
bc stats

- [11:30:37 AM] woodie says:
oops wrong room

- [11:30:44 AM] Guy_v says:
nice woodie

- [11:30:59 AM] Cemo says:
wtg woodie

- [11:31:00 AM] gman says:
lol woodie.nice and thanks

NilsT just signed out.

- [11:31:47 AM] woodie says:
thks but i missed it ...

- [11:32:00 AM] woodie says:
but room got them

Now all the suck up posts by everyone, followed by slaps on the back, well done, well done bs.

- [11:32:19 AM] n says:
someone said....there will be better trades down the road...

- [11:32:22 AM] woodie says:
wtg Pez

- [11:32:52 AM] Carlos says:

- [11:32:59 AM] woodie says:

- [11:33:10 AM] maknmony says:
took 3m er famir

- [11:33:14 AM] woodie says:
wtg guy..great trading

- [11:33:23 AM] woodie says:
wtg makn

- [11:33:23 AM] Guy_v says:
is nice day

- [11:33:51 AM] maknmony says:

- [11:34:01 AM] Chuck says:
took famirt on ym myself

- [11:34:12 AM] Chuck says:

- [11:34:30 AM] maknmony says:
great room woodie .....thanks

- [11:34:48 AM] woodie says:
y/w enjoy

- [11:34:50 AM] maknmony says:
and tony

- [11:35:44 AM] Chuck says:
I would just love for it to do 4 or 5 of these a day, wouldn't that be sweet..

Followed by Guy's incomprehensible stats, rofl.

- [11:36:16 AM] Guy_v says:
Time Loss Stop Peak s/r 100l
9:41:10 2 15 11 8
9:52:37 2 7 1 1
10:22:02 1 0 0
10:43:18 2 0 0
10:54:53 0 0 0
11:07:36 2 4 0 0
11:11:43 1 29 25 24
11:24:45 4 8 1 1
11:34:37 0 0 0

Anonymous said...

Woodie's room having it's problems.

Anonymous said...

Woodies room went down twice in one morning last week. I tried Gio's room. I liked it. But it's really for the serious trader. She makes you think.

Anonymous said...

Woodie is gone for over a month traveling Europe with his wife and who is paying for that?

who do you think is paying for that?

i thought all this was traders helping traders? not one traders making everyone work for free and woodie does nothing.

he really is a terrible person.

Anonymous said...

I must say that TW's room is NOT useful at all. People try to learn what he is talking about and it is impossible. He talks every single minute, crosses into almost 50 different subjects within just minutes and even asks himself questions and answers them himself. Kind of like John McCain if anyone saw that clip.

It really appears that people are right. He can not trade. And he tries hard to justify everything he says. Meanwhile, he can't teach entries, his system or anything specific. He is still searching for his way but won't admit it. It is painfully obvious after listening to him. Everyone was right.

Too bad. He is a good thinker but terrible at execution.

No wonder woodie let him go.

Anonymous said...

want to see what bullshit brings you? this is keithfla trading plan. its absurd. its nothing but words. its ridiculously positive fluff and bullshit. its overly complicated and silly. he is all talk, can't trade and has some kind of only POSITIVE statement yoga choppra bullshit going on. he is off base and can never be questioned otehrwise he FLYS OFF THE HANDLE. enjoy reading, ROFLMAO...

this is what woodies room gives your - haha


My Trading Plan

Impetus for trading

I want to be a trader because the fluctuations of the free market economy are my passion. My primary objective in my trading is to be consistently profitable trader so as to support, in all facets of life, my family, my loved ones and those who share this life experience with me. I am enthralled by the challenge that the ever-changing market provides and am dedicated to piecing the puzzle of trading together so as to support the creation and manifestation of my dreams. I truly thrive in and enjoy the limitless environment that the market produces and am thrilled by the opportunity to react and flow in this market environment with speed, accuracy, consistency and prowess. I want and desire to achieve consistent profitability in my trading as I enjoy and appreciate the freedom that trading provides, along with the unlimited financial success that can be achieved through discipline, focus, and perseverance. I want to be a trader so as to know myself with true understanding, to know who I am, and to feel real purpose and contribution in my life experience. I want to be a great trader so as to help those around me in all circumstances, to help myself, and to contribute and help the world around me as a whole.

Trader Characteristics

I am an aggressive trader. I approach trading as a full-time business. As such, I am committed to finding consistent profitability in the marketplace in shorter time frames, i.e. to day-trade, to find opportunities that present themselves each day to make a profit. I also am dedicated to swing trading positions on a longer time horizon. I am a discretionary trader as I understand that the market is always changing and I am looking to be able to flow into and out of trades as I listen to the information that the market is presenting to me and then react to that information, without bias, to make well informed, positive decisions to increase my bottom line. I know that I cannot predict what the market will do, as the market can and will do anything, and as such I will react to the market unemotionally in order to capitalize on the opportunities that the market presents to me. In order to calmly flow with what the market is doing, I will control myself by following my trading plan, and accepting all my results with a smile on my face. I desire to have a clear-mind and to flow into and out of situations while focusing on the overall picture of becoming a better trader and acquiring skills that will help me to be a better trader.

What are my strengths and weaknesses?

