Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Workshops, Seminars and Laptops! Oh My!

Great work on the Project: Sidewinder effort! We saw the creation of the Sidewinder for Sierra Charts. We were hoping for members to create it for all charting packages. We gave 200% effort and that is what counts in moving forward. We want to keep traders accountable for what they promise and we went a very long way to achieve this goal. It was promised and you were the ones that delivered it. We know some of you are still working on programming it for the other packages. Thanks to all! We appreciate all that you are doing!

We would now like to discuss a request made by quite a few members already to our surprise. We did have to re-word it a bit and it goes like this: Workshops, Seminars and Laptops! Oh My!

- What do you get out of seminars?

- Honestly, do they really help you? In what way?

- How much are they really worth? How much should you pay?

- Should you be charged at all? Why can't they be held free? Is there a better way?

- Should you attend workshops for different level of traders?

- Can you get everything from the documents instead of going to the seminars?

- Why do the creators of these seminars do this? Money? Fame? Friends? Fun? Sex with the groupies? Why?

Tell us what your experience has been, how much you paid and who did what at the seminar and how it helped you.

Let's get the word out! Please send this blog link to your friends and get them to comment as well. Also, please no bashing. We want to hear the truth and your opinions. Civility is the key to making it cut deep.


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Anonymous said...

Whats up with Gio and Soren?

Anonymous said...

For those of you just joining - let's review....

Anonymous said...
So... I understand woodie is crankin up the moderator-be-gone feature on HC.

Stay tuned - a storm's abrewin'.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 10:24:05 AM

Anonymous said...
17:25:17 {BurnieW-FL} Gio hang in there we appreciate you so much

17:25:24 {Summer_CO} @#$% Don't want ou to go...

17:25:46 {biker} why fall out from it?

17:25:51 {PwdrPig_OR} Always listen to you every week . . . sorry to hear.

17:25:51 {AlanC} what happens? I just tune in?

17:25:55 {rmh2144} I am not aware but appreciate your work

17:25:58 {ED_C} no way. don't leave

17:26:00 {Dsquared} Gio you have helped me a lot of money THANK YOU!

17:26:13 {JJ} can we go with you

17:26:13 {Mary_Frances} I hope you continue. you are one calm clear cool COMPITANT cucumber.

17:26:14 {SIZ} Thanks for everything GIO. The only reason I keep my hotcomm is to listen to you

17:26:36 {hanksterr} cant leave, not allowed

17:26:38 {Mary_Frances} you MUST STAY...

17:26:47 {GGG} I have really enjoyed your lessons in my short time here.

17:26:50 {biker} agree hanksterr

17:26:55 {viper} Well lets hope not Gio !! i think all of the info in this room is good

17:26:58 {Freida_WI} Thanks Gio - you are my favorite moderator, I learn the most from you
- this makes me sad - hope things are ok...

17:27:06 {lk} Please Stay

17:27:26 {PwdrPig_OR} Thanks for all your information . . so much appreciated.

17:27:26 {shane_CA} Gio your insights and charting expertise are invaluable!

17:27:35 {groper} I appreciate your help - I certainly don't want you to leave- hey you can post as many buffalo as you like

17:27:44 {biker} gio you are so important to me and alot of people

17:28:03 {Barb_z_va.} well hopefully things will work out and we can look forward to next week

17:28:08 {Barb_z_va.} with Gio

17:28:11 {1peter} we appreciate your help very ,very much,hope it will be hapy outcome from this ,you hepl so much many thanks for that

17:28:15 {lucky} Thanks ! Gio u r the best

17:28:15 {GGG} please post email

17:28:20 {rmh2144} I don't have it--can you post it

17:28:32 {BurnieW-FL} email again Gio please

17:28:49 {gio} mtgio@snet.net

17:28:50 {1peter} help

17:29:04 {BurnieW-FL} man thats a great stock !!

17:29:41 {shane_CA} will do

17:29:53 {lucky} Whats next monday

17:30:12 {lonsan} thanks Gio.

17:30:15 {biker} no calendaris wrong

17:30:28 {lk} Thanks gio You are the best

17:30:29 {biker} columbus day market is open

17:30:31 {lucky} Bona Petite

17:30:43 {ruthc} Very helpful tonight--thanks Gio

17:30:45 {AlanC} why are you leaving??? gio???

17:31:00 {gil} thank you gio, goodnight.hope to see you.

17:31:00 {mj} gio, thank you very much...hope to see you here next monday

17:31:04 {PwdrPig_OR} Thanks, Gio . . Good Luck.

17:31:17 {lk} gio Hope to see you next Monday

17:31:31 {DK} hope you stay really appreciate your insight I am new here and thank you

Thanks ! GIO

17:31:40 {NW_Trader} Thank you for your moderating. I have really enjoyed it. I'm a newbie.

17:31:41 {pops} stock traders alminac says bond market closed monday,but stock open

17:31:41 {dug} Great ideas, Gio! Thanks a bunch! You are a great teacher! I look forward to your being here for a long time.

17:31:43 {Barb_z_va.} Thanks we will look forward to seeing you next week then!

17:31:46 {Scanner-VA} thanks gio, hope it works out for you to stay

17:31:48 {AlanC} Please stay you are a great Mod. I learn a lot from you.

17:31:54 {AlanC} Thank You ! gio

17:32:05 {biker} I don;t understand, why "fall out" because you are doing a seminar on your own?

17:32:05 {GGG} NO

17:32:15 {ED_C} let's write a petition to the boss.

17:32:23 {walton} gio, I have just been lurking in the background learning from you. It makes me sad to think about you leaving--you are the greatest!

17:32:37 {biker} isn't this a free country?

17:32:37 {hanksterr} biker good ?

17:32:45 {biker} i don;t get it

17:32:53 {hanksterr} me neither

17:32:55 {1peter} it will be unreplacable loss!

17:32:59 {limeaway} Thank you Gio, alway look to see you

17:33:04 {rmh2144} thanks Gio

17:33:09 {BurnieW-FL} oh at least Three times a Lady could make a good song

17:33:10 {GeorgeE} thanks

17:33:11 {Summer_CO} I hope so...

17:33:12 {GeorgeE} gio

17:33:21 {ED_C} okay thanks Gio. take care.

17:33:25 {r99} Gio, thanks again for all your time and great information, hope you stay

17:33:27 {Mary_Frances} hope it GETS WORKED OUT AND SEE YOU NEXT MONDAY

17:33:29 {mj} have a good night, gio...thanks again

17:33:29 {raz7} you all seem such reasonable people- hope you can workmit allout

17:33:30 {DrB} Thanks Gio, hope to see you next Monday!!!

17:33:31 {Mary_Frances} THANKS A TON

17:33:38 {pops} thanks gio

17:33:42 {hanksterr} oh boy need a canadian turkey

17:33:43 {Barb_z_va.} Have a nice evening Gio !

17:33:45 {gio} Timed Camera (1s) Off

17:33:46 {Freida_WI} Thanks Gio

17:33:47 {Mary_Frances} WHAT is your web site or email

17:33:48 {sweetwillyt} thanks Gio

17:33:49 {shane_CA} Gio, thanks for all your wonderful help!

17:33:50 {biker} thanks gio, hope to see you next monday

17:33:52 {viper} Thanks Gio!!!

17:33:57 {elisha} thank you

17:34:01 {irnbtrfly_BC} Thanks ! gio

17:34:02 {gio} mtgio@snet.net

17:34:04 {Razcal} If you lose Gio email me at razcal@brassfinders.com

17:34:04 {Mary_Frances} YOU'RE THE BEST

17:34:06 {Summer_CO} www.methodtrading.com

17:34:18 {Mary_Frances} thanks razcal

17:34:26 {Razcal} I'll know where she is..

17:34:31 {casey} Thank You !

17:34:50 {Summer_CO} Good Razcal...if she goes, she will be GREATLY missed

17:34:55 {hanksterr} just email the boss your preference

17:35:08 {hanksterr} thats what he seems to respond to

17:35:19 {Summer_CO} ...do you think it will do any good?

17:35:19 {Mary_Frances} thnx Hank

17:35:25 {hanksterr} of course

17:35:31 {Mary_Frances} and summer

17:35:38 {Barb_z_va.} sure I will register my vote -- good idea - will do

17:36:22 {m_duke} thank u gio - we're not gonna let u go

17:36:45 {biker} yes will e-mail woodie

17:36:54 {hanksterr} thx summer

17:37:06 {hanksterr} hey paul

17:37:14 {m_duke} heya hank

17:37:17 {Summer_CO} You're Welcome all

17:37:52 {DK} who's site is methodtrading?

17:37:52 {biker} ok folks, tomorrow is another day

17:37:55 {biker} nite all

17:38:11 {Summer_CO} Methodtrading.com is Gio's site

17:38:20 {DK} thanks

17:38:32 {Summer_CO} You're Welcome

17:57:11 {hanksterr} foxy if u scroll up u will know as much as I do

18:02:04 {foxy2} hanksterr I did scroll up but missed the conversation that went on just thought I'd check with you to see if you knew anymore thanks

19:49:49 {groper} I don't Know what the deal is with Gio and I don't even care to know. But all I can say is that she has been very helpful to us stock traders and her seminars have been very helpful and accurate. I hope that the issues may be resolved and she may continue light the candles.

19:50:09 {groper} Sinc

20:19:36 {hanksterr} hi

20:19:44 {hanksterr} im back just reading old stuff

23:43:22 {WoodiesCCIclub-BOT} Room Session has been officially closed by woodie...

23:43:22 {WoodiesCCIclub-BOT}

Disconnected 10/3/2005.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 5:42:23 PM

Anonymous said...
can anyone tell me without hype and lies and rhetoric what happened with GIO?

please be detailed. i missed it.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005 6:11:54 PM

Anonymous said...
Would the owner of this blog kindly start a new subject? Something tells me that there is going to be a bit of activity on this latest subject concerning gio's and soren's workshop and why woodie doesn't want any competition.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:26:21 PM

Jeremy said...
Dallas was a joke without Gio, I mean how much of Clint can you take. Where is Biggs at? Did something happen to Biggs? At least we still have Rover, YeanYus and Mplay.