One of my primary strengths is my commitment to trading. I am committed to becoming a better trader and my perseverance, determination and commitment enable me to flow into growing as a trader. These traits allow me to commit and trust my indicator and to trust my plan, which will allow me to follow through in my trading. Another of my strengths in this arena stems from my being a surfer, not just as something I do, but as the person I am. This allows me to commit to trades and take the leap of faith in my endeavors in the marketplace, even with an unknown outcome, due to my vast experience around the world, of taking the plunge and committing over the ledge in my surfing world. This will in turn allow me to commit to and take the leap in my trading as well, as I am more comfortable in an environment where anything can happen. Another one of my great strengths that will benefit me in my trading stems from my ability to learn quickly, and to pick up and integrate information in my mind. This is a very positive strength in my trading as it allows me to assimilate information that the market is giving me quickly and thus react faster. Another great strength I have stems from keeping great records of both trades and emotions during trades, which will help me to better track my progress as a trader. In doing so, I can unemotionally react in the marketplace with ease and delve within myself for strength and help.

Within my trading, my primary weakness stems from some emotionality involved with losses. In order to minimize and eliminate this response, I am dedicating specific attention to the acceptance of risk on each trading position in order to look at the position as a potential to do great things. Also, in order to overcome any triggered emotional response I am journaling to find the exact root of the challenges associated to any loss and I am allowing things to flow in order to just accept where I am and how I am doing on any one day. Another possible weakness that I may encounter in my trading stems from becoming sidetracked during the day which can then lead to boredom and possible missed trades or broken rules. In order to stop this issue and to strengthen my trading skills, I intend to focus on developing swing-trading positions while the market is slow and to try to possibly incorporate reading, or other activities to stay on point. Further, after much analysis, I have created a trading plan that fits my personality and style and as such I am able to stay on point throughout my trading.

Trading on Point

I will only trade when I am feeling on point, when I am focused, healthy and at peace in my mind. I should be rested, focused, and be thinking about trading and my trading endeavors specifically. I will be full of faith and conviction in my trading endeavors and will strive to make great decisions.

I will not trade, or make important trading decisions if I am feeling too tired, over stressed, not at all rested, or preoccupied by something else which is taking up too much of the time in my mind which should be committed only to trading while trading.

What are my income targets?

For the purposes of posting in the Woodie’s CCI Club Forum, I have chosen to take out this section of my personal plan. Personal income targets and goals are private and specific to each individual trader’s goals, and overall financial situation. In order to best serve your own dreams and goals, this section should be detailed as to your own specific investment objectives.

The following subtitles should be outlined in detail according to your own trading objectives. In my own plan, I have explicitly set goals for each timeframe to take advantage of building blocks to your trading success. I have left in the important aspects of the plan that are things that most traders would want to strive for, but again, these areas should be detailed as to you your trading goals.

Annual Trading Goals

I am aiming at becoming more and more comfortable with my trading plan, to the point that I know exactly what I should be doing or not doing with respect to my plan at any one time in the market. I want to continue to develop and refine my plan of action with respect to specific trade setups, and to refine the process by which I initiate my trades and manage them. I want to become more affluent in my management of trades by cutting hope mode, and playing that market in a tighter, action-oriented manner. I want to learn to trade my trading plan flawlessly, without emotion, and in the most forward progressing manner in order to become a better trader. I want to learn to completely trust my indicator, to the point where there is no hesitation in the entry, management or exit of any trade. Also, I want to continually learn, learn about my system, learn about my indicator, learn about the market as a whole, and most importantly to learn about myself as a trader even more.

Monthly Trading Goals

I am striving to flawlessly execute my trading plan and to adhere to the strict rules that I have set out for myself in order to be a better trader.

Weekly Trading Goals

My weekly trading goal revolves around executing the trading plan I have devised flawlessly. Along with this I am looking to trade unemotionally no matter what the results are. I look to act on my edge with conviction, while completely accepting all risk, responsibility and unknown outcomes involved that must be accepted wholly before initiating the trade.

Daily Trading Goals

My daily trading goal is to joyfully trade while trying to flawlessly execute my system unemotionally, while reacting to the information that the market is giving me in each moment. By doing so, I will put myself in the best statistical area to achieve greatness in my trading.

Market Traded and Size

The consideration of what market to trade is a heavy one, to say the least. In picking a market, after years of experimenting, I have found it most rational to try to take advantage of a market that has sufficient volatility to provide my objectives with the needed follow through to reach profitability. Because I am trading a momentum indicator, in the CCI, I want to put myself in the most advantageous zone to be able to have the follow through on the different patterns. After a lot of research and deliberation, I have decided that in the e-mini futures arena, the Russell 2000, ER2, or AB contract and the ZG or Gold market are the markets that provide me with the most potential follow through at this point in time. With a ten dollar per tick cost, in both markets respectively, I have the ability to look for opportunity no matter what size position I may be trading. The flip side of the coin is of course that I will incur a bit more cost in those markets with my respective setups. In order to contain that risk, and also provide me with a beneficial reward to risk ratio, I have performed extensive back testing to help me to see that I can limit my losses to a small amount and pick up more profit on the other side when the follow through is there. As I reach goals, I intend to add more markets to my trading plan, including individual stocks, Ag markets on an intraday basis and eventually currencies. This will allow me to grow and as I gain more confidence with my plan and my trading, will allow me to find extra profitability. I will trade the U.S. markets everyday from 9:30 to 3:30 daily. Also I will look to trade in equities on a longer time frame (swing) to capitalize on other potential opportunity in my trading through diversification.

Capital Resources

Capital. It’s why we as traders invest so much time into this game in the long run. I have once again excluded my personal capital resources in detail from this plan to be posted to the public. However, in your own plan, be sure to include in depth how you will fund your trading endeavors, how much you will have to trade with and exactly what type of capitalization you have in respect to the achievement of your goals. Make sure that you have studied and research exactly how your capital will be put to use with specific money management parameters.