October 04, 2005 6:39 PM

Woodie said...
Biggs is just on vacation for a short time. Great trading everyone and that first bar trade is a joke.

October 04, 2005 7:04 PM

Anonymous said...
jeremy how right you are. gio was great in palm beach and denver. dallas was pretty much a waste of time without gio. i've had about enough of woodie walking around telling us how wonderful "his" cci is and yet we never see him actually use it.

I'm more than sick about watching tonyuk drink away the money that should be going to MAW. we'd all be better off sending tony a couple cases of wine, it'd be a whole lot cheaper than his first class seats and that bar tab.

October 04, 2005 7:16 PM

Anonymous said...

Last time I saw biggs moderate, he was still selling support and buying resistance because an indicator based off of a 14 period moving average "told him to". That is, until price reversed after he had been suckered in and stopped out.

The reason the Woodfests are busts is not because precious, precious gio is not there. It's because there is nothing new to talk about that hasn't been hashed over hundreds of times in the chat room already.

The majority of traders who survived the original teachings of Woodster are the ones who realized (finally) the CCI can be a part of your toolbox but it is not the primary reason for your success in this business.

October 04, 2005 9:22 PM

Anonymous said...
anon at 9:22 you are mostly correct but what you missed is what makes gio so precious is that she doesn't use cci in the same way that woodhead does. Unfortunately that's not allowed in woodland and it's only shown when she is trading without the tight reigns of woodie while he watches over her moderating with his finger hovering over the text-b-gone button. gio (and soren) have said outside the chat room that cci is just part of their arsenal. woodie doesn't want to be shown up by his own moderators - not good for business.

October 05, 2005 1:12 AM

drbob said...
Well apparently Gio and Soren have stepped outside of the narrow pathway that they are allowed to walk on in the Land of Wood. They will either move on without Woodie or be forced into servitude from this point forward. There is no room for anyone else's ideas in Woodies world, especially if it is taking peoples attention away from himself.

Been there done that.

October 05, 2005 3:49 AM

Anonymous said...
did he actually kick gio and soren out of his room.

October 05, 2005 11:17 AM

Dennis said...
First I was working up on the hill today and didn't trade....live or like you on yesterday's newspaper.

Second, any language that I don't like will be deleted...it's my blog and I will run it the way I want.....

Go play in someone elses sandbox....I hear from the grape vine that Duke needs mods badly right now.

October 05, 2005 7:58 PM

Woodie said...
I miss DrBob and wish he would come back. Everyone is welcome back. Except you Sport.

October 05, 2005 8:33 PM

I think you should all be up to speed now. We can continue now with the show already in progress. Thank you for your attention.

Anonymous said...

I heard woodie fired gio. I guess he didn't like how she always shows him up. it looks like soren is still on the moderating schedule despite the workshop thing. I'm gonna miss gio on mondays.

Anonymous said...

Gio shouldn't have gone off and made her own website, planning to market herself as a trading psych guru without Woodie's approval. He wasn't even going to get a piece of the action. That's just not the way things are done in the cult of Wood. She deserved the boot.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:53

are you saying that woodie is entitled to a piece of every winning trade too? I doubt he'd take the deal if he had to share in every loss - whole lot of that going on in woodie's room otherwise all those people wouldn't be there.

last I heard the mods weren't paid and I always thought they were helping the old wood as a favour(you don't suppose woodie would consider sharing in the profits of his endorsements with those who help him the most, do you?)

seems to me that only the best mods are smart enough to find their own way.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where the information is posted about the workshop with soren and gio? TIA

Anonymous said...

The Soren & Gio Show will be a regular feature in the new Sesame Street lineup presented by the Sesame Workshop. It's all nonprofit of course. Proceeds will go to Elmo to feed his goldfish, Dorothy.

Anonymous said...

Gio's Den has disappeared from from Woodie's bulletin board. Its now the Daily Den. I guess the mod-b-gone button is working. Wonder who's next?

Anonymous said...

At least Tony hasn't deleted gio's old posts (yet).

I'm not following the Woodie or HC antics anymore, but my money's always been on Rover to get booted or quit. He's got too much of a renegade spirit to knowingly stay in the kool-aid line forever. Maybe he's on the outs already? I haven't been paying attention. Also, it'd be nice for JeanYus to break away. He's too nice a guy to be used as a tool with the MAW donations and all that.

Anonymous said...

Talk about petty bullshit. Are we all supposed to forget Gio existed just because her name was taken off the BB? It seems it was that kind of bull that led to DrBob opening his room. Considering how few good moderators are left, I'm hoping Gio opens a room of her own minus the crap that's dished constantly in Woodie's room. I'm done with Woodie.

I'm outta here - and none too soon thanks

Anonymous said...

It's an interesting phenomenon how so many people come to woodie's club and think they've found the answers to all their trading troubles. Then six months later those names are gone only to be replaced with a new set of customers - oops I mean club members. It's really a shame when you think about how much money is lost because Woodie is telling the world how all you need is CCI - one market, one time frame, one pattern - and no prices. Just ask any moderator if they actually do this and you get one response that's the official party line and then you get how they qualify their answer. How many times have we heard "woodie wants us to keep to strict cci, so we won't talk about that here."

At least people like gio, soren, rover, jeanyus, gb, admit to using cci as a tool, but it's not the end all, be all of their trading. I don't care what anybody says about an indicator like cci being leading. It makes for good chat room chatter, but I'm sure even woodie realizes that it's prices that determine where the indicator heads.

I was one of those people who thought woodie was the best thing that could happen to the average struggling trader. Time has shown that he is not the crusader he claims to be. He's just another "guru" who doesn't have the decency to tell his flock that he's in it for more than just just the chance to see everyone succeed. If this were the case he would see to it that those struggling would be helped by the best of the traders in the room.

Following that logic, we hear that he's fired Gio because she's decided to branch out on her own and do her own seminar with soren. Who made up the rule that this all has to done for free? Who cares if they make a few bucks if they can actually teach what they do? It's gotta be better than woodie walking around saying "who got that ghost?" five minutes after the fact - or watching tony drink away the proceeds that were to go to the MAW kids. But woodie needs a handler. That prick makes me sick.

What's wrong with woodie's room? You should ask what's not wrong with woodie's room. It just takes some of us longer than others to realize that the emperor has no clothes - but his closet contains all those shirts lost from the backs of all the x-club members - and all those shirts leftover from the TAL's.

Anonymous said...

Looks Gio has moved on and the Woodmeister and crafty Tony have removed any evidence of her having ever been there from the website.

How can any of you in there continue to be there lending support to such a warped out of touch society or person?

Anonymous said...

whos supporting?

i sure aint. no one else is. trust me. its all new people over and over.

woodie has shown his true colors and honestly i do not like him anymore.

he is a downright asshole.

you know why the mods dont say anything here? because they know damn well what we are saying is very true.

we went through it already. we know things like woodies doesnt talk to the mods. they dont get perks. they just keep helping thinking that woodie appreciates it.

he does talk to susan, which is so in love with woodie that she cant see the forest through the trees.

its pathetic.

but trust me, no one is supporting woodie anylonger.

tick tock, tick, tock.

Anonymous said...

well the goods news is the soren/gio workshop is on and gio/jeanyus room opens monday. a few people asked about gio this morning in woodie's room and he got pretty quiet for awhile. sure enough someone asked about jeanyus - and quiet again - lol.

Anonymous said...

jeanyus is gone now?

With a name that arrogant he should have never been let on the scene imo. Is everyone too damn stupid to figure out what it means?

None of them call trades live so they are useless. Not because we need trades called. Its becuase we need to verify if they can trade or not.

Anyways, back to woodies crap...

What happpened to jeanyus, is he still with woodies room?

Woodie is such a 'guru' now he is losing it. Soon he will be begging people to come back, he is sorry, blah blah blah.


Anonymous said...


Go there and yes JeanYus and gio are gone. They'll have a room on relay 7, right near drbob's. Everyone should just leave the woodshed on Monday and leave W and Tony looking at each other. Go to either of those rooms on Monday.

drbob=tradershaven Relay 7
gio=tradingelements Relay 7

Anonymous said...

jeanyus was one of the good guys ... get past the name - it started as a joke, then too late to change. i remember him first coming to the room - not many worked as hard as he did from what i could tell. best wishes to you jeanyus - and thanks on behalf of the MAW kids :)

Anonymous said...

Who's next on the Honor Roll? I'm sure I'm missing a quite a few...

Anonymous said...

look, FUCK you and "get past the name" bullshit you want us to buy.

he an arrogant prick. post any live trades?

i dont like woodie myself anymore but that is a different subject.

"post live or shut up" as i saw another poster say. great line!

Anonymous said...

I agree. That is a good idea.

Post live or shut up. rofl.

Anyone think gio or jeanyus will post live?

Anyone think gio will shutup?

The screeching BLOOD from my ears is going to run hard on monday!

Anonymous said...

moron at 1:50

here's an idea for u ...

don't go to gio's room

Anonymous said...

Moderating is not about calling trades. It's about commenting on the current trade conditions. If you want trades called live - subscribe to that kind of service. You're not going to get that for free.

Anonymous said...

Its not about calling trades, its about a good atmosphere to hang out in, learn something, see different styles. Don't think , "I want to be like that person".

Just don't be like Woodmonster...

Just don't be in there on Monday. You have alternatives...vote with your your mouse.

Anonymous said...

you guys are idiots.

call the fucking trades live or shut up.

cant you trade?

then shut up.

you want to chit chat then go blow the neighbors husband and talk into his mic.

wanna trade?

then post live or shut up.


post live or shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

anony at 1:44

how much have u sent to MAW? u can spell four letter words - gee - i bet your mom would be proud.

Anonymous said...

oh here we go again with the "dont say bad words" crap again.

are you not a fucking adult?

grow up and quit taking the lame agruments.

ive sent a lot to MAW before. now i give it to a local childrens group.

oh gee. so now what do you do? LOL

OK. back the the topic you fuck brain.

post live or shut the fuck up.

if you cant post live then you cant trade.

Anonymous said...

You have to be the biggest asshole. You know Gio doesn't call trades. If you don't like that, then just go to another room. There are plenty of us who like what she has to say. I look forward to being there on Monday.

Anonymous said...

Anon, do you post your trades live?

Where can I come see you post your trades live?


Anonymous said...

anony at 2:13

am i an adult? usually, but for your sake i'll revert to your level for just a minute...to the owner of this blog please feel free to delete this post and to all others i apologize.

go fuck ureself and the hosebag u rode in on. u needle dick prick who needs to use "bad words-lol" since u have no way of communicating like a normal person. since this is the only kinda language u seem to understand u can stick ure philanthropic (if u know what means)ways up ure ass once u remove ure boyfriend from that position.

There. r u happy now or do i have to shorten the words for u? now u can go crazy responding. knockureself out ya dipshit.

Anonymous said...

come on anon 2:13...where do you post your trades live so we can all watch you?

ANswer the question as so want others to do.

Where can we watch you trade live?

If you cant answer this question, then go away jerk.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:49 - U win - LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

hehe, now you guys are talking! i instantly have more respect now tha you are using proper language.

ok so lets get on to the facts shall we.

my position is post live or shut up.

im not a moderator and no one follows me and i am not trying to show myself as such. if i did then id post live once in awhile.

to be honest, i dont like gio. she drones on too much. dont you agree?

answer here: __________

but i understand people want to follow other people becuase they are new and dont have a clue. will following gio be bad for them. i dont think so from what ive had to listen to so far (lol). do you agree?

answer here: __________

but lets look at this logically for a moment shall we. even if some of you cant think logically (girls) and some of you dipshit guys...

you know damn well there are way too many people scamming us traders out there. the way to solve it is they post live. its a simple solution and you all know it. dont you?

answer here: __HELL YES!___

ok i helped you on that one.

look, it solves all the problems and it shows that you can actually trade worth a shit. otehrwise if you cant post live then well... here we go...

shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

okay ... now that we have all the pleasantries out of the way we can talk - lol.

here is what i know and also a little bit of what i suspect...

gio has talent. i have seen her trade in person and was impressed. does watching one day mean she's the world's greatest trader? no not at all. what i was shown though is that she has a plan and she sticks to it. she happened to trade extremely well when i saw her. was it luck? i doubt it. i met her husband and he's not the type to support a wife who has losing ways when so much of her time is spent helping others. he had a confidence about her trading that no spouse exhibits unless they are completely satisfied that they aren't supporting a losing habit. she really had my attention after this meeting, more so than just from what i heard in woodie's room.

two personal friends of mine have paid for gio's private mentoring and what they have learned has gotten them to the point where they are now both full time profitable traders. i felt as many do that there are a lot of sham artists out there. you can bet that if gio shammed any of these people their poor results would be all over these blogs. instead it's usually those who don't know her well who criticize most. i also know she has asked that these people not brag though i know they are truly greatful for what they've learned.

i intend on also doing private mentoring with gio. so far, i just haven't had the time. do i plan on going to her workshop with soren? absolutely. soren is about the most talented scalper i know. i consider them the best of what's come out of woodie's room. will it be worth the price of admission to their workshop? you can bet that if it's not, i'll be the first one here calling for their heads. i know this will not be the case however.

as far as calling trades live...sure it would be nice if it were that simple. all moderators are told not to do it. they are told that unless they are CTA's that it is a potential problem. do they do it occasionally anyway? sure, some do - then they are accused of frontrunning. they're doing this stuff for free (at least i suspect most of them are) and why should they take the risk? at best, those who i know will say they try to describe the current conditions but hesitate to give exact entries and exits. i understand that.

under the right circumstances, i.e. a closed room with no one else trading but them. i know both soren and gio will trade in public. i expect them to do that at their workshop.

does gio drone on? imo she thinks out loud. some like it, some don't - by the attention she gets and number of people who seek her out and thank her at the end of the day, i'd say more like than dislike.

does woodie consider her a threat? he took away gio's den and now calls it the daily den. what does that tell you? i doubt he likes that more people tune in to hear her than him.

sorry to drone on myself, but you have some legitimate questions and nothing's ever as simple i can handle - lol.

Anonymous said...


Who cares whether you demand a moderator to call live trades. If you don't like a particular moderator or room, don't go. I like listening to Gio. She has helped my trading. I will be in her new room on Monday whether you like it or not.

Different stokes for different folks.

Anonymous said...

someone in woodies room asked biggs what the details were of gio's new room. about 4 lines later the same person said "okay" - ya think someone pm'd him a nice warning? cause biggs never had a chance to answer - lol

Anonymous said...

look here, again, you dufuss...

if you are new then dont follow ANYONE that cant give live trades.

why? lets think about it a bit...

trading involves, well, making trades. to trade sucessfully you need to be able to take trades that are, well, successful.

new people cant figur eout from adam who is what and how they do anything.

to solve that problem its easy. post live trades, AT LEAST 3 times a day for god sakes, or dont bother talking.

newbies, dont follow or beleive ANYONE that does post live trades.

why would you? do you know for sure that they can trade?

do you know how EASY it is to act like you can trade? very easy. VERY, VERY! easy.

is it easy to talk a good game? nope.

does gio talk a good game. yep.

well folks we have a problem. if she cant post live trades then you do not know if she can trade. get it?

jeanyus cant either, soren nope. woodie does sometimes. very rarely but he did. so i know he can trade. can he trade great constantly? i dont know. he never traded enough for me to tell. but based on the live trades he made then i know he can trade so i can follow him.

if you cant post live trades then for all intents and purposes YOU CANT TRADE. PERIOD.

any problems with this?

answer: __NOPE. SEEMS CLEAR____

Anonymous said...

Just vacate the woodshed and go to either:

drbob=tradershaven Relay 7
gio=tradingelements Relay 7

Send a message to wooden one...

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:43

Sounds like no one trades good enough for you. Who cares. Why don't you just learn how to trade for your self. You're just looking for someone else to do your thinking. Not going to happen, at least for free.

Anonymous said...

i disagree. that persons logic seems solid to me. if you really are a trader then you could post trades live. what was their excuse not to? worried about getting sued? oh please. 10,000 site and 50,000 newsletters all do this everyday if not all day long with no problems. so they are trying to hide behind this. ask any attorney with a brain. they will tell you as long as you dont give specific advice to any one single person then you are fine. even if you pay they woont give advice to a specific person. lets put hat crap to rest. people that use that excuse are liars, fraudulant traders and obviously cant trade.

that lead us to that person needed someone to trade for them. from what i read they seemed to be wanting to take that position so it helps new traders. i dont think they are a new trader.

in fact, if you think it through, their logic really is solid. if you can trade then you certainly could post some trades here and there.

think about it.. why wouldnt you post some trades?

Anonymous said...

i never follow a moderator unless they call or post trades. otherwise you dont really know if they can trade.

i wont follow gio is she was the last women on earth. women cant trade for shit. too emotional. not logical. and they have no follow through. most lack the proper education to understand trading as well.

people like jeanyus look way to gay for me to even listen too. he is a hand-bending fruitcake.

yeah ill vote. you wont see me in gios room, nor drbobs room or even woodies room.

are you kidding me? hotcomm sucks ass. drbob is just like woodie and bans people behind the scences when that bitch mod angela start attacking someone and they defend themselves. after that happened to my friend i left for good. mirc and paypal are free. love them. thank god for them.

woodie scammed me and i was lied to. did so much for him helping others and he is nothing but a prick. with all the help people give him you ever see him help anyone else? really, how long of a conversation is it? 2 words long lol. he is a prick, hands down, old nasty prick. ugly too. looks like a woman. see him post live trades? nope.

i wouldnt go into anyones room that cant post trades.

i would only follow sport. he is the best and knows how to trade. never has lost one week in trading ever. never.

you sheeple need to get a clue.

baaahhh! baaaaahhhhh!

Anonymous said...

now why you gotta be getting all "junior high" and be bashing jeanyus for looking "way to(sic) gay?" the man has pectorals to be proud of. nothing homosexual about that, unless you be staring at his photo too long.

Anonymous said...

Don't like Gio or JeanYus. So what. Who cares. Don't go to their room!!!!

I don't like Woodie. I won't be there.

I like Gio & JeanYus. I will be there.

Anonymous said...

everyone has a different set of people that will 'like' them.

gio attracts new people that have no clue. they will learn after seeing that she doesnt call live trades indicates she is not honest. well, thats if they can live that long before the blood drains from their ears from having to listen to her screeching, whining, droning voice go on and on and on and on...

drbob is a dip. he only posts his exits when he is in profits. he really isnt much of a trader at all really. boring as hell, teaches nothing, helps no one, etc, etc blah blah blah. has few people that follow him for 'him'. mostly they just want to get away from woodies crap.

that brings us to woodie and his crap. man was i fooled by that fraud. you know he never says more then 2 sentences to help people. everyone jumped over hoops because they thought it was for a good reason. we were burned. and burned bad. man do i feel stupid for being misled by him. he has been taking in all kinds of profits long term. what a scamster pr*ck he is.

next comes sport. lol. he just shoots his mouth off too much. i think he needs A.D.D. drugs to be honest. if he could stay on topic and follow through my wishes would come true.

very honestly, NONE of these people have true class. they cant teach. they probably cant even trade. do you see them post live? admit to losses? nope and nope.

a true trader in the real sense is cramer imo. he is the best. lol. hey, why not have comedy with the lunacy. right? Roflmao. You get the point dont you? See what i mean. What do we REALLY have to choose from? ponder it you dipshits and get back to me.

and don’t you sheeples come back after never even posting one trade and say “but I love gio… and you are a very very bad man…” crapola. Shove it up your ass. You will learn one day that what I speak is very true.

what is your opinions?

your friend,


(just kidding, he is another fucking idiot that cant teach or trade. big loser that mate is lol)

your friend,


(just kidding, he too is another fucking idiot. hey GB, why not keep telling people to take 2 to 1 trading profits. oh wait, a newbie had to teach your a dumb ass that you can only do that if you have a market hat is willing to give it, not just blindly ask for it ROFLMAO – what a fucking true top class piss poor trader he is lol)

your friend,


(ok you know better. shes just a dumb ass bitch trying to use large words for teh same reason men buy big trucks. they lack the dick to swing so they try to impress other ways. as you know she cant trade and talks way to much - she is a rug muncher if you didnt know)

your friend,

woodies wife.

p.s. would you all please shut up about my husband. he tried hard to get you guys to do everything for him. he cant do it. he almost fooled you guys long enough to make us rich. i know he looks like a women-cross dresser in his photos but he didnt look like that when i married him. yes i bang the black hung guy at walmart when i go to work everyday so i dont mind really)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like same asshole who always complains about entries and exits. Why don't you just stop going to these free rooms that don't live up to your expectations, learn to trade by yourself, and shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading this blog. Its fun and gives me insight too.