My trading plan will take advantage of patterns that are developed on a 5 minute timeframe. The 5 minute timeframe provides me with significant opportunities throughout the day and the patterns have nice follow through. I will also trade stocks on a daily timeframe, with a 30 minute timeframe on stocks to identify better entries.

Financial Vehicle

I will use futures as my primary trade vehicle. I look to use the e-mini futures contracts, the ER, ZG, 6E, respectively, to trade the market. I began by exclusively trading the ER as my primary marketplace. I am also using stocks to swing trade on a longer time frame.

Order Entry

As I am trading a momentum indicator, many of the moves that I am looking to exploit within the marketplace happen quickly and with a great deal of volatility. In order to take the most advantage of this, I intend to use market orders in my trading. Market orders will give me the advantage of getting into the market right as the trade confirms to me. Also, it gives me a concrete area where I can time and time again, consistently enter the position at a known time. For my personal trading, I intend to enter all my trades right as the bar is closing on a five minute chart. In situations where I identify a more aggressive stance, I intend to enter with market orders when I see fit to take advantage of the setups with high probability. Along with the upsides to a market order, there is also a potential risk involved with them. This risk relates to the issue of slippage in trades. In some cases this may create a bit of extra risk, but in order to take advantage of the times when a market moves very quickly on a position to get profit, I will react to the best of my ability to fill right at bar close or close to it. As far as exits are concerned, I will always have a stop placed when I enter the position, and will also have any profit targets in place on trade initiation. Once a stop loss is thought out and placed, I will honor the stop and will not amend it in the middle of battle due to fear or greed. On profitable trades, I will exit the runner with a market order.

Trade Analysis

The analysis of trades and in particular of positions that went against the plan is critically important to a trader’s success. In order to maximize my efficiency in my statistic keeping and to analyze positions, I have devised a few ways to manage the challenge. By using this system just after the position is finalized, I can analyze all that happened during the position, and also identify any small distinctions I may have missed in order to help me to learn and expand and grow more.

¨ Step #1- Journal during the trading position to keep track of emotion.
¨ Step #2- Ask myself questions during the trade: What is the CCI exclusively telling me? What little story can I pick up on from the CCI? Is momentum still in my direction?
¨ Step #3- Ask several questions after the trade is completed: Did I follow through on my plan? Did I honor my stops and targets? Did I trust myself and react to the market?
¨ Step # 4- Identify what was done RIGHT and WRONG in the trade position and uncover within yourself how you can get better.
¨ Step # 5- Journal again with potential ways in which to get better with the position, be it from an emotional standpoint, a trading plan follow through standpoint, or a standpoint of consistency.

In addition to the above plan for when trades are managed and completed, I will have an area, a big area, on my trade confirmation sheet where I can query myself to keep tabs on the trade during the management of the trade. The reason I will do this is two-fold. First, it will keep my focus during the position, and second I will be able to find out after the trade is over what I did right or wrong.

A loss provides you with the opportunity to find out how you can get better in the market, cherish the loss as an opportunity to grow.

Grade Card

The idea of a grade card relates specifically to tracking the progress I make through my trading. In order to most efficiently track this progress, my grade card will be made to keep tabs on how well I am trading my specific plan. I plan to be honest with myself and use this area to help me pinpoint where and how I can get better in my trading to become more profitable and more effective in my trading endeavors. This grade card will be a printed sheet that I can fill out at the end of the trading session to track how I traded my plan, how I trusted my indicator, how I listened to myself and my intuition and how I can get better and grow. In addition to these things, I will make sure to include WHY the grade is that for the day, in other words, why did I feel that the performance on the day was this or this or that…etc.

Statistic Processing

As this is my business, one of the most important processes that I must strive to stay on top of involves the bookkeeping and position monitoring both during the day and at the end of the day. During the day, I plan to track positions on paper with a trade confirmation-type sheet. This sheet will log the position, and will track some of the more important statistics throughout the day. At the end of the day or after the position is concluded, I plan to then track the trades of the day in the traders stat workbook in excel that was provided by TCboone at the Woodies CCI Club. By doing all this I should be able to keep a good log of my trading and thus then track my performance.

Broker and Platform Services

In order to facilitate my business as a trader I use Peregrine Financial Inc., as my broker. Specifically, Neil Rogers of PFG is my broker and he can be reached at 800-546-9423. I will trade with the Trade Navigator platform, which is provided to me through PFG. This platform also provides me with backup charts that I could use in order to day trade.
If I ever encounter any time when I need or want or have to manage positions or exit positions without the use of my computer, the Order Desk at Peregrine Financial can help me to efficiently and effectively exit such positions. They can be reached at 1-800-648-6597.

Charting Service and Data Feed

I will use E-signal charts as my primary vehicle to analyze the markets in real-time, to look at different ideas (back testing) and to analyze different swing trading opportunities. For back-up charts I will use the Trade Navigator Platform.

Morning Routine (Pre-Market)

My daily routine before the market should include the following: A period of centering and reflection during a Yoga session. Next, I will have a complete breakfast, and then be in the office a minimum of 30 minutes before the market open at 9:30. In order to do this and not be cramped for time or feel rushed before the market I need to rise no later than 7:00 each morning. This should provide me with plenty of time in order to be ready to attack the market with the right frame of a warrior’s mind. In order to be at the top of my game before each session, I will look at the picture of the overall markets, I will analyze any activity in the pre-market session, and I will look at the internet for any significant news or announcements or other such financially important data. Further, I will do any updating of my trading journal, will monitor any open positions I have in swing trading positions, and will print any good trades or lessons learned from the charts from a previous session (if not already done).

During the Trading Session

In order to stay focused and on point, I will employ the use of excel spreadsheet to keep track of my trading stats, specifically the TCBoone spreadsheet, to track the underlying market stats. I can also use the power of a journal to stay on top of the market.

Attitude Towards Risk

My attitude towards risk can be summed up as being risk tolerant. I am a short term intraday trader, and as such I look to exploit inefficiencies in the marketplace. As such, I am exposed to risk as I take positions; however, the flip side of that risk is that I look to bank a reward as well for taking that risk in the marketplace. In shorter term positions I look I will continually monitor the development of my risk/reward relationship so as to ensure that I am not too far out of whack with what it is that I am trying to do. Also, I will try to minimize risk by exiting positions that are questionable and waiting for higher probability setups. You can always get back in! In my longer term, or swing positions, I will look to minimize risk so as to diversify my risk across my entire portfolio.

Money Management

Money Management is one of the most important keys to becoming a successful trader. Your own personal plan to take advantage of different possibilities of risk/reward should be detailed, understood, and never strayed from in order to be the most complete trader you can be. Once again, I have excluded the most detailed personal aspects of this area of my plan, as they should have no influence on you becoming your own trader and finding what works for you.

Broker and Hardware Risk

In the event that my trading platform goes down at any one time while I have positions open I will call my Broker to flatten or manage positions. In order to do so, the numbers I should call are Neil Rogers @ 800-546-9423, or the order desk @ 800-648-6597.

Stop Loss Order Placement

As I will primarily be trading with the Russell, I plan to keep stops tight and controlled. At any one time my maximum risk in the market should only be around 10 ticks, or one point in the ER. Once a stop is placed and thought has been placed as to its position, I will honor the stop position and will not amend it during the position.

How will I find my setups?

In order to find the setups, I will continuously monitor the 5 minute charts of the Russell 2000 e-mini and the Gold (ZG) contract.

Performance Rewards

Once you are in a position where you are consistently making money, I feel that it is important to reward yourself as a trader as you meet goals and do better and improve your performance in trading. In this section you should detail your own monetary goals and the ways in which you are going to reward yourself as a trader for accomplishing the goals. Other rewards for meeting goals could be some material things you have wanted, vacations/traveling, and other larger rewards as you begin to increase the size of the goals you are reaching.

Getting Back in Focus / Educational Pursuit

Every trader has periods of draw-down. The key and the goal is to maintain a solidly up-sloping equity curve that has slight draw-downs with an overall trend being up. In order to remain on track and to get back in a focused state I will employ methods including but not limited to the Daily Grade Cards, Daily Excel Market Conditions Work, Journaling and personal centering as well as other varying techniques. In order to continuously grow as a trader in this arena, I plan to continue to read books on the subject of trading. I intend to continue my work with Woodies CCI club to gain insight and have close connections with other successful traders. I also plan to write and continue to teach about trading to gain a greater insight and feel for the game and how to get much better at it.

After the Market Closes…

Have you recorded today’s trades?

In order to stay organized, to record, and to manage my trades that are taken, I will use TCBoone spreadsheet. This should enable me to have a record of all my trades and to continually monitor the nuances of trading.

Did you carry through with your trading plan on specific individual trades?

As this is one of the most important aspects in all of trading, in order to monitor my progress at the discipline of my plan, I have created a separate sheet to be filled out at the end of the day which records my emotions while trading, my discipline of sticking to the plan during the day and also the lessons that I have learned during the day of trading. This grade card will help me to pinpoint how I can get better and do more in my trading.

Is your journal complete and updated?

A trading journal should be implemented to record any emotion, thoughts, or lessons learned about different trades and trading situations. In order to become a better trader I will record these different feelings about trades throughout the day and will form the lessons that I have learned so as to progress and grow as a trader. At the end of each day I should, but don’t necessarily have to, update and write a bit in my trading journal to express how it is that I did for the day and also how I can get better at being a trader. The journal should be looked at, at least on a weekly basis to see what type of emotion I am experiencing and how I am progressing.

What questions will you ask yourself after a winning trade?

After a winning trade I should ask:
· Did I execute the trade according to my plan?
· Did I remain unemotional during the implementation and management of the trade?
· Am I centered and balanced and ready for the next position?
· Have I cleared the win from my mind and am I ready for the next setup?
· What did you learn that can help you identify more of these setups?

What questions do you ask yourself after a losing trade?

After a losing position has been taken, I will ask myself the following questions:
· Did I execute the trade according to my plan? (If yes, then this was a successful trade, pat yourself on the back)
· What made this setup possibly weaker than other setups?
· Did you initiate this position correctly?
· Did you manage this position correctly?
· Did you manage this position to its end unemotionally?
· Are you unemotional, centered and ready for the next setup now?
· Are you being easy on yourself right now?

Plan your Trade!!! Trade your Plan!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish him luck (well he'll need it) but isnt that just truly frightening

its probably what happens when you read too much Mark Douglas, and dont do enough testing

Anonymous said...

woodie is a complete snake oil saleswman.

he was asked right now where in the cci he saw what told him that the price would go to 'X' value. i didn't catch the number but it was a recent move that happened in gold. the price had just met that value. his response, was:

"aaaahh, ummmm, ahhhhh, aaaaa, umm.. well trading for 31 years and watching gold for so long tells me where its going to go..."

really woodie? couldn't get your self out of that one huh? couldn't explain why you have 7 screens in which you are watching prices amongst other indicators?

woodie you are such a scammer. its obvious.

its also funny how he has been trading for 31 years now. used to be 24 years just 3 years ago. keep your eye on this fraud. he is all about the money, and its all about front running you - his friend.