I was wondering what you meant by "complain about entry and exits".

I didn't notice the previous poster mention anything about entries or exits in particular. How can you come to this conclusion?

Also, it doesn't seem to me that they are trying to learn to trade. It does seem to me however that they have realized that posting trades shows that you can trade. It truly is all too easy to _call_ things after the fact or _forget_ to remind others that they exited a losing trade in hopes that no one would remember.

In my culture we have a saying that goes like this "if its true then it shall be presented". Obviously moderators need to show their trades applying their _skill_ they are trying to present. And not for the reason of piggybacking the trade, but for the reason that it must be presented if its the truth.

I must say I am intrigued at the amazing logic skills or possibly the lack thereof by traders.

Is it no wonder why 85% of traders fail.

"Believe no one until the facts are presently in a light that allows all to understand and believe"

Anonymous said...

good points hajib.

the way i look at it is do you go to a boxing match to sit down and wait for both boxers to come in, take a chair in the middle of the ring... and TALK about how they are going to be a boxer? no. you need to see them fight. the talk happens prior to the fight, which is fine. but you MUST see them fight.

if i dont see acurate live trade posts i dont follow you.

why should i? i didnt come to hear you talk about the fight. my neigbor can do that.

get it?

Anonymous said...

i agree with you on that. i never thought of it that way but it makes perfect sense.

another way to think about it is if you were going to a world wide event where christopher reeves (superman) was going to walk on stage for you and you get there, get your soda, popcorn and some hot dogs, sit down and for the entire even he talks. talks talks talks. all about how he is going to walk.

if he never walks then he is a fraud.

just slike a boxer BOXES, a crippled man even to walk should WALK.

and thus, a trader should....


lol im with ya. post your trades now and then or get off the bandwidth. i wont follow you either.

Anonymous said...

you do realize that DAX was a fraud? dont you?

he called trade entries only after it went his way a bit. seconds after that he would then also report 'stop moved to b/e+1'.

this is the way to always make yourself look good. when people ask you just say, 'OH! yes that took out my stop. i was out at +1.'

OH! but if it went his way in big profit then of course he would tell you.

i watch everyones trades so close you wont beleive me if i told you. i spotted DAX-BE-FRAUD from the get go.

but all you FOOLS just kept slobbering for him. oh please, DAX please give me more!


you guys are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

you said: "Why is it so hard for people to believe the obvious about Gio. She has simply elavated her trading so high that we are all jealous. In Mark Douglas's new book " Trading in the Clouds " he devotes 3 chapters just to her."

are you on crack? good lord. all she (GIO lol, what a stupid name)does is say the 13 min i see going higher, hope you tool that long back when i mentioned that it might be a long... blah blah blah. experienced traders dont listen to one iota of what she says. new people dont even know better. its not that she is terrible for new people. its just that we all know better about her trading. or lack thereof lol.

Anonymous said...

The answer to your critique is very simple. If you don't like Gio's moderating style, don't go to her room. All your bitching isn't going to change the fact that she is a very popular moderator that many of us like to hear.

Anonymous said...

All you critics and great traders will be in gio's room bright and early Monday. lol

Anonymous said...

ROFL. ok ill meet you there. ROFL.

it amazes me to see "1" slobbering gio lover try to make it look like she is popular.

all you advertising wont work. only new trader, such as yourself, follow her and listen to her.

the rest of us trade. yes actually take live trades.

Anonymous said...

We'll really miss you on Monday in Gio's room, super trader. ROFL!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wont miss him. Because I'll be over in the same room with real traders. Too bad you dont know which room that is. Maybe someday :)

In the meantime enjoy the kindergarten show on monday, as if it matters lol.

Anonymous said...

What a load of crap!!! Why not tell all of us the name of this room that has "real traders." This way we could compare rooms and make our own judgment. It seems you spend most of your time in the non-real trading rooms. What a jerk. ROFL

Anonymous said...

Where's this real trader's room? Put up or shut up.

Anonymous said...

compare this. ..!..

thats me flipping you off! lol

shove it up your cunt you cunt.

you go trade with your kindergarten room where she talks about the same lame stuff that you can read anywhere and we will trade were, well, we TRADE.

Anonymous said...

new people follow gio. thats all. nobody else. if you still follow her then you are still a new trader regardless of how long you have been trying to trade.

we read the same things she ssays over and over in books. its just crap. it doesnt help. you need hands on training with real information. not just fluff and spew from gios mouth.

i was wondering. do you like they way she gets angry when she doesnt receive immedaite responses?

does that remind you of a mental condition?

are you going to ignore this?

you probably will.

I will not. oh, go ahead and post something that doesnt address my points. thats how people like you (and women in general) cant move forward.

Anonymous said...

Big shot. You said you're in a room with other "real" traders. Tell us the name. I believe you're full of shit. Your last comment basically proves my point.

Anonymous said...

really? show me what logic you used to come up with that statement and we will see if you have what it takes to be in a real trading room.

i dont agree with the language used by the posters above but some of you really dont have any debating or logic skills whatsoever.

how can you trade if you cant think things through. i amazed myself at how many stupid people actually try to trade. or walk and chew gum for that matter lol.

Anonymous said...

"I love Gio"

rofl. hahahahaha. ok so we know she cant trade. thats a given.

if you think she can teach kindergarten then tell me what you heard today that she didnt already say yesterday.

"follow the 13. oh, did you take the long i was trying to mention earlier un til someone was so rude as to tell me not to talk so much?"

"no, gio, we didnt. we didnt hear you call it"


husband in other room: "GOD PLEASE dont let her move away from that trading machine. its the ONLY rest my bleeding ears can get!"

husband: "dont worry honey, they are just dumb. you STAY there and help people"

Anonymous said...

did i tell you folks he was going to ignore the points made. its a very common tactic used by people that cant think on their feet.

dipshit said: "Big shot. You said you're in a room with other "real" traders. Tell us the name. I believe you're full of shit. Your last comment basically proves my point."

ok so how does that address the points? are americans that fucking stupid?

Anonymous said...

No, just you.

Anonymous said...

Sound like you boys have women issues. You have made your point about women and no one cares. Bashing Gio and/or all women is maybe fun for you but it's getting old. Why don't you try getting a "real" woman since you are "real" traders instead of the blow-ups you use to pleasure yourselves.

Anonymous said...

why should we get blowups when women are a dime a dozen?

"hey, i love your eyes.."

and bang. shes attached like white on rice. and then BANG. you are banging her. then BANG, sorry honey its time to leave.

most you schmucks are pretty damn dumb when it comes to life. good luck trading and sticking to the points.

"IVE GOT WOMEN ISSUES!!!" nice reply dipshit.


Anonymous said...

Actually, what these two little boys that are looking for their mommy (gio) are doing is avoiding the issues.

notice they have not said one word about anything to do with trading?

notice they never respond the to points?

notice how they never can trade. well, only they know that. hehe

please tell us why you like gio sooo much and how she helped you during the past month with your trading?

also, after that please tell us why you like when she acts upset?

and lastly, why do you like when she treats and talks to everyone like a child in kindergarten?

her husband must fucking hate her. i know we do. lol

she is such and annoying bitch.

Anonymous said...

they wont tell you. they cant. they dont even understand what trading is.

you are right. gio is just no good. same repeating lines after another. stuck on herself. and for sure her husband hates that annoying voice, screeeeching all the time.

ROFL, husbands prayer posted above is damn funny!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, you've proven my point boys.

Anonymous said...

see? thats what im talking about. not one comment, fact or at least an opinion about the points.

thats becuase they are cornered and dont have anyone around to consult them on what to say. lol

its my belief that the single poster here that love gio is either gio the cunt, or some other cunt.

how can i tell? well, posters that have no opinions or cant follow the facts are usually women.

this is the major reason why women cant trade.

anybody want to list the women traders that we know that cant trade?



this cunt post here. ..!..



fitzy40. (super cunt)


sharma-dharma-hajibi (lets see her

dana. (she is fucking mental, crazy - you ever try to talk to her? lol)

who elese have i forgoten?

oh yes. bibble-bob-cathy.

Anonymous said...

you forgot woodie. he looks like a woman in the picture.

why does he look like a transsexual?

Anonymous said...

I think he looks strange too myself. Is woodie a woman or a man? I always thought she was a woman.

Anonymous said...

woodie, drbob and gio (gio-lol) are not professional traders.

go to a real room and trade. these people are ripoffs. you need to learn how to trade. you wont learn from these people.

Anonymous said...

I see soren in woodies room today speaking on mic.

umm, didnt he quit woodies room?

i see no ones talking in woodies room. what happened?

Anonymous said...

M_Duke is not in woodies room anylonger?

Did he get booted too?

M_Duke, or anyone that knows him, please have him read this eblog and reply with info.

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think Woodie is tired of the room and is trying to destroy it.

He keeps doing things that seem to be contrary to keeping numbers in the room high.

Subconscious at work? Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

looks like woodie will now be doing daily stock charts at 5:00pm on mondays.

two things to note.

THANK THE FUCKING LUCKY SKIES! that gio's voice isnt heard anymore. BLEEDING ears no more!

ITS ABOUT TIME! that woodie does things to support his fucked up room.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bleeding Ears (that joke's been done to death and I know it wasn't you who first thought of that. I know that because it was me who first mentioned it long ago on Sport's blog and I'm now sorry I did)

I started actually listening to Gio's stock review and it's helped me more than I can ever apologize for. When I meet Gio at her workshop I plan to apologize in person. I'm glad she'll continue with those reviews in her own room.

I can't apologize enough.

Anonymous said...

lol, you are such a liar. it started when someone typed it into the chart room you jerkoff.

"i plan on apoligizing more then i ever could becuase im a fucking pussy and i..." blah blah blah.

shut the fuck up. daily chart lessions. give me a fucking break you duffus. you need a beating to get you out of your pussy-wrapped mode.

"i love gio!!!!!"


Anonymous said...

ask Sport u moron - it was deleted from his blog sometime last spring - long before someone said same thing in room - I was there when it was repeated and I'm sure that idiot won't ever admit he copied what I said.

If you don't like Gio's comments, don't listen ... and go fuck ureself.

Anonymous said...

anon at 3:56 so it wasn't you who first said it and yet you still keep repeating it. I bet you're still doing andrew dice clay stuff from 1988 - gotta stick with the classics - eh?

Anonymous said...

anon 1:59

M_Duke is in Gio's room right now. His moderator status in Woodie's room was taken away - probably because he mentioned her name - lol

Anonymous said...

are you fucking stuck on stupid? who CAREs if you were the first one.

how dumb is that anyway?


are you really this stupid?

the fact is it was said to her direectly first. you were NOT the first person that stated it, if you really stated it. and you will not be the last one. everyone knows her screeching bleeding voice is terrible. and she talks like a mommy to everyone. and she needs SO MUCH attention that she obviously has a mental condition.

do you really doubt that?

do you really think her husband really loves her? he cant stand her. ask him about it like i did and see what he says. dont be rude. just point it out and see how he remarks slighlty about it.

Anonymous said...

"im going to apologize to gio..."


ok here is what we need you to do.

stand up. pull down your pants. place a mirror between your legs and tell u show deep your vagina is.

you are such a pussy i cant even imagine how hairy you look.

whats the smell? oh, its you.

"im going to apologize..."

(you r a dick)

Anonymous said...

Please. Would you all stop arguing. I need a few good people to do my work for me so I can keep making deals.

Who can come work for 8 hours a day for me and not get one perk? You will get booted someday but lets not focus on that.

Do I really look like a fag? Am I gay? I think I am a woman.


Anonymous said...

{woodie} we made so much money i'm on the phone now to have a brinks truck come

really? can someone post the trades from today?

exit and entry?

geez, i didnt think so.

Anonymous said...

seems someone here has a lot of time on his hands - comes from not being able to interact with real people. lonely and pretty sad at that

Anonymous said...

This has turned into a real classy blog. Keep up the bashing and colorful language.

Anonymous said...

i never have posted on this blog. this is my first time. i like this blog but you guys that just posted cant stick to the subject. how com eyou revert and complain about something that is off topic. cant you stick to the topic? do you guys actualy trade?

Anonymous said...

I made the mistake of responding to our more juvenile poster here. I apologize and won't do it again. Would be nice if we can keep this blog constructive.

Anonymous said...

i am sorry. i wont cuzz again since it offends the children of the blog.


(if that wasnt MarkB then i apologize again)

Anonymous said...

is MarkB gay? he sounds like it.

Anonymous said...

Its not obvious to you? lol

Anonymous said...

gios room sucked today. im going to go ahead and stay with woodie.

good luck trading yall.

Anonymous said...

it didnt suck, suck. its wasnt anything work going to though. its just another side room like drbobs. not really focused. nothing to learn.

by the way, is soren with gio or with woodie?

why does he sound like hes drunk?

Anonymous said...

These positive and negative comments about all the moderators are amusing, but do you really think you're going to change anyone's opinion? You like a person, you don't like a person - so what. Woodie's room, drbob's room, and Gio's room will survive. You don't like one or all, don't go.

Anonymous said...

I don't like you.

So I wont listen.

Poof. You are aborted.

Anonymous said...

M_Play is useless. drones on and on.

do they think the stuff they talk about in woodies room is useful? its so general it shows that they do not know how to trade, just talk.

the best part is when say hi to all teh names that say hi to them. that shows you they are just there for acceptance.

Anonymous said...

holy cow! i'm new to woodies room and MPLAY does ramble. he non stop talking about anything and everything. what kind of room is this?

do they help people trade? or just social chat about nothing useful.

mplay: hahaha hahaha oh oh haha yeah, haha oh hahah yeah and hahah oh haha ho ho yeah.

WTF is this?

Anonymous said...

tonyuk: using mplays autotrader this week for only 1.5 days is up over $895!

hmm, really? now that is a great statistical period tony. oh wait, i forget. YOU DONT FUCKING TRADE SO YOU HAVE NO CLUE as to what stats are and how to collect them.

funny, that NOT ONE, NOT A SINGLE FUCKING PERSON, asked how many trades?, does that include slippage?, etc etc.

not a fucking single question.

are you guys that dam dumb?

dont you realize it doesnt work? dont you want to know facts about it?

man, no wonder everyone sells shit to you without results or proof or disclamers. you are all TOO DAMN FUCKING STUPID.

CLICK HERE 'X' to buy my post!


Anonymous said...

yeah and now they are all trying to figure out monkey names to call it. how emarrassing is this?

this is a trading room? they should all be asking questions.

woodies room has turned into a 'hype' room. how pathetic.

as a trader you have to question everything you see and do. its very easy to fool you.

this is actually case in point why mods have to post entry and exits. you wont know if they really know how to trade adn can trade. which by the way is two very differnt animals in and of itself.

Anonymous said...

Woodie now doing an Advanced CCI for extra fee.

ROFL, advanced lol. One day for $375. Looks like woodie is starting to reap the cash rewards for scams.

sad. very sad.

advanced? everything you need to know is in the documents. there AINT anything else to know.

besides, those dipshits dont even follow what they are told. now they are being scammed on Advanced CCI.

i challenge anyone to tell me a signle advanced CCI concept and how it warrants a separate fee?

ROFL oh my god. woodie you are a losser.

Anonymous said...

You wouldnt believe this but they are still at it with the monkey names. what's it been, how many hours and no trading talk, nothing. You are right about them not asking one question about the results. Are most traders this ignorant of the important facts? Is that why I make money and you don't?

Anonymous said...

Did you gusy see that bullshit exchange just now between woodie and kate?


what a scam.

{kate} woodie should i not post setups that dont confirm to your requirements.

{woodie} no no problem. go ahead and post whatever works for you.

hmmm, now then what happened to all the PRIVATE MESSAGES woodie gives people when they dont post accoring to his strict way?

hmmm, then why was drbob booted and gio booted, and on and on?

what a scam to struggle to hold people in the room. it was made up dialog. woodie had us do that when i was in there with him. so i know better.

Anonymous said...

does anyone find the conversation just now with jeanyus (what an idiot name) and mikeh a little strange and rehearsed?

{mikeh} what is the LPT trade?

{jeanyus} (apppearing out of nowhere) well that is something that will (and he goes into this long pre-typed explaination of the setup and says it is just introduced on website. but you have to be there.

{mikeh} i will learn it as i go and show up everyday

{jeanyus} ok cuz i think its fair to give it to people that show up everyday

{mikeh} ok then i should be here everyday

{jeanyus} yes i will present littel nuggets more each day

ROFLMAO! anybody wonder if jeanyus doest have that all planned out? scammers.

another point of why you need to post live or shut up.

Anonymous said...

That is funny as hell.

Now mikeh says:

{mikeh} im catchin what your pitchin...

ok, tell me who talks like that?

gangbangers, queers and jeanyus. now i guess mikeh talks like that too? hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

ok now for sure we know the scam.

total scam for sure.

{mikeh} jeanyus have you thought about writing a song?

{jeanyus} yes i write songs

{mikeh} where can we get those?


Anonymous said...

I for one am looking forward to the Advanced CCI Workshop given by Woodie and his best moderators.

Anonymous said...

Are you really?

Tell us why?

Anonymous said...

We all bring our personalities to the moderating table. Mplay is just one really happy dude. He designed a automatic system that trades for him. So he has lots of time to just joke and have fun.

Seems like a good gig to me!

The new moderator in the morning, Mark seems to have a lot on the ball and a good clear speaking voice.

You only get out of a room what you put in. It is all a matter of your perspective.

Gotta give Gio and JeanYus a break....it is very early days for that room. Takes time.

Anonymous said...

You guys just don't get Woodie. He is a master of the CCI. I am very close to understanding it myself and I know if I go to the advanced CCI workshop, I will really get it.

By the way, all those moderators that Woodie kicked out of his room deserved it because they broke Woodie's rules.

Anonymous said...

What rules would that be?

Are you suuuuurrre woodie isn't doing the same thing?

DO you know woodie perosnally, of his dealings and the stories he tells to you and what he really does behind the scenes?

Please repsond and answer each of these questions. It will be good for you. I promise.

Anonymous said...

"We all bring our personalities to the moderating table. Mplay is just one really happy dude. He designed a automatic system that trades for him. So he has lots of time to just joke and have fun."

ummm, nope. wrong. do you really think his system makes a profit? are you sure? do you know what 'simulation trading" is and how it differs from live trading?

tell me what slippage is and how much you think each trade slippage should be. or maybe you don't think there should be any slippage. i would like to hear your facts. thanks.

Anonymous said...

"Woodie is a master cci trader"


i know the cci better then he does now and i can and do trade it far beter then he does. does that make me a master trader?

do you see him posting trades? have you ever seend him post trades?

you dont become a master 'cci' trade or a master 'bolinger band' trader. there is no such thing.

you become a master trader when you can show that you can trade. all he does it talk. i see more 'MASTER TRADERS' posting live trades all day long and stick to their plans. arnt they the true master trader?

ok so you love the name "advanced cci class"

what exactly do you expect to learn at this class?

secrets that everyone hasnt already talked about? is this what you think? do you think the documents and the postings havnt told you everything you need to know but wont follow?

so you think a class will show you new things. hmmm. ok lol.

make a list of everything you were taught and post it here. after that i will go cut and paste all the times that was already told to you.

why do you think you need a seminar at all about this stuff? the documents and the postings have told you everything you need to know. you dont know better that is why you think there is more.

i am here to tell you that you do not need the seminars. none of them. you do realzie that woodie doesnt teach at these seminars right? he does make the money from it.

you need to understand the truth my friend.