Anonymous said...

Looks like drboob finally realized that no one cares about his perpetual hunt for the perfect snake oil oriented grail or laxative. tradersraving site is down. hopefully woodie will follow in those footsteps and the online trading world will be a better place times 2.

Anonymous said...

below is a good example of why KeithFLA is clearly a newbie trader and why this whole 'Trading Plan' is a farse to promote Woodie and PFG. Also someone that defines their stops so tightly on some number pulled out of their ass where the rest of their document is so vauge and fluffy is just struggeling to learn to trade.

I found it quit amusing, lol.

I wonder how TOnyBalaoney the fucked up wife beataing and cheating drunkard brit enjoyed his travels in europe paid for on the dime of the clubs money that was suppossed to go to the children?

Broker and Hardware Risk

In the event that my trading platform goes down at any one time while I have positions open I will call my Broker to flatten or manage positions. In order to do so, the numbers I should call are Neil Rogers @ 800-546-9423, or the order desk @ 800-648-6597.

Stop Loss Order Placement

As I will primarily be trading with the Russell, I plan to keep stops tight and controlled. At any one time my maximum risk in the market should only be around 10 ticks, or one point in the ER. Once a stop is placed and thought has been placed as to its position, I will honor the stop position and will not amend it during the position.

Anonymous said...

A good example of uneducated empty headed Woodie dealing with educated and smart folks with knowledge.
Recap of some of the text today June 12, 2007.

- [11:46:25 AM] Tom says:
Money management is way more important than any pattern or technical analysis, imo. For many reasons, not least because the markets are random(ish).
- [11:47:01 AM] esmeralda says:
tom mm is paramount
- [11:48:10 AM] solfest says:
patterns occur randomly, but the same pattern over and over is a probability, imo
- [11:48:34 AM] Cemo says:
esm no way that would be the way to trade after being with woodie and all for a year, lol
- [11:48:56 AM] solfest says:
mm is the most important thing in the business
- [11:49:20 AM] Tom says:
The pattern may occur repeatedly but the absolute dynamics of the pattern vary enough to make the 'edge' difficult to determine.
- [11:49:21 AM] solfest says:
not trading, just writing covered calls
- [11:50:42 AM] terry says:
Tom, agree, the various moves or steps can be any size, but number is surprisingly constant
- [11:51:11 AM] Tom says:
Excuse me for my comments. I'm new to CCI, but long time trading.
- [11:51:33 AM] solfest says:
your comments are welcome Tom
- [11:51:44 AM] donna says:
tom, you're just fine
- [11:52:03 AM] Tom says:
thanks, didn't want to speak out of turn.
- [11:52:06 AM] esmeralda says:
and dandy
- [11:53:15 AM] boo says:
tom sometimes woodie does a coin flip entry to demonstrate the importance of mm
- [11:54:28 AM] Tom says:
boo, MM is the one thing that migrates from pattern to pattern, room to room, market to market, and the one thing that gets the least respect. (Present company excluded of course).
- [11:54:48 AM] boo says:
- [11:59:40 AM] woodie says:
tom the CCI patterns give you the edge..very easy to see
- [12:00:21 PM] woodie says:
each pattern has its on physcology to it..
- [12:14:44 PM] Tom says:
Woodie, yes thanks for comment. However, CCI patterns' edges are still as difficult to discern as other indicators'. For sure a single pattern has a myriad of configurable parameters, some better than others. I am only interested in 'specific' signals that meet my MM requirements. But thank you anyway.
- [12:16:01 PM] woodie says:
fine see ya
- [12:16:39 PM] woodie says:
why be here than
- [12:16:56 PM] Tom says:
Is that question for me?
- [12:17:43 PM] woodie says:
- [12:18:42 PM] Nelda says:
Woodie, How many CCI points do we need to take a zero line reject?
- [12:19:03 PM] woodie says:
15 or more
- [12:19:17 PM] Carlos says:
My ammunition is The ZLR, GB100, and VT, now the trick is to hit the target
- [12:19:17 PM] Tom says:
I was directed here because I understood that people were making good use of the CCI in conjunction with decent MM practices and thus thought this would be a good place to be. Forgive me if I am wrong in not wanting to trade somthing until it meets my requirements.
- [12:19:36 PM] Tom says:
If I offend I apologise.
- [12:20:03 PM] Carlos says:
I accept your apology Tom
- [12:20:07 PM] woodie says:
we do very well here no ego' what talks to you
- [12:20:34 PM] Tom says:
Carlos, I will sleep well now.
- [12:20:38 PM] guyv says:
tom you can build good moneymanagment principles around any trading system
- [12:20:48 PM] woodie says:
but don't knock what others use successfully
- [12:20:52 PM] Carlos says:
lol,, woodie, remember that fellow posted yesterday in the main room : Ego is not your Amigo
- [12:21:01 PM] Carlos says:
- [12:21:06 PM] woodie says:
yes carlos...excellent
- [12:21:14 PM] Tom says:
I have already found some CCI setups that do meet my requirements, but finding them wass tough, not simply doing what others do.
- [12:21:42 PM] esmeralda says:
do share tom
- [12:21:54 PM] Carlos says:
Tom imo, WCCI isas good as it gets next to ESP
- [12:22:08 PM] Tom says:
I am not knocking anything, but I feel I should leave, thank you anyway.
Tom just signed out.
- [12:22:22 PM] maknmony says:
wealth of info on and no agendas
- [12:22:23 PM] woodie says:
good idea
- [12:22:36 PM] woodie says:
your atta here
- [12:24:03 PM] woodie says:
i don't go to your house and tell you how good i'am ...we don't want it here
- [12:24:27 PM] woodie says:
he came here a loser ..leaves as a loser
- [12:24:42 PM] woodie says:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Woodie is pathetic. I've always known him to be on the ignorant and dumb side but his ego is really growing. Perfect example of how you can't really talk about trading in his room as you can in most rooms.