Anonymous said...

Woodie told me personally that I should come to the workshop - that I could benefit most from it. He said that he would be teaching a lot of new CCI stuff never covered in the room.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! I am not in W room anymore, just garner my knowledge from these blogs. He is doing an advanced CCI workshop for more money?

That is the most outrageous, hypocritical thing I have heard come out of that den of lies in a long time. If you want to know anything about the cci, beyond what is talked about in that room, just go into either drbob's or gio's room and ask away. There are a lot of people in both those rooms that have collective experience trading cci stuff that far surpasses any of the mods in W room. Every official nuance, and many unofficial nuances that triggered expulsion are known by the folks in both of those rooms.

Do not spend another dime with that hypocrite. Do your own research and ask questions. There is no 'advanced" cci crap that hasn't been seen and used by someone before. Don't be a sucker. Move on

Anonymous said...

I think you're right. I'm going to ask Woodie if I can skip the first day and half of the workshop and just go to the advanced part. I really know the basics and just want the advanced stuff. Woodie said that he would be teaching it because no one else can explain it as well as he can. I'm going to ask him for a discount because I want to take my kids to Disneyland and I'm on a budget.

Anonymous said...

" Woodie said that he would be teaching it because no one else can explain it as well as he can."


there is no advanced cci topics.

it has all been placed out in the wide open.

all you need to do is follow it.

the seminars are not setup such that you can learn all that you need to quickly.

they do not know how to teach.

its just a bunch of 'anybody that will show up' people willing to say something.

its not structured.

its not organized.

its a scam.

is it worth it?

no. read the documents. watch the charts. follow the chat room while its free lol.

wait for that to change. mark my words it will cahnge.

woodie is a fucking scammer, liar, untrustworthy liar.

hsi mods dont know shit.

Anonymous said...

If you're right then why is is bringing professional traders like Susan, Shane, and TonyUK to the TAL. They are never in the room; they must be professionals and know their CCI. I have heard that TonyUK is head of CCI for all of Europe.

Anonymous said...

wow! hehehehe

i cant stop laughing. that is too funny!


never in the room. thats for sure.

hey, i know you are just kidding but come on you will confuse the new people. hehe

Anonymous said...

dickheadsport on his site -

"Have you ever been following someone in a chat room, watching every post they make, listening to every word they say....and when you think they are about to take a trade, you front run them?????"

now isnt that to stupidest logic i have ever heard of.

sport you are a dumbass. big dumbass. lets trade live and see how big of a bitch you are.

Anonymous said...

bye kiwi, good luck!

Anonymous said...

bye kiwi! what you did was wrong but we all make mistakes. things will get better. always best to be honest and treat people fairly and with respect. one should never try to make conflicts up. good traders are never pretentious as it affects their trading as well.

if you ever need help let me know.

Anonymous said...

kiwi has created this scenario for months now. acting like there is a problem. acting like he is getting frustrated because we post anon lol. its a question, not a bank account. no passwords needed, duh!

lets face it. his DLL's were starting to have time limits on them. ah its all coming together now.

wonder why? this means he wants to sell them but doesnt want to face up to leaving. its ok that he wants to move on and even if he does sell them. why not imo.

his plan was to cause this commotion so he could cry and whin like a punk and then leave to go create his own site. we pegged you solid punk and you know it. he isnt mature enough to say goodbye instead. that is not ok. it mocks you and me.

instead he creates a scene, trys and failed to attack the members in hopes of making the members stoop to his tactics and put him down so he would have a 'better' reason to leave. but that didnt happen.

what we predicted was correct.read the SC board. the problem is that kiwi didn't need to attack members. we all are members of SC. not just ones of us that use names to post. we are all a family. kiwi will not be allowed to attack our family. it doesnt matter what his small clique from SC says. they wont evaluate the facts, they never have. mainly that he attacked members first. go read the log for yourself. he owes all of us an apology. never attack a family member.

whats worse, is he created and manufactured this situation just so he could leave with a reason other then the truth. very sad to see an adult act like this. it was his call and he will now how to live with it after we all see how he simulated this entire scheme.

you have got to wonder why humans do what they do. but they have to sleep in the bed they make. he tried to manipulate SC admin into things acting like he was the owner. sorry to say kiwi. you are not the owner. you never will be.

bye kiwi - we will be awaiting our apology for causing conflict here for your own selfish purpouses at our own expense. you cant treat people like this. i know you never though we would even guess as to what you were doing. amazing how we pinpointed it exactly to the day that you decided to leave. or rather it was actually that you were so shocked, so amazingly shocked that we pegged you that you went crazy and posted things admin had to erase. i have them. they will be posted elsewhere.

you have to live with what you did.

no more matter how much or not you have helped people you will not ever be allowed to treat people like this.

you will NOT treat people bad just because of your crazy schemes of starting your own site, wanting Admin to stand behind everything you command him to. not going to happen. you get thrown off oteh rboards when you cant backup your bullshit crybaby whinning and it will always happen like that.

it was way way too transparant. who did you think you will fool?

just as another poster mentioned:

yep. as we expected and even predicted. right on the money. we are great traders and can see what the market is giving us before it gives it to us.

[X] more member attacks (by kiwi)

[X] create silly excuse to leave site by initiating and elevating termoil (by kiwi)

[ ] open own site (comming soon you wait and see, i predict it here and now again lol - that was his plan from the start)

well, 2 out of 3 so far. kiwi, let us know when you open your site.

Anonymous said...

Bye kiwi, it wasn't right to do what you did. It was obvious to us that you were acting out of line but it didnt make sense until Anon posted why. I don't like being lied to myself.


Anonymous said...

What is "SC" ?

Anonymous said...

Seems Kiwi's got your numbers. What a heroic bunch we have here - criticizing everyone who's done anything useful and to scared to identify themselves.

Anonymous said...

lol more like they got kiwis number.

sierra charts board members pegged him from the start.

he created this entire problem for himself so he could leave the board.

he has done it 3 times now. like a baby. childed. imature adult.

he actually kept saying that he will go home with his toys because people wont register a name.

get a clue its a software board to ask questions dipshit.

no one was ragging on him. so his 'critic = anon = coward' line is bullshit. only when they all saw what crap he was pulling and why did they decide to tell him to stop. and they all did very nicely. made him so mad. lol

all he had to do was open his own site. like who cares? go open your own site dumbass. why create a problem and crap on others to do it?

Anonymous said...

anon said: "Anonymous said...
Seems Kiwi's got your numbers. What a heroic bunch we have here - criticizing everyone who's done anything useful and to scared to identify themselves."

does anybody see how funny that post is?

anon poster calling anon poster cowards! roflmao!

after reading through the site i can see that kiwi helps a lot of people. they use him. i can also see that he wants to be king of the hill. it was clear to me however that he did start treating people bad and for no clear reason. it was stated that he was doing this so he could quit the site. so just quit? why cause problems with everyone and lose business for sierra chart just because you want glory. makes no sense.

what i find most interesting is that the members predicted it before you did it. now THAT was amazing.

kiwi your actions are transparent. and i too think you owe them an apology. are you man enough to do that for what you have done?

Anonymous said...

kiwi always has thought he is better then everyone else. his actions prove it.

get over yourself kiwi. just help people like you were created to do. you are no better then us.

iv'e always thought that too but never realized others see the same thing.

anon or not deal with the facts of the post. even if we put our names how would that matter. the post stands for itself. dont be a coward with a name.

if you can.

Anonymous said...

That was pretty darn good figuring out what he was going to do before he did it. Strange that he created all those problems. There are many ego driven freaks in trading. Looks like kiwi is one of them. I understand he doesn't actually trade. I guess we have to do what we are best at.

Anonymous said...

kiwi you are a prick for what you did. leaving us after creating some lame excuse you made up. you are a jerk!

Anonymous said...

looks like kiwi is no better then woodie with his tactics. i had a feeling about him being a ego maniac. he went after people who disagreed with him. hey, everyone has their right to their opinion. we are all trying to make it in trading. leave people alone.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Kiwi, why did you do this? Why did you dump on people that were nice to you?

Anonymous said...

Dennis was sued in court and had to take down Steve Matrix smear:


Looks like Dennis not only can't trade like we can but he can't post bullshit either.

You lose. Again.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA kiwi has always taken that line. as if anon or named means something.

do you really think his name is KIWI? dont be fucking stupid. its a dumb ass birds name. his is so proud of himself adn his country he pushes it in your face.

his complain that KIWI is more brave then anon does he really have the logic skills to trade?

i suggest not. have you seen him post trades? no.

anon = kiwi = named, who cares. its the words that count. ah ha! but thats when they start the dont post anon cuz we dont know who you are? lol. what? you think a computer is making this text up you asswipe? its a real person, an honest person unlike you after what i read on sc board.

you think becuase you help people you can treat people like crap. think again. not gonna happen.

Anonymous said...

Kiwi has helped me in the past. He does act sort of elite however. I have seen people try to tell him this. Hopefully he will get the hint this time.

Anonymous said...

kiwi: "im not gonna play cuz i dont know your names... screw you guys im going home!"

nice cartman impression kiwi. how old are you?

is kiwi your real name?

is anon my real name?

is your text typed by you real comments?

is my text typed by me real comments?

hmmm, something for us to think about when people use that limited and lame argument.

Anonymous said...

Good logic anon 5:02

Even better is this:

Is my name steve?

Is kiwi his real name?

Is my text typed by me real?

Is kiwi text typed by him real?

Does that mean that since I am using my real name that I am better then kiwi? Is kiwi the real coward?

Well I don't think so becuae the argument is just damn silly. anon, named, unnamed, fake name, non of it matters one bit.

But, after all he is not using his real name and I am. Based on his logic then KIWI is the coward and liar by posting under a fake name.

You see, names don't matter. Well these people act like it matters when they cant accept the facts and debate the argument. Kiwi is very poor at this and resorts to false logic and attacks when he is losing.

Just watch him. He does this everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Kiwi has been very helpful to me in the pass. Maybe you should cut him a little slack and let him explain his side.

Anonymous said...

From what I am reading there is nothing to explain more then he already did.

He started slamming members.

He tried to get SC admin to force registration.

He threatened to not help anyone if they were not registered.

He tried to gather a small group of clique to support him.

People on the board developed a list of what his scheme was and listed it.
They were right on target.

He is going to sell his DLL's for profit and create his own site but he is not mature enough to say so.

Instead he creates a huge problem and conflicts in hopes of having an excuse to leave.

Hey kiwi, I got an idea. go leave. who cares. why not leave. I suggest you do it myself. Sell anything you want.

In my opinion I think that is great and he should.

Oh shooot! There is a problem.

He bashed paying customers on a site he doesn't own and tried to manipulate the owner of the sierra charts into forcing his rules.

He did all this so he had an excuse to leave. Logical? Hell no. Stupid? Hell yes. Why not just leave. BIG FUCKING DEAL. Why create so much destructive conflict about posting anon.

Well my friends two reasons.

ONE - He wants to TRACK everyone. Keep tabs on who's better then him. He is, as posted before, an egotistical self-absorbed liar. His own name is a lie based on his logic just as we presented above. You should have seen the posts he left that had to be deleted. He is out of control. If anybody has those and wants to post them try to wait until he says he never did that. Then he will hang himself somemore.

He goes around forcing sites to do what he wants. He thinks he can do this because he helps people. He is wrong. And he is learning his lesson.

You have to look at the cost he extracts from people and sites by looking beyond his 'helping people'.

We got his number and pegged him.

TWO - He is creating all this so he can act like there is a reason to leave. He is going to open his own site and sell his indicators.

We will wait for confirmation of this and we will be proven right. You watch. It will happen.

The problem is how he tried to manipulate people and bashed people because of this ulterior motive. This is shameful and disgusting. Karma comes everyones way.

Kiwi, you are a disgusting.

Also, quit talking bad about Dennis and Woodie behind their back. Or is this all part of your habits we are now aware of.

Anonymous said...

I never have liked kiwi. He always treated people like they were wrong when they expressed views that were contrary to them.

Anonymous said...

kiwi is not such a bad guy. but you are right, if you disagree with him its best not to say anything. he becomes deameaning in a backhanded sort of way.

Anonymous said...

i perssonlly haite kiwi he is no good trading skils and it rude at mie.

Anonymous said...

i can't say where i found this out from but word has is that kiwi isnt trading anymore due to busted account. that us why he is spending so much extra time on making DLL's etc. also that could be why it is reported that he is trying to start selling his DLL's and make a new site. too bad he crapped on everyone instead of just leaving and starting his own site. stress has a way of doing that to people. we have all been there but he is very scheming and caniving to make up problems like that. i will wait to see if he does start a site like predicted.

Anonymous said...

speaking of another person whos account went bust a long time ago...

theres fitzy.

both a couple of tossers. and you can see none of them answer the facts of what kiwi did was wrong.

as i read through sc site i saw fitzy and kiwi slamming members for just simple silly things.

all they can say is they are the best, blah blah blah, and you are crap blah blah blah, and never ever do asnwer the topics.

just keep making up new stuff unrelated so you hope you can confuse the readers.

lol wont work.

Anonymous said...

Fitzy40 always did have very poor logic skills.

I think it is the inbreeding in Oz.

Dipshit said: "Just read your entry above LOL what language is that, reads like my 2yr old writes. And yes i love busting on losers."

Ok so you are saying that your 2yr old is a loser?

Looks like he is taking after his dad lol. Do that kid a favor and teach him cci. Oooppps, you don't understand the cci, better get woodie to teach him so he can succeed, unlike you.

Anonymous said...

Most sierracharts users are idiots to begin with. Even the ones I've met who can trade. There's some kind of thrill they get from doing things as cheaply as possible instead of finding tools which really work for them. If you're making so much money trading, what's the big deal about spending a few dollars a month to get some real tools. Oh yeah but they like to sneer that we're wasting our money on better tools while looking to kiwi to fill in the blanks in that so called charting package. Get some real tools and get over it. Stop counting on some guy to help you make the most out of nothing. If they had to pay him, and the should have, you'd be paying the price of a real package.

And that's not even starting into the issue of all the people who share the charting and data provider like mytrack. Once the exchanges catch on to that the party will be over for you all. Sharing exchange fees is a no no, but you wanna be underdogs don't get that part. You like to think you can skirt the rules and take advantage of someone too who was programming for you.

I wish Kiwi the BEST and I hope he's grown up enough to realize his value.

Anonymous said...

first off, what kiwi did was unacceptable. he is underhanded and sneaky and is two faced. he made all that up for his own excuse to leave sc.

it was total BS at their expense. it shows how little he respects others and how much he 'thinks' of himself. egotistical maniac. simple as that. plenty of people mad at what he did and wont forgive him anytime soon.

he is a control freak. its obvious. you see it eeryhwere he goes. make one comment against what he says and he attacks you. same as Ditzy40. he is another jackhole and like posted before inbreed lol.

as for sierra charts. who cares. let them use siera charts. nothing wrong it it. trading should be simple anyway. i might change over too. esignal is way way too much money. you can lease a brand new car for that price every month!

what can you buy each month for the cost of sierra charts?

Anonymous said...


question: why are you such a wanna be? no one listens to you, likes you or even follows what you say. and yes you went bust. we knew that a year ago. you inbetween jobs now so you come back to post while searching mosnter.com?

look for "cocksucking" because that is all you are good at. maybe.

we have no questions for you because you are useless. cant trade. and have no more account. a friend of yours told us in a private chat on hotcomm. you went bust. bye-bye.

Yes, what kiwi did is unacceptable as was posted by the previous gentleman. kiwis actions manipulated people and were underhanded and deciteful. we now know kiwis true colors.

people will always remeber what he did. its actually worse then anythign woodie has ever done in our opinions.

nobody was actually asking him any questions. thats the funny part. they were all asking admin the questions. and THAT was the problem for kiwi. he knew they were creating an outstanding set of DLL's for their private group adn he was never invited. so he got mad, wanted to track everyone with a registered name and then started bashing everyone. he is a bitch. nothing more nothing less. and just like everyone now knows we are all waiting for him to open a site so it completes the GAME that he played on SC users. what a self-centered prick.

cant trade either. in fact i dont know anyone from oz that can trade. has anyone even written a book out of the fucked up island?


Anonymous said...

there are a lot of things you dont know fitzy.

i tried to teach you but you cant teach a dumbass much of anything really.

we are coming there to see you? i see that you joined up for our seminars. thanks. maybe you could learn a few things you were stuggling with before.

good luck and...

did everyone get that gost back then?! just terrific!

Anonymous said...

dickhead said "The real woodie has a lovely woman who keeps him in bed until morning."

WTF? she is an ugly scag.

by the way kiwi, we all know about you now. no one cares about you so go ahead and leave and we will be watching your next step?

are you trying to KISS WOODIES ass? dont have anyplace else to go?

like it was explained before: is kiwi your real name? LOL you are lacking logic skills badly. no one is buying you stupid anon = no real person BS. of course its a real person. unlike you and 'kiwi'.

we know you think you are better then everyone. we also know you cant trade. cant create DLLs and struggle at being nice to people. you screwed people and you owe them an apology.

until that time, stay away and go fuck yourself. fitzy can help you, he likes it :)

Anonymous said...

Hi kiwi,

Did you read the comments posted much higher up about why a name added to a post doesn't lend any more or less credance to the post.

I'm not sure what all this is about. It looks to me that you falsely created complaints so that you could manipulate some website owner attacked his members unjustly.

Having said that I don't think people really buy your argument that posting with or without a name really matters. My best guess is that you don't have any other defense at all adn it is apparent that you are not able to and are avoiding the actual content of the posting.

This is probably because they are so scathing and seem to have figured out what you were doing. Which I myself find amazing to say the least.

Named or not has no bearing. For example. I will go ahead and post this post as anon. It is still the same words, same context, same ideas and very true as well.

It doesn't make sense to anyone that if I were to go ahead and put my name, Michael K, on the header that now I am not a coward. OR that now I am 'OK' and you should listen and beleive everything I say.

That just doesn't hold water Kiwi. Let's not forget your name isn't really kiwi, or at least I hope not with a name like that lol. Does that make your posts any less credible, or more unfactual or right? No.

The post stands for itself. Kiwi=FakeName=Coward=Critic is just plain silly. Everyones postings stand for themselves.

I do get the feeling that you enjoy trying to be number one and also want to track and bash others. It's very evident in you few posts her and that is all within less then 2 days already.

I think everyone just might have you intentions figured out and they are not very admirable to say the least. Doing what you did was wrong and it looks like you have upset many people.

Anonymous said...

kiwi, the problem is you hide from the posts, you try to avoid the mistakes you made and you think you are number 1 and better then anyone else. lessons are being lerned and what comes to you is more then likey what you deserve. acting high and mighty like no one else is better then you isn't really a crowd pleaser. go ahead and apologize and then leave us alone why don't you. we are not interested in your blathering and illogical posts.

Anonymous said...

We need a new thread Mr. Moderator......

Anonymous said...

Every comment attributed to kiwi here is a fake. How can you silly anons fall for that? Stop being doofuses and carrying on a pissing blog fight with yourselves. The real kiwi doesn't even know this blog exists. The real Woodie does, but that's a different story.

Anonymous said...

well yours is fake. we can tell by the typing. however, i do know from other conversations elsewhere that kiwi did post here. nonetheless, kiwi is a wanker and has to apologize for his mistakes. he can't go around treating everyone like he does just because he helps them a littel bit here and there. no dice.

Anonymous said...

looks like kiwi is posting like a mad man out of control. we are waiting kiwi.

you are wrong, treat people bad and need to apologize for creating a scene just for your own selfish reasons.

well, we all know better now.

you are history. bye-bye.

Anonymous said...

you are getting good at your real sound kiwi. clucking like a chicken fits you very well.


man do i feel sorry for you. not enough skills to defend yourself but just enough to hang yourself. pathetic.

keep avoiding and trying to hide the facts but its too late they are out.

pathetic what you do to people. now we know.