If that is not an example to show how stupid woodie is nothing will.

Anonymous said...

woodie isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. no formal education and everyone has created, taught and made the cci what it is today.

if you guys don't know that then just tell me you want to hear true story and i'll explain it all. woodie is not smart by any means and does not trade the cci in futures. he trades price along with cci. yet he lies. thats just one think you guys don't know.

Anonymous said...

Woodies' a moron, come on over to TW's room

Anonymous said...

A few months ago woodie was supposed to be almost dying in the hospital according to his pals susan and tony. Next thing, he was touring Europe. A few years ago the cci flock was bawling because he was going to die any minute. He recovered fast enough to fly to all those TALs and live big on pfg money. The only thing dying is his room and the accounts of the morons who listen to the crook. Quit bitchin about him dyin every 3 months.

Anonymous said...

this folks is what you call a lie. the kind dennis, aka SPORT, tells day in and day out. have you ever seen him make a live trade day after day for a week straight? no. there is a reason for that.

a few bad trades and you can dismiss them as having a bad day and the setups are not working, fair enough. but for an entire week or crap trading? no he couldnt dismiss that so he doesnt do it.

dennis made his money by marrying his wife. she has the money. not him. he is a failed video rental store owner. thats about it. he cant trade. he plays with trading like its a toy.
so his comment below is BSKIEEE! or bullshit as we all know it to be. sorry SPORT, it wont work:

I didn't make all my money trading, we had a yard sale last weekend and I picked up $84.70 after spliting with the wife. Of course, I had to buy lunch but money is money.

I have always been my own man so to speak, owning working and so on. But when I found my secret sauce, WELL, the rest has been history.

SO YES, 99.3% thru trading stocks, bonds and futures.,

Anonymous said...

Anybody notice that TW's room is going subscription, must be some good stuff going on in there, if anybody's in there would like to know...

take care

Anonymous said...

about TW's room – is it a good room? umm, that would be a negative my friend.

he is going subscription because he can't trade himself. my wife and i have listened to him for over 2 month and he is all over the map and wont stop talking. he doesn't give entry signals at all even though many people are asking him how he trades and what his method is. his reply is that he doesn't call trades. oh, ok. even woodie does that. after all how are we going to know what his system is. from what i can see he really can't trade and probably blew out his account and thinks he can teach people at least. he is a good person but really can't teach. his mind goes 1000 miles a minute and can't focus on a single subject so you never know what he is talking about. he actually goes from A to B to C to D to E to F to G to H to I to J to K within a single 5 minute bar and that is a fact.

he takes no feedback from people. he is starting to get the woodie-syndrome where he thinks people shouldn't question his system or he jumps on them. sigggghhh - when are these mods going to learn. it shows a severe lack of confidence.

also, we had to hear him day in and day out work through his scalping dreams and plans or the next minute we have to hear how he is going to work the paid room plan over and over. its like we are living inside his brain and hear every damn thought. until you actually listen to him you will never understand what it is we are trying to tell you. its incredible how he can just keep talking and talking and talking and breach 30 subjects within a single 5 minute bar. its worthless. our favorite is when he says “did you see that! did you see that! the 3 minute would have gotten you in! see that! watch it now! watch it now!” we just laugh and think to ourselves, “TW, that 5 minute bar has already past, your too late lol”

it was clear to us he is not a good trader and can not trade. we left the room awhile back.

Anonymous said...

The previous poster is correct. TW is not confident of his abilities. He is very confusing and probably confused himself. His room is of no use while he is working out his trading questions. It is funny that he talks to himself all day long. You can tell that he is not sure of what to do or how to go about making trade decision as he is always calling the moves well after the fact. Probably learned that from woodie.

Anonymous said...

if your trading system doesn't work...sell it

Anonymous said...

Woodie announced today that the Prauge Trade A Long was a success and that they had 430 people attend. After which they were able to donate $50,000 to a local Prauge charity.

He later addmited it was $50,000 in Czech Koruna or "crowns" as he calls it. That's a total of $2,343 USD.

That's a total profit, after paying all expenses for people to travel all over Europe inlcuding TonyUK and PFG morons on the children's dime of $5.44 USD per person attended.

That's less than < 1% of the fees with that many people. Shouldn't it be cheaper to hold a function with hundreds of people.

How much does it cost to talk to 200 people compared to 430 people? Just a larger room. Couple bucks.

These people are ripping off you dumb ass traders and taking money away from the children.

Woodie you are an embarassment.

Anonymous said...

and the way he pushes PFG is hilarious, PFG's gotta be the worst broker on the planet and Woodie himself doesn't even use them.. They are the biggest group of organized scheisters around.

Anonymous said...

The only room worth the money is on hotcomm with Gio moderating. She has helped me turn around my trading and I am now making some money.

Anonymous said...

is Jean'yus still w/Gio?

Anonymous said...

gio, you are a fan of yourself eh?

please dont post your bs here gio. you cant trade, you dont trade and your screeching wailing angry voice makes my ears bleeeeeeed a bloody thick dark red!

we are sure glad gio is out of woodies room. it has been peaceful without here ranting bs.

remember how she used to treat everyone like they were in kindergarten? god how we dont miss here at all.

remember how she would become audibly shaken after no one would respond to her questions? haha that was funny as hell.

kind of like keithfla gets upset when he things no one is listening, lol. these people are so FULL of themselves its amazing.

Anonymous said...

With all your ear bleedings, you'd be dead by now. You got a bug up your ass about Gio, go see a proctologist. He should check your ears too since you trade with Woodie. Anyone with half a brain knows what Woodie is all about. Just read this blog asshole!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why so much foul language? Can't you express your misguided love for gio without it? Why not explain why you like gio for the rest of us that know about her supposed trading skills. You are probably either new or really ignorant to the facts behind that woman and her lack of abilities. We know about her trading account very well. Don't you realize that?

Anonymous said...

Woodie's room is just so much shit in one place. I tried to follow that CCI thing for 2 years and lost money when I went from sim to real money. The slip on those 2pt so called "winners" does not make it in the long run. Now they are experimenting with teeny weeny time frames to try and make it work. If you throw enough shit at a wall some will stick. LOL.

Woodie, Gio, TW et al are all the same shit wrapped up with a different colour bow. Follow me and you will be rich, rich, rich.....they need a disclaimer that says "if you want to lose money follow my advice"

Anonymous said...

What's up with bag lady susan?? Stupid fat blond used to walk around with all the cash and all the money went to her account. Any of you remember that. Somebody must have ratted them out because after Sport started bloggin, PFG came on the scene to save their ass.

Anonymous said...

I think Susan finally figured out she was another disposable person for Woodie just to wipe his ass on and discard. People help him out of the goodness of their hearts and he shits on them. Nice guy.

Anonymous said...

Did anybody see the cme webinar by Woodie on Tuesday, June 26, 2007.

TonyUk was begging everybody in the room to sign up on Monday June 25, 2007, as at that time only 33 had signed up. This was done by voice by TonyUk, so I could not document it in text for posting here.
However, he certainly committed fraud, by asking by text again on Tuesday, by making it appear that Woodie had more people showing up at the cme webinar, and am posting the relevant text that occurred in one of the rooms on Tuesday 6/26.

- [2:33:29 PM] tonyuk says:
30 minutes to woodies CME webinar have you signed up yet 317 people have so far - come on guys you can do it.

- [2:36:18 PM] john p says:
CME online seminar, sponsered by PFG
Electronic trading of CME livestock
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Time: 2:00 p.m. Central Time
Presenter: Ken “Woodie” Wood, independent trader and founder of Woodie’s CCI Club
Duration: About one hour

Pre Registration is required
Here's the link tyo the registration page
Please sign up and support woodie even if you can't attend the webcast.

gb007 just signed out.

- [2:36:49 PM] john p says:
CME online seminar, sponsered by PFG
Electronic trading of CME livestock
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Time: 2:00 p.m. Central Time
Presenter: Ken “Woodie” Wood, independent trader and founder of Woodie’s CCI Club
Duration: About one hour

Pre Registration is required
Here's the link tyo the registration page
Please sign up and support woodie even if you can't attend the webcast.

- [2:40:40 PM] john p says:
CME online seminar, sponsered by PFG
Electronic trading of CME livestock
Date: Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Time: 2:00 p.m. Central Time
Presenter: Ken “Woodie” Wood, independent trader and founder of Woodie’s CCI Club
Duration: About one hour

Pre Registration is required
Here's the link tyo the registration page
Please sign up and support woodie even if you can't attend the webcast.

- [3:08:09 PM] andyt says:

- [3:08:11 PM] boo says:

- [3:11:31 PM] bg says:
as long as you registered woodie gets credit gman

- [3:13:23 PM] maknmony says:
I heard CBS offered Katie Couric's job to woodie

- [3:34:14 PM] tonyuk says:
guys we need to ask woodie questions - please we need your help

- [3:34:51 PM] andyt says:

- [3:35:01 PM] tonyuk says:

- [3:35:03 PM] Carlos says:
tony do we use the email box

- [3:35:14 PM] maknmony says:
no problem Tony

- [3:36:58 PM] tonyuk says:

- [3:37:06 PM] Carlos says:
ty tony

- [3:37:14 PM] maknmony says:
sent a question

- [3:37:16 PM] Debbie says:
the lean hogs will unite

- [3:44:03 PM] tonyuk says:
more questions guys please

- [3:44:10 PM] maknmony says:
ok t

- [3:46:07 PM] bg says:
just sent one Tonyuk

- [3:46:18 PM] Cemo says:
me too tony

- [3:46:30 PM] Philip says:
you can only send one question apparently

- [3:46:32 PM] Debbie says:
mee 3

- [3:46:36 PM] maknmony says:
me 4
- [3:46:49 PM] tonyuk says:
great guys thanks

- [3:54:03 PM] tonyuk says:
great thanks guys

- [3:54:29 PM] andyt says:
that was very good

- [3:54:50 PM] andyt says:
c u all later

What a scamster.