Anonymous said...

hahah, no kiwi himself has posted on the sierra chart boards using a anon name.

what a scammer. total scammer.

i have the disctinct feeling kiwi is mentally unstable. he cant live up to what he has done and has to live with it.

opppppps, wrong move.

"but i want to post, but i already said i would leave, but i love to post and use my name, but i said i was gone, but now im posting again, but i said i wouldnt..."


Anonymous said...

i dont know who this kiwi fella is but he sure pissed of a lot of people everywhere. from what i can tell he is another amature trader that is stuggling to write software DLL's since he cant trade.

Anonymous said...

It is laughable and interesting that kiwi came back to post on sierra charts and is trying like hell to smear everyone after he crapped on everyone.

his IP tracked him to austrailia !!! L.O.L. !!!

we can now see his 3 friends are supporting him on the board and bashing all the members.

its like a 3 way circle jerk with their mouths wide open waiting for the shooters rofl!!!!

kiwis days of acting high and might are well... done to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Wow it is true. Kiwi trys to bash people that express opposite views as his own. With friends like that who needs enimies.

Anonymous said...

Ok they pegged kiwi for the asshole that he is 2 out of 3 times.

[ X ] create lies and make exuses on why to leave.

[ X ] start putting end dates on his DLL's (useless anyway)

[ ] open own site and sell crap.

it does seem that kiwi, which by the way is a fucking chicken itself right? has to avoid real traders as they dont like his arrognat posts and self-centered thinking. adults can easily understand this. kiwi acts like it takes a PhD to talk about it ROFL.

Anonymous said...

ummm, kiwi are you okay?

you sound besiged and cracked.

"Have a go at my mother, my sisters, my sons, my daughters, my grandparents (learn from the Christian and Moslem skippers passing each other in near the Sinai - at least they aren't boring)."

why would anyone what to talk about those people?

see what we mean folks? this is how he is. this is how he runs his life. this is what he is all about.

and now you see it for yourself.

Anonymous said...

His 'friend' was attacking someone posting his opinion in english, which was not his first language.

Now what is the point of that? its like you cant have your way, cant argue the points so you, and know you are screwed so you fight like a scared cat against the wall. people with education and civility can agrue and debate like humans. you go at it like you are a low-class bungling idiot with dragging knuckles.

Since you cant debate. since you know you aer wrong you say lame things like:

- your english is bad.

- your name isnt your real name (WTF? what the hell is kiwi lol - fake name rofl)

- if your name isnt your real name then you are a coward. umm OK. lol good logic. (pssst, dont tell him he has no logic skills, his bank account explains it all)

- you cant spell. do we really need to speak to this one?

you see folks, this is all an attempt to hid from the truth. he was BUSTED, PEGGED left to right!

FOUND OUT! like a smelly rat.

so he resorts to "you cant spell", etc.

hmmm, ill prove to you that he is out of control. contradicts himself. and is bascailly attacking people instead of answering the questions. avoidance.


(searching for evidence now...)

Anonymous said...

(searching for evidence now...)

kiwichicken said: "lol. Now you can go through all my posts to find the spelling mistakes. Have fun ignoramus."

well actually we dont care about spelling kiwi. you do. well you dont really. its just that you are so backed up against a wall and in trouble that you are well, bascially screwed!

(searching for evidence now...)

Anonymous said...



and yes he clucks like a chicken bird that he is... kiwi-the live chicken crapping his pants....

Anonymous said...

ok autosearch is on.

im off to to breakfast.

poor kuwu.

Anonymous said...

kuwu lol.

i cant believe howmany folks have figured out kuwu is a fraud. he never treated people very well. only a few that were yes-kuwu, you-are-right-kuwu, etc.

well that is why no one follows kuwu.

thesearch, im looking forward to see what you have. your guys have already shown how kiwi is a fraud, cant trade and is being disrespectful to members of sierra charts. dont really need much else.

Anonymous said...

Kuwu, hehe that is a great spoof. Love it guys.

Kuwu, do you always post garbage or do you ever address the facts?

kuwu = fakename = anon = who care. not us.

kuwu, try to stick to the points, if you can. or noone is going to beleive you are not a bastard for what you did to people, talk to people and how you treat people.

ego ego ego. thinks he is the best. nada. nope. oppppps.

Anonymous said...

did you guys see this:

Unregistered guest
Posted From:

seirra post today. right out of oz. looks like kiwi cant handle not posting. he needs to attention. poor logic skills in the post show he is streaching and reaching for air. gasp. gasp.

hehe hahaha lol.

Anonymous said...

that is kiwis post. wow. but he was too "chicken" to post with his real name. well i mean fake name.

hmmm, kuwu, you falling apart brother. is the only reply you have is that a fake name is not real ? WTF is that? hauahahehehahahehahe!

kuwu is a fake name. its actually a chicken in oz. funny how you are calling yourself a coward.

and now you are ragging on people that dont spell well? why does ths matter.

lets see:

rag on people that dont spell well.

rag on people that dont agree with you.

rag on people that use anon to post even though kuwu isnt real either (lamest of all)

rag on people that dont like you.

it goes on and on, these guys have you pegged. when is the new site going up so you can complete the list?


poor kuwu....

Anonymous said...

kuwu said: "I guess that if I was you I'd feel sorry for myself and try to make myself feel better by attacking people who do something - anything?"

see guys, that is what he always does. attacks people and says they are no good. ummm, OK.


Anonymous said...

when is the evidnece coming that kuwu is a hypocrite?

cant wait! whooo hoooo!

he always bashes people and i never did like him. great going guys! keep up the good work exposing idiots who try to hurt us!

Anonymous said...

"Gosh, I feel almost famous"

just another kuwu wish. kuwu, now THATS funny!

kuwu, trust me you aint famous. people have had it to hear with you and your selfish attitudes and demeanor. time for you to go.


Anonymous said...

I think kiwi is the one that cant control hilself. If he would just debate teh issues instead of ranting about silly crap I think it would be better. Looks like so many people hate the guy and I am beginning to see why.

Kiwi, take you crap and go elsehwere. You cried like baby and puted and left sierra charts like a child. Go away. Quit crying.

And for godsakes quit posting with fake anon posts.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! Was that kuwu that posted anon trying to hide himself and act like one of his supporters?


Anonymous said...

kiwi IP address:

time to start sending him fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

wow! now he is the one that screwed up by his need for tracking!

karma! karma! karma!


Anonymous said...

gosh a lot of guys really hate kiwi for attacking them. looks like it is all coming back to bit him.

hurting him so much he has to leave home.

Anonymous said...


Why do you post the same thing over and over? All these posts deal with different issues and I looks like you cant defend yourself.

I always though you were smart. I am seeing that you were just putting on a show, attacking others and trying to make yourself look smart. That is not good.

Just my 2 cents.

Anonymous said...

great blog. looks like you guys go after frauds and fake traders. nice work. keep it up. i'll be reading.

Anonymous said...

Gio and Drbobs rooms suck ass. That is my vote.

Woodie is the best. He kicked kiwi out didnt he? Keep moving kiwi. You are not wanted with your attitude.

.k.i.w.i. ? isnt that a fake name? what a coward lol.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if sport knows that kiwi talks bad about him just as he does about woodie, drbob, and gio. No wonder no one likes him.

well, except Fitzy. lol.

Fitzy was slammed with facts prior so he isnt around much.

Anonymous said...

Traders from OZ are all wankers anyway. Ever see any one of the trade for real?

Talk about frauds. Mostsly broke as blimeys.

Anonymous said...

After how I have seen kiwi or kuwu present himself it is no wonder that he can't trade, doesn't post trades (lol), just posts crap and isn't in control of himself.

Anonymous said...

kuwu isnt a trader.

why did you guys ever think that?

did you ever see him trade?

come on guys. think with your parthetic brain will ya!

Anonymous said...

can we get back to the business at hand here which is discussing what an asshole, liar, cheat, moaner, whiner, idiot, dork, senile, etc, woodie is????

Anonymous said...

Its ok kiwi, i still love you. Looks like you are taking a beating. I did see you harass people but didnt realize you do it all over the internet. kinda cowardly don't you think. well no matter, you will learn and won't do it anymore. Good luck lol

Anonymous said...

while you were typing those adjectives i was thinking you were talking about kiwi. then i realized you were talking about woodie.

very interesting how frauds keep coming and trying to control and defraud us.

tell me more about woodie?

Anonymous said...

the kiwi bird sure does cluck well.

it hurts your throat when you do that? is that from sucking Fitzy dick? ROFL

folks, from what i can gather kuwu is trying to track people so he can attack them. that's my best guess as to what he is posting about.

anybody wonder why he keep clucking? something to do with his fake name and anon posting.

Anonymous said...

kuwu said:

Ok. I'm going out to a film now but I'll check back in when I return.
Friday, October 21, 2005 11:03:29 PM

then kuwu said:
LOL. I have to give you a name anonymous ... and ... its ... chicken.
Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:26:09 AM

what does he live next door to a porn theater? the fucker cant stay away ROFL!


rolling on the floor laughing my ass off! laughin laughin laughin!

Anonymous said...

goodnight :)

Anonymous said...

i'm looking forward to the search results. i hope they will be posted tomorrow showing kiwi as a dishonest, cowardly, bashing, egotistical liar...

im am staying tuned?

goodnight :)

Anonymous said...

Good night sgtj :)

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm outta here too. See ya.

Anonymous said...

look people, i've tried hard to help you. ok my dll's are not very efficent and they havn't been tested for correctness adn yes i can't trade (which i didn't think you all knew that) but...

I am sorry for all that I've done. I was wrong. Fitzy is a true asshole.

Now please stop all the comments. I am the cowardly one. I posted under other names, hiding, spying and hoping everyone would like me. But I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

guys! dont leave me now! i have nothing to do. no one wants my slow DLL's for a crappy charting package and i need your attention.

i am the best! you all suck! come back!

Anonymous said...



cluck ?


guys? C O M E B A C K!!!

Anonymous said...

goodnight kiwi.

doesnt look like you are wanted here with your crap.

go away. bye-bye.

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