Anonymous said...

i'm new to woodies room and found this blog when someone posted it in the room. woodie seems like a crude person and now i see why when i read this blog. if any of the things posted here are slightly true then he is not a good person and is full of hot air, not to mention devious and misleading.

take the last post for example. is he having his workers make him out to be more then he really is by forcing people to registrar and ask questions they don't even care about asking? why would someone do that other then to be misleading and boost themselves into something that they are clearly not.

woodie has been, imo, harsh on people very often in the months i've been in the room. also, he doesn't strike me as the kind of person that really cares about how people are or how they trade but instead cares about how they view him.

something is not right there and i've been taught to trust my stomach.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone who witnessed the fraud evidenced above notify the cme regarding this?

Guess not.

Anonymous said...

his Auto trader is so famous now,

"we can't give this out to everybody" the amount of volume will raise some eyebrows"

what a load of crap he's feeding,
who is this Jackass anyway...

Anonymous said...

question is "who are you" if you don't like Woodie then why are you in there?

I for one support Woodie and his staff, I have been around his room for years now and enjoy him... if you don't like it then leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are right. If you don't like it leave. I did leave and I cannot tell you how much better I do trading. I got sucked into that time wasting vortex for 2 years.

That guy woodie is so nasty to everyone, how the heck do you stand it? Deaf, blind and really really dumb?

Anonymous said...

c'mon over here...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Is this the only way TW can get people to come to his room ?

Anonymous said...

I thought TW was handing out free lollipops to entice people in. Or was it toasters? I am confused.

Anonymous said...

any reason why TW is using all of Woodies pattern names and can't even come up w/his own?

Anonymous said...

1 reason comes to mind...

he's a idiot...

Anonymous said...

Many of the comments disclosed so far about Woodie is not at all suprising.
One of the things I noticed, that told me immensely about his shady dealings was this:

Woodie is known to violate copyright laws when he was openly asking in the hotcomm room for strategies written by others for free from his students who had paid hard earned dollars for them.

What does this say, that he cannot afford to pay for them on his own. If he is as successful in trading as he claims he is, then why cant he afford to pay a few measly dollars for them, instead of asking for them free from learning students in his room.
Since this "so called master of trading" is plainly cheating and just a plain crook, robbing the vendors of their ideas for free.
When he resorts to such practices, would you really expect a honest strategy of trading to be disclosed to his students for free or for a fee? You be the judge of that. What are really the odds that he is honest, or a downright crook.
Also reported, on his first TAL at Chicago, he was asking for and actual received Cash from Hoot. All were asked to give cash and not checks at the door.

He is now marketing his autotrading, what a bloody joke. He used to say, that it could not even be programmed or tested.

Anonymous said...

Run from that auto trading stuff. It is pure garbage.

Anonymous said...

hey'ya Cathy, are you the ex moderator from woodies room?

c'mon over here

Anonymous said...

Woodie said one of the members in the room developed the autotrader.Now he saying the guy paid $45,000 for the program and part of the $200 a month is pay him back.

Anonymous said...

Wonder who the guy is that paid $ 45,000 for the program. If he did, then it is not his program to begin with. If he did not pay that amount (easily ascertained by subpeona), then that is fraud.

Good luck on that autotrading baloney. Only the naive will fall for that crap.

Anonymous said...

Join us over here, no regrets

Special Offer
Subscription Service Page Here
Sign up for the 14 day trial period for $10 and receive 3 months at $99 per month and get your 4th month free & save over $300....terms are payable on monthly recurring billing cycle.

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Anonymous said...

This is to let all know, that W had over 500 in his basic room, including a room full of stooges (apparently one can log in under 4 or more differant names in his room, u are welcome to try it too), and after he pulled that fiasco listed above in that cme webinar, his attendance has now dropped to around 250 (including his stooges).
You have to remember that the cme is filled with the best there is, and to think W can get away with pulling stunts like that. They are pro's and can see and smell a fake from a mile away.
He is now singing about the autotrader. I personally welcome it, it will finally be his downfall and will put the final nails in his coffin. What he does not know will finally bury him.

Anonymous said...

Very true. We as mods were told to log in under numerrous names to "keep an eye on the room". Always thought it was strange. Why couldn't we keep an eye with our own name. After that I began to see the odd things that Woodie told us to do. Don't support any other package other then E-Signal, at that time regardless of how costly that was after all his preaching to keep it cheap. Shocked me. I left shortly after that. It is easy to see Woodie is a scamster. And you are right, he is not sophisticated enough to understand that Auto Trading just does not work. I don't care what anybody tells you. Make it happen in front of your eyes and then show me. Markets change monthly. What works this month will ruin you next month.

Anonymous said...

Not a post here in days and noone in Woodie's room knows or would probably care about this worn out blog.

I knew u idiots would give up.

Woodie rules

Anonymous said...

if ya can't beat'm, join'm

Anonymous said...

lol - are you kidding? this blog has so many posts, so much information about the different rooms and the BS that goes on there that they are busy reading it. everything has been exposed. what else is there to post. that woodie is a scammer? we know that. that his mods can't trade either? we know that. that auto trading doesn't work and woodie is too stupid to figure that out yet? we know.

just keep reading. its all there for you :)

Anonymous said...

This blog is just one worn out idiot who multiple posts using different alias' saying the same thing. You ever notice how when he psost some new revelation, there are multiple posts all of a sudden that say, oh yeah I agree with the previous poster, etc. Well the previous poster is the same anonyidiot over and over again.

Nothing but predictable BS here.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous poster - lol. Just kidding!

Which by the way is anonymous. Why is he anonymous if he is complaining about it? Some people just don't make any sense.

This blog showed me the light about several rooms over the past years. It brought me to the room that matters and helps me.

Thank you to the blog masters or this site whoever they are!

